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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

反芻的多向度對大學生情緒變化的影響 / The impact of multidimensional rumination on mood fluctuation for college students

涂珮瓊, PEI CHIUNG TU Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究旨在探討心理反芻思考對個體情緒變化的影響,在類同於Nolen-Hoeksema的前瞻式連續測量架構下劃分不同情緒困擾的時段(整體分析、嚴重又長期情緒不佳的日子、負向情緒發作期),並以Fritz之多向度反芻觀點:功用性反芻、情緒焦點反芻以及意義尋找反芻為切入點,試圖釐清反芻在情緒復原中所扮演的角色利弊。本研究以一般非創傷性的負向事件為研究背景,選取156名大學生在連續十二天的研究設計中,每天測量三類反芻出現的頻率、情緒強度和情緒維持的時間。研究結果顯示,不同內容焦點的反芻思考對事件挫敗後之情緒變化有其獨特的影響效果。整體平均來說,功用性反芻有助於負向情緒的緩解、情緒焦點反芻會增強負向情緒感受、意義尋找反芻則是增加負向情緒維持的時間;若當天處在長期又嚴重情緒不佳日子中時,功用性反芻似有維持正向情緒的效用、情緒焦點反芻則是惡化當天的負向情緒強度、意義尋找反芻則有延長當天負向情緒時間的趨勢;若連續處在長期且嚴重情緒不佳的日子中,功用性反芻對情緒變化並無影響、情緒焦點反芻則是延長且惡化此時期的負向情緒狀態、而意義尋找反芻不但會影響負向情緒的狀態,似也會有助於此時期的正向情緒狀態。因此,本研究結果不僅支持內容區分的必要性;也代表著在情緒復原過程中,配合考量到個體所處的情緒困擾時段時,不同內容焦點的反芻思考對情緒變化的影響是有利弊之分的。 / The purpose of this research is to examine the relation between ruminative thought and mood fluctuation. Similar to the Nolen-Hoeksema’s progressive paradigm, we divided the experimental period into three parts, including average days, severely and long-term negative mood days, and negative mood episode. Combined with the Fritz’s viewpoint of multidimensional rumination ─ instrumental rumination, emotional-focused rumination, and meaning-searching rumination, this research attempted to clarify the role of rumination in the process of emotional recovery. According to the negative but non-traumatic events, we selected 156 college students and daily measured the frequency of three types of rumination, mood intensity, and mood duration during the continuous 12 days. The results of this research showed that different content-focused rumination had unique effect on mood fluctuation after suffering a failure. Generally, instrumental rumination helped to reduce negative mood, emotional-focused rumination worsened negative mood, and meaning-searching rumination increased the duration of negative mood. Moreover, in the period of severely and long-term negative mood status, instrumental rumination seemed to maintain the duration of positive mood, emotional-focused rumination still worsened negative mood, and meaning-searching rumination seemed to prolong the duration of negative mood. Besides, in the period of negative mood episode, instrumental ruminative had no effect on mood fluctuation, emotional-focused rumination deteriorated and extended negative mood, and meaning-searching rumination had harmful effect on the negative mood but still had borderline effect on the positive mood. Consequently, the results of this research not only illustrated the necessary of content-discrimination in the rumination, but also showed that different content-focused rumination had separate effect on the mood fluctuation in the process of emotional recovery, when the three different periods of emotional disturbance were considered.

乳癌患者的反芻型態對憂鬱的影響 / The Effects of Brooding and Reflective Pondering on Depression in Breast Cancer Patients

