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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林嘉梅 Unknown Date (has links)
高中職階段是人生發展重要的階段之一。高中職學生正處於兩性角色互動學習的階段,個人生理、心理發展狀況亦日趨成熟,然而隨著社會風氣的開放,加上大眾傳播媒體渲染、西方文化的衝擊、升學壓力減緩等因素影響,高中職學生談戀愛已是非常普遍的事實,而他們的愛情態度及觀念,亦在無形之中發生重大的改變。 其次,高中職學生因感情問題不睦衍生的偏差行為事件也有增加的趨勢,每每校園中發生學生偏差行為事件時,追根究底,常發現其原因很多都是感情因素而起。因此,本研究旨在探討高中職學生愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應等面向之相關情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為台北市8所公私立高中職日間部學生,透過各校軍訓教官協助進行施測,共計發出問卷1080份,回收1080份,回收後進行正式統計分析的有效問卷比例為 83%(898份)。研究項目分為下列4部分:一、個人背景表;二、愛情態度量表;三、個人憂鬱情緒量表;四、分手因應量表。主要在於想了解不同的個人特質對高中職學生的愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應的影響及愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應三變項之間的相關情形。 本研究以下列統計分析方法處理相關資料:描述性統計、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關,得到以下結論: 在愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應的現況方面,研究發現:台北市高中職學生的「愛情態度」傾向「友伴之愛」;面臨分手壓力時,部份帶有「輕度憂鬱」傾向;分手因應方式則大多傾向「問題取向積極因應」方式。 本研究共提出4個假設,有1個假設獲得驗證,另外3個假設獲得部份驗證。首先,在愛情態度面向,共命名8個因素,分別為:1.自我犧牲因素、2.家人因素、3.感情破裂因素、4.友誼因素、5.愛情專一因素、6.親密因素、7.美貌因素、8.承諾因素。總解釋量為55.02%。 個人特質之不同,在8個因素中,在自我犧牲因素中,父親每月所得達到相當顯著差異,科系性質則達到極顯著差異。失戀次數在感情破裂因素中達到極顯著差異。科系性質在友誼因素中達到相當顯著差異。在親密因素中,父親每月所得及母親每月所得達到相當顯著差異。失戀次數則達到極顯著差異。最後,在承諾因素中,父親教育程度達到相當顯著差異,科系性質則有極顯著差異。 其次,在憂鬱情緒面向,共命名三個因素,分別為:1.自我否定因素、2.生理失調因素、3.心理鬱鬱因素。總解釋量為60.64%。母親每月所得在自我否定因素有顯著差異,學校屬性達到相當顯著差異,性別在心理鬱鬱因素有顯著差異。 最後,在分手因應面向,共命名8個因素,分別為:1.自暴自棄因素、2.尋求解決因素、3.自我調適因素、4.尋求專業因素、5.大吃大睡因素、6.宣洩情緒因素、7.委諸天命因素、8.淨化心靈因素。總解釋量為57.45%。個人特質之不同,在8個因素中,科系性質在自暴自棄因素達到相當顯著差異。在大吃大睡因素中,失戀次數有相當顯著差異。在宣洩情緒因素中,父親職業、母親每月所得有相當顯著差異,科系性質則達到極顯著差異。在淨化心靈因素中,失戀次數、科系性質則有極顯著差異。 在愛情態度、憂鬱情緒及分手因應三變項方面,愛情態度與憂鬱情緒相關係數為正0.2948,P<0.0001,達到極顯著相關。愛情態度與分手因應相關係數為正0.4215,且P<0.0001,達到極顯著相關。憂鬱情緒與分手因應相關係數為正0.3630,且P<0.0001,亦達到極顯著相關。此顯示愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應三個變項,彼此互相影響。 綜合上列研究結果,研究者建議高中職學生應多學習兩性相處之道,建立正確的兩性觀念,依本身興趣及能力,學習不同領域的知識,參加各種課外活動,藉以培養第二專長,轉移生活重心;家長方面,則建議家長仍應利用時間與子女談心,建立良好的親子溝通,掌握其交友狀況;學校方面,建議學校多舉辦有關兩性交往的演講、活動,健全學生的兩性觀念,培養正確的應變能力;其次,學校應加強學生感情問題的諮商與輔導,減少學生因感情問題衍生的偏差行為。 / Vocational high school is one of the most important stages in development. The students of vocational high school live in the stage of bisexual interactional . Their physiological and psychological development matures increasingly. With the open society, the spread of multimedia, the impact of Western culture and the decreasing pressure of pursuing advanced studies, they are apt to fall into love. However, Their attitude and idea of love change greatly unconsciously. Next, the fact that their love doesn`t go smoothly often leads to their misbehavior. To get to the core of the problem , the students` misbehavior in school more or less arises from their poor handing of love among themselves. This research mainly aims at their attitude , and the solution of how to break up gracefully. This research use questionnaire, which includes eight public and private day high schools. With the help of military officers,1080 copies are handed out and returned, but 898 (83%) is valid. The research falls into four categories: personal background; love attitude ; depression and responses to breakup .The purpose is to understand how their different characteristics influence their love attitude , depression and responses to breakup. This conclusion is based on the following data: Descriptive Statistics , Factor Analysis , t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Product Correlation. In the aspect of love attitude , depression and responses to breakup, the survey finds out that their love attitude tends to be a love of companion. When facing the pressure of breakup, part of them tend to be slight melancholia, but their responses to breakup tends to be positive. This survey provides four suppositions, one is confirmed while the others are partly confirmed. Firstly, in the aspect of love attitude , there are eight factors: self-sacrifice; family; breakup; friendship; devotion to love; intimacy; looks and promise. The gross amount of explanation is 55.02%. Self-sacrifice varies rather obviously in their fathers` income and varies greatly in the features of the department. The breakup in love varies greatly in the number of being lovelorn. Friendship varies rather obviously in the features of department. Intimacy varies rather obviously in their parents` income and varies greatly in the number of being lovelorn. Lastly,promise varies rather obviously in fathers` education and varies greatly in the features of the department. Next, in the aspect of depression , there are three factors:self-denial; physiological maladjustment and depression , the gross amount of explanation is 60.64%. Self-denial varies obviously in mother`s monthly income, rather obviously in kinds of school and obviously in depression.

