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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑制度之研究 / A Study of the Central Government’s Evaluation of Local Governments’ Administrative Performance in Special Education

張金淑, Chang,Chin-Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討美國、英國及我國中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑的狀況,運用特殊教育通報網篩選檢核指標,編製地方政府特殊教育行政績效調查問卷,發展平時檢測與定期實地評鑑機制,以建置平時與定期兼顧的特殊教育行政績效評鑑制度,供教育行政機關實施之參考。 採用文獻分析、訪問、焦點座談、問卷調查及團體深度訪談等五種方法。採取「特殊教育通報網運用調查問卷」、「地方政府特殊教育行政績效調查問卷」、「地方政府特殊教育行政績效實地評鑑調查問卷」及三問卷之訪問大綱為研究工具,以特殊教育行政人員、學者專家及特教教師與家長為研究對象。本研究自2006年10月至2009年5月為期兩年餘,研究發現有五: 一、美國積極推動中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑,採取法制化、發展督導系統、委託全國特殊教育績效監督中心評鑑、評鑑委員多元化、檢測各州績效體制成效表、以及實施指標強調與一般學生比較等作法。英國教育標準署明訂特殊教育之分項視察項目、明列三層面九向度的特殊教育需求檢核標準、明列每項鑑定標準的等級標準、以及鑑定標準納入地方教育局改善的能力等作為,兩國上述作法均可供參酌。 二、評析我國2002年、2004年、2006年及2008年對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑,發現評鑑制度已日漸完善。但目的宜強化輔導、資源調配與管理、相互觀摩與交流;評鑑委員宜再納入縣市特殊教育行政人員代表;評鑑項目依其性質宜分為指定領域、自選領域、複評領域及免評領域四類;辦理方式除書面評鑑外,應納入實地評鑑。 三、基於文獻分析、訪問、調查及團體深度訪談結果,我國中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑有必要「建置平時與定期(或專案)兼顧的特殊教育行政績效評鑑制度」。此制度含括平時檢測機制、定期實地評鑑機制、地方政府自我評鑑及專案訪視機制四部分,並具體轉化為實施計畫,然本研究僅探討前兩部分。 四、以適切擴充特殊教育通報網篩選出量化客觀的關鍵與核心指標予以初檢,再以地方政府特殊教育行政績效調查結果的主觀感受進行複檢,以建構平時檢測機制,並具體轉化為實施子計畫。 五、以2008年特殊教育行政績效評鑑為基礎,依據訪問、調查及團體深度訪談結果來發展以督導、輔導、檢討、改善、資源調配與管理、相互觀摩與交流為目的之定期實地評鑑機制,並以三年為一週期,分年完成25縣市之實地評鑑,且具體轉化為實施子計畫。 / This study provides an overview and analysis regarding the central government’s evaluation of local governments’ administrative performance in special education in the U.S, England and Taiwan. By applying the Special Education Transmit Net(SETNET) to set the examining indicators, and by working out special education administrative performance questionnaires, the purpose of this study is to develop a mechanism, including a routine review and a periodical evaluation, and eventually to submit some practical suggestions to the Ministry of Education regarding special education in Taiwan. This study was undertaken for two and half years starting from October, 2006. It was conducted through literature review, interviews, focused forum, questionnaire survey and group depth interview methods. The results and conclusions are as follows: (1)The U.S actively promotes a sound system to evaluate local government administrative performance in special education in the areas of legislation, monitoring mechanisms, supporting The National Center for Special Education Accountability Monitoring (NCSEAM), and Measuring the Implementation of a State’s Accountability System etc. The Office for Standards in Education in England has linked inspection judgments about special education to the grade criteria of the inspection of special educational needs and investigates improvements the LEA has made since the last inspection. All the above mentioned are good paradigms for Taiwan. (2)An overview of evaluations which Taiwan has carried out in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008 reveal gradual improvements. However, the aims should emphasize guidance and assistance, resources allocation and management, emulation and communication. Local special education administrators should be subsumed into evaluation committees.The evaluation items should include assignation domain, option domain, reevaluation domain and exempt domain. The evaluation procedure should also include on-site visiting. (3)Based on the study results, Taiwan needs to establish a local performance evaluation system which looks after both routine and periodicity. The system should contain a routine review mechanism, a periodical on-site evaluation, self evaluations of local governments and special task inspection. (4)The SETNET should be expended further to select some objective key indicators and nuclear indicators for the initial examination, then the survey results of “Local government’s administrative performance in special education questionnaire” for reviewing can be adopted to accomplish the routine review. (5)On the basis of the evaluation in 2008 and the study results, Taiwan could develop a periodical on-site evaluation every three years as a cycle to complete the evaluation of 25 counties.

