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跨國物流業人力資源管理策略之研究鄭哲弘 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 經由文獻探討歸納學者專家對於人力資源管理策略之相關見解,並作為本研究主要理論基礎。
二、 分析我國物流產業發展之現況及競爭優勢,進而了解物流產業人力資源管理政策之相關議題。
三、 針對國內物流業中之國際快遞公司之人力資源及組織架構、重要策略分析,以期對國內其他物流產業之人力資源管理策略在知識管理、績效管理方面具啟發引導作用。
四、 根據本研究之結論,對於物流產業之人力資源管理策略給予建議。
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臺灣勞工肌肉骨骼傷痛問題與對策之研究─以大台北地區物流業為例 / Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders and its Policy Implications ─ Take the logistics industry in greater Taipei as an example危泰焌, Wei, Tai Chun Unknown Date (has links)
因此必須從增進MSD的概念、提升勞動條件及減少因病缺勤著手。政府方面則必須建構更完整的MSD數據,並制訂讓MSD勞工留在職場的積極性勞動力市場政策以及廣辦宣導會說明MSD對我國的重要性;雇主的重要性更是不可言喻,不僅扮演第一線的觀察者,快速做出因應措施,並著手改善從業人員勞動條件,並將干預措施予以制度化;勞工則必須透過積極參與有關MSD政策或方案的討論,更重要的是養成並維持良好的生活方式的習慣。 / Taiwan population is rapidly aging. How to persuade workers to delay withdrawing from employment market becomes an urgent challenge because this concern has significant implications to our social insurance, the annuity system and healthcare system. Therefore, the health of workers is not just a personal issue, but a public concern that everyone in this society needs to face. Government officials in charge of healthcare policy are not yet aware of its profound impact on labor productivity, economic development, social welfare and social insurance. Policy wise, we put too much attention on individual health promotion while lose sight of its macro impact.
MSD, either caused by work or gene, inflicted many European workers, so that the EU actively deal with this issue with the hope that workers are able to stay longer around the labor market as long as possible. This study finds through the interview that workers of the logistics industry in Taipei endure heavy work-load, long working time, and often time have high rate of presenteeism (the tendency of workers to go to work when they are ill enough to stay at home), causing the logistics industry to have not only high exit rate but also high risk of MSD.
Therefore, we have to promote the MSD concept, improve labor conditions and reduce presenteeism. For example employers have to include MSD into their pre-employment training courses for those new entrants, to reduce the hours of working time and to decrease presenteeism through providing subsidy to those who suffer from MSD. The government then has to build up a more complete MSD database, and introduces the concept of MSD and its preventive practice through seminars or workshops. Employers have key roles and duty in this issue. Specifically, they have to adopt as well as carry out preventive measures, and take quick actions whenever incidence of MSD occurs in the frontline of workplace. In addition, they have to improve working conditions and institutionalize those intervention measures. Workers then need to actively participate in MSD policy discussion other than maintaining a healthy life style. Workers, employers, health care system and social welfare system have a cause to this joint effort in keeping workers in Taiwan as healthy as possible so that every nationals can Fit For Work.