黃荷芳, Huang, Ho Fang Unknown Date (has links)
過去的研究顯示,反芻為憂鬱的危險因子,對憂鬱的發展與維持扮演重要的角色。然而,並不是所有反芻型態都會對個體帶來不利的影響。Treynor, Gonzalez與Nolen-Hoeksema(2003)從反芻反應風格量表中抽取出兩個因素結構:苦惱自責式反芻與深思反省式反芻。苦惱自責式反芻能正向預測憂鬱症狀,而深思反省式則是負向預測憂鬱症狀,為較具適應性的反芻型態。然而,過去文獻在深思反省式反芻上未能獲得一致的結論,可能與研究方法及受到苦惱自責式反芻污染的影響。為釐清深思反省式反芻對乳癌患者而言是否具適應性,本研究欲探討兩類反芻與憂鬱之關聯性,並在控制初始的憂鬱症狀後,檢驗兩類反芻對一年後憂鬱症狀的預測力,最後修正Takano與Tanno(2009)的模型探索兩類反芻之路徑關係如何影響憂鬱。   本研究以立意取樣的方式,追蹤283名乳癌患者,分別於受術後一年(T1)與手術後兩年(T2)進行問卷評量。每位參與者皆需完成知情同意書、背景資料、短版反芻反應風格量表、醫院憂鬱量表。根據研究目的,以相關分析、階層迴歸分析與路徑分析進行假設考驗。   研究結果顯示,苦惱自責式反芻、深思反省式反芻與憂鬱具有同時的正向關聯性。然而,在控制時間點一的憂鬱症狀後,深思反省式反芻則會預測一年後較低的憂鬱症狀,顯示其會帶來適應性的結果,與Treynor, Gonzalez與Nolen-Hoe ksema(2003)的研究結果一致。路徑分析結果發現,苦惱自責式反芻能預測一年後較低的深思反省式反芻與增加憂鬱症狀,但能同時增加深思反省式反芻;深思反省式反芻則能抑制苦惱自責式反芻,無法預測憂鬱症狀。   本研究發現與過去研究結果一致,在乳癌患者樣本上亦能發現兩類反芻具有不同的適應性功能,尤其深思反省式反芻可能透過抑制苦惱自責式反芻來降低一年後的憂鬱症狀,進一步支持反芻反應風格應區分為兩構念進行探討。建議在臨床上可針對乳癌患者進行反芻反應篩檢,以協助判斷患者在憂鬱症狀之預後,並針對高自責式反芻的患者進行心理介入。 / Literature review has shown that rumination is one of risk factors of depression. It plays a crucial rule of developing and sustaining depressive symptoms. However, the different types of rumination may not all lead to depression. Treynor, Gonzalez and Nolen-Hoeksema (2003) have extracted two factors from Ruminative Respon -ses Scale, brooding and reflective pondering. In their study, brooding positively pre -dicts depressive symptoms, but reflective pondering negatively predicts depressive symptoms, depicting that reflective pondering is an adaptive repetitive thinking. Yet, past studies haven’t reached a consensus on reflective pondering. It is probably due to research method and not taking the contamination of brooding into account. For clarifying the possible adaptive characteristic of reflective pondering, the present study examines the relationship between reflective pondering and depression. Furthermore, after controlling T1 depression, the present study explores the prediction of rumination to T2 depression. Last, we examine the predictive paths between brooding and reflective pondering to depression.   Patients were eligible if they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. We survey 283 patients after they had completed operation for a year, and follow-up at one year later. All patients complete the informed consent, the demographic survey, the short version of Ruminative Responses Scale, the Hospital Depression Scale. Analysis are conducted using Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis.   The result revealed that brooding and reflective pondering are positively related to depression at T1. However, after controlling T1 depression, reflective pondering negatively predicted T2 depression. This result indicates that reflective pondering may be an adaptive form of rumination, matched the result of Treynor, Gonzalez and Nolen-Hoeksema (2003). In the result of path analysis, we also found brooding predicts less reflective pondering and more depression after one year, but it concurrently predicts more reflective pondering. On the other hand, reflective pondering predicts less brooding and has no significant impact on depression. The present study supports the finding of Treynor, Gonzalez and Nolen-Hoeksema (2003). In patients with breast cancer, reflective pondering negatively predicts depressive symptoms through reducing brooding. Brooding and reflective pondering are different forms of rumination, the former is more maladaptive and latter is adaptive. According to the study result, we suggest that clinicians screen for the high-brooder, and practice psychological interventions.