台灣國中生的自我落差、學業成就與憂鬱、焦慮之關係 / The relationship of self-discrepancy, academic scores between depression ,anxiety of the junior high school students in Taiwan

曾秋玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解學業成就,各立場的"期望我目標落差","期望我立場差異","不期望我目標落差","不期望我立場差異"(分別為自身,父母立場,老師立場,同儕立場),對台灣國中生的憂鬱,焦慮情緒能提供多大的預測力,及不同類型的落差是否會對應到不同的情緒困擾(憂鬱,焦慮)?   研究對象為台北市天母國中在學之一,二,三年級學生共278人,男性132人,女性145人(其中一人未填答),研究工具包含:自編自我問卷,基本資料問卷,兒童憂鬱自陳式量表,貝氏焦慮量表,使用統計方法包含描述統計,積差相關,階層性迴歸分析。   研究結果發現,成績對台灣國中生的憂鬱程度具有預測力,而在扣除掉成績的影響後,"父母期望我目標落差"對國中生的憂鬱程度具有最大的預測力,而成績變項對台灣國中生的焦慮程度不具預測力,僅有"父母不期望我目標落差"對國中生的焦慮程度具預測力。這樣的結果也顯示:(1)父母的期許及規範與國中生的情緒困擾有密切的關係。(2)不同類型的目標落差,的確會對應到不同的情緒困擾:即"期望我目標落差"對應的是憂鬱情緒,"不期望我目標落差"對應的是焦慮情緒。   最後,本論文根據研究所得的結果進行討論,並說明本研究的限制及對未來的研究提出一些建議。 目 錄 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………..1 第一節 緣由…………………………………………………………..1 第二節 不同類型的自我結構………………………………………..4 第三節 中國人的自我結構…………………………………………..7 第四節 自我落差理論……….……………………………………..13 第五節 影響自我知識系統發展的因素…………………………….15 第六節 中國父母對孩子的教養、教化方式……………………….20 第七節 中國孩子習得的「自我引導標準」類型………………….24 第八節 中國孩子的「自我引導標準」的來源…………………….26 第九節 「學業成就」對台灣國中生的影響……………………...30 第十節 研究問題…………………………………………………..31 第二章 研究方法……………………………………………………….32 第一節 研究對象…………………………………………………..32 第二節 研究工具…………………………………………………..34 第三節 研究步驟…………………………………………………..38 第四節 目標達成的落差、目標間差異程度的估計..…………..40 第五節 資料分析…………………………………………………..45 第三章 結果分析與討論 第一節 國中生的「期望我」、「不期望我」的具體內容………..46 第二節 背景屬性變項在憂鬱程度、焦慮程度上的差異………..52 第三節 國中生在各變項的反應情形……………………………..55 第四節 各類研究變項、憂鬱及焦慮之間的相關………………..62 第五節 各類變項對全體受試憂鬱情緒的預測…………………..66 第六節 各類變項對全體受試焦慮情緒的預測…………………..71 第四章 結論、討論與建議 第一節 結論、討論………………………………………………..74 第二節 本研究之限制及未來研究的建議………………………..84 參考文獻…..………………………………………………………………..87中文部份..…………………………………………………………….…….87 英文部份…..………………………………………………………………..88 附錄一 CDI量表原出版者同意函………………………………………. 附錄二 自我問卷一………………………………………………..……. 附錄三 自我問卷二……………………………………………..….…. 附錄四 反義詞的判定………………………………………………….. 表目次 表次 表2-1 各背景變項之樣本分配的情形………………………………….33 表3-1 「期望我」內容……………………………………………………48 表3-2 「不期望我」內容…………………………………………………49 表3-3 基本背景變項在憂鬱程度上的單變量統計分析………………………53 表3-4 基本背景變項在焦慮程度上的單變量統計分析………………………54 表3-5 全體受試在各類「期望我目標落差」上的平均數及標準差……57 表3-6 不同成績受試,在各類「期望我目標落差」上的平均數、標準差, 及變異數分析結果…………………………………………………57 表3-7 全體受試在各類「不期望我目標落差」上的平均數及標準差…58 表3-8 不同成績受試,在各類「不期望我目標落差」上的平均數、標準 差,及變異數分析結果……………………………………………58 表3-9 在「期望我」上,全體受試在各立場差異程度的平均數及標準差…..60 表3-10 在「期望我」上,不同成績受試在各立場差異程度上的平均數、標準 差,及變異數分析結果…………………………………………………60 表3-11 在「不期望我」上,各立場差異程度的平均數及標準差……………61 