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被看重知覺對復原力啟動之研究-以高中課業壓力與身心健康關係為例汪敏慧, Wang, Min Hui Unknown Date (has links)
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危機管理對組織績效之影響-以航空業為例孫慧君 Unknown Date (has links)
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大學生自尊、同儕關係對復原力與幸福感的影響 / The effect of self-esteem and friendship on resilience and well-being for college students朱玲慧, Chu, Ling Hui Unknown Date (has links)
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家庭系統與未婚女性罹患憂鬱症及復原歷程之探討何祐寧 Unknown Date (has links)
在她們復原後,家庭結構中不穩定的夫妻次系統,及僵化三人組的情形沒有很大的改變。而家庭系統中有助於復原的因素有:(1) 開放的系統:家庭與外界的連結增強,不論是教會或醫療體系的資源都能協助減輕家庭中的壓力。(2)個人良好的自我分化帶動系統的轉變:從生病到復原的過程中,她們經由與其他成員的互動、對話、及嘗試獨立過程,自我分化增強,開始能體會父母的心情,放下原本難以諒解的情緒,與父親的關係變得緩和,與母親或手足的連結增強。(3) 清楚的界限:與其他成員的心理距離調整到較適當的位置,不再過於疏離而無法得到支持,或過於糾纏而直接承擔太多其他次系統而來的壓力。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the process that begins from a woman having depression disorder to her recovery, the relationship between her and her family, and the factors which are good for her recovery. The method of qualitative research and in-depth interviewing are adopted to collect data. Interviewees are three unmarried women who are twenty to thirty, and they have already recovered from their depression.
The results show that: Before the women get depressed, their family suffers from the unstable spouse subsystem; the father-child subsystem is distressed; the mother-child subsystem can not get support; the sibling sub-system is estranged; the rigid triad evolves, and the boundary of the family is over enmeshment or disengagement. The degree of the interviewees’ self-differentiation is low; the link between their family and they is weak. They are psychologically distant from their family so they would be unsupported in their family. At the same time, their complex emotion is even harder to be released in this family interacting pattern.
After they recovered, the unstable spouse subsystem and the rigid triad would not disappear. However, the family system does change. Factors associated with recovery are: (1) open system: the link between the family and the environment are stronger. Resources from churches or medical system can moderate the pressure from the family system. (2) individual’s self-differentiation urges the change of the family structure: interacting with their family members and endeavoring to seek their independence , they undergo more complete process of self-differentiation. They began to relieve their bitter; they improve their relationship with their father; the link with their mother gets stronger. (3) clear boundary: the psychological distance between the family members and they adjust to a proper situation. The interviewees stop overly disengaging from their family, so they can get support. Meanwhile, they also don’t overly entangle with their family, so they no longer bear directly the pressure from other subsystems.
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單親幼童家長復原力探究 / Study of the resilience in single parents with small children柳曉諠 Unknown Date (has links)
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新北市國小校長工作壓力、復原力與憂鬱行為表現之研究 / The study of New Taipei City elementary school principal’s work pressure, recover ability, and melancholia behaviors周佩姿 Unknown Date (has links)
8、「家庭團結」復原力最能有效預測男性、學校地區為板橋三重分區之新北市國小校長其 憂鬱行為表現。
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高中職藝術群教師工作壓力、復原力及幸福感之研究 / The Research on the Work Stress, Resilience and Well-being of the Arts Field Teachers of High or Vocational School張玲玲 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 高中職藝術群教師工作壓力屬中下程度,其中以「工作負荷」的工作壓力感受程度最高,「教學輔導」次之。其復原力屬中上程度,其中以「社會資源」復原力得分最高。高中職藝術群教師幸福感屬中上程度。
二、 背景變項不同之高中職藝術群教師工作壓力、復原力及幸福感的差異為:
6.學校規模方面,「49班(含)以上」之高中職藝術群教師 整體工作壓力及「組
三、 不同背景變項之高中職藝術群教師,其工作壓力、復原力與幸福感間的關係為:
四、 高中職藝術群教師的工作壓力、復原力與幸福感的解釋力:
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臨床精神醫療的技術結構與時間結構:以一個慢性病房的復健過程為例 / The Technical structure and temporal structure in the clinical psychiatry:An Analysis of the recovering of a case with chronic ward孔健中, Kung, Chien Chung Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:臨床精神醫療、技術結構、時間結構、慢性病房、復原 / Abstract
This study aims to explore the criterion of observation in modern psychiatric team’s madness observing, and to explore what is the basis of the criterion of observation. The research methods involved field observation and qualitative interviews. The data analyses were phenomenological methods.