探討反芻與因應在失功能態度與憂鬱關係之可能影響 / Exploration of the possible effects of rumination and coping on the relationship between dysfunctional attitudes and depressive symptoms

陳亭君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討反芻與因應對於失功能態度及憂鬱情緒之關係的影響,欲藉由此議題的探討,了解在憂鬱症預防的臨床實務工作中,除了改善個人具有的失功能態度外,尚存在其他可介入調整的有效因子為何。 過去研究顯示,具有失功能態度的人,不一定會具有憂鬱情緒,二者的關係可能受到其他因素的影響。近期研究者認為,反芻可能擴大失功能態度對憂鬱情緒的效果,對於失功能態度與憂鬱情緒之關係,反芻可能扮演中介因子或調節因子的角色,本研究將以反省式反芻與自責式反芻作為反芻概念的探討。 另一方面,反芻被認為與問題解決有關,並且反芻作為一種情緒反應型態,亦可視為對於負向情緒的一種因應方式,因此,本研究納入因應之概念一同探討。過去研究顯示,反芻與因應之間可能存在中介關係或者調節關係,本研究將以主動因應與被動因應作為因應概念的探討。 本研究從過去的研究觀點,整合失功能態度、反芻、因應與憂鬱情緒之間可能存在的關係,發現存在三種不同的型態,分別為失功能態度、反芻與因應的交互作用效果、將反芻作為一認知特性在失功能態度、反芻、因應與憂鬱情緒之中介模式,以及將反芻作為一因應策略在失功能態度、反芻、因應與憂鬱情緒之中介模式,本研究將進一步檢驗此三種型態是否能說明上述關係。 本研究有效樣本為557位台灣的大學生,以自陳式量表填答失功能態度量表、中文反芻反應風格量表、簡版因應量表、中文版貝克憂鬱量表第二版,及其背景資料,其中男性有189人、女性有333人;政治大學有238人、玄奘大學有119人、東南大學有118人、台灣藝術大學有82人。本研究以階層回歸以及單因子變異數分析檢驗失功能態度、反芻、因應之間的交互作用效果及單純主要效果,以路徑分析檢驗上述概念之間的中介效果。 研究結果顯示,失功能態度與憂鬱情緒之間的關係,可受到自責式反芻、被動因應,以及主動因應的調節,此外,被動因應可調節自責式反芻與憂鬱情緒之間的關係。另一方面,反芻作為認知特性之失功能態度、反芻、因應與憂鬱之中介關係,以及反芻作為因應策略之失功能態度、反芻、因應與憂鬱之中介關係,也受到實徵資料支持。 因此,個人被動地將目前狀態與未達到的標準進行比較,或者採取自責、行為脫離及否認等因應方式時,將會增加失功能態度對憂鬱情緒之效果;當個人採取計畫、接受、正向重釋、幽默與主動因應之因應策略時,將會降低失功能態度對憂鬱情緒之效果。另一方面,失功能態度愈高的人,將採取自責式反芻,繼而可能再透過被動因應而增加憂鬱情緒;若個人採取反省式反芻,可能透過轉變為自責式反芻而增加憂鬱情緒,或者可能透過主動因應而降低憂鬱情緒。此外,具失功能態度者將傾向採取反省式反芻、自責式反芻以及被動因應的因應策略,這些策略將增加個人的憂鬱情緒;具失功能態度者將較少採取主動因應的策略,而此策略將減緩憂鬱情緒。 反芻因應對失功能態度及憂鬱關係之影響,及其在臨床實務應用上的意涵,在文中將進一步的討論。

反芻對乳癌患者憂鬱的影響及因應的調節作用 / The prediction of rumination to depression and the moderating effect of coping among breast cancer patients