表3-12 在「不期望我」上,不同成績受試在各立場差異程度上的平均數、標 準差,及變異數分析結果………………………………………………61 表3-13 各類變項、憂鬱、焦慮之間的相關…………………………….62 表3-14 各「期望我目標落差」、憂鬱、焦慮之間的相關…………………….64 表3-15 各「不期望我目標落差」之間的相關…………………………………64 表3-16 各「不同立場期望我的差異程度」、憂鬱、焦慮之間的相關……….64 表3-17 各「不同立場不期望我的差異程度」、憂鬱、焦慮之間的相關…….65 表3-18 各背景變項、AD、AU、BD、BU對全體受試憂鬱情緒的迴歸分析……………67 表3-19 各背景變項、目標落差、立場差異對全體受試憂鬱情緒的迴歸分析…………….70 表3-20 各背景變項、AD、AU、BD、BU對全體受試焦慮情緒的迴歸分析……………72 表3-21 各背景變項、AD、AU、BD、BU對全體受試焦慮情緒的迴歸分析……………73 / The purpose of this study is to understand the factors of academic scores, actual: desired discrepancy, desired/own: desired/other discrepancy, desired/other: desired/other discrepancy, actual: undesired discrepancy, undesired/own: undesired/other discrepancy, undesired/other: undesired/other discrepancy (the standpoint of self: own, parent, teacher, friend), in predicting of depression, anxiety of the junior high school students in Taiwan. In the meanwhile to see if different types of self-discrepancy (actual: desired discrepancy, actual: undesired discrepancy) matching with certain types of psychological disturbances (depression and anxiety)? The sample students are 278 Tien-Mu Junior High School students, included the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students, 132 male and 145 female (with 1 turn in blank). The research tool applied in this study are "Selves questionnaire", "Children's Depression Inventory, CDI", "Beck Anxiety Inventory, BAI", "Product-movement Correlation", and "Hierarchical Multiple Regression". The research finds, score has the predictive ability toward the depression degree of the junior high students in Taiwan, and the "actual/own: desired/parent discrepancy" has the next predictive ability beside score. But score has no predictive ability toward the anxiety of the junior high students, the "actual/own: undesired/parent discrepancy" has. The results also tell (1) there are close relationship between "parents expectation and admonish" and students' psychological disturbance. (2) Different types of discrepancy matching certain psychological disturbance indeed, the "actual: desired discrepancy" matches depression, and the "actual: undesired discrepancy matches anxiety. By end, this paper has some discussions according to the research findings, also states the limitation of this research, and the suggestions for the further studies.


