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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王淑貞, Wang, Shu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究目前婦女服務機構中多採用何種督導型式、督導在機構中的功能和任務為何、督導實務中所採用的督導模型取向為何,理論和實務間是否存在差距。除此,更希望進一步從制度面出發,探究目前婦女福利服務機構之督導制度的發展與阻礙所在。 本研究主要以台北市之婦女服務機構為研究領域,以機構中的「社工員」和「督導者」為研究對象。本研究共訪問了六家婦女福利服務機構,包括基金會、公辦公營之婦女中心、與公辦民營之婦女中心三類,共計訪問六位社工員和七位社工督導者共十三人,每人進行一至兩小時的訪談,每次訪談時間約六十分鐘。資料分析則應用內容分析方法之操作程序,詳細進行質化資料的分析與整理,以其獲得有效之研究結果。 研究結果發現如下: 1.北市婦女機構督導主要有兩種類型,一為內部督導者,又分有Full-Time全職督導與Part-Time兼職督導者;二為外聘督導者。 2.從社工員和督導者的觀點切入可發現,目前婦女機構發揮的功能仍集中在「行政功能」、「工作技巧協助」、「心理支持功能」方面。相對於在「教育訓練」上是較少的部分。 3.在督導型式上,北市婦女機構中的督導者最常採用的督導型式為定期的團體督導和不定期的個別督導,外聘督導者最常採用的是個案研討與讀書會的型式。 4.在督導理論的應用上,受訪的社工員與督導者皆表示沒有應用督導理論,然從資料的整理我們可以看到機構中最常用的一種「問題解決中心」之督導模式流程。 5.研究發現,北市婦女機構中的督導者多半是由經驗中累積自我的督導方式。 6.目前婦女機構中督導實務上的缺點包括「社工員的專業學習成長較少」、在影響督導功能發揮的障礙上主要為「督導時間不足」、「機構經費有限」等。 7.在督導的制度面建構中,督導者與社工員也描繪了心目中完善督導制度的要件包括:「內外部督導的相互補充」、「定期的督導」、「組織福利制度相關的規劃」三大要點。除此,在個人方面,社工員自身需破除被督導的焦慮;督導者也應給社工員足夠的發展和自主攻堅。如此在制度面與個人面的相互配合下,完善的督導制度使得發揮最大的功能。 本研究最後也對實務和研究上進一步提出相關的建議。


蔡炳坤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於:   (一)探討中國大陸教育督導制度的歷史發展;(二)探討中國大陸教育督導之制度內涵;(三)探討中國大陸教育督導之實踐情形;(四)分析中國大陸教育督導制度的成效與困難;(五)試論中國大陸教育督導制度對於國內教育視導制度之啟示。   本研究以文獻分析法為主,另輔以訪問法。   文獻分析的內容主要包括中國大陸所頒布之法令、規章、會議紀要、統計資料等文件,以及出版之專書、年鑑、期刊等,另參考國內相關研究論著,藉以了解其教育督導制度之發展、現況與問題;訪問法一方面搜集檢證文件資料,一方面獲取專家學者、教育督導工作者具體的回應與意見,以確認中國大陸教育督導制度之真相。   本研究之結論有三:   一、就中國大陸教育督導制度的歷史發展言:中國大陸教育督導制度自一九四九年迄今,歷經守成與停滯、恢復與試點、建立與發展等三個階段,現已進入全面性的發展。   二、就中國大陸教育督導之制度內涵言:中國大陸教育督導之制度內涵包括:機構、人員與經費;對象、內容與重點;原則、步驟與方法等三方面,大體上已為督導制度的建立和督導功能的發揮奠定基礎。   三、就中國大陸教育督導之實踐情形言:中國大陸教育督導之實踐係經由督導與評估的結合、督導評估方案的設計,而具體反映在一連串全面性的、和各地的督導評估活動上,已初步累積了一些經驗、取得了一些成效。   綜合本研究之發現,提出中國大陸教育督導制度之困難如下:   一、在教育督導之歷史發展方面:中國大陸教育督導所強調的監督視察,有別於當前強調合作、服務、協助成長的視導潮流;自〝試點〞迄今,雖累積了一些經驗,但仍存在諸多困難和問題;有關教育督導的法令未配套制定,亦對教育督導制度的開展產生一定程度的受限。   二、在教育督導之制度內涵方面:中國大陸教育督導機構之設置、定位如何理順;人員編制、待遇如何合理;經費編列如何獨立自主、提高;對象與內容如何〝以導為主〞;步驟與方法如何更加科學有效:均是中國大陸教育督導制度所面臨的重要課題。   三、在教育督導之實踐方面:中國大陸教育督導評估的技術問題;督導機構與行政單位的〝主客體角色定位〞問題;〝達到量化就是評估〞、〝評估指標越繁雜越準確〞、〝究應側重過程評估或結果評估〞的誤解和迷失等,均有待進一步克服與釐清。   中國大陸教育督導制度對國內教育視導制度之啟示:   中國大陸教育督導制度恢復、建制迄今,不過八、九年時間,其所受到的重視和成長是值得肯定的。相對於國內教育視導制度自遷台以來,未曾中斷但進展緩慢。雖兩制各有其政經背景與社會環境,而產生讓知體制的差異,惟教育視(督)導作為教育行政歷程中〝考核〞的角色,則是一致的。中國大陸教育督導制度對國內教育視導制度的啟示,包括:視導機構的設置與定位;視導人員的遴用與培訓;視導對象與內容的擴張;視導步驟、方法與評估方案的建立;教育視導法令的制定等。   本論文最後提出進一步研究的建議:   在研究主題方面,可就中國大陸地方教育督導制度(選一省、市或區)、教育督導評估活動(選一主題)、教育督導人員相關變項(如:工作滿意感、社會主持)或海峽兩岸教育視(督)導制度之比較等進行研究。在研究方法方面,除本研究所用之方法外,尚可考量實際上需要,採用比較研究法、問卷調查法等等。