程燕敏, Cheng, Yan Min Unknown Date (has links)
研究背景:乳癌患者常伴隨憂鬱症狀,而反芻是癌症患者憂鬱情形的重要預測因 數。過往研究指出苦惱自責式反芻增加憂鬱的效果得到較一致的結果,而深思反 省式反芻對於憂鬱影響的結果則不太一致。深思反省式反芻意在解決問題,過程 中患者採用不同因應策略可能對其憂鬱會有不同影響,但過去較少研究探討乳癌 患者的因應如何調節深思反省式反芻對患者憂鬱變化的影響。 研究目的:探究苦惱自責式反芻與深思反省式反芻如何影響乳癌患者的憂鬱,逃 避與趨近這兩種因應方式是否在深思反省式反芻影響憂鬱的過程中有調節作用。 研究方法:本研究採用長期追蹤之研究方法,對平均年齡為 48 歲的 359 位乳癌 患者,於手術後三個月、六個月、一年和兩年四個時間點,測量其苦惱自責式反 芻、深思反省式反芻,趨近、逃避等因應模式及憂鬱狀況後進行分析。為了探索 考個體內和個體間變項的影響,包含臨床背景資料對憂鬱的預測效果,研究擬採 用階層線性模型(HLM)之方法進行統計分析。 研究結果:苦惱自責式反芻正向預測乳癌患者憂鬱情形,深思反省式反芻對憂鬱 的預測效果則受到趨近因應的調節,趨近因應越高,深思反省式反芻越能負向預 測憂鬱情形。依此結果可知對於乳癌患者而言,苦惱自責式反芻為不適應的反芻 類型,會增加乳癌患者的憂鬱情形,而深思反省式反芻的適應性僅存在於更多使 用趨近因應的患者之中。 / Background: Depressive symptoms occur frequently with breast cancer. Rumination is a major risk factor of depression. Numerous research evidence shows that brooding, the maladaptive subtype of rumination, increases depression while the effect of reflective pondering, the other subtype, remain inconsistent. Individuals who reflective ponder mean to solve the problem they face, but there is little research to explore what role coping plays in the process that reflective pondering contribute to or eliminate depression. Purpose: To examine how two subtypes of rumination predict the depression of women with breast cancer, and whether the moderating effect of two different coping strategies, approach and avoidance, exists and how it works. Method: Longitudinal data of rumination, coping, and depression at Time 1 (3 months after surgery), Time 2 (6 months after surgery), Time 3 (1year after surgery), and Time 4 (2 years after surgery) among 359 women with breast cancer whose mean age was 48 was collected to explore the prediction of rumination and the moderating effect of coping. To address the effect of both with- and between- subject variables including background materials and disease-related information, HLM is adopted as the analysis method. Results: Brooding predicts the increase of depressive symptoms and acts as the maladaptive subtype of rumination. In addition, reflective pondering’ prediction to decreased depression only appears with the interaction of approach coping, which means that patients who reflective ponder more and take more approach coping at the meanwhile will experience more recovery from the depressive symptoms.

自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒在自傳式記憶特性之探討 / Self-reflection, self-rumination and depressive mood on recall of autobiographical memories.

劉令恬, Liu, Le Tien Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻顯示憂鬱反芻與憂鬱有緊密關連,憂鬱反芻的概念又可區分為不具適應性與較具適應性的部分(Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003),但這兩者與憂鬱情緒的關係至今尚未有定論。在非臨床樣本中,高自我聚焦並非都是缺乏適應性的,高自我聚焦程度加上情緒一致的回憶特質,容易維持憂鬱情緒,反之加上情緒不一致性的回憶特質,則較能回憶正向記憶,具有較佳的情緒調節能力。為探討情緒、反芻與記憶特性的關係,本研究採用Trapnell和Campbell(1999)架構將自我聚焦分為自我反思與自我反芻兩個次分類,探討不同自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒在自傳式記憶的特性表現上有何差異。其中以簡短指導語版的自傳式記憶測驗工具(MI-AMT)做為測量工具,增加在非臨床樣本中測驗自傳式記憶的敏感度。 本研究第一階段以545位大學、研究所學生為樣本,發展本地適用的中文版反思反芻量表,第二階段則從階段一的反思反芻程度、憂鬱程度高低中篩選出117位受試者,檢驗不同自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒之自傳式記憶特性差異。 研究結果顯示(1)中文版自我反思反芻量表與簡短指導語版自傳式記憶測驗工具具有足夠心理計量特性,可用以測量相關概念與量化記憶特性。(2)憂鬱情緒程度高者具有自傳式記憶特定性低、過度概化記憶程度高的特性,與過去文獻符合。另外,反芻與反思在自傳式記憶的表現則相似性高,在同處於高憂鬱情緒類別,高反芻者並無顯著回憶出較少特定記憶、較多過度概化記憶,高反思者亦無顯著回憶出較多正向特定記憶、較少正向過度概化記憶;這些結果與Svaldi(2008)無法驗證研究假設的結果相同。 / Literature review shows that depressive rumination sustains depressed mood. Depressive rumination could separate into maladaptive and adaptive subcomponents (Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003), but the relationship of them and depressive mood is unstable. In non-clinical sample, high self-focus is not always relates to maladaptive. When it combines with mood-congruent autobiographical memory sustain negative mood easily. People with mood-incongruent effect will recall more positive autobiographical memory, has better emotional regulation. The present study tried to examine the relationship between emotion, rumination and autobiographical memory. Divided self-focus into self-reflection and self-rumination (Trapnell & Campbell, 1999), investigated the differential characteristic of autobiographical memory in different self-focus (ruminative and reflective) and depressive mood (high and low). In addition, we used Minimal Instructions Autobiographical Memory Test to measure memory specificity in non-clinical populations. Study one aimed to validate the Chinese version of Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire, recruit 545 graduate and undergraduate students as sample. Study two investigated the differential characteristic of autobiographical memory in self-focus and depressive mood with 117 students chosen from study one. The results revealed that: 1) the Chinese version of RRQ showed satisfactory psychometric properties. 2) High depressive mood is significantly associated with reduced AM specificity and induced overgeneral memory, this result supported pass researches. Otherwise, autobiographical memory’s characteristic in self-rumination and self-reflection are quite the same. In high depressive mood, high self-ruminator did not have lower autobiographical memory specificity, and more overgeneral memory. High self-reflector did not have more positive specific autobiographical memory, and less positive overgeneral memory. These two result didn’t support assumption, but matched to Svaldi’s (2008) result.

