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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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舞鶴的頹廢意識 / The Decadence of Wu-He

張純昌, Chang, Chun Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本文從舞鶴的作品出發,試圖以「頹廢意識」作為核心概念概括舞鶴的創作內涵。頹廢意識一詞起源於對於現代性的反省,演變為一種藝術風格,在尼采身上被深化,成為一個哲學詞彙,包含廣義社會學與心理學的描述,同時是現代性的象徵也是批判現代性的工具,以單子的面貌,指出人性的病徵與道德的虛偽。舞鶴的作品始於個體自由的追逐,不僅人物展現頹廢的風格,也在作品中飽含單子化的特色與現代國家軍隊的規訓體制的批判,從家族史的書寫意圖出發,伴隨著解構理體中心的衝動,藉由因母逝而開始運作的憂鬱與哀悼的心理過程,以及生之欲力與死亡驅力的爭鬥,還有對消失的父親的模仿與取代,醞釀為〈拾骨〉與〈悲傷〉中成熟的創作主體。本文並進一步從〈悲傷〉的分裂主體,帶出小說背後鄉土文學論戰產生的國族論述對抗與本土文化的興起與僵化,並藉由小說中從瘋狂與理性的拉扯開始,帶出舞鶴小說瘋狂與頹廢的形象背後,隱含著從死亡的威脅逃生後的形象, 後半段本文以《餘生》作代表,探討舞鶴成熟後的頹廢意識,如何在對歷史的大敘事對抗中運作,舞鶴超出舊有漢人對原住民形象的描述,從整體歷史的顛覆出發,開啟對於國家敘事與現代性文明的質疑。本文從列維納斯的他者哲學作為核心,陳述《餘生》乃是對於現代大屠殺創傷的見證,藉由頹廢的書寫行為開啟過去與現在連結的可能,打破倖存者的沉默,拯救放逐之地的餘生。由此診斷了現代社會的頹廢,找出廢墟裡的靈光,從自然與傳統中找到救贖的可能。

不同渴求構念與焦慮、憂鬱以及執行功能的關係-針對海洛因戒治人之探討 / The relationship of different constructs of craving with anxiety, depression and executive function.

李人儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為探討國內海洛因戒治人的渴求經驗,試圖檢驗藥物渴望量表(DDQ)(Franken, 2002)在台灣樣本的信效度,同時了解不同渴求構念與焦慮、憂鬱以及執行功能的關係。 首先根據過去渴求模式以及相關渴求量表發展,提出藥物渴望量表的兩個不同因素結模型,分別為模型一正增強、負增強以及控制,模型二渴望與意圖、結果預期以及控制,由探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析結果顯示,藥物渴望量表的控制因素無法穩定反應渴求構念,但正增強與負增強、渴望與意圖與結果預期兩模型則可得到良好的支持,其中正增強與負增強之模型顯著優於單因素模型。 相關分析結果顯示,渴求的正增強與負增強兩構念皆與焦慮、憂鬱情緒達顯著正相關,淨相關分析中顯示排除正增強影響後,負增強仍與焦慮強緒有顯著相關。渴求也與執行功能中的工作記憶、訊息處理速度有顯著的負相關。研究結果初步顯示國內海洛因戒治人之不同渴求狀態與焦慮、憂鬱以及執行功能之關係,顯示在成癮治療過程中,不僅須處理渴求經驗,同時也須針對焦慮、憂鬱情緒做介入,並考慮認知功能對治療、復發的影響,以降低個案復發的風險。 / The purpose of the present study was to discuss the craving experience of heroin addicts during compulsory treatment in Taiwan. Drug Desire Questionnaire (Franken, 2002) was used to investigate different craving constructs that were positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and control. DDQ was validated in this research. This study also examined the relationships between heroin craving, depression, anxiety and executive function. According to models of craving and research, the present study tried to examine the two models of DDQ simultaneously. Two models were also accepted but the model composed positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement was better than one-factor model. Control factor of DDQ was not validated. The result of partial correlation analysis revealed that negative reinforcement was significantly related to anxiety after control the effect of positive reinforcement. According to the results of correlation analysis, two different craving construct were also significantly related to working memory and not related to the other ability of executive function. Implications for clinical applications and future research were also suggested.


