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深圳特區城市化研究 / A study on the urbanization of Shencheng Special Economic zones王世杰, Wang, Shi Jei Unknown Date (has links)
現代化是每一個國家都無法迴避的課題, 近代中國走的尤其辛苦 1978年
」政策為中國大陸的現代化發展注入了一劑強心劑, 一改以前以「階級鬥
爭」為綱的社會發展脈絡, 改採以經濟發展為主的路線, 強調「發展生產
力」, 此舉不但挽救了因為文化大革命而面臨崩潰邊緣的大陸經濟, 而且
政策下的產物, 因為中共在此施行迥異於中國大陸內地的優惠政策, 不但
使深圳經濟特區由沿海小漁村一變而成為現代化城市, 也為中共所提出的
「社會主義初級階段論」找到了理論著力點, 深圳特區的蓬勃發展的的確
確有傲人之處, 但其間也隱含若干社會發展上的危機. 深圳特區內三次產
力, 也促使了深圳特區城市化的發展, 眾所周知, 深圳特區能有今天的局
面主要得歸功於外資的流人, 尤其是以港澳台的資金為主, 受到港澳台的
影響當然也最深, 深圳特區居民的生活獲得實質的改善是不爭的事實, 但
由於物質水平的提高, 和港澳台消費文化的流人, 深圳特區的社會發展卻
出現了資本主義的色彩, 譬如購買股票, 人民競相投人金錢遊戲等,人民
的價值觀念因為生活上的改善而有顯著的改變, 深圳特區的居民不再只是
安於現狀的一群, 對共產主義的神話唯唯諾諾, 而是轉而想爭取生活上的
主控權, 再者, 異於共產主義思潮不斷流人, 更加速深圳特區的人心思
變, 由深圳特區的文化內容己有強烈的消費傾向看來 , 深圳特區不再只
是「經濟的特區」, 也將成為「社會的特區」.「社會」在中國歷史□,
始終缺乏發展的空間, 深圳特區由於中共的改革開放政策, 而有城市化和
工業化的出現, 也出現了所謂的「新興階級」, 由於深圳特區社會結構的
丕變, 特區內的新興階級將成為日後特區社會發展的中堅力量, 特區內的
社會層面是否會因此而被激化出來, 將攸關日後中國大陸的社會發展.成
功的達成現代化有兩個基本條件, 一, 政治系統必需創新政策 , 二, 政
治系統必需將現代化所產生的新社會意識和社會力量納人體系中. 深圳特
區所帶來的啟示, 不單是經濟體系的完善要求而已, 更重要的是中共政治
體系改革的必要性, 唯有如此才能保證深圳經濟特區, 甚至大陸其它地區
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社會問題解決模式在台灣的適用性及其與壓力、憂鬱的關係 / The Generalizability of Social Problem Solving Model in Taiwanese and It’s Relationship with Stress, Depression.王韋婷, Wang,Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)
採用本研究所確立的SPSI-R五因素結構探討社會問題解決與憂鬱關係,發現排除問題風格後,負向問題定向可顯著預測憂鬱;排除問題定向後,逃避風格可顯著預測憂鬱,顯示負向問題定向與逃避風格對憂鬱有獨特之預測力。探討社會問題解決對壓力—憂鬱關係的影響,結果顯示衝動/粗心風格為日常問題與憂鬱之調節變項。此結果支持社會問題解決模式中,分殊不同向度的必要性,並提供臨床上憂鬱之問題解決治療方案可採行的策略。 / Confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the generalizability of the factor structure of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory- Revised (SPSI-R; D’Zurilla, Nezu, & Mayden-Olivares, 2002) The SPSI-R is based on a theoretical model and was modified by empirical data consisting of five factors – positive problem orientation, negative problem orientation, rational problem solving style, impulsivity/carelessness style, avoidance style.
According to the theory model and empirical data with Chinese sample, the present study proposed another two alternative model. Thus, three different model were tested. With the sample of 916 Taiwanese undergraduate students, the results showed that the original five factor model which was proposed by D’Zurilla et al. was the best for SPSI-R in the sense of goodness of fit. This finding supports the Generalizability of SPSI-R in Taiwanese.
Using the five-factor model of SPSI-R to examine the relation between SPSI-R and depression. Negative problem orientation and avoidance style were both significantly related to depression even after partialing out the variance of “Style” and “Orientation” respectively. While exploring the influence of SPSI-R on the relationship of stress and depression, a support was found for the moderator hypothesis which assumes that social problem solving interacts with everyday problems to influence the level of depression. Therefore, the findings in present study supported the distinction of five factors in SPSI-R. The implications of these results for social problem solving theory and assessment are also discussed.
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我國社會警報指標之研究林秀貞, LIn, Hsiu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
依據社會警報指標各領域社會問題警報分析結果, 87年各項社會問題警報速度超過「輕警」者有「家庭問題」及「犯罪問題」等二領域,尤其是「犯罪問題」更超過巨警,若綜合全體社會問題而言,87年綜合警報速度較前幾年緩和;另就近三年各領域社會問題警報速度觀察,平均較前三年快者有「家庭問題」、「犯罪問題」、「貧富不均問題」及「環境問題」等四領域,惟全體社會問題綜合結果,速度略緩。 / Exertion of the people has promoted the growth of the Taiwan economy for over three decades. However, social dysfunctions, resulted from all the emphases at the economic growth and the changes of the collective values, could have obstructed the development of the society as a whole. In order to served as the references in making social policies related, this study tries to organize "the Taiwan Social Warning Indicators" by statistic methods, such as literature search, subjective experience, and principal component. These quantitative indexes are expected to evaluate the potential tendency of the social issues in Taiwan. On the other hand, the statistical significance method is also applied to establish the warning lines and issue the warning signs when the annual increase rate of the indicator's value-the warning speed- of the social issues are cross the warning line.
In accordance with the analysis results of the social warning indicators in this study, the increase of warning speeds of the Taiwan social issues in 1998 regarding "family" and "crime" exceed the level of "light warning". The warning speed of the "crime issue" even exceeds the level of "extremely serious warning" among all. Furthermore, the warning speed of the comprehensive social issues in the same year is estimated at increasing more lightly than those of those issues in last few years. Another finding on the warning speeds of social issues in different fields is that the result of such a research from 1996 to 1998 is much worse in average on "family issue", "crime issue", "unequal fortune distribution issue", and "environmental issue" than that on the same issue from 1993 to 1995. But the warning speed of the social issues as a whole from 1996 to 1998 increases more slowly than that from 1993 to 1995.
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