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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

回首向前,轉念成春:反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係 / Looking back to look forward, blooming life in second thought: Relationships among rumination, future time perspective, and forgiveness

陳玉樺, Chen, Yu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
寬恕是一種跨文化人類共通的美德、是一種正向的心理特質,一種真正的生命智慧。因其有益於人際和諧、幸福感與身心健康,寬恕在近年來成為心理學所關注的議題。本研究旨在探究反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之現況,以及反芻思考與未來時間觀如何影響寬恕的建構,藉以深入瞭解反芻思考、未來時間觀與寬恕之關係。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以「多向度反芻焦點量表」、「未來時間態度量表」與「特質寬恕量表」為研究工具,研究對象為20歲以上成人共1,413位。所得有效問卷資料經描述統計、多變量變異數分析、區別分析、結構方程式模型等統計方法處理,研究發現如下: 1.20歲以上成人之反芻思考、未來時間觀與特質寬恕現況尚佳。 2.不同背景變項之成人在反芻思考整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)女性在「情緒焦點反芻」與「意義焦點反芻」上之得分顯著高於男性。 (2)高齡者的反芻思考整體與各向度之得分明顯較低。 3.不同背景變項之成人在未來時間觀整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)成人早期(20-30歲)與高齡者(60歲以上)在「未來時間觀點」沒有顯著差異,高齡者在「未來目標價值」與「對未來的準備與行動」上則顯著高於20-30歲之成人。 (2)年長、高教育水準、已婚且有宗教信仰者,有較佳的未來時間觀。 4.不同背景變項之成人在特質寬恕整體及其分向度上有部分差異。 (1)男性在「寬恕命運」上之得分顯著高於女性。 (2)男性、年長、高教育水準、已婚且有宗教信仰者,有較高的寬恕傾向。 5.探討不同類型反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之關係,研究發現:情緒焦點與評價焦點此兩種類型反芻思考,與未來時間觀、特質寬恕呈負相關;而意義焦點反芻與未來時間觀、特質寬恕呈正相關。 6.未來時間觀在反芻思考與特質寬恕間扮演中介角色,亦即,未來時間觀在情緒焦點反芻思考、評價焦點反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之間有部分中介效果,在意義焦點反芻思考與未來時間觀、特質寬恕之間有完全中介效果。 本研究根據上述研究發現,分別對寬恕教育、諮商輔導提出建議,以作為教育工作者及後續研究之參考。 / Forgiveness is a kind of cross-cultural universal virtue of human, positive psychological strength, and authentic wisdom of life. Forgiveness has become an important topic of psychological researches in last decades, due to the benefits of interpersonal harmony, well-being, physical and mental health. The study aimed to investigate the current condition of the adults in Taiwan of their rumination, future time perspective, and dispositional forgiveness, and furthermore addressed the relationships among these variables. The present study adopted the questionnaire investigation, comprising “Multidimensional Focused Rumination Scale”, “Attitude toward Future Time Scale”, and “Dispositional Forgiveness Scale” was conducted. Participants were 1,413 adults aged 20 and over in Taiwan. The effective data based on the questionnaire were then analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, MANOVA, discriminant analysis, structural equation modeling and bootstrapping. The findings were summarized as follows: 1.The present condition of Taiwan aged 20 and over adults’ rumination, future time perspective, and dispositional forgiveness was generally fine. 2.In terms of rumination, gender and age had a significant difference in overall rumination and its dimensions. I.The female participants had higher “emotion-focused rumination” and “meaning-focused rumination” scores than the male participants. II.The elder participants reported less ruminative thinking than other age groups. 3.In terms of future time perspective, age, educational level, marital status and religion had a significant difference in overall future time perspective and its dimensions, while gender had no significant difference. I.There is no difference between younger and elder participants on “the perception of future time”, however, the elder participants reported higher “the valence of future goal” and “preparation and action for the future” than younger participants. II.The elder, high educated, married and religious believer, had better future time perspective. 4.In terms of dispositional forgiveness, gender, age, educational level, marital status and religion had a significant difference in overall dispositional forgiveness and its dimensions. I.The male participants had higher “forgiveness of fate” scores than the female participants. II.The male, elder, high educated, married and religious believer had a strong tendency to forgive. 5.In terms of different kind of rumination relate to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness: Emotion-focused rumination and evaluation-focused rumination were negatively related to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness, while meaning-focused rumination was positively related to future time perspective and dispositional forgiveness. 6.Future time perspective mediated the relationship between the rumination and the forgiveness. Furthermore, future time perspective partly mediated the relationship between the emotion-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness, partly mediated the relationship between the evaluation-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness, and completely mediated the relationship between the meaning-focused rumination and the dispositional forgiveness. According to the above findings, this study proposes suggestions for forgiveness education, counseling and guidance, and future studies.