李良哲, LI, LIANG-ZHE Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於(一)探討中年男人自我認同的生活目標數及整體生活目標指數與憂 鬱程度之關係。(二)探討中年男人的生活壓力、內外控與憂鬱程度之相關。(三)以逐 步多元迴歸分析法探討個人基本資料、自我認同的生活目標數、整體生活目標指數、 生活壓力、內外控等變項與憂鬱程度之關係,並闡明各獨變項在預測依變項時的相對 重要順序。(四)探討不同基本資料組的人年男人的憂鬱程度有無顯著差異存在。(五) 探討內外控變項是否會影響生活壓力及整體生活目標指數與憂鬱程度之關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為三十六歲至卜十五歲的中年男人共計四百二十四人 。研究工具除自編之「自我認同量表」及修訂之「生活事件量表」外,尚有「內外控 量表」及「情緒量表」。統計方法採用變異數分析、淨相關分析、共變數分析及逐步 多元迴歸分析。 本研究結果如下:(一)中年男人自我認同的生活目標數與整體生活目標指數對憂鬱程 度有交互作用存在,即中年男人自我認同的生活目標數的多少影響憂鬱程度的關係, 需視其整體生活目標指數的高低而定。自我認同的生活目標數多且整體生活目標指數 低的中年男人有最高的憂鬱程度。(二)在控制內外控與整體生活目標指數的情況下, 客觀生活壓力、主觀生活壓力(歡迎程度、影響生活的程度、影響長短程度、自己能 否控制的程度、預期自己能不能應付的程度)與憂鬱程度沒有顯著的相關。(三)在控 制生活壓力與整體生活目標指數的情況下內外控與憂鬱程度有顯著的相關。(四)內外 控變項並不影響生活壓力及整體生活目標指數與憂鬱程度的關係。(五)以逐步多元迴 歸分析結果發現整體生活目標指數是預測憂鬱程度的最重要變項。(六)不同居住狀況 組的中年男人的憂鬱程度有顯著差異存在。


王志寰, Wang, Chih-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討兒時情緒無效性、情緒抑制與心理及行為問題之結構方程模式考驗。受試樣本為國小五年級、國中二年級及高中二年級計1050人,以心理傷害量表、負向情緒社會化量表、情緒抑制量表、兒童憂鬱量表及偏差行為量表進行施測。資料分析以性別、與年齡進行多因子變異數分析及事後比較,瞭解各變項在性別及年級上之差異。並且採結構方程模式考驗兒時情緒無效性、情緒抑制與心理及行為問題間模式之適合度。 研究結果發現,子女知覺的兒時情緒無效性、憂鬱傾向及偏差行為因性別而有不同,且隨著年齡增長,個體有越高程度的兒時情緒無效經驗、情緒抑制及心理及行為問題出現。而結構方程模式考驗證實情緒抑制為兒時情緒與憂鬱傾向間之調節因子,個體形成憂鬱傾向前,會先形成長期依賴情緒抑制策略。但此模式在兒童樣本並不鎮定,顯示兒童尚處於情緒分化及成熟階段,因應情緒策略逐步在此成形,而國中和高中樣本模式皆相當穩定,顯示國中以後個體因應策略已發展完成。偏差行為則不符合模式考驗,路徑分析發現在心理傷害與偏差行為間存在直接路徑,意即可由早期心理傷害直接引發偏差行為。 最後根據研究結果及討論提出對未來研究、家庭和學校教育、以及諮商實務三方面的建議。


