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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samsung電子與LG電子財務表現之評估與個案研究 / Case study of Samsung electronics co., ltd and LG electronics

張鈴鈴, Elaine Chang Unknown Date (has links)
Samsung電子與LG電子財務表現之評估與個案研究 / None

質的研究とは何か : 教育テクノロジー研究のいっそうの拡張をめざして

OTANI, Takashi, 大谷, 尚 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.


蕭宗慶, Xiao, Zong Qing Unknown Date (has links)
近代社會民主化、多元化之發展與變遷,致國民權利意識高漲,產生爭議及大量訴訟;為有效解決勞資爭議,應致力擴充爭議之處理方式,勞動仲裁為其一。而勞動仲裁得否健全發展,法院對仲裁之態度(尊重與監督)是重要關鍵之一,故本文從勞動仲裁探討勞動仲裁與法院互動之關係,其監督與尊重以及兩者互動下,個別勞動者權益之保障等問題,並以中美兩國制度作一深入比較研究。研究發現兩國法院在強制執行仲裁及裁決時,均已涉入勞動仲裁之實質審查。其次,在法院對勞動仲裁之監督與尊重情況上有極大之差異,尤其是在法院撤銷裁決、發回再仲裁或變更上,美國法院有較廣泛及具彈性之撤銷裁決監督,而我國卻付之厥如,只以駁回裁決強制執行之聲請來替代。從形式上而言較尊重勞動仲裁;實質上,在調整事項仲裁裁決之強制執行,卻流於形式。個人認為,解決之道應建立仲裁裁決撤銷之訴、權利事項爭議之仲裁以及妨訴抗辯之訴,同時立法將實體得仲裁性交由仲裁人裁決並且確立工會公平代理義務,以及當事人有權出席仲裁聽證會、提出證據或作言詞辯論等來規範勞動仲裁及其與法院之關係,以期發揮勞動仲裁之替代罷工、保障訴怨者之權益及迅速解決爭議之效能,在長期上之展望,依照勞動仲裁與法院互動之發展模式,則法院角色應漸漸縮小。   關於各章之內容及綱要如下:   第壹章 緒論:導言、研究目的、研究範圍以及研究方法。   第貳章 勞動仲裁之發展。探討中美兩國在勞動仲裁發展之異同。   第參章 勞動仲裁之內涵。關於勞動仲裁之定義、勞動仲裁在勞資爭議之地位、勞動仲裁之種類、勞動仲裁之功能、仲裁人與勞動仲裁組織以及勞動仲裁之效力之探討。   第肆章 勞動仲裁與法院之互動。關於勞動仲裁與法院在法律架構下互動、得仲裁性之決定者是仲裁人抑是法院,以及法院如何對仲裁裁決之執行與撤銷。   第伍章 勞動仲裁與法院間對個別勞動之影響。探討個別勞動者在法院對勞動仲裁之監督下個別權益之保障,以及個別勞動者之勞動仲裁。   第陸章 個案研究--「基隆客運勞資爭議仲裁案」。藉由基隆客運勞資爭議仲裁案個案檢驗我國勞動仲裁制度以及其與法院之關係。   第柒章 結論。中美之綜合比較以及檢討與建議。


洪瑞黛, HONG, RUI-DAI Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要由活動的特性與體驗二個層面,來探討工作者的工作經驗與休閒經驗的關 係。 在過去國外的研究中,發現有些人的工作經驗與休閒經驗很類似,有些人的工作經驗 與休閒經驗很不同,可能受到不同職業型態、不同研究層面、以及個別差異等因素的 影響。因此,本研究測量工作特性、休閒特性、工作體驗及休閒體驗,以瞭解國內的 工作者工作與休閒之間關係的情況。 論文內容包括: 第一章:導論;第一節:研究動機與目的;第二節:有關文獻探討;第三節:研究問 題與假設 第二章:研究方法;第一節:研究對象;第二節:研究工具;第三節:資料分析方法 第三章:研究結果與討論;第一節:樣本基本資料分析;第二節:工作特性與休閒特 性相關分析;第三節:工作體驗與休閒體驗相關分析 第四章:結論與建議