李文秀, Lee,Wen-hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要係就我國競爭法規範為本,以國際合作之角度,從競爭法之制度規範及實務執行層面,探討寬恕政策應如何運用於各國執行競爭法規範,以有效偵測,進而防杜國際惡性卡特爾。論文架構可分為五個章節,茲分述如次: 第一章緒論在闡述本文研究的背景說明,確認打擊國際惡性卡特爾為國際競爭法合作最佳探討議題,進而提出本文之問題核心及研究動機、目的,並說明研究範圍及以比較法學及分析法學為本論文研究方法,藉以建立本文的架構與目標。 第二章為闡述國際惡性卡特爾之類型及特徵,並以比較各國立法例之方式,對應各主要國家競爭法所規範聯合行為之類型、豁免(例外許可或除外規定)及制裁方式,以瞭解惡性卡特爾於各國競爭法規範上定位;內容包括歸納及整理各國聯合行類型及制裁方式之立法例,藉以建立惡性卡特爾在國際競爭法規範上的實質內涵、規範特徵,作為本文論述的基礎架構;另深入探討國際惡性卡特爾如何開始、如何執行及運作暨何以規避法律,據以確認寬恕政策作為打擊國際惡性卡特爾之工具價值,以進一步探討於國際合作其間運用之可能性。 第三章係針對於競爭法規範制度內已採行寬恕政策有成效之法域:美國及歐盟為探討分析之對象。不僅就該等法域寬恕政策之內涵,加以詳盡說明,歸納其間之差異,並觀察該等施行實務執行經驗,以瞭解實務執行所面臨之障礙及其執行應用於打擊惡性卡特爾是否確具成效。 第四章從前開執行層面之觀察,探討其應用於國際惡性卡特爾之可行性;並以前開已採行及準備引進寬恕政策之我國為假想對象,進一步深入研析該等國家共同合作打擊國際惡性卡特爾之可行性。並針對縱向運用及橫向聯繫之不同合作模式,以進一步評估運用寬恕政策打擊國際惡性卡特爾之可行性,並一一檢測可能國際合作之途徑,以尋求可能之最佳合作管道及層次。 第五章為結論,主要歸結本文的研究成果,除就該等可行性之評估,歸納出最具高度可能性之最佳合作途徑,提供各國競爭法執法機關執法合作之建議,並對於正擬修法引進寬恕政策之我國競爭法主管機關言,予以取法外國立法例之修法建議,使國內修法趨勢得以兼顧競爭法國際合作觀點,不僅得以藉此有效防杜惡性卡特爾,更能有效拓展國際競爭法合作之空間及提昇國際競爭法合作之執行層次。 / The main idea of this thesis is to explain and study how the leniency policy is applied to fight hard-core cartel in one country and among nations. And the structure of the thesis includes five chapters. The thesis is based on the Fair Trade Law of R.O.C , comparing and analyzing the different regulations of hard-core cartel in the United States and the EU, to identify the characteristics of hard-core cartel and further explore the related issues of enforcement if leniency policy is applied to fight hard -core cartel. The thesis also explains the ways of international cooperation how leniency policy is applied to fight hard-core cartel in vertical application and horizontal connection. Finally the thesis submits that the best way of international cooperation in applying the leniency policy to hard-core cartel. In addition, the thesis also submits the suggestion for R.O.C. which plans to introduce the leniency policy in the Fair Trade Law of R.O.C to fight hard-core cartels.