高風險家庭處遇的督導模式與工作成效之探討 / A study for supervision model and work effectiveness of high risk family treatment

蔡維濬 Unknown Date (has links)
研究者採用質性訪談方法,以高風險家庭處遇方案為場域,邀請執行該方案之督導員及社工員各六位為研究對象,運用宋麗玉與施教裕(2010)所擬定之「社會工作處遇的服務項目和結果指標:概念架構及操作定義」為成效指標之參考,進行個別訪談與資料收集。本研究主要探討高風險家庭處遇服務的社工督導模式,以及在不同督導模式下,社工員在「兒少成長發展」、「成人主要照顧者的改善發展」、「整體家庭功能的增強提昇」、「案家週邊社會支持體系」四大工作成效層面之情形。研究結果發現六種督導模式,分別為:「優勢觀點取向督導模式」、「生態系統取向督導模式」、「焦點解決取向督導模式」、「詮釋學取向督導模式」、「工具性督導模式」,以及「表達性督導模式」。於工作成效上,經社工員處遇後,在「兒少的成長發展層面」上,不論是一般兒少或是特殊兒少,經相關社會資源輸入後,如飲食、衛生、醫療、教育等系統,已使兒少漸漸步入正常的發展階段,發揮兒少自身之潛能,轉變成身、心、靈皆較為圓滿之狀態;在「成人主要照顧者的改善發展層面」上,原先家中之主要照顧者,因自身疾病因素或自我功能不足之情形,經社工的協助與鼓勵,多可獲得進一步的醫療處置以及良好的社會支持系統,發揮既有之社會功能,減緩低落的心理狀態,並以兒少之最佳利益為優先考量,以照顧兒少為其目標,提升本有之照顧功能;在「整體家庭功能的增強提昇層面」上,顯而易見的即是主要照顧者與兒少之間,多可站在雙方之立場,彼此接納與尊重,共同為家庭目標努力,各自扮演好應盡之角色義務,維持家庭之順利運行,使整體家庭功能有所提昇;在「建構案家週邊社會支持體系層面」上,經社工員引入正式與非正式資源後,案家危機狀況多可獲得即時性的改善,使家庭狀態趨於穩定,更重要的是案家在此過程擁有能力,當家庭需求無法滿足時,案家主動找尋社會資源以自我協助,預防家庭危機之再次出現。此外,經不同督導模式下的社工員,其工作成效亦可見其特殊性,如優勢觀點取向督導模式,使社工員在工作成效指標的四大面向,呈現多元的面貌,尤其在「成人主要照顧者的改善發展層面」、「整體家庭功能的增強提昇層面」,以及「建構案家週邊社會支持體系層面」上有突出的表現;生態系統取向督導模式,則在「兒少的成長發展層面」、「整體家庭功能的增強提昇層面」,以及「建構案家週邊社會支持體系層面」上擁有明顯表現;焦點解決取向督導模式,其在「整體家庭功能的增強提昇層面」上多有助益;詮釋學取向督導模式,主要展現於「成人主要照顧者的改善發展層面」。最後,研究者建議在政策規劃上,政府可強化社會工作督導員職能培訓與效能提升,並將該成效指標納入政策內容與高風險家庭個案管理系統;在實務工作上,建議督導員善用社會工作理論於督導過程,並建構出屬於自身的督導模式來模塑社工員的工作表現,以及實際運用該成效指標於處遇工作中。 / The researcher, applying the qualitative interview research in the field of the high-risk family service project, interviewing with six supervisors and six social workers in the project by applying the “complete conceptual framework and operational definition of service classification and outcome indicators” proposed by Song & Shih (2010) to gather data. Our research explored the social work supervision models for the services of high-risk family treatment and social workers’ outcomes in the areas of “child development”, “care takers’ improvement”, “family function empowerment” and “informal social support network”.According to our findings, six supervision models, “strengths perspective-approached supervision model”, “ecological systems-approached supervision model”, “solution-focused approached supervision model” , “hermeneutics-approached supervision model”, “instrumental supervision model” and “expressive supervision model”, all displayed work effectiveness as the treatments by social workers. In the area of “child development”,they inputted social resources such as diet, health, medical and education systems, to enable both normal and special children to begin to move into normal development stage for exhibiting their own potential and transforming into more successful physical, mental and spiritual state. In the “area of care takers’ improvement”, most of the main care takers of families, who had previously suffered from their own diseases or insufficient self-functions, were given better medical treatments and good social support system through the assistance and encouragement from the social workers, with their depressed mental state alleviated, and their inherent function of care taking giving priority to the consideration of best interests of children and setting the goal at care of children.In the “area of family function empowerment”, obviously both the main care takers and the children became more able to be take the stand points of each other to accept and respect each other to work hard jointly for the family’s aim, which each playing its own part well to sustain the smooth operation of the family and enhance the family function as a whole. In the “area of constructing of informal social support network”, most of the families of the case had their crises improved promptly after the social workers introduced formal and informal sources. Stabilizing the family status, and, more importantly, once these families possessed such capability during the treatment process, they would take initiatives in seeking social resources to self-help when their needs cannot be met, for preventing the family crises from re-occurring.In addition, social workers under different supervision models also showed their uniqueness in work effectiveness. For example, the strengths perspective-approached supervision model enabled social workers to exhibit diversely in the four areas of work effectiveness indicators, particularly the “area of care takers’ improvement”, the “area of family function empowerment” and the “area of constructing informal social support network”, where outstanding performances were seen. With the ecological systems-approached supervision model, notable performances were seen in the “area of child development”, the “area of family function empowerment” and the “area of constructing informal social support network”. The solution-focused approached supervision model helped greatly in the “area of family function empowerment”. The hermeneutics-approached supervision model stood out in the “area of care takers’ improvement”. At last, the researchers recommend that the governments, in formulating their policies, can strengthen the capacity training and efficacy increase for social work supervisors and take the outcome indicators as part of the policy contents and case management systems of high-risk families. Regarding the practice, we recommend that supervisors make good use of the theories of social work in their supervisory processes and construct supervision models that are for themselves to shape the performance of social workers and to apply the outcome indicators in the work of treatment.