國民小學特殊教育評鑑指標之研究-以臺北地區為例 / The study of the indicator of special education evaluation for the primary school of Taipei

王健諭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作之指標、內涵與現況,並且探討與預測其關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並依研究結果提出建議。首先,進行初步文獻探討,作為本研究之研究架構的理論基礎;其次,進行專家審查與正式問卷調查,正式問卷對象為校長、輔導主任、特教組長與特教老師,共384位,總共回收195 份調查問卷,有效問卷195 份,以分析現況、驗證模式;最後,依據研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下: 一、國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作的指標、內涵及其現況 (一) 國民小學特教團隊組織包括「特教行政機制」、「團隊人力資源」與「特教家長參與」三個指標,得分均為高程度,其中以「特教行政機制」得分最高。 (二) 國民小學特教團隊運作包括「鑑定安置輔導」、「適性教育計畫」、「推動融合教育」三個指標,得分皆為高程度,其中以「鑑定安置輔導」得分最高。 二、不同背景變項在國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作之差異情形 (一) 不同背景變項在國民小學特教團隊組織的得分方面:研究發現在性別、所屬縣市、服務年資、擔任職務上有顯著差異。 (二) 不同背景變項在國民小學特教團隊運作的得分方面:研究發現在年齡、服務年資、擔任職務有顯著差異,此外,所屬縣市在推動融合教育有顯著差異。 三、國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作之相關情形 整體國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作間呈顯著高度正相關,國民小學特教團隊運作各指標中,以推動融合教育與國民小學特教團隊組織總量表之相關程度最高。 四、國民小學特教團隊組織各指標對國民小學特教團隊運作的預測情形 即國民小學特教團隊組織之特教行政機制、團隊人力資源、特教家長參與各指標對整體國民小學特教團隊運作有顯著的預測力。 五、國民小學特教團隊組織對國民小學特教團隊運作的適配情形 各項適配度指標良好,上游潛在變項「國民小學特教團隊組織」對下游潛在變項「國民小學特教團隊運作」具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、國民小學行政人員與特教老師們及後續研究參考。 關鍵字:特殊教育評鑑、特殊教育評鑑指標 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship, content and status about the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team. This study included literature analysis and questionnaire survey to be the survey methods. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team. Based on arranging related theory, document, and opinion, researcher made the questionnaires of this study. The subjects of the questionnaire included the principals, tutorship director, special education leaders and special education teachers of elementary school in Taipei city and county of Taiwan. The data of this study was analyzed 195 sampling subjects by description statistics, t-test, correlation and ANOVA, Multiple Regression and LISREL model. According to the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, we can get the following results. A. In the aspect of the elementary school organization of special education team a. The organization of special education team includes three indicators, which are (1)the organization of special education administration , (2)the human resources of team, (3)the parents participation of special education. Except for the three ndicators are high degree. For all, the best dimension is “the organization of special education administration”. b. School personnel’ sexual, region, total years of servicing, and school occupation have significant influences on organization of special education team. B. In the aspect of the elementary school operation of special education team a. The operation of special education team includes three ndicators, which are (1)identification, placement and counsel, (2) Individualized Educational Program, (3) promote inclusive education. Except for the three idicators are high degree. For all, the best dimension is “identification, placement and counsel”. b. School personnel’age, total years of servicing, and school occupation have significant influences on operation of special education team. But School personnel’region have significant influence on “promote inclusive education”. C. In the aspect of the relationship between the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team a. There was positive correlation and regression existed among the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team. b. The elementary school organization of special education team did promote operation of special education team. In the last part, according to the findings and results, the researcher proposed some suggestion for the educational officers, the administrative staff of elementary school and special education teachers, hoping to benefit the improvement and development of education of elementary school in the future. Key word : special education evaluation ; the indicators of special education evaluation