仕欽科技企業資訊系統安全研究報告 / Information System Security of Everskill Technology Co., Ltd. For OEM Electronics Industry

詹小瑩, Chan, Cathy Unknown Date (has links)
仕欽科技企業資訊系統安全研究報告 / Abstract Information System Security of Everskill Technology Co., Ltd. for OEM Electronics Industry by Cathy Chan OEM Electronics industry has been the foundation of Taiwan’s economy for the past few decades, and has made major contribution to foreign reserves for the country. However, entering into this millennium, with the rising of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China), Taiwan’s OEM electronics industry is gradually losing competitive advantages. Nowadays, to improve competitiveness is the most critical issue in the industry. According to MIC of III , the integration of information technology in OEM electronics industry is a major index of Taiwan’s competitiveness. The higher the information system is integrated, the more the system should be secured. Otherwise, in case of any abusage, the damage can sometimes beyond our imagination. The collapse of Barings Bank is a best lesson for all of us to learn. Therefore, we should put equal emphasis on information system security as well as information system integration. The scope of this paper is to analyze the information system security of Everskill Technology, an OEM electronics company, to find out the weakness of the existing IT framework, and better improvement for future information system security in the company and OEM electronics industry. This paper will thoroughly examine the existing structure of the information system of Everskill Technology, e.g. how the structure is built? Why it is built this way? How is the information system secured? What are the factors that affect information system security? How to modify the factors? The paper will also highlight some incidents, pin point the weakness of the system, and also provide suggestions for future improvements. My conclusion is that the successful implementation of information system security to an organization is not just about how advanced the products/technology are, or how complete the procedures/checklists are, the people(agents) in the organization also play an very important role. As a professional manager of the organization, I believe we should always be aware of the relations among products/technology, procedures/checklists and the people (agents). Only through perfect balance among the three factors, we can successfully implement and secure information system of the organization. Ultimately, this paper can provide an agenda for any other OEM electronics company who wishes to improve her information system security and hopefully can be a stimulation of improvement for the industry.


左國金 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


左國金 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


左國金 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

超大規模集成電路研究所在印度的情況訓練 / VLSI Training Institute in Indian Context

巴堅卓, Gajendra Bahadur Singh Unknown Date (has links)
超大規模集成電路研究所在印度的情況訓練 / Today India is a big power house when we consider software industry and Knowledge process outsourcing and paints a very bright picture of Indian education in general. But there is one technology field where we cannot be so sure about Indian dominance. And that field is hardware engineering and VLSI design. Indian education system has inherently has one problem of being tightly governed by government policies and any changes in the course curriculum needs to be approved by lengthy government process. This eventually leads to outdates technical courses and fresh graduates without any actual sense of requirements in Industry most of the times. This gap in quality of fresh graduates and industry demands lead us to start going into VLSI training business. Our ambition is to bridge the gap of demand and supply in terms of quality of fresh Indian graduates in hardware and VLSI domain. “HINIQ” the VLSI training institute in Coimbatore will be our first training institute and once we establish it successfully we will branch out to other cities replicating its success.

全球資訊(IT)解決方案業者之策略行銷研究 / The strategic marketing analysis to the one of the global IT solution vendors - HP co.