何祐寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為瞭解女性罹患憂鬱症及復原的歷程,與家庭系統的相互影響關係;及其復原歷程中有助於復原的因素,採質性的研究設計,以深度訪談法訪問三位20至30歲曾罹患憂鬱症、目前已復原的女性。 研究結果發現:在其生病前,家庭中皆有不穩定的夫妻次系統,充滿衝突且關係疏離的父女次系統,受訪者心理層面感到不被支持的母女次系統,疏離的手足次系統,僵化三人組的出現,以及過於糾纏或僵化的界限。她們的自我分化過低,與家中其他成員的連結薄弱,心理距離疏遠,處於一個不被支持的位置。同時,在她們心中都有很深刻、覺得難以原諒的情緒,而這些情緒在這樣的家庭互動型態中,更加無法抒解。 在她們復原後,家庭結構中不穩定的夫妻次系統,及僵化三人組的情形沒有很大的改變。而家庭系統中有助於復原的因素有:(1) 開放的系統:家庭與外界的連結增強,不論是教會或醫療體系的資源都能協助減輕家庭中的壓力。(2)個人良好的自我分化帶動系統的轉變:從生病到復原的過程中,她們經由與其他成員的互動、對話、及嘗試獨立過程,自我分化增強,開始能體會父母的心情,放下原本難以諒解的情緒,與父親的關係變得緩和,與母親或手足的連結增強。(3) 清楚的界限:與其他成員的心理距離調整到較適當的位置,不再過於疏離而無法得到支持,或過於糾纏而直接承擔太多其他次系統而來的壓力。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the process that begins from a woman having depression disorder to her recovery, the relationship between her and her family, and the factors which are good for her recovery. The method of qualitative research and in-depth interviewing are adopted to collect data. Interviewees are three unmarried women who are twenty to thirty, and they have already recovered from their depression. The results show that: Before the women get depressed, their family suffers from the unstable spouse subsystem; the father-child subsystem is distressed; the mother-child subsystem can not get support; the sibling sub-system is estranged; the rigid triad evolves, and the boundary of the family is over enmeshment or disengagement. The degree of the interviewees’ self-differentiation is low; the link between their family and they is weak. They are psychologically distant from their family so they would be unsupported in their family. At the same time, their complex emotion is even harder to be released in this family interacting pattern. After they recovered, the unstable spouse subsystem and the rigid triad would not disappear. However, the family system does change. Factors associated with recovery are: (1) open system: the link between the family and the environment are stronger. Resources from churches or medical system can moderate the pressure from the family system. (2) individual’s self-differentiation urges the change of the family structure: interacting with their family members and endeavoring to seek their independence , they undergo more complete process of self-differentiation. They began to relieve their bitter; they improve their relationship with their father; the link with their mother gets stronger. (3) clear boundary: the psychological distance between the family members and they adjust to a proper situation. The interviewees stop overly disengaging from their family, so they can get support. Meanwhile, they also don’t overly entangle with their family, so they no longer bear directly the pressure from other subsystems.


