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衝動性購買行為影響因素之探討-以實體通路與電視購物為例 / 衝動性購買行為影響因素之探討邱瀞萱, Chiu, Ching-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
一. 在實體通路與電視購物兩種通路的衝動性購買行為影響因素並不完全相同,且影響效果也有所不同。
二. 衝動性購買是複雜的消費行為,容易受到眾多因素一起影響,並非只是單一變數的影響效果,且這些變數在體通路與電視購物兩種不同的通路也會有不同的影響效果。
三. 在實體通路與電視購物兩種通路,價格促銷優惠對衝動性購買行為的影響均不顯著,而非價格促銷優惠對衝動性購買行為的影響均顯著。
四. 在實體通路與電視購物兩種通路,通路品牌形象對店內瀏覽或收看購物頻道的影響均顯著。
五. 在電視購物通路,產品品牌形象愈良好,愈容易產生衝動性購買行為;在實體通路,產品品牌形象的影響不顯著。
六. 在實體通路,信用卡使用對購買衝動及衝動性購買行為都有顯著的影響;在電視購物通路,信用卡使用的影響不顯著。
七. 在實體通路與電視購物兩種通路,使用聯名信用卡對衝動性購買之影響力均高於一般信用卡。
八. 在實體通路與電視購物兩種通路,衝動性購買傾向對購買衝動的影響均非常顯著。
九. 在實體通路,店內瀏覽的投入程度愈高,愈容易產生衝動性購買行為;在電視購物通路,收看購物頻道的投入程度愈高,愈容易產生購買衝動,也愈容易產生衝動性購買。 / Abstract
The role of impulsive buying is becoming more and more important in normal consumption behavior. Enterprise shouldn’t neglect this kind of consumer behavior. It is a worthwhile problem to investigate impulsive buying precursors. The past research usually focused on investigating the effects of only certain variables on impulsive buying. This kind of study is not complete. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the cause of impulsive buying through complete structure. Besides, unlike other impulsive buying studies, this study tries to add the variable of channel. This study compares impulsive buying precursors in physical outlet and TV shopping channels. This study uses LISERAL program to examine hypotheses.
By means of these studies, the conclusions of this research are summarized as follows:
1. Impulsive buying precursors are different in physical outlet and TV shopping channels. The effects of impulsive buying precursors are also different in these two channels.
2. Impulsive buying is a complicated consumption behavior. It is usually affected by many variables at the same time, not just one variable. Besides, the effects of these variables are different in physical outlet and TV shopping channels.
3. In physical outlet and TV shopping channels, the effect of price promotion on impulsive buying is not significant.
4. In both physical outlet and TV shopping channels, the effect of channel brand image on in-store browsing or TV shopping program watching is significant.
5. In TV shopping channel, the better the product brand image, the higher the likelihood of making an impulse purchase. In physical outlet channel, the effect of product brand image on impulsive buying is not significant.
6. In physical outlet channel, the effects of credit card use on felt urges to buy impulsively and impulsive buying are both significant. In TV shopping channel, the effects of credit card is not significant.
7. In physical outlet and TV shopping channels, the effect of co-brand credit card use on impulsive buying is more significant than regular credit card use.
8. In physical outlet and TV shopping channels, the effect of impulse buying tendency on impulsive buying is both very significant.
9. In physical outlet channel, the greater the level of in-store browsing, the greater the frequency of felt urges to buy impulsively. In TV shopping channel, the greater the level of TV shopping program watching, the greater the frequency of felt urges to buy impulsively.