劇情短片「罪羊人」創作報告 / A Report on the narrative short film work:Teshuvah

李政能, Li, Jheng Neng Unknown Date (has links)
《罪羊人》是一部獨立集資並用高畫質數位單眼反射相機 (HD-DSLR)所攝製而成的原創劇情短片,從發想編寫到後製完成共歷經了一年多的時間,內容取材自創作者二十多年的生命經驗,將人生中的喜好、痛苦、感動、疑惑給整理融合並壓縮提煉出來,主題是關於罪惡、宗教和寬恕,故事敘述一名因醫療疏失而入獄服刑的救護車司機,出獄後依然擺脫不了罪惡感,進而陷入信仰混亂的洗罪過程,在經過一連串的掙扎,最後仍舊無法逃離循環的枷鎖,人與神似乎都不是罪惡難題的完美解答。 在文獻探討部分,本片因借用義大利西部片的老電影片段來當作情感連結和隱喻,於是回顧了互文理論和電影類型,另一方面本片也觸及了心理學、哲學和宗教儀式的主題,所以在負罪感以及猶太新年贖罪期也有所著墨,並列舉了三部相關電影長片作品來作評析比較,分別是韓國李滄東導演的《密陽》、德國法提阿金導演的《天堂邊緣》和墨西哥阿利安卓崗札雷伊納利圖導演的《靈魂的重量》。在作品呈現部分,分別從敘事、類型、選角、場勘、美術、服裝、表演、攝影、燈光、剪輯、配樂、聲音,將每個環節重點敘述和分析一次,包含思維想法、製作過程等等皆會融合納入不同段落,以期忠實呈現創作者的心靈。 / The Teshuvah is an independently-funded original narrative short film, which is shot by HD-DSLR camera. The creator taps into his real-life experience over the past 20 years and more, aggregating and distilling all the love, fondness, pain, affections and confusions, with its theme is set on sin, religions and forgiveness. The story tells an ambulance driver, who serves for his sentence in prison as he was convicted of medical negligence, haunted by his feeling of guilt after he came out of prison. He eventually becomes trapped by a chaos of seeking redemption from religious belief. After all his struggling, he still cannot escape from the shackle of life`s circulation, and it seems that either human or God(s) could provide a perfect answer to the riddle of crime. As for Literature Review, Intertextuality and movie genres are covered since the film has borrowed from old spaghetti-western movie clips to function as a metaphor of affections bound, while other topics like psychology, philosophy, and religious rituals are also referred to; hence, the feeling of guilt and Jewish Ten Days of Penitence are also depicted. Three other relevant feature films are listed herein to serve the purpose of critical analysis and comparison. They are Secret Sunshine by South Korean director Lee Chang-Tung, The Edge of Heaven by German director Fatih Akin, and 21 Grams by Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu. In the respect of presentations of film works, this thesis goes through every essential phase, outlines and provides analysis on narration, genres, casting, location hunting, arts, costumes, acting, shooting, lighting, editting, original music, and sounds. It also indicates that mindsets, production process and so on are also incorporated into different chapters of a film to faithfully represent its creators mind.

聯合行為下寬恕政策的有效性分析 / The Effectiveness Analysis of Leniency Policy under Cartel

陳姿伶, Chen, Tzu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
寬恕政策為政府打擊卡特爾不可或缺的重要工具,為了維持市場競爭公平性,各國相繼將其引入法條之中,該政策透過廠商主動揭露涉案行為,使得政府可有效掌握證據將其處置。本文建立兩種賽局模型並分別利用子賽局完全均衡及序列均衡的概念,嘗試討論一般情況下寬恕政策的效率及納入資訊不對稱情形下的政策有效性,並由兩模型推論出:實行寬恕政策且廠商主動申報聯合行為為社會最有效率的均衡、透過政府制定適當的罰鍰區間引導下,主動申報聯合行為的行為可視為一區隔廠商型態的訊號。 / The leniency policy plays an indispensable role in thwarting cartel formation. To maintain the fairness of market competition, most countries successively bring this policy into their antitrust legislation. After the enforcement of the policy, the involved firms may have incentive to self-report and provide evidences to the Antitrust Authority. Therefore, the authorities can get enough evidences to convict those firms of being cartel members. In this paper, we develop two kinds of game theoretical model and use the concept of subgame perfect equilibrium and sequential equilibrium to discuss the efficiency of leniency policy in general conditions, and the effectiveness of the policy under the condition of information asymmetry. We show that it is efficient to the society and the authorities when the cartel members self-report under the enforcement of leniency policy. Moreover, by setting up an appropriate fine payment, self-reporting can be a signal for the authorities to segment the type of the involved firms.

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