不當督導行為與部屬後果之關係—負面情緒的中介效果 / The relationship of abusive supervision and subordinate consequences—the mediation effect of negative emotion

張真瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
目前對於不當督導與部屬後果之關係的心理機制研究,大部分侷限於組織正義的範疇裡,本研究根據情感事件理論,提出部屬之負面情緒在不當督導與部屬反應間的中介角色,不當督導藉由引發部屬的負面情緒,影響其工作滿意、情緒耗竭及離職意圖;本研究進一步探討個人的傳統性、認知再評估情緒調控策略在部屬不當督導知覺和負面情緒之關係的調節效果,此外,研究並假設個人壓抑式與認知再評估情緒調控,會調節部屬負面情感與工作滿意、離職意圖及情緒耗竭的關係。本研究採便利取樣,共收集218筆有直屬主管之在職員工資料,經階層迴歸分析發現,一,憤怒情緒具有中介效果:知覺不當督導關係到部屬憤怒情緒的升高,進而工作滿意低落、情緒耗竭嚴重及離職意圖增加;二,認知再評估能緩衝知覺不當督導與害怕情緒的關係;三,認知再評估高的部屬,其害怕情緒和工作滿意的相關較弱。本研究有助於管理者體認工作情緒在不當督導對部屬影響的重要性,並指出認知再評估情緒調控策略,對於減緩員工負面情緒及負面後果的助益。最後,針對研究限制、未來研究方向提出說明與建議。 / Current examinations of the psychological mechanism of abusive supervision and subordinate consequences focus mostly on organizational justice. According to Affective Event Theory, the present study proposed that subordinates’ negative emotions may mediate the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinate job satisfaction, emotion exhaustion, and intention to leave. Further, the study investigated the moderating effect of subordinates’ traditionality and two emotion regulation strategies, cognitive reappraisal and expressive inhibition, in the above relationships. Hierarchical regression analyses on data collected from a sample of 218 full-time employees in Taiwan were used to test the proposed hypotheses. Results show that anger mediated the positive relationship between abusive supervision and employee outcomes such that abusive supervision is positively correlated with subordinates’ anger, which further leads to lower job satisfaction, higher emotion exhaustion and intention to leave. Second, cognitive reappraisal moderated the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates’ fear as well as the relationship between subordinates’ fear and job satisfaction. Those findings indicated the importance of subordinates’ emotions and the buffering effect of cognitive reappraisal in the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinate consequences. Based on the results of the study, limitations, practional implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.