The major findings suggested that the clinical psychiatric team use a special technology in diagnosis which they observe madness phenomena in a schedule, and they set the target of curing for the time of observation and treatment. The target of curing is being setted to maintain a stable situation of symptom.To achieve the goal of recovery, modern psychiatry would place emphasis on one’s ability of adapting to norms of the society. In the beginning of recovering, medication would be used to keep patients' condition in a stable situation. Secondly, the whole team of treatment needs a comprehensive plan to guide themselves. In a way of "location", "orientation" and "connection", doctors and nurses ask patients to pass through a "threshold", and turn the process of treatment into the process of passing through. To find out a "breakthrough point " will be the first important thing in recovering, it is the roadmap of teaching a patient to form new habits by making an appointments, punishing and keeping a watchful eye on her or him. Once the patient has really proved herself or himself the ability of adapting to the society , it is the time for her or him to leave the hospital and go home.
The results of the study may help psychiatric team members to rethink the strategies of treatment and to the possible benefits of understanding the modern culture which belongs to us.
Key words: Clinical Psychiatry, Technical Structure, temporal structure
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國小教務主任工作壓力、復原力及幸福感之研究-以桃竹苗四縣市為例 / The study of working stress, resilience and well-being of the academic directors of elementary school-taking examples in Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city, and Maioli county鄒家芸 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,依本研究所獲結論,分別對國小教務主任、教育行政主管機關及後續未來研究者提出相關建議。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the work stress, resilience and well-being of the academic directors of Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli counties elementary schools; the differences in work stress, resilience and well-being among academic directors from different background profiles; the correlations of the differences in work stress, resilience and well-being; the predictions from stress and resilience to well-being; and the effects of resilience between work stress and well-being.
The samples of this research are the academic directors from Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli counties plus Hsinchu city elementary schools. The research tools used are: “The work stress scale for academic directors of elementary school”; the Chinese version of "Adult resilience table"; and "The questionnaire of happiness for Chinese".
A total of 424 questionnaires were sent out, and 356 valid samples collected. The data were analyzed by T test, One-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, Stepwise regression and Hierarchical regression analysis. In the end, there are five conclusions:
1.The work stress of academic directors from Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli is classified as medium low. Among all the work stress, the one due to administrative affairs is the highest. The resilience is classified as medium high, and family unity is highest among all. The well-being is classified as medium high.
2.The findings in differences in work stress, resilience and well-being among academic directors from different background profiles are:
i. The overall resilience and the resilience from society resouces for
females are higher than males.
ii. The work stress due to professional capability is higher in the group of age 40 and under than age 46 and above.
iii. The work stress due to professional capability is higher in the graduates from 4-year colleges than those with master degree.
iv. The resilience from family unity is higher in married group than
in singles.
v. The work stress due to personal relationship is higher in goup
with 16 to 20 years working experience compare to those with 21
or more years of experience;the work stress due to professional capability is higher in goup with less than 10 years working
experience compare to those with 21 or more years of experience.
vi. There is no significant difference in work stress, resilience, and
well-being due to the size of schools.
vii. There is no significant difference in work stress, resilience, and
well-being due to the locations of schools.
3.The correlations of differences in work stress, resilience and well-being among academic directors from different background profiles are:
i. All academic directors’ overall work stress are negatively
correlated to every subscale and well-being.
ii. All academic directors’ overall resilience are positively correlated
to every subscale and well-being.