尤紓敏, Yu ,Su Min Unknown Date (has links)
隨著工業與科技的演進,在世界的舞台上,資訊產業是近百年來,除了自身產業誕生了不少世界前五百大( Fortune Top 500 ) 的公司,也因為資訊科技所帶來的便利,幫助其他不同產業簡化管理複雜度或甚至影響到根本營業運作模式.本個案研究對象- HP ,便是一個其中的代表. HP是一間創業七十三年,堪稱美國矽谷高科技”車庫”創業文化代表的全球性的資訊科技公司,以醫療儀器起家,但在1999年與其醫療事業做徹底事業體的分割,專注於 IT(Information Technology )資訊應用市場.對於台灣市場,惠普科技(HP ) 於西元1970年在台灣設立分公司,培育與重用台灣本地人才無數,在台灣建立與延續良好的的『惠普風範』( The HP Way ).並協助台灣許多重大產業的電腦化.例如:支撐高科技製造業國際化背後的資訊重大建設,與電信民營化的資訊骨幹建置. 但是,對於高度競爭的資訊市場, HP自身高度自治的不同事業體之間,加上外來的高階領導人,帶進來一連串的併購策略的資源整合問題,及不同競爭者之間的策略轉變,如:IBM 的策略變革成功與 Dell 追求成本利潤最佳化策略,個案對象的競爭優勢已不復見.本論文主要針對策略行銷方面,主要希望可以探討出:. 一、 兩種不同的資訊市場環境,包含中高端企業應用市場與終端產品市場,面對兩個主要的競爭對手- IBM 與 Dell, HP 競爭力的現況分析與策略行銷面的檢討. 二、 透過五力分析,基本競爭戰略,及 策略行銷 4C 架構分析理論為工具,以筆者多年的經驗與心得,佐以台灣不同產業市場的現況加以佐證,試圖找出策略行銷盲點.並訪談兩個不同產業-電信業與金融業,各為 IBM 與 HP 的指標性客戶的資訊高級主管的訪談整理,給予本個案研究對象- HP 的建議. 本研究結果建議HP應該謹慎評估做企業核心資源的重點取捨,于終端產品市場或中高端企業應用市場.應聚焦在進入障礙較高及替代性低的中高端企業應用市場.並應該積極做企業內部資源整合,尤其是頻繁收購進來以管理軟體及服務諮詢為主解決方案.並將企業形象重槊,加強于資訊專業諮詢服務方面的形象,重新贏得客戶的信賴與認同度.並長期培養屬於自己的專屬資產. / Through out technology and industrial evolution, IT (information technology) industry spawns many of fortune top 500 companies. With convenience it brings, it makes a profound impact on industries worldwide. Information technology not only helps to simplify complexity of management process in other area of business, but also fundamentally changes the core operating method and ways of business in many industries. This article studies one of the leading companies in IT industry - Hewlett-Packard Company From its legendary founding out of a garage 73 years ago, Hewlett-Packard is widely regarded as the founding member of the Silicon Valley computer industry and an iconic symbol of entrepreneurship of electronics and computer industries. Started with focus on electronic testing and medical equipments, in 1990’s however, HP spin off many business not related to image and information technology. In Taiwan, HP Taiwan branch was established in 1970’s. Keeping on the tradition of “HP Way”, it incubates and trains many local Taiwanese managers. It involved in computerization of numerous major industries in Taiwan; such as the participation in establishing information bare bone for the Telecom industry during its privatization period. Also being the IT bare-bone for the Semi-conductor industry during the globalization period. In response to the competitive IT market, HP introduced several high-level management alteration and series of mergers and buyouts. In consequence with the highly self-autonomous business unit structure of HP, integration and utilization of resources becomes an obstacle. On the outside, HP faces challenge from rivals such as IBM that successfully overhauls its corporate strategy from the pure hardware provider to the professional IT consulting solution vendor; and Dell that focus on maximizing profit with cost reduction. The purpose of this article is to investigate the competitiveness and marketing strategy of HP in two different market segments: med to the high-end Enterprise IT consulting market and Client Product market. This study combines different strategy analytical concepts and applies to different market conditions of various industries in Taiwan. The research methodology is combination of in depth semi structural interviews and quantitative analysis of author’s own in-depth knowledge and the first hand experiences in the field. This study suggests HP should cautiously review its core corporate competency and resources and focus on med to the high-end Enterprise IT consulting market that has high barrier of entry and few alternatives for substitution. This study further illustrates HP should actively integrate its internal resources; especially tangible and intangible resources related to software management and consultancy services that were acquired from string of mergers, then focus on providing total integrated IT solution. This study further suggests HP should re-build its corporate image with strong emphasis on IT consultancy service and obtains trust and brand identification from corporate customer in the long term as an exclusive intangible asset and barrier of competition.

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