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線上購物之購買衝動研究陳柏亘, Chen, Po-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
過去衝動性購買行為(Impulse Buying )皆以研究實體店面購買行為居多,但網路購物之興起對消費者購買行為之改變與影響甚深,故本研究將過去之衝動性購買行為轉換至網路背景進行實證,並欲建立線上購物之購買衝動模型。本研究探討「時間充裕性」、「金錢充裕性」、「享受網購樂趣」與消費者之「衝動性特質」是否會各別透過「網路商店之隨性瀏覽」與「正面心情」對「購買衝動」產生影響或是有直接之影響效果,以及 「知覺風險」對「購買衝動」之影響。
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以「壓力-素質」的觀點探討中學生的「自殺危險性」之影響因子王韻齡 Unknown Date (has links)
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負面銷售互動行為對衝動購買之影響:以高級精品銷售為例邱倬彬 Unknown Date (has links)
銷售人員透過良好的銷售互動,搭配合適的銷售影響策略,將能有效地影響消費者的購物目標。Hoch & Loewenstein (1991)的研究中發現,在購物過程中,當消費者對於渴望獲得的商品產生情感上的吸引時,若再經由與銷售人員的互動,能夠刺激買者接受突然或未預期的購物計畫,產生衝動消費。
1. 消費者可能因基於「教訓店員」的報復念頭,或是「為維護自我形象」之目的,對於銷售人員不友善的服務態度,激起其產生購買衝動。
2. 衝動性購買傾向越強烈,消費者感受負面銷售互動之購買衝動也越強烈;其次,在單獨購物時,消費者的成就虛榮程度越高,相對也越容易產生購買衝動;最後,與同儕購物時,自尊程度較低者,為避免自我評價的下降甚至提升其自尊,容易因負面銷售互動而產生購買衝動。
3. 當消費者與同儕逛街購物而遭遇負面的銷售態度時,其產生的購買衝動並不會顯著高於單獨購物,可能因為負面銷售互動使同儕鼓勵自發性、及享樂目標追求之影響力無法發揮。除此之外,規範性評估使消費者可能為符合社會規範而使降低社會影響之作用。
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網路拍賣購買方式之影響因素魏銘君 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路拍賣網站的發展,購買方式也逐漸的多樣化,從一開始的拍賣競標,發展到了附有直接購買價的競標,而在台灣,更多的賣家演變成了大型的購物商城,以直接購買價格購買的賣場逐漸的變多。先前對於拍賣網站購買方式的研究,大都著重在探討不同購買機制對於最終購買價格的影響,或者是購買環境與賣家對於買家購買方式的影響,例如賣家評價、商品圖片,近期有些相關研究逐漸開始探討買者自身的心理特徵對於購買方式的影響。本研究建立在先前相關研究之上,以衝動購買傾向、風險承受、享樂主義、競爭心態、價格意識以及購買之商品屬性為主要變數,來探討其對於網路拍賣購買方式之影響,也就是對於買家會選擇以直接購買或者拍賣競標的方式來購買商品的影響。 / 研究結果顯示,衝動性購買與參與競標顯著負相關,風險承擔程度、競爭心態、價格意識與參與競標顯著正相關,商品屬性傾向功能屬性時會傾向以競標方式購買,商品屬性傾向享樂屬性時會傾向以直接購買方式購買,不過主要變數中的享樂主義構面在模型中並不顯著,這與先前的相關研究有不太一樣的結果,可能是由於台灣拍賣網站的買家與美國拍賣網站的買家有些不太相同的特性,大多數參加拍賣的台灣買家的主因都是希望能夠撿便宜而不是為了好玩,可能導致變數不顯著。同時,買家的過去購買經驗,例如過去一年的購物金額、過去主要的購買方式、是否有過競標經驗,以及主要變數間的交互作用加入模型後,可以提升整體的解釋能力,但還是有很大部分無法被解釋,因此除了主要變數外,未來的研究還可以更深入的買家的過去購買經驗、其他心理構面對於購買方式所造成的影響。
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消費罪惡感之情緒內涵、發生時機及量表發展 / The Construct, Timing, and Measurement of Consumer Guilt林育則, Lin, Yu Tse Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本研究不僅對「消費罪惡感」的本質作了深入的探究,讓「消費罪惡感」之定義更加明確,且解釋了不同消費罪惡感發生時機之情緒內涵的差異,並據此發展出「消費罪惡感量表」,以為未來「消費罪惡感」相關研究之適切衡量工具。 / Guilt is a negative state that individuals experience in reaction to either a positive but undeserved event or a negative but deserved event. Despite its negative valence, guilt is considered a functional emotion, because it informs individuals that they have violated personal or social standards and motivates reparative action. In a consumption context, guilt has been linked to impulsive buying, compulsive consumption, and overspending. This guilt about consumption is usually named “Consumer Guilt.” Although previous research has defined consumer guilt, the measurement of consumer guilt is still not available in previous research. Therefore, this study focuses on the construct of consumer guilt and intends to explore when consumer guilt occurs.
In order to find out the constructs, timing, and measurement of consumer guilt, 25 respondents were reminded with a shopping situation which consumers usually have the feelings of guilt. The interviewees were also requested to recall their last consumer guilt situation. This research employed the critical incident techniques and the main study contains 57 consumer guilt events.