成年初顯期的個體,完美主義、內外控人格特質和猶豫型未定向與錯誤觀念的關係: 認同探索的中介效果 / The relationship of perfectionism and locus of control to indecisiveness and career myths in emerging adulthood:the mediating effect of identity exploration

蕭立婕 Unknown Date (has links)
職涯發展是每個人生命歷程中重要的議題,且進入職場為個體轉換為成人的關鍵指標。然而,隨著教育程度以及結婚年齡的提升,個體進入成人角色的時間延後,且探索自我的時間延長,反而使得一部份的個體淪為茫然摸索,而對於自己的職涯定位和方向不知所措。本研究試圖瞭解「人格特質」(即完美主義和內外控人格特質)和「職涯決策困難的原因」(即猶豫型未定向和錯誤觀念)之間的關係,並且進一步了解個體的「認同探索方式」在上述關係中所扮演的角色。 研究以問卷法進行,主要施測對象為國內大專院校之大學部和研究所在學學生,共計479人。研究結果顯示,人格特質中較為負面傾向的面向,如完美主義的「差距」向度和內外控特質之「外控」傾向,兩者和反芻性探索以及猶豫型未定向或錯誤觀念之間存在著正向的關係。此外,上述的關係之間存在著「反芻性探索」的中介效果。由此可知,除了先天的個人特質之外,探索方式亦攸關個體能否定向。因此,對於難以定向的個體,如何嘗試打破其負面且持續的探索迴圈,進而導正至較為正向之廣度和深度探索的類型,實為預防教育或是治療方案之努力方向。 值得注意的是,研究亦發現在各年級的受試者中,皆存在有一部份的「焦慮性認同未定」者,可能是由於人格或情緒相關因子的影響,使其無法當機立斷的做出決定。對於這群個體,給予充足的就業資訊並無法實際滿足其需求,惟有提供專業的諮商輔導及協助才可能解決其核心問題,協助其克服認知或情緒方面的困擾,進而為自己的職涯方向做出決策。

青少年情緒經驗、反芻風格與自我傷害行為的關聯性 / The correlation between emotion experience, rumination style and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescent