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我國政府商業e化推動策略之探討 -以流通業與物流業為例 / An Examination of Government E-Commerce Promotion Policy in Taiwan – Evidence from Retailing Industry&Logistics IndustryAn Examination of Government E-Commerce Promotion Policy in Taiwan – Evidence from Retailing Industry&Logistics Industry張永美, Chang,Yung-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
商業司自民國90年起推動「商業e化輔導推動計畫」至民國93年止已輔導了127個體系,共由127家受輔導廠商及其帶動上線企業26,641家接受政府補助進行各項B2B需求鏈的e化應用,如電子採購(e-Procurement)、電子帳務處理(e-Payment)、企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning)、協同規劃/預測/補貨系統(Collaborative Planning, Forecasting & Replenishment)等。
1. 針對帶動上線企業之問卷調查與分析,暸解其持續上線狀況,e化效益,e化交易金額比重,e化困難點,e化滿意度並給予企業提出相關建議等。
2. 依據帶動上線企業各項問卷普查及意見彙整後,再提供受輔導廠商予以回覆,並了解關鍵性績效指標之改善或提升程度。
3. 針對回卷率特別偏低或高,或無持續上線率偏高,或持續上線率高,之受輔導廠商進行深度個案訪談。
4. 佐以商業司主辦的各項會議之專家意見
本研究綜合上述各項調查、個案訪談、意見彙總,除瞭解政府商業e化推動措施對流通業及物流業之效益外,亦針對政府、流通業及資服業提出建議,希望能在產官學研的共同努力下,利用e化提升我國流通業之競爭力。 / Industries in Taiwan have been facing severe competition in the global marketplace since Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). E-Commerce is touted as the necessary technology and management innovation for the retailing industry in Taiwan to improve its productivity and competitiveness. Since most retailers in Taiwan are small and medium firms, they frequently lack sufficient resource to implement E-Commerce. Consequently, government must provide the retailers with necessary support and guidance to upgrade their E-Commerce practices.
The Department of Commerce (DOC) in Taiwan has been actively assisting the retailers with their e-commerce implementation. Between 2001 and 2004, DOC embarked on the “E-Commerce Promotion and Assistance Plan” and successfully established 127 E-Commerce systems, sponsored 127 firms who subsequently involved 26,641 affiliated firms downstream to implement various B2B programs, including e-Procurement, e-Payment, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Collaborative Planning, Forecasting & Replenishment (CPFR).
The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of DOC’s current E-Commerce policy for supporting the retailers in Taiwan. To collect necessary information, this study surveyed 42 systems, 42 sponsored firms and 5,697 affiliated firms, visited several individual retailers, and interviewed a few industry experts. The following is the research procedure followed by this study.
1. Based on the completed questionnaires from the affiliated firms, this study analyzed and studied the progress, effectiveness, sales contribution, difficulties, and satisfaction of their E-Commerce implementation. Accordingly, several suggestions for improvement were proposed.
2. The feedback from the affiliated firms was provided to those sponsored firms for adjusting their future E-Commerce strategies.
3. Identified several sponsored firms who had either low or high usage of the established E-Commerce programs and conducted in-depth interviews to understand the success and failure of the implementation.
4. Solicited expert opinions from a few DOC-sponsored meetings.
With valuable information collected from the above sources, this study intends to shed light in the effectiveness of the government’s current E-Commerce policy. Additionally, this study hopes to provide suggestions to the government, the retailing industry, and the IT industry for improving the practice of E-Commerce and ultimately the global competitiveness of the retailing industry in Taiwan.
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零售商資訊分享下第三方逆物流業者回收處理中心選址模式研究鄭荏任, Cheng, Jen Jen Unknown Date (has links)
逆物流回收的複雜度遠比正向物流高,企業為專注核心價值多半將逆物流活動委外專業物流服務供應商。對第三方逆物流業者而言,選擇適當的回收處理中心位址為其重要核心能力之一,而現今研究對於選址模式中之回收不確定性,大多以歷史資料作為參數,無根據區域特性不同而有所分別。故本研究希望探討在零售商提供資訊的情境下,結合消費者問卷建構廢棄產品的使用年限機率、並以二元迴歸邏輯分析建構回收機率以此預測區域回收數量,透過資訊分享以建立更好的回收處理中心選址設置模式,使第三方逆物流業者可按照此模式選擇最適當的回收點位置與回收處理量安排用以求得利潤最大化。 / Since reverse logistics is much more complex than forward logistics, third-party logistics providers are often the prior choice for firms to obtain their core value when a
reverse logistic activity is needed. For third-party logistics providers, the location is one of their crucial core values; while most of them can only rely on historical data to
assume the best location, due to the uncertainty of recycling in present studies.Therefore, this paper tries to construct the probability of products’ used-years by
combining the retailers’ information with consumer-oriented questionnaires. Binary logistic regression is the methodology used to analyze and predict recycling
probability. By information-sharing the third-party logistics providers will be able to construct a better selecting model for the best facility location, which will reach the
most suitable recycling quantity to maximize their profits.
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