澳門特殊教育教師工作壓力及其因應方式之研究 / Study of occupational stresses and coping methods among special education teachers in Macao

蔡曉真 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education


黃瑋寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本文寫作的主要目的,是以求學經驗為主軸了解成骨不全症患者的成長經驗,期望透過對於經驗的注視,檢驗經驗與體系的聲稱之間是否存有落差?落差出現在哪裡?原因為何?又可以由什麼方向對焦並且獲得舒緩?若將玻璃娃娃視為弱勢族群的一份子,則其遭遇與經驗或可呈現臺灣教育體系(以及特殊教育體系)所持的態度及隱含的價值。 首先,研究歸納出成骨不全症患者的共同生活經驗,並發現其在學校場域可能遭遇的問題與困境。由於成骨不全症的低發生率與診斷不易,家庭對於病症的全貌、隨著病症而來的生活與問題、適當的醫療處遇等便容易缺乏認識與問題因應的策略。患者與家庭,往往要依靠自身的經驗與難得的病友資訊交流,慢慢摸索出照護方法與原則。在學校教育方面,成骨不全症患者容易在門檻遭遇拒絕。學校系統在行政上、課程和教學的設計與操作上則傾向被動因應甚至抗拒。升學優惠措施、校園無障礙設施、落實家長參與權與同儕關係的相關經驗也還不盡理想。 於是我們看到體系的聲稱與實際之間的落差。為了尋找困境的解法,本文將個體、家長、學校三者設定為行動者,探究此三者如何受到社會結構化特徵的影響進行結構的邏輯複製;同時,也試著發掘行動者散溢出體系邏輯的行動或觀念。困境的解法就如困境本身一般盤根錯節,透過對結構的觀看,一方面形成體系與個體檢討的基礎,一方面為個體的能動力尋到著力點,藉此尋求改變。所謂的特殊學生或是障礙學生「被製造出」特殊需求,其需求需要也應該被適當地理解並進行滿足,然而經過反覆而深切的思維我們可以發現這些孩子更需要回歸到一般教育宣稱,被當作一個完整的、獨特的、應與所有人擁有相同發展機會的個體看待。唯有超越「相對於一般」的障礙,視他們為完整的、需要被全面瞭解的個體,才可能為這些群體創造合理而有效能的教育。

我國身心障礙學生學前特殊教育政策之研究 / Investigate the Effectiveness of Implementation of the Early Childhood Special Education in Taiwan

林桂霞 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「我國身心障礙學生學前特殊教育政策」為題,旨在探究我國學前特殊教育法令政策、現狀瞭解以及資源分配情形。根據教育部特殊教育通報網統計數據,分析學前特殊教育資源分配,將我國身心障礙學生學前特殊教育分成法令與政策、行政支持與課程教學、師資人力與專業團隊、支援服務與網路關係等四項。本研究採文獻分析與訪談法,結論如下: 一、中央政策能指引地方政府發展學前特殊教育的方針。 二、中央應建立一套鑑定安置的標準流程與運作機制。 三、因應托幼整合,需重新調整或研發系統性的學前特殊教育課程與 教材。 四、私立幼兒園個別化教育計畫(IEP)達成率高於公立幼兒園 (81%:73%)。 五、學前巡迴輔導生師比例高,且各縣市的運作模式不同。 六、具學前特殊教育教師資格人數少,各縣市大多聘用未具特教資格教師。 七、角色不同對特教行政E化功能與用途,易產生誤解。 八、資源分配不均的問題,影響偏遠地區資源重疊或服務間斷。 / The study was to investigate the effectiveness of implementation of the early childhood special education in Taiwan. The data collected from the Special Education Transmit Net of the Ministry of Education was analyzed and categorized into four aspects: regulations and policy, administration and curriculum, human resources and support systems. The results were as fallow: 1. The local government policies were developed according to Ministry of Education. 2. The practice of diagnosis and placement differed from every local government. 3. Responded to the integration of kindergartens and nursery schools, changes in Early Childhood Special Education were needed. 4. The IEP average achievement rate in private kindergartens was 81% which was higher than public kindergartens (73%). 5. Student-teacher ratio in preschool itinerant resource programs was relatively high and the implementation of itinerant resource programs in local governments was different. 6. The number of certified preschool special education teachers was few. 7. Different roles of teachers had misunderstanding on special education administrative function and usage. 8. The unequal allocation of resources led to repetition and discontinuance of service