The results illustrate three major findings. First, through collecting, sorting and analyzing 56 events, the results pointed out consumer guilt had six constructs of emotion: hesitation, fear, scruple, reluctance to spend, regret, blame. Second, the past researches indicated consumer guilt can divide into two categories: reactive guilt and anticipatory guilt. This study finds that besides anticipatory consumer guilt and reactive consumer guilt, consumer guilt occurs at the point of buying. We name it proceeding consumer guilt. Third, the major construct of anticipatory consumer guilt is hesitation, the major construct of proceeding consumer guilt is reluctance to spend, and the major construct of reactive consumer guilt is regret and blame.
Based on these results, we define the construct of consumer guilt to be measured, and generate items that pertain to the construct. Then determine the reliability and validity of these items. The anticipatory consumer guilt scale and the reactive guilt were developed to capture the concept of consumer guilt. The scale successfully met standards for internal reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity.
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來台大陸觀光客之衝動性購買行為的研究-以旅遊零售業之銷售為例 / The research of Chinese tourists’impulsive buying behavior at travel retail stores in Taiwan郭維芳, Kuo, Ellen Unknown Date (has links)
由於政府對於大陸觀光客的自由行可能會在近期開放,這個因觀光產業延伸出的商機與產值是非常可觀的;加上陸客普遍的衝動性購買行為,可能為台灣的旅遊零售業者帶來可觀的銷售金額。所以,本研究希望利用此次的研究調查結果,能幫助本地的旅遊零售業,更確實瞭解大陸顧客的消費特性與掌握他們的衝動性購買行為,並提供給旅遊零售業者,在訓練銷售團隊上的相關建議及策劃行銷活動時的參考,以期對於其營運管理與獲利有所助益。 / This study is mainly to explore the Chinese tourists’ consumer behavior and impulsive buying behavior at travel retailing stores while traveling in Taiwan. Different from other researches taking customer’ perspective, this study adopts sales associates’ point of view by conducting the questionnaire survey filled out by those who have experience in serving Chinese customers at travel retail stores. The questionnaires are targeting to collect the sales associates’ feedbacks and observations as an empirical research to find out the real causes of Chinese’ consumer behavior and impulse buying behavior in general.
This research provides a comprehensive structure by starting an overall introduction of different theories about consumer behavior and impulse buying behavior, following by the elaboration of several topics, i.e. retail sales service, travel retail stores, luxury retails, the current status and development of both Taiwan travel retail industry and the Chinese tourists as consumers while traveling in Taiwan. Then, the quantitative and correlation analyses are made based upon the survey result of 143 questionnaires conducted in about two months and answered by about 150 sales associates from different travel retail stores. Therefore, the causes and the factors affecting the Chinese tourists’ consumer behavior and impulse purchase behavior while staying in Taiwan are thoroughly explored and overall understood.
Basically, the findings from the questionnaire result are not quite the same as my initial hypotheses. First of all, Chinese customers are highly discount oriented as their purchase decisions are largely induced by discount offer and good pricing. Secondly, they are obviously affected by their tour companions (i.e. friends, family & members of group) and thus demonstrating so called the “herding” behavior, i.e. seeking the opinions from the group and usually conforming to the social norm. Moreover, Chinese customers do not really pay much attention to the performance of sales service provided by the sales associates. Therefore, the empirical results imply the social influence and culture background relatively cause Chinese customers’ herding behavior and thus bring out their impulse buying behavior.
Regardless of the same nation, consumer shopping behavior in Taiwan and China may not be the same, given the different economic progress and retail development conditions. The retail industry, consumer awareness and sales services in Taiwan have reached a mature stage whereas that in China just taking off after 1979. Thus, it might take some time for Chinese to catch up with the customers of developed countries both in their consumption patterns and shopping behavior.
With prospect of the opening of Chinese FIT (frequent individual traveler) market in the near future, Taiwan travel retail stores look forward to great expansion and substantial opportunities resulting from the impending growth of tourism business. Furthermore, the impulsive buying behavior will give the impetus to substantial sales revenue for those travel retail stores. Hence, the findings and evaluation from this research are expected to give some insights to their management team as well as to provide valuable information to their sales team for better understanding the Chinese consumers. Ultimately, it can practically assist travel retailers to effectively design their marketing activities and appropriately educate their sales team to provide Chinese tourists with the most satisfactory selling service
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