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國中校長正向領導與教師職場希望感關係之研究 / The Study on the Relationships between Junior High School Principals' Positive Leadership and Teacher 's Working Hopes紀虹如 Unknown Date (has links)
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生命故事中自傳式理解與心理適應間關係之探討 / Exploration of the relationship between autobiographical reasoning and psychological adaptation張心俞, Chang, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用生命故事中自傳式理解作為媒介,探討個體自我瞭解與心理適應的關係如何於生命故事中展現,由處理層面(認知努力、處理結果)、主題內容(救贖化歷程、汙染化歷程、生發主題、共群主題)切入,探索自傳式理解的不同面向與正/負向心理適應狀態間之關聯性;另一方面,追蹤參與者一年後的心理適應狀態,探討自傳式理解能否預測未來心理適應。本研究採用生命故事訪問法進行訪問,第一年收集48名大學生之生命故事與心理適應狀態量表(希望感/憂鬱)、第二年追蹤42名大學生之心理適應狀態,將訪問內容謄為逐字稿後,針對處理層面及主題內容進行內容分析的計分。研究結果顯示:(一)處理層面中之認知努力程度雖與第一年心理適應狀態無顯著相關或解釋力,但卻對第二年憂鬱程度有顯著解釋力,換言之當個體投入越多的心力在思考自我與過往事件的關聯,則其第二年憂鬱分數越低;處理結果與第一年心理適應有顯著相關,甚至對第一年希望感有顯著解釋力,但無法有效預測第二年希望感與憂鬱分數。(二)主題內容中救贖化/污染化歷程與第一年心理適應狀態皆有顯著相關,與過往研究結果相似,迴歸分析顯示污染化歷程對第一年憂鬱有顯著解釋力,但兩者亦無法顯著預測第二年心理適應狀態;生發、共群主題與第一年心理適應狀態無顯著相關,亦無法有效預測第二年心理適應分數。最後,針對研究結果進行討論並提出臨床上的運用、研究限制與未來研究方向之建議。 / In the present research, autobiographical reasoning (AR) was used to examine the relation between self-understanding and psychological adaptation. This research focused on the process aspect (cognitive effort, process outcome), and the content aspect (redemption/contamination sequences, agency, communal) of AR to explore the relation to psychological adaptation. Also, participants’ psychological adaptation (hope, depression) was followed a year later to test whether AR could predict future psychological adaptation. Life story interview was used to collect 48 college students’ stories in the first year (time 1), and 42 of them were followed in the second year (time 2). Results showed that (1) the relation between cognitive effort and T1 psychological adaptation wasn’t statistically significant. However, cognitive effort could predict T2 depression. The more effort participants put on thinking connections between past events and the inner self, the less depression level they are in the next year. Process outcome was significantly correlated with T1 psychological adaptation, but it could not predict T2 psychological adaptation. (2) Redemption/contamination sequences were significantly correlated with T1 psychological adaptation. Further, contamination sequences could predict T1 depression. But redemption and contamination sequences could not predict T2 psychological adaptation. On the other hand, agency and communal themes neither correlated with T1 psychological adaptation, nor predicted T2 psychological adaptation. Finally, implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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教師社群互動、工作希望感受與創造性轉化之關係:量化模式建構與典範案例分析 / Teacher Community, Work Hope, and Creative Transformation: Model Construction and Case Analysis楊智先, Yang,Chih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據上述發現並針對教育實務與未來研究層面,提出具體建議以供參考。 / Nowadays, the concept of a “teacher professional learning community” (Teacher Community, TC) is an important approach to cultivate, develop, and sustain teachers’ professional development and creativity. In Taiwan, from the perspective of TC, how to facilitate teachers’ creativity is also valued under the Creative Education policy. However, empirical evidence is rarely discussed.
Thus, this study addresses two aspects: (1) the relationship of TC, work hope and creative transformation (Study I), (2) to explore the main strategies of managing teacher communities (Study II).
In Study I, a SEM model is proposed using the linear structural relations (LISREL) to test the research hypotheses with the data from 891 valid questionnaires collected. Instruments used include Interactions of Communities Scales, Work Hope Scale, and Creative Transformation Scale. The estimated results of the proposed model are found to substantiate the requirements of the general LISREL model. The majority of the fit indices have indicated good fit of the model to the data. The main findings include (1) Cognitive interactions of communities have significantly direct and indirect effects through work hope on creative transformation; (2) Affective interactions of communities have significantly direct and indirect effects through work hope on creative transformation; (3) Work hope has a significantly direct effect on creative transformation. These results have suggested that teachers’ work hope, and their cognitive and affective interactions in communities have a significant, positive influence on creative transformation. In addition, work hope has played a role as a mediator between the interactions in communities and creative transformation.