陳香凝 Unknown Date (has links)
工作權係為人類之基本人權,因此,各國政府莫不致力於加強身心障礙者各項權益之保障與人力資源之開發,而我國政府亦然。近年來,由於慢性精神病患人數不斷逐年的增加,且其中之憂鬱症更被視為是現代人的文明病。因此,如何面對社會上不斷加增的慢性精神病患者,並試著給予其就業權適度的保障是政府與社會大眾無法逃避的責任與情況。事實上,目前已有許多的研究顯示,諸多種類的精神疾病(例如憂鬱症)都是可以治癒且癒後良好的疾病,只要經過適當的治療,病人便能如正常人一般的正常工作與生活,更能為社會貢獻其一己之力。可惜,由於我國政府對於慢性精神疾病患者權益保障的各項措施仍感陌生,加上社會大眾普遍存有的刻板印象,造成慢性精神病患者就業率與工作待遇普遍偏低的歧視現象。因此,對於慢性精神疾病患者就業權益之保障方面,我國政府著實仍有許多需要改善之處。 本文期望藉由法規與文獻的探討,配合訪談資料的分析,來發現慢性精神病患者(特別是憂鬱症患者),在就業保障方面的問題,並試著提出改進之建議。因此,各章的內容如下:第一章安排基本的研究架構,第二章則從事相關理論的探討,第三章係整理所蒐集到的各國情況,而於第四章中進行相關個案的訪談,最後在第五章中歸納出結論,並試著提出建議。深切期望我國除了致力於經濟之發展,亦能重視弱勢團體的需要,促進慢性精神病患者回歸社區,並進而使其能在社區中有尊嚴的生活和工作。


王韻齡 Unknown Date (has links)

憂鬱症的美麗與哀愁:名人VS非名人的憂鬱症新聞報導再現 / The Beauty and the Sadness of Depression- How Newspapers Present the News of Celebrities and non-celebrities with Depression

吳孟津, Wu, Meng Chin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來名人罹患憂鬱症,甚至因憂鬱症自殺導致死亡的消息不斷見報,使得媒體對於憂鬱症的報導大幅度增加,也引起了大眾對此類精神疾病的高度重視,但每篇新聞再現的憂鬱症樣貌似乎並不一致。故本研究欲探討在憂鬱症漸受媒體與輿論重視的大環境裡,媒體如何形塑「憂鬱症」此特定精神疾病?對於憂鬱症論述的消息來源引用為何?不一樣的消息來源呈現了什麼樣的報導輪廓?報導語氣偏向正面溫馨還是負面?呈現憂鬱症的醫學真實與社會真實的情形為何?而在不同新聞主角身分是否會導致報導方式及面貌呈現差異? 本研究嘗試以2003年5月1日《蘋果日報》發刊為起點,至2006年12月31日止,四年內《蘋果日報》與《中國時報》的憂鬱症新聞為樣本,共取1,371則新聞,用內容分析法檢視兩報憂鬱症新聞如何呈現憂鬱症,並觀察此類新聞報導有何特性。 研究結果發現,憂鬱症新聞的版面分佈會因報別、主角身份呈現差異。《蘋果日報》憂鬱症新聞較常出現在頭版、影視娛樂版、生活消費版、論壇版,且其名人新聞亦較《中國時報》多;而《中國時報》憂鬱症新聞則較常出現在健康醫療版與地方版。在新聞性質方面,《蘋果日報》評論類新聞較《中國時報》多,但卻不因主角身份而有異。 憂鬱症新聞主要議題裡,兩報各議題排名順序雖小有差異,達統計顯著,但皆以「非以憂鬱症為主軸的議題」新聞為最多,而名人新聞有較非名人高許多的比例,新聞內文出現和憂鬱症無關聯的議題。 消息來源方面,《蘋果日報》引用憂鬱症患者本身與親友話語的比例比《中國時報》高許多,《中國時報》則仍注重「專業人士」話語的援引;名人新聞超過一半以上引用患病者話語,然而非名人新聞卻是患者與專業人士話語並重。 在生物醫學模式呈現方面,《中國時報》提供較多關於「醫師診斷」、「就醫後之果」、「非醫學治療後之果」、與「預防」的資訊;尤其是名人新聞出現「醫師診斷」與「就醫後之果」兩項目的比例,較非名人新聞低。其餘生物醫學模式呈現和憂鬱症社會真實各面向所造成的報別和主角身份差異則不大。