失落的一角-特殊教育中的原住民族 / A missing piece — Aboriginals in special education

柯美稜 Unknown Date (has links)
研究者以特殊教育中的原住民族學生為作為研究主題,蒐集原住民族身心障礙學生各項調查資料、觀察記錄。藉由資料分析、問卷調查及深度訪談。探討原住民族身心障礙學生與歷史發展脈絡、社經、教育體制及主流社會文化其影響情形。以全貌觀的態度來詮釋原住民族身心障礙學生。研究者以原住民族為「主體」探討原住民族身心障礙學生與當下社會文化、教育體制的互動影響。 研究者結合原住民族教育、特殊教育統計資料,由統計數字可以發現103學年度原住民學生國小階段至高中職階段,原住民學生在智能障礙及學習障礙所佔比例皆高於非原住民學生、花蓮地區原住民族智能障礙學生比例高於其他縣市。研究者根據問卷調查發現教師認為原住民身心障礙學生的家庭、父母照顧,影響學生學習成就大於文化差異、思考邏輯不同。表示絕大部分教師看待原住民身心障礙學生就如同一般低社經家庭身心障礙學生,並未對其族群文化背景做深入了解。 最後透過原住民族身心障礙學生訪談過程,可以觀察到原住民族身心障礙學生其障礙等級與實際情況不符、家長認為特殊教育對生活實質幫助大於民族教育、教師缺乏「真正」的多元文化素養。主流文化社會建構原住民族弱勢族群形象、原住民族教育缺乏如特殊教育的全面性的完善規劃、忽視原住民族的特教學生、身心障礙鑑定制度的完善性以及特教教師的文化敏感度,皆為原住民族教育與特殊教育所面臨的考驗。 關鍵詞:原住民族、原住民特殊教育、身心障礙學生、特殊需求學生。

教育戲劇課程設計之行動研究 : 以澳門協同特殊教育學校為例 / Action research of drama in education curriculum design : the experience of Concordia School of Special Education

鄭秀君 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

特殊教育學校圖書館資源及其教師使用意見調查 / The survey of library resources and teacher using opinions on special education school