李羿璇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於探討在不同情緒經驗及反芻風格對男女性自傷行為的影響。回顧過去研究,情緒被認為是多數自傷者自傷的動機及原因之一。可惜的是,大多數研究聚焦在負向情緒經驗,而較少探討正向情緒及不同激發程度的影響力。Selby(2008)的情緒瀑布理論提出反芻風格能夠增加負面情緒強度的論點,也暗示了反芻風格也是另一個與自傷行為相關認知因子。因此本研究認為情緒經驗與反芻風格可能皆為自傷發生的關鍵。有鑑於許多文獻結果指出,男女性的自傷危險因子可能存在差異,本研究便把性別差異納入考量,欲了解男、女性是否在情緒經驗及反芻風格的自傷預測因子有所不同。 本研究對象為508位北部某私立高職部學生,請學生填寫包含基本資料、反芻風格、自傷狀況及情緒經驗的評估共四部份問卷。研究結果顯示,在預測過去一年自傷行為的因子上,的確有性別差異。對女性來說,預測過去一年是否自傷的有效因子分別為負向情緒及負向低激發情緒,男性則是負向情緒及正向低激發情緒。在自傷頻率方面,對男女性來說,沒有任何情緒經驗或反芻風格為有效預測因子。在自傷種類數方面,沒有任何情緒經驗或反芻風格為女性自傷頻率的有效預測因子;對男性來說,則是負向情緒及低激發情緒能夠有效預測過去一年自傷種類多寡。研究最後針對這樣的結果做進一步討論及提供實務上的意涵及應用。 / The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of emotion experiences and rumination styles on Non-suicidal self-injury behavior (NSSI) in males and females. According to past studies, emotion was considered a critical factor in motivating individuals to practice NSSI. However, most studies focused on negative emotion experiences, and ignored the role of positive emotions and the effect of emotion activation level. Moreover, Selby’s Emotional Cascade Model proposes that rumination style will increase the negative affect intensity, suggesting that rumination style may be another key factor to NSSI. In addition, due to several studies have shown gender differences in risk factors for NSSI, the gender difference will be also take into account in the present study. To sum up, the present study aimed to examine gender differences in predictors (i.e., emotion experiences and rumination styles) for NSSI. The participants were 508 high school students from one of the private vocational high school in Northern Taiwan. All participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire pack which included demographic questionnaire, short-form rumination style questionnaire, deliberate self- harm inventory, and affect valuation inventory. The results show that gender differences in predicting NSSI existed: First, in predicting the occurrence of NSSI in the past year, negative affect and low arousal negative emotion were the most effective factors for females; negative emotion and low arousal positive emotion were the most effective ones for males. Second, neither emotion experience nor rumination style can predict the frequency of NSSI in the past year for males and females. Third, in predicting the numbers of types of self-injury used in the past year, there was no effective predictor for females; negative emotion and low arousal emotion were the effective predictors for males. Finally, the results and the practical implication were discussed in the thesis.


勝俣, 沙智 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第23937号 / 農博第2486号 / 新制||農||1089(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R4||N5372(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 廣岡 博之, 教授 松井 徹, 准教授 熊谷 元 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

回首向前,轉念成春:反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係 / Looking back to look forward, blooming life in second thought: Relationships among rumination, future time perspective, and forgiveness