生命故事中自傳式理解與心理適應間關係之探討 / Exploration of the relationship between autobiographical reasoning and psychological adaptation

張心俞, Chang, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用生命故事中自傳式理解作為媒介,探討個體自我瞭解與心理適應的關係如何於生命故事中展現,由處理層面(認知努力、處理結果)、主題內容(救贖化歷程、汙染化歷程、生發主題、共群主題)切入,探索自傳式理解的不同面向與正/負向心理適應狀態間之關聯性;另一方面,追蹤參與者一年後的心理適應狀態,探討自傳式理解能否預測未來心理適應。本研究採用生命故事訪問法進行訪問,第一年收集48名大學生之生命故事與心理適應狀態量表(希望感/憂鬱)、第二年追蹤42名大學生之心理適應狀態,將訪問內容謄為逐字稿後,針對處理層面及主題內容進行內容分析的計分。研究結果顯示:(一)處理層面中之認知努力程度雖與第一年心理適應狀態無顯著相關或解釋力,但卻對第二年憂鬱程度有顯著解釋力,換言之當個體投入越多的心力在思考自我與過往事件的關聯,則其第二年憂鬱分數越低;處理結果與第一年心理適應有顯著相關,甚至對第一年希望感有顯著解釋力,但無法有效預測第二年希望感與憂鬱分數。(二)主題內容中救贖化/污染化歷程與第一年心理適應狀態皆有顯著相關,與過往研究結果相似,迴歸分析顯示污染化歷程對第一年憂鬱有顯著解釋力,但兩者亦無法顯著預測第二年心理適應狀態;生發、共群主題與第一年心理適應狀態無顯著相關,亦無法有效預測第二年心理適應分數。最後,針對研究結果進行討論並提出臨床上的運用、研究限制與未來研究方向之建議。 / In the present research, autobiographical reasoning (AR) was used to examine the relation between self-understanding and psychological adaptation. This research focused on the process aspect (cognitive effort, process outcome), and the content aspect (redemption/contamination sequences, agency, communal) of AR to explore the relation to psychological adaptation. Also, participants’ psychological adaptation (hope, depression) was followed a year later to test whether AR could predict future psychological adaptation. Life story interview was used to collect 48 college students’ stories in the first year (time 1), and 42 of them were followed in the second year (time 2). Results showed that (1) the relation between cognitive effort and T1 psychological adaptation wasn’t statistically significant. However, cognitive effort could predict T2 depression. The more effort participants put on thinking connections between past events and the inner self, the less depression level they are in the next year. Process outcome was significantly correlated with T1 psychological adaptation, but it could not predict T2 psychological adaptation. (2) Redemption/contamination sequences were significantly correlated with T1 psychological adaptation. Further, contamination sequences could predict T1 depression. But redemption and contamination sequences could not predict T2 psychological adaptation. On the other hand, agency and communal themes neither correlated with T1 psychological adaptation, nor predicted T2 psychological adaptation. Finally, implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒在自傳式記憶特性之探討 / Self-reflection, self-rumination and depressive mood on recall of autobiographical memories.

