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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳麗紅, WU, LI-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於我國經濟繁榮,工商業蓬勃發展,使得資本市場之重要性與日俱增,而會計資訊對於資本市場之發展,有著相當重要的影響,因此,結合會計資計與資本市場進行實證研究,將有助於瞭解我國會計資訊的特性。 Chang & Chang (1992)指出,會計資訊中以盈餘資訊擁有最大的資訊內涵,所以盈餘與股價之間到底有何關聯,一直是會計學者研究的重要課題。國外這方面的研究不勝枚舉,其大部分的研究結果均支持盈餘具有相當之資訊內涵,即盈餘資訊是有用的;然而在國內的相關研究中,尚無一肯定結論。 因此,本研究以民國72年至81年,60家國內上市公司為研究樣本,採事件研究法探討未預期盈餘與股價之關係,並藉此評估會計盈餘資訊之效率性。經實證結果發現: 一、不論在隨意模式或預測模式下,好消息公司之股價一般均有提前向上反應的趨勢,而壞消息公司約在宣告日前後五天內股價即已向下調整完畢。 二、好消息公司在狂飆期的股價反應大於非狂飆期,但壞消息公司則相反。 三、在狂飆期好消息的情況下,大公司的股價反應比小公司來得早,但其他情況下,大小公司股價的反應間間無明顯差異。 四、小公司的累積異當報酬比大公司大,僅在狂飆期得到證實,在非狂飆期大公司的累積異常報酬反而比小公司大。


鮑敦川 Unknown Date (has links)
從ADR股價報酬探討中美員工分紅配股會計處理之盈餘資訊內涵 摘要 我國科技產業普遍使用員工分紅配股制度獎勵員工,但因中美兩國對員工分紅配股之會計處理方式不同,若依美國會計原則調整員工分紅成本,則國內許多帳面上獲利甚豐之企業將立即呈現虧損。1998年美國對台灣廠商提起之反傾銷訴訟,及近日來外資對高科技業的非難,皆反映該議題之重要性。各方對員工分紅之會計處理,意見相當分歧。學術界與外資贊同美國之會計處理方式以反映其經濟實質,產業界以負面經濟效應為由,主張維持現狀,政府政策則成為各界意見角力後之妥協產物。至於市場參與者對該議題之態度為何,尚待深入探討。 我國企業赴美發行存託憑證時,須依美國一般公認會計原則揭露重編後之財務報表,因而投資人對於同一企業可以獲得兩套不同之財務資訊。此背景提供探討員工分紅議題良好之媒介,故本研究以發行美國存託憑證之國內企業為研究樣本,從實證觀點探討兩種員工分紅配股觀點下盈餘資訊之資訊內涵差異。由於市場公開資訊並不限於財會資訊,故投資人是否會在攸關性及時效性之考量下另覓資訊評估員工分紅配股影響,亦成為本研究探討之延伸。 本研究之主要實證結果列示如下: 1. 對於員工分紅入股事項,投資人傾向於參考依我國會計處理之盈餘資訊。其中之一種可能解釋為,海外存託憑證價值隨標的證券價值連動,故而存託憑證投資人於制訂投資決策時,更加重視標的企業在其所在國與其他企業間相對獲利能力之比較;另一種之可能解釋則為資訊在即時性上之差異。 2. 依股東會宣告日市值衡量之員工分紅配股成本及依年底收盤價衡量之員工分紅成本,其相對資訊內涵皆顯著優於依美國證管會20-F所要求之衡量與揭露方式。可能原因為20-F衡量方式偏離經濟實質,在及時性上亦無法滿足投資決策之需求。 3. 依年底收盤價或股東會宣告日市價衡量員工分紅配股成本之兩種資訊內涵並無顯著差異,顯示投資人對此兩類資訊並無明顯偏好。 關鍵字:員工分紅配股、海外存託憑證、相對盈餘資訊內涵 / Abstract Rewarding their employees with stocks, a prevalent practice for high-tech firms in Taiwan, serves as a primary managerial tool for attracting and retaining quality people. However, difference in accounting treatment of this bonus practice in terms of expensing vs. appropriation of retained earnings exists between U.S. and R.O.C. GAAPs. As such, companies with high profits, measured R.O.C. GAAPs, will more than often show humongous losses once converted to be in accordance with U.S. GAAPs. The anti-dumping suit against Taiwan electronics industry in 1998 as well as the more recent criticism on the severe dilution effect of this practice on equity value from the QFII analysts reveals the economic importance of this issue. Accounting academias prefer expensing treatment to reflect the economic substance. The management of companies retains the opposite view and is strongly pro for current practice due to losses would be inevitably shown in their accounting books. Government policy results in an obviously compromising solution as react to the tension from both communities. However, there is limited research effort on the view of the market participants for this important issue. The reporting requirements from Taiwan authority aside, for firms issued ADRs in the U.S. capital market are required to prepare another set of accounting statements (the 20-F) in accordance with U.S. GAAPs. This unique background provides us a intriguing setting for exploring the relative information content of the employee stock bonus when differently measured in accordance with U.S. and Taiwan GAAPs. In specific, this thesis investigates which set of accounting performance measures will ADR investors turn to for their investment decision-making. The main empirical results show that in the context of employee stock bonus, ADR investors in U. S. market prefer the measure of earnings gauged in accordance with R.O.C GAAPs. The bonus cost determined in compliance with form 20-F is less informative than that measured by the closing price at the year-end or the annual shareholders’ meeting date. The analysis also indicates that ADR investors didn’t show strong preference as to whether the bonus costs are determined by the closing prices at the year-end or the annual shareholders’ meeting date. The findings may thus imply that compared to the information quality of relevance the timeliness of information renders more importance in ADR investment decisions. Key wards: employee stock bones, ADR, information content