4.The explanation findings from this research in work stress, resilience and well-being of academic directors in elementary schools are:
i. The two variables in work stress that can resolve 27.0% total
variance in explaining the well-being of academic directors are: role
conflict and personal relationship.
ii. The three variables in resilience that can resolve 46.1% total
variance in explaining the well-being of academic directors are:
dictatorship, organizing style and sociability in resilience.
iii. The five variables that can resolve 50.9% total variance in
explaining the well-being of academic directors are:
dictatorship in resilience, role conflict in work stress,
organizing style in resilience, sociability in resilience and
administration load in work stress.
iv. The well-being can be predicted from work stress and resilience of
different background profiles. The predictability is highest on
single academic directors whose resilience from organizing style
can resolve 68.7% total variance in explaining their well-being.
5.The resilience these academic directors possess can adjust their work stress and well-being.
In the end, according to the conclusions of this research, there are suggestions made to Education Administration, the school administration and to academic directors.
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自尊、人際關係、復原力與大學生的憂鬱行為表現 / A study of self-esteem, interpersonal relationship, resilience and depression of university students曾筱恬 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 大學生之整體復原力大致良好;尤其在社會資源、家庭團結、社交能力、未來組織風格以及個人強度等方面的復原力,均有良好的表現。
2. 大學生輕度至中度憂鬱者佔全體大學生的48.10%,且2/3以上的大學生有輕度以上的憂鬱行為表現。
3. 女大學生的「家庭團結」與「社會資源」的復原力表現較男大學生佳。
4. 不同性別、年級的大學生,其自尊與整體復原力之間,均存有顯著中度正相關的關係;而其自尊與憂鬱行為表現之間,均存有顯著中度負相關的關係。
5. 女大學生及大一學生的自尊與「個人強度」復原力之間,存有顯著高度正相關的關係。
6. 不同性別、年級的大學生,其人際關係與整體復原力間,存有顯著中度正相關的關係;而其人際關係與憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著低度負相關的關係。
7. 「自尊」最能有效預測不同性別、年級之大學生的整體復原力及憂鬱行為表現。
8. 人際關係的「自我揭露度」,為預測男女大學生及大一學生復原力的第二高變項。
9. 人際關係的「和諧度」能顯著預測大三學生的復原力。
10. 人際關係的「合作度」,能預測男大學生與年級不同大學生的憂鬱行為表現。
11. 「個人強度」復原力最能預測女大學生及大一學生的憂鬱行為表現。
12. 「社會資源」復原力可預測男大學生與大一學生的憂鬱行為表現。
13. 不同性別、年級大學生的復原力,能在其自尊與憂鬱行為表現間,扮演調節的作用。
14. 不同性別、年級大學生的復原力,能在其人際關係與憂鬱行為表現間,扮演調節的作用。
本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between the university students’ self-esteem, interpersonal relationship, resilience and depression. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the university students in Taiwan, and the valid sample size was 558. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The major results of the study are as follows.
1. The university students’ resilience and its factors including social resource resilience, family solidarity resilience, social skill resilience, future organizational style resilience and personal strength resilience were all above the medium level.
2. There were 48.1 percent of university students had mild to moderate depression, and two-thirds of university students had mild depression to severe depression.
3. Female students’ family solidarity resilience and social resource resilience were higher than male students.
4. Significant moderate positive correlations were found between university students’ self-esteem and resilience no matter what gender or grade they were. And there were significant moderate negative correlations between their self-esteem and depression.
5. Significant highly positive correlations were found between both female and freshman students’ self-esteem and personal strength resilience.
6. Significant moderate positive correlations were found between university students’ interpersonal relationship and resilience no matter what gender or grade they were. And there were significant moderate negative correlations between their interpersonal relationship and depression.
7. Self-esteem was the most predictive variable of university students’ resilience and depression.
8. The self-disclosure factor of interpersonal relationship was the second predictive variable of resilience of freshman students and both male and female students.
9. The harmonious factor of interpersonal relationship was the most predictive variable of junior students’ resilience.
10. The cooperation factor of interpersonal relationship was the most predictive variable of depression of male students and both freshman and junior students.
11. The personal strength resilience was the most predictive variable of depression of both female and freshman students.
12. The social resource resilience could valid predict both male and freshman students’ depression.
13. The resilience of university students had moderate effect between their self-esteem and depression no matter what gender or grade they were.
14. The resilience of university students had moderate effect between their interpersonal relationship and depression no matter what gender or grade they were.
Both academic and practical implications based on the findings and discussions had been provided for the reference of future studies.
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