劉令恬, Liu, Le Tien Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻顯示憂鬱反芻與憂鬱有緊密關連,憂鬱反芻的概念又可區分為不具適應性與較具適應性的部分(Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003),但這兩者與憂鬱情緒的關係至今尚未有定論。在非臨床樣本中,高自我聚焦並非都是缺乏適應性的,高自我聚焦程度加上情緒一致的回憶特質,容易維持憂鬱情緒,反之加上情緒不一致性的回憶特質,則較能回憶正向記憶,具有較佳的情緒調節能力。為探討情緒、反芻與記憶特性的關係,本研究採用Trapnell和Campbell(1999)架構將自我聚焦分為自我反思與自我反芻兩個次分類,探討不同自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒在自傳式記憶的特性表現上有何差異。其中以簡短指導語版的自傳式記憶測驗工具(MI-AMT)做為測量工具,增加在非臨床樣本中測驗自傳式記憶的敏感度。 本研究第一階段以545位大學、研究所學生為樣本,發展本地適用的中文版反思反芻量表,第二階段則從階段一的反思反芻程度、憂鬱程度高低中篩選出117位受試者,檢驗不同自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒之自傳式記憶特性差異。 研究結果顯示(1)中文版自我反思反芻量表與簡短指導語版自傳式記憶測驗工具具有足夠心理計量特性,可用以測量相關概念與量化記憶特性。(2)憂鬱情緒程度高者具有自傳式記憶特定性低、過度概化記憶程度高的特性,與過去文獻符合。另外,反芻與反思在自傳式記憶的表現則相似性高,在同處於高憂鬱情緒類別,高反芻者並無顯著回憶出較少特定記憶、較多過度概化記憶,高反思者亦無顯著回憶出較多正向特定記憶、較少正向過度概化記憶;這些結果與Svaldi(2008)無法驗證研究假設的結果相同。 / Literature review shows that depressive rumination sustains depressed mood. Depressive rumination could separate into maladaptive and adaptive subcomponents (Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003), but the relationship of them and depressive mood is unstable. In non-clinical sample, high self-focus is not always relates to maladaptive. When it combines with mood-congruent autobiographical memory sustain negative mood easily. People with mood-incongruent effect will recall more positive autobiographical memory, has better emotional regulation. The present study tried to examine the relationship between emotion, rumination and autobiographical memory. Divided self-focus into self-reflection and self-rumination (Trapnell & Campbell, 1999), investigated the differential characteristic of autobiographical memory in different self-focus (ruminative and reflective) and depressive mood (high and low). In addition, we used Minimal Instructions Autobiographical Memory Test to measure memory specificity in non-clinical populations. Study one aimed to validate the Chinese version of Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire, recruit 545 graduate and undergraduate students as sample. Study two investigated the differential characteristic of autobiographical memory in self-focus and depressive mood with 117 students chosen from study one. The results revealed that: 1) the Chinese version of RRQ showed satisfactory psychometric properties. 2) High depressive mood is significantly associated with reduced AM specificity and induced overgeneral memory, this result supported pass researches. Otherwise, autobiographical memory’s characteristic in self-rumination and self-reflection are quite the same. In high depressive mood, high self-ruminator did not have lower autobiographical memory specificity, and more overgeneral memory. High self-reflector did not have more positive specific autobiographical memory, and less positive overgeneral memory. These two result didn’t support assumption, but matched to Svaldi’s (2008) result.

新北市國小校長工作壓力、復原力與憂鬱行為表現之研究 / The study of New Taipei City elementary school principal’s work pressure, recover ability, and melancholia behaviors