In Study II, teachers in communities of four typical cases funded for four years under the Project on the Enhancement of Creative Education are interviewed. Based on the data, there are several strategies for managing teacher communities: (1) witnessing strategy, (2) friendship strategy, (3) problem-solving strategy, (4) honor- sharing strategy, (5) low-profile strategy, (6) empowerment strategy, (7) sense of achievement strategy, (8) networking strategy, (9) flying geese strategy, and (10) sustaining strategy.
Limitations of the current research and implications for the practice of teacher community were discussed.
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高中身心障礙學生知覺的家庭功能、學校支持、希望感與人際適應之相關研究 / Research on Relationships between Perceived Family Functioning, School Support, Hope and Interpersonal Adjustment about high school students with disabilities陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
三、高中身心障礙學生知覺的家庭功能、學校支持與希望感對人際適應有預測力,其中以學校支持的「同學支持的有助性」為最主要的預測向度。而高中身心障礙學生與一般學生知覺的家庭功能與希望感預測人際適應的情形有差異。 / This research is focused on the relationships between perceived family functioning, school support, hope and interpersonal adjustment about high school students with disabilities. Subjects are 186 high school students with visual disability, hearing impairment and physical disability coming from Taipei county and Taipei city in Taiwan. This study apply the Family Functioning Scale, School Support Investigation, Hope Scale and Interpersonal Adjustment Scale to obtain the necessary data. The collection of the data is interpreted with the use of factor analysis, cronbach alpha, t-test, pearson correlation, canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression. Findings are as such:
1. High school students with disabilities are all above average on percieved family functioning, school support, hope and intepersonal adjustment. However, they show less perceived family functioning and interpersonal adjustment than their general peer classmates; besides, there is no significant difference about hope whether the high school students have disabilities or not.
2. There are three significant canonical correlations between perceived family functioning, school support, hope and interpersonal adjustment about high school students with disability.
3. Interpersonal adjustment was able to be explained by percieved family functioning, school support and hope. Classmates’ support is the most important variabilities among high school students with disabilities.There are differences between high school students and their general peer classmates on predicting interpersonal adjustment.
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大學生希望感、建設性思考與情緒創造力對創造風格影響之路徑模式李若瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 大學生在希望感、建設性思考、情緒創造力的表現程度佳,且
二、 不同性別的大學生在情緒創造力及創造風格上均有差異,就整
三、 創造力獎項得獎經驗對大學生的情緒創造力沒有效果,但對創
四、 所屬學院對情緒創造力中的新穎性來源及情緒準備度有效果,
五、 大學生的情緒創造力對創造風格有效果。
六、 希望感對大學生的情緒創造力有效果,且對創造風格中的非最
七、 建設性思考對大學生情緒創造力中的有效性及新穎性反應有效
八、 就大學生創造風格之路徑模式而言,希望感與建設性思考產生
最後,本研究依據本研究主要發現提出意見,以提供相關單位與人員在教育以及學術研究上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among hope belief, constructive thinking, emotional creativity, and creative style of undergraduate students. The participants included 531 undergraduate students sampled from seven national or private universities in Taipei City, Taipei County, and Taoyuan County. The employed instruments in this study were the Inventory of Hope, the Inventory of Constructive Thinking, the Inventory of Emotional Creativity, and the Questionnaire of Creative Style. The employed analysis methods included Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows:
1.The undergraduate students had high level of hope belief,
constructive thinking, and emotional creativity; and they
tended to use core traits of creativity.
2.There were significant gender differences on emotional
creativity and creative style; the males outperformed the
females in core traits of creativity, and the females
outperformed the males in emotional creativity.
3.The experiences of winning creative awards had no effects
on emotional creativity, but had effects on creative
style, especially on “not final product
orientation”, “use of techniques”, and “belief in
unconscious processes”. Moreover, participants who had
won creative awards outperformed their counterparts
in “not final product orientation”, “use of
techniques”; participants who had not won any creative
awards outperformed their counterparts in “belief in
unconscious processes”.
4.College of major had effects on emotional creativity,
especially in “origin of novelty”, and “preparation”.
Moreover, college of major had effects on creative style,
especially in “belief in unconscious processes”
and “environmental control and behavioral self-
5.The participants’ emotional creativity had effects on
their creative style.
6.The participants’ hope belief had effects on their
emotional creativity and creative style, especially
in “not final product orientation”, “use of
techniques”, “belief in unconscious processes”,
and “use of other people”.
7.The participants’ constructive thinking had effects on
their emotional creativity, especially
in “effectiveness”, “novel response”. Moreover, the
participants’ constructive thinking had effects on their
creative style, especially in “superstition”
and “environmental control and behavioral self-
8.As for the path model, hope belief and constructive
thinking interactively and directly influenced their
emotional creativity and then indirectly influenced their
core traits of creativity and assisted habits of
creativity via emotional creativity; meanwhile, emotional
creativity had direct effects on their core traits of
creativity and assisted habits of creativity.
Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions and academic research.
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