陳玉樺, Chen, Yu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
寬恕是一種跨文化人類共通的美德、是一種正向的心理特質,一種真正的生命智慧。因其有益於人際和諧、幸福感與身心健康,寬恕在近年來成為心理學所關注的議題。本研究旨在探究反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之現況,以及反芻思考與未來時間觀如何影響寬恕的建構,藉以深入瞭解反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以「多向度反芻焦點量表」、「未來時間態度量表」與「特質寬恕量表」為研究工具,研究對象為20歲以上成人共1,413位。所得有效問卷資料經描述統計、多變量變異數分析、區別分析、結構方程式模型等統計方法處理,研究發現如下: 1.20歲以上成人之反芻思考、未來時間觀與特質寬恕現況尚佳。 2.不同背景變項之成人在反芻思考整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)女性在「情緒焦點反芻」與「意義焦點反芻」上之得分顯著高於男性。 (2)高齡者的反芻思考整體與各向度之得分明顯較低。 3.不同背景變項之成人在未來時間觀整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)成人早期(20-30歲)與高齡者(60歲以上)在「未來時間觀點」沒有顯著差異,高齡者在「未來目標價值」與「對未來的準備與行動」上則顯著高於20-30歲之成人。 (2)年長、高教育水準、已婚且有宗教信仰者,有較佳的未來時間觀。 4.不同背景變項之成人在特質寬恕整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)男性在「寬恕命運」上之得分顯著高於女性。 (2)男性、年長、高教育水準、已婚且有宗教信仰者,有較高的寬恕傾向。 5.探討不同類型反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之關係,研究發現:情緒焦點與評價焦點此兩種類型反芻思考,與未來時間觀、特質寬恕呈負相關;而意義焦點反芻與未來時間觀、特質寬恕呈正相關。 6.未來時間觀在反芻思考與特質寬恕間扮演中介角色,亦即,未來時間觀在情緒焦點反芻思考、評價焦點反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之間有部分中介效果,在意義焦點反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之間有完全中介效果。 本研究根據上述研究發現,分別對寬恕教育、諮商輔導提出建議,以作為教育工作者及後續研究之參考。 / Forgiveness is a kind of cross-cultural universal virtue of human, positive psychological strength, and authentic wisdom of life. Forgiveness has become an important topic of psychological researches in last decades, due to the benefits of interpersonal harmony, well-being, physical and mental health. The study aimed to investigate the current condition of the adults in Taiwan of their rumination, future time perspective, and dispositional forgiveness, and furthermore addressed the relationships among these variables. The present study adopted the questionnaire investigation, comprising “Multidimensional Focused Rumination Scale”, “Attitude toward Future Time Scale”, and “Dispositional Forgiveness Scale” was conducted. Participants were 1,413 adults aged 20 and over in Taiwan. The effective data based on the questionnaire were then analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, MANOVA, discriminant analysis, structural equation modeling and bootstrapping. The findings were summarized as follows: 1.The present condition of Taiwan aged 20 and over adults’ rumination, future time perspective, and dispositional forgiveness was generally fine. 2.In terms of rumination, gender and age had a significant difference in overall rumination and its dimensions. I.The female participants had higher “emotion-focused rumination” and “meaning-focused rumination” scores than the male participants. II.The elder participants reported less ruminative thinking than other age groups. 3.In terms of future time perspective, age, educational level, marital status and religion had a significant difference in overall future time perspective and its dimensions, while gender had no significant difference. I.There is no difference between younger and elder participants on “the perception of future time”, however, the elder participants reported higher “the valence of future goal” and “preparation and action for the future” than younger participants. II.The elder, high educated, married and religious believer, had better future time perspective. 4.In terms of dispositional forgiveness, gender, age, educational level, marital status and religion had a significant difference in overall dispositional forgiveness and its dimensions. I.The male participants had higher “forgiveness of fate” scores than the female participants. II.The male, elder, high educated, married and religious believer had a strong tendency to forgive. 5.In terms of different kind of rumination relate to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness: Emotion-focused rumination and evaluation-focused rumination were negatively related to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness, while meaning-focused rumination was positively related to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness. 6.Future time perspective mediated the relationship between the rumination and the forgiveness. Furthermore, future time perspective partly mediated the relationship between the emotion-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness, partly mediated the relationship between the evaluation-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness, and completely mediated the relationship between the meaning-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness. According to the above findings, this study proposes suggestions for forgiveness education, counseling and guidance, and future studies.

工作家庭衝突、心理資源及關係損耗:一項日記型的研究 / Work-family conflict, psychological resources, and relationship depletion: a diary study

林廉峻, Lin, Lien-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
工作家庭衝突領域之研究已有豐富的理論與成果,探討短時間內工作家庭衝突隨著工作者所處環境與心理歷程的動態發展亦成為新興趨勢。本研究採用資源保存理論的觀點,認為工作者每日隨職家環境與認知歷程而變動的狀態性心理資源,能中介工作家庭衝突與工作者在職場與家庭中人際行為表現的關係,並提出反芻作為情境變項,驗證個體不同類型的認知思考對每日工作家庭衝突與關係損耗間的調節作用 本研究採用日記型研究法,首先進行前測調查,並隨後進行一周連續五個工作日的日記型問卷調查,研究資料共有96名受試者,433筆有效樣本,結果採取階層線性模型分析之。研究發現,每日的工作家庭衝突與家庭工作衝突皆顯著預測當日與主管、同事、與家人的關係損耗,並預測當日更低的自我效能。在反芻部分,負向反芻能降低工作者每日家庭對工作衝突與家人關係損耗的負向關係;問題解決反芻能降低工作者每日工作對家庭衝突與家人關係損耗的負向關係。其結果顯示,每日工作家庭衝突與個人自我調節資源有正向關聯,而透過不同的反芻型態,則能夠減緩衝突對於家人關係的負向影響。

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