周彥中 Unknown Date (has links)
當今社會是一個變化快速、重視物質文明、普世價值多元的環境,復以家庭結構改變及大眾傳媒發達等因素的影響,使得此背景下的青年在進入軍中後,是否會衍生相關適應問題,殊值深究。 基於此,研究者希望透過對士官兵適應問題的蒐整,探討其中潛在因素,除了提供理論貢獻外,尚可讓實際負責官兵生活管理的基層幹部及相關心理輔導工作人員,據以瞭解士官兵在生活適應程度、生活壓力高低、人際關係好壞、憂鬱情緒掌握的程度,藉以做為官兵輔導工作的依據以及改善部隊適應問題政策的參考。 研究對象以立意取樣法,選擇北部地區陸軍單位義務役士官兵1089員為施測對象,最後以1044份有效問卷進行分析。(有效比率為95.87%) 研究工具依據文獻探討所得資料,結合軍中從事官兵心理輔導工作人員、心理(社工)系所畢業人員、學者專家以及研究者個人工作經驗共同編製 。問卷共有126題,其中120題為測量題,6 題為個人基本資料,內容包含「個人特質」以及「生活適應」、「生活壓力」、「人際關係」、「憂鬱情緒」等四個部分;個人特質則包含受試者的性別、年齡、階級、職務、單位性質、婚姻狀況、以及服役時間等。因素分析結果:生活適應之解釋力為 54.31%,分別命名為環境壓力、身心調適、人際互動、生理需求及正向想法;生活壓力之解釋力為 55.39%,分別命名為連隊壓力、任務達成、管教感受、勤務經驗及支持系統;人際關係之解釋力為 53.15%,分別命名為人際疏離、人際圓融、人際分享、人際信賴及團體領導;憂鬱情緒之解釋力為 60.33%,分別命名為無意義感、情緒轉換、穩定情緒、自我傷害及情緒控制。而整體問卷之內部一致性信度α值為 .98,且其建構效度結果均為解釋同一因素,解釋量為81.25%。 本研究共提出五個假設,有一個假設獲得驗證,另外四個假設獲得部份驗證。研究發現,在適應問題上,士官兵學歷的高低扮演著重要因素,且有學歷愈高者,服役期間的適應問題愈少的趨勢。另外,以逐步多元迴歸分析,了解問卷各因素對士官兵適應問題之預測力,結果發現有效解決士官兵適應問題的方法是從降低其憂鬱情緒困擾、增加其生活適應能力、改善其人際互動關係及紓解其生活壓力感受等四個面向著手;而實際輔導作為則可以從降低個人「連隊壓力」、「無意義感」、「人際疏離」以及「環境壓力」的困擾;提昇個人「身心調適」、「情緒轉換」及「人際圓融」等技巧。因為同時降低或提高一單位上述因素的困擾或能力,就會相對減少士官兵約79.6%的適應問題。 根據研究結果之發現,提出以下十項建議:(一)充實學識,提昇適應能力—學歷愈高者,其適應狀況愈好;因此,提供學歷較低的士官兵在職進修的機會,以提昇其適應能力。(二)適應輔導,建立人際網絡—入伍未滿半年之士官兵,其生活適應能力與人際互動關係均較差;因此,應加強輔導渠等之生活適應能力,以及人際網絡的建立。(三)不適應者,暫予職務調整—擔任文書業務之士官兵,其適應狀況較佳;因此,遇有適應問題之士官兵時,暫時調整其職務或擔任文書類的工作,或可有效改善其適應狀況。(四)服役期間,注意憂鬱情緒—士官兵的憂鬱情緒,並不會因服役時間的增長而減少,表示幹部在士官兵服役期間,均須注意士官兵因憂鬱情緒所產生的適應問題。(五)休假安排,甚獲士兵重視—有近七成六的士官兵擔心自己事情做不好而影響到休假,表示「休假」問題仍是他們相當關心的議題。(六)培養節儉,注意經濟問題—有近四成六的士官兵有經濟上的困擾;因此,應多注意士官兵的經濟狀況,並在平日生活中培養其正確理財觀念,以及節儉勤奮的習慣。(七)服從觀念,平日教育要務—有近七成五的士官兵對長官所交辦的任務均能用心完成,且貫徹命令,這種服從觀念的養成,是各級幹部平日教育訓練的成果,應持續保持並強化精進之。(八)合理管教,重視情緒管理—單位管教作為以及幹部個人的情緒,均會影響士官兵適應狀況的好壞;因此,單位今後更應積極朝向正常、合理的管教作為,並增加幹部情緒管理及溝通技巧等學能,落實凡事「說清楚」、「講明白」之雙向溝通模式。(九)增加適應,改善外在環境—影響士官兵適應狀況的不外乎是個人內在認知問題、外在環境問題以及個人與環境互動的問題,要改變個人內在認知的困難度或許比較大,但外在環境的改變卻是顯而易做的,而且可收具體實效。(十)適應問題,有賴體系解決—部隊管理者在處理士官兵適應問題的方法時,可從降低其憂鬱情緒困擾、增加其生活適應能力、改善其人際互動關係及紓解其生活壓力感受等方向著手。 最後,針對未來研究發展方向提出五點看法:(一)質性研究之發展—針對士官兵的填答結果實施訪談,進一步了解其內心世界及想法,以期獲得量化資料所無法窺知的細微資料。(二)不同軍種之比較—了解不同軍種的士官兵在適應問題上,與本研究之差異。(三)志願役軍官及士官兵之探討—以了解志願役軍官及士官兵在適應問題上,與本研究之差異。(四)役前社會工作經驗之探討—了解士官兵役前社會工作經驗長短,對其部隊適應良窳的影響。(五)其他國家之探討—了解其他國家部隊士官兵的適應問題,以及對適應不良士官兵之輔導策略,提供國軍日後精進作法之參考。