學校不當督導與非志願性公民行為關係之研究-中介與調節效果的探討 / A study on relationship between abusive supervision and compulsory citizenship behavior in high schools : an examination of mediating and moderating effects

徐宗盛, Hsu, Tsung Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不當督導、上下級關係及非志願性公民行為之關係,並探究上下級關係在不當督導與非志願性公民行為之間是否具有中介效果以及權力距離、組織政治知覺在不當督導與非志願性公民行為、上下級關係與非志願性公民行為之間是否具有調節效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以全國507所高中職教師為樣本母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出600位受試者邀請填寫網路問卷,回收有效問卷375份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以瞭解高中職教師知覺校長不當督導與上下級關係、非志願性公民行為之現況、差異情形及上下級關係、權力距離、組織政治知覺的中介、調節效果,研究結論如下: 一、高中職教師對校長不當督導之知覺現況屬低度。 二、高中職教師上下級關係之表現程度屬中低程度。 三、高中職教師非志願性公民行為之表現程度屬中低程度。 四、學校規模等背景變項在不當督導有顯著差異,24班以下高於50班以上。 五、性別、年齡、職務及學校公私立屬性等背景變項在上下級關係上有顯著差異,男性、兼任主任的教師情感型關係顯著較高;男性、35歲以下、私立學校教師的工具型關係顯著較高。 六、本校服務年資、職務在非志願性公民行為有顯著差異,組長高於專任、服務年資6-15年高於5年以下。此外,服務總年資、學歷等二個背景變項在不當督導、上下級關係、非志願性公民行為上皆無顯著差異。 七、上下級關係在不當督導與非志願性公民行為間有部分中介效果。 八、權力距離在「不當督導」、「工具型關係」與非志願性公民行為間具有調節效果。 九、組織政治知覺只在工具型關係與非志願性公民行為間具有調節效果。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為高中職校長以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among principal’s Abusive Supervision (AS) and Supervisor-Subordinate GuanXi (SSG) and Compulsory Citizenship Behavior (CCB) of senior high school teachers. Furthermore, the mediating effect of SSG between AS and CCB is analyzed, And the moderating effects of Power Distance (PD) and Organizational Politics (OP) between AS and CCB, between SSG and CCB are explored in the study. A survey research was conducted using a sample of senior high school teachers in Taiwan, excluding the complete schools. 600 teachers from 570 schools were selected by stratified random sampling. 375 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis. Based on 6-point Likert Scale, the major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Teachers’ perception of principal’s abusive supervision is below average. 2. Teachers’ perception of Supervisor-Subordinate GuanXi is below average. 3. Teachers’ Compulsory Citizenship Behavior is below average. 4. One demographic variable, school size, show significant differences in AS. Teachers who work at schools with less than 24 classes show higher perceptions of AS. 5. Four demographic variables, including gender, age, position, school type, show significant differences in SSG. Teachers who are male, younger than 35, work as the director of the department, or work in private schools show higher perceptions of SSG, especially instrumental ties. 6. Two demographic variables, tenure at the present school and position, show significant differences in CCB. Teachers whose tenure at the present school is longer, who work as the chief, show higher perceptions of CCB. Furthermore, two demographic variables, tenure and education, show no significant differences in AS, SSG and CCB. 7. AS is positively related to SSG and CCB. In addition, AS has a positive direct effect on CCB, SSG has a positive direct effect on CCB. AS has a positive direct effect on SSG. SSG does have mediating effects between AS and CCB. 8. Power Distance has moderating effects between AS and CCB, between SSG and CCB. 9. Organizational Politics has moderating effects only between SSG and CCB. Based on the results of the research, suggestions for principals and future related study are proposed.

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