兩岸財務資訊特性及有用性之比較研究 / The comparative information content of earnings in Taiwan and China stock markets

陳珮琦, Cheng, Pei-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在比較研究中國大陸與台灣股市,其上市公司的財務資訊特性,以及這些財務資訊在這兩個股市中的有用性。大陸股市迄今年齡尚輕,僅七歲。唯大陸股市的法規,散戶多,同文同種等與台灣股市相近;不同之處在於,例如國家對上市公司所持有的股份仍佔一定比例、法人極少(中國大陸自五月份始方開放共同基金的發行)、股市分為 A、B 及 H 股等。因此在不同的股市特性及股市環境下,到底公開資訊被使用的情形如何?這種比較分析可令我們深入瞭解,在不同股市特性及股市環境(包括證劵管理環境)下,投資者使用公開財資訊的深度與廣度。因此本研究以公開財務報表為例,探討並比較台灣股市與中國大陸間資訊有用性及有用程度。 本研究採用傳統盈餘/股價關係的研究設計來探討其間的關係,根據 Easton and Harris(1991)及 Lev(1989)的建議,在傳統的盈餘反應係數模式中加入二個與盈餘相關變數,一為「當期盈餘水準除以期初股價」的盈餘水準變數;另一為「當期盈餘變動除以期初股價」的未預期盈餘變數,以此二盈餘變數實證比較兩岸股市,其相對盈餘資訊內涵。其次,依據 Lipe(1986)的建議及其所建立的實證模式,本研究測試盈餘組成分子是否具備增額資訊內涵,並比較兩岸盈餘組成分子增額資訊內涵是否顯著不同。最後,本研究借用 ERC 模式,並依據 Collins and kothari(1989)加入 ERC 決定因素如公司系統風險、盈餘持續度、公司成長機會等,來增進盈餘/股會間關係的解釋能力,以期在最具解釋力的模式下,比較兩盈餘資訊內涵。本研究台灣方面以台灣證劵交所股票上市公司為對象,研究期間自民國 77 年至 85 年止,共計 9 年為樣本期間,大陸則以在上海、深圳交易所上市的股票上市公司樣本,研究期間則為 1994 年至 1996 年研究結果顯示: 1.兩岸之資訊環境存在顯著差異性。 2.兩岸之盈餘資訊皆具有用性。 3.盈餘組成項目均具增額資訊內涵。 4.考慮 ERC 模式後可增加模式之解釋力。 / This study mainly applies ERC (Earnings Response Coefficient) model to compare the information contents of earnings in Taiwan and China stock markets. In addition, this study investigates the disclosure rules of these two markets in order to develop related hypotheses. This study includes four hypotheses: (1) information environment hypothesis, (2) earning level hypothesis, (3) earnings components hypothesis, and (4) ERC determinants hypothesis. The samples strategically select from. listed companies in Taiwan and China to facilitate our comparisons. The findings can be summarized as follows. 1. In the Taiwan stock market, the firm size is not a significant factor for determining optimal return window; but in the China stock market, the response of larger firms is earlier than smaller firms to the earnings announcement (information environment hypothesis). 2. The Easton-Harris earnings level variable can significantly increase the explanatory power of ERC in the Taiwan stock market; but it cannot significantly increase the explanatory power of ERC in the China stock market (earnings level hypothesis). 3. The earnings components can increase the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship in both Taiwan and China stock markets. In addition, the non-operating components have better explanatory power than operating components in earnings (earnings components hypothesis). 4. The determinants of ERC can increase the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship; but the determinants of ERC have negative effects of the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship.

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