楊捷安, Yang, Chieh An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究特殊教育學校圖書館的建置情況、館藏資源、特殊教育教師使用情形與滿意度情形。 本研究採用問卷調查法,將問卷分為兩大部分,第一部分為特殊教育學校圖書館之館藏資源建置情況,研究對象為全臺灣28所特殊學校圖書館負責人,問卷內容包含學校基本資料、組織人力、館藏資源與經費、營運管理情形、閱讀推動與利用教育及困難與需求,總計回收有效問卷24份;第二部分為特殊教育學校教師使用學校圖書館之情形與滿意度調查,研究對象為特殊學校國中部及高職部之正式特教老師,問卷內容包含教師個人基本資料、教師使用學校圖書館情形及其對於學校圖書館的滿意度,總計回收有效問卷458份。兩份問卷以電腦統計套裝軟體IBM SPSS 18.0中文版進行統計與分析,調查結果分別以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、以及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析: 一、 特殊教育學校館藏資源情形:大部分的特殊學校館藏資源數量、新增率及館藏經費皆未達高中圖書館應有的標準,且大多沒有強制要求,亦沒有遵循固定的標準與規範。 二、 特殊教育學校圖書館之營運情形:大部分的特殊學校沒有專職的管理人員,多由設備組長或者學校職員兼任,採用電腦線上借閱方式,且有建置館藏目錄系統、訂定使用及借閱辦法,讀者服務中大部分都有提供流通借閱服務。 三、 特殊教育學校圖書館的困難與需求:大多數為圖書館管理人員人力不足,沒有固定的編制,而且通常缺乏相關專業知識,另外受限於特殊學生的障礙程度,較難進行閱讀推動與利用教育。 四、 特殊教育學校教師使用學校圖書館的情形:多數的教師每週使用學校圖書館的次數為0次,但一個月內,平均每週使用1~5次的頻率最高,在使用上遇到困難時也會傾向詢問圖書館工作人員,大部分的老師選擇偶爾帶領學生認識圖書館,不算是太普遍的教學活動,使用目的上則多與教學準備有關,包含到圖書館借還圖書、配合教學蒐集教學相關資料及準備教材。 五、 特殊教育學校教師使用學校圖書館的滿意度情形:特殊教育學校教師對學校圖書館的滿意度均在平均值3以上,滿意度題目中,滿意程度最高的以圖書資料的採購會徵詢教師的意見與需求、教師對學校圖書館人員提供的服務、圖書館的空間擺設、動線與採光為前三名,而對館藏的品質、數量與館藏目錄系統較不滿意;在滿意度差異分析的部分,最不滿意的族群分別為在年齡46-50歲,學校所屬區域在東部及擔任導師的特教老師有顯著不滿意的情形。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the situation of the construction of special education school library, the collection of resources, the use of special education teachers and satisfaction situation. In the present study, the questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part is the collection of the resources of the special education school library. The research object is the head of the 28 special schools in Taiwan. The questionnaire contains the basic information of the school , The organization of human resources, collection of resources and funding, operational management, read and promote the use of education and difficulties and needs, the total recovery of 24 valid questionnaires; the second part of the special education school teachers use the school library situation and satisfaction survey, The contents of the questionnaire include teachers' personal basic information, teachers use the school library situation and their satisfaction with the school library, the total recovery of 458 valid questionnaires. Two questionnaires The two questionnaires were analyzed by computer statistical software IBM SPSS 18.0. The results were analyzed by statistical methods such as frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent sample t test, and one-way analysis of variance,ANOVA. 1. The special education school collection of resources: most of the special school collection of resources, the new rate and collection of funds are not high school library should have the standard, and most do not have mandatory requirements, nor follow the fixed standards and norms. 2. The special education school library operation situation: most of the special schools do not have full-time management staff, more by the equipment team leader or school staff, the use of computer online borrowing, and the establishment of the collection directory system, Approach, most of the readers have to provide services through the circulation of borrowing services. 3. The difficulties and needs of the special education school library: the majority of the library management staff lack of manpower, there is no fixed system, and usually lack of relevant professional knowledge, and subject to the degree of special student obstacles, more difficult to read and promote Use education. 4. The special education school teachers to use the school library situation: the majority of teachers weekly use of school library times 0 times, but within a month, the average weekly use of 1 to 5 times the highest frequency, encountered in the use Difficulties will also tend to ask the library staff, most of the teachers choose to occasionally lead students to understand the library, is not too common teaching activities, the use of the purpose of teaching and more related to the library to borrow books, with Teaching to collect teaching materials and preparation materials. 5. The special education school teachers to use the school library satisfaction situation: special education school teachers on the school library satisfaction are more than 3, the satisfaction of the title, the highest degree of satisfaction with the procurement of books will consult the teacher The views and needs of the teachers, the library staff to provide services, library space furnishings, moving lines and lighting for the top three, and the collection of quality, quantity and inventory directory system is not satisfied; in the satisfaction of differences in analysis , The most dissatisfied groups were in the case of 46-50 years of age, the school district in the east and served as a mentor of the special education teacher was significantly dissatisfied with the situation.

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