周佩姿 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國小校長的工作壓力、復原力及憂鬱行為表現間的關係,乃以新北市203所國小校長為研究對象,經運用國小校長工作壓力量表、成人復原力量表及柯氏憂鬱量表等研究工具,獲得所需資料,再以描述統計、t檢定、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析以及階層迴歸分析等方法,進行統計分析,主要研究結果如下: 1、新北市國小校長工作壓力屬中下程度,其中以「角色期許」工作壓力的感受最低。 2、新北市國小校長復原力屬中上程度,其中以「家庭團結」復原力的表現最好。 3、將近1/5新北市國小校長有輕度以上憂鬱行為表現。 4、不同背景變項之新北市國小校長,其「整體工作壓力」與憂鬱行為表現間呈現顯著低度正相關的關係,其中以「角色期許」工作壓力與憂鬱行為表現的相關最高。 5、不同背景變項之新北市國小校長,其「整體復原力」與憂鬱行為表現間,呈現顯著中度負相關的關係,其中以「社會資源」復原力與憂鬱行為表現間的相關最高。 6、「角色期許」工作壓力可以有效預測新北市國小校長的憂鬱行為表現。 7、「社會資源」及「個人強度」復原力可以有效預測新北市國小校長的憂鬱行為表現。 8、「家庭團結」復原力最能有效預測男性、學校地區為板橋三重分區之新北市國小校長其 憂鬱行為表現。 9、「內部壓力」工作壓力最能有效預測女性、校長年資13年以上之新北市國小校長的憂鬱行為表現。 10、「社會資源」復原力最能有效預測45歲以下、51歲以下、校長年資4年以下、學校規模12班以下之新北市國小校長的憂鬱行為表現。 11、「社交能力」復原力最能有效預測46至50歲、校長年資5至8年、學校地區為新莊雙和分區之新北市國小校長的憂鬱行為表現。 12、「未來組織風格」復原力最能有效預測新北市國小校長年資9至12年、學校地區為七星淡水瑞芳分區之新北市國小校長其憂鬱行為表現。 13、「上級壓力」工作壓力最能有效預測學校規模13至24班之新北市國小校長的憂鬱行為表現。 14、「個人強度」復原力最能有效預測學校規模25班以上、學校地區為三鶯文山分區之新北市國小校長的憂鬱行為表現。 15、新北市國小校長的復原力,能在其工作壓力與憂鬱行為表現間帶來調節作用。

憂鬱傾向者之微博書寫分析 / Search for Depress Tendency: An Analysis on Chinese Micro-Blog Texts

任喆鸝, Ren, Zhe Li Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試透過社群媒體微博進行憂鬱書寫識別,主要期望回答兩方面的問題:(一)中國憂鬱人群之社群媒體書寫特質為何?(二)如何透過該書寫特質識別更多的憂鬱文本? 透過對十位已確認之憂鬱症患者之微博關係圈進行滾雪球,發現 127憂鬱傾向者,共爬取憂鬱傾向者之微博文本20748則,作為文本分析之數據集,並運用內容分析、質化分析、詞頻分析及詞語共現等多種方法分析文本。 分析結果顯示:(1)透過對文本進行語調、情緒、主題及憂鬱程度的編碼後,我們發現憂鬱傾向者在微博之書寫含62%的負面語調及25.1%的憂鬱文本,其中,負面及憂鬱程度較高的書寫主題是「自我」、「親情」、「自殺」及「睡眠障礙」。(2)深入對「自我」及「親情」憂鬱書寫的質化分析後,發現他們不同於一般人的心理特質,其中,「自我厭惡」及「不被理解」是他們心中最難以釋懷的角落。(3)由於「自殺」、「睡眠障礙」屬於憂鬱人群特徵,經過分析發現透過主題關聯詞的共現詞組有助於辨識憂鬱人群,其中,「睡眠障礙」共現詞的憂鬱文本辨識度達74%,「自殺」共現詞的憂鬱文本辨識度達34%,未來透過機器的方式,可進一步優化該方法,提升憂鬱文本的辨識度。 / This research aims to answer the following questions:(1)What are the characteristics of micro-blog writing by the depressed tendency people? (2)How to identify the text in social media? Ten Wei-bo users with identified depressed tendency were chosen as starting points of snow-ball searching, and 127 users were located. A total of 20748 messages from this group of the users was collected as the dataset. Multiple methods were applied to analyze the texts: content analysis, qualitative text analysis, word frequency analysis and word co-occurrence. The result indicated that: (1)Through the coding of the text tone, mood, theme and degree of depression, we find out that in micro blog writing, the depressive tendency uses 62% of the negative tone and 25.1% of the blue text. Among them, higher negative and degree of depression of writing subjects are "self", "family", "suicide" and "sleep disorder". (2)Through deep qualitative analysis of "self" and "affection" depressed writing, the "self loathing" and "don't understand" in their mind are the most unforgettable. (3)Because the depressed people have the features of "suicide" and "sleep disorder", through the analysis, we find that through theme related words, it is helpful in the identification of the depression text. Among them, the "sleep disorders" co-occurrence words depressed text identification is up to 74%, and "suicide" co-occurrence words depressed text identification degree is 34 %.In the future, through the computer, we can further optimize the method, and enhance the degree of identification of depression text.

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