劉僥斐, Liu,Chiao-Fei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討年輕成人與老年人之資源流失、控制策略使用對於憂鬱情緒之影響;主要希望了解資源流失對憂鬱具有直接之影響性,或者需透過控制策略間接影響憂鬱;同時,透過年輕成人與老年人之比較,了解各種資源流失的影響途徑以及各種控制策略對憂鬱的影響是否會受到個體所處發展階段的影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以台灣地區260名成人為對象,年輕成人組共132人(30-46歲,M=37.2歲),老人組共128人(60-86歲,M=68.7歲)。施以「資源流失調查表」、「控制策略量表」及「貝氏憂鬱量表」,調查所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及路徑分析等方法進行資料分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 物質資源流失不論在年輕成人或老年人,對於憂鬱均不具顯著預測力。 二、 在年輕成人組,家庭支持資源流失對憂鬱具最強的預測力,且透過直接的路徑影響憂鬱;能量資源流失則透過積極因應策略間接影響憂鬱,即能量資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應的策略,而增加了個人的憂鬱程度。 三、 在老人組,家庭支持資源流失會透過直接與間接兩種路徑影響憂鬱,即家庭支持資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應與降低要求兩種策略,進而影響個人的憂鬱程度;能量資源流失則是對憂鬱具直接的預測力。 四、 在控制策略對憂鬱的影響部分,積極因應策略不論在年輕成人與老人組均對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,使用越多積極因應策略則憂鬱程度越低;但降低要求策略僅在老人組才對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,且使用越多降低要求策略的老年人,憂鬱程度越高。 本文最後根據研究結果進行討論,並根據研究結果對年輕成人與老年人之心理衛生工作以及未來之研究方向提出建議。 / The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the influence of lost resources and control strategies for depression in young adult and old adult. Furthermore, to explore that the relation between lost resources and depression was direct or mediated by control strategies. (2) to find out whether the way that different kinds of lost resources and control strategies influence depression will be varied from different developmental stages or not. Subjects of 260 Adults in Taiwan (132 young adults and 128 old adults) were evaluated by the instruments, including resources evaluation scale, control strategy scale, and Beck Depression Items (BDI). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and path analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1. Losses of material resources could not predict depression in both age groups. 2. In young adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly; but the relation between energy resources and depression was mediated by active coping strategy, which means the more energy resources lose, the less active coping strategies were used, and the more depression were reported. 3. In old adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly and indirectly, which means the more family support resources lose, the less active coping and lowering aspiration strategies were used, and the more depression were reported. 4. As to the relation between control strategies and depression, active coping strategies could predict depression in both age groups, which means the subjects using more active coping strategies had less depression. Lowering aspiration strategies could predict depression only in old adults. In other words, the old adults using more lowering aspiration strategies had more depression. According to the findings, some suggestions for the mental health of young adults and old adults, as well as for further study were provided.

社會問題解決模式在台灣的適用性及其與壓力、憂鬱的關係 / The Generalizability of Social Problem Solving Model in Taiwanese and It’s Relationship with Stress, Depression.

王韋婷, Wang,Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以確立中文版『社會問題解決量表-修正版(簡稱SPSI-R)』之因素結構及探討社會問題解決與憂鬱、壓力之關係為主要目的。 『社會問題解決』一詞指稱發生在日常生活中的問題解決歷程,社會問題解決模式與SPSI-R將社會問題解決歷程分為五個向度(因素):「正向問題定向」、「負向問題定向」、「理性問題解決風格」、「衝動/粗心風格」、「逃避風格」。 本研究根據理論與過去文獻探索性因素分析結果,提出三種可能適合描述華人樣本社會問題解決的因素結構:五因素一階(原理論之模型)、四因素一階、五因素二階模型。以台灣大學生為樣本,採用驗證性因素分析,結果顯示五因素一階的因素結構為最佳模型,支持原模式之理論架構與SPSI-R五因素結構在華人樣本的可類比性。同時刪除第42題因其無法確切反應逃避風格因素之意涵。 採用本研究所確立的SPSI-R五因素結構探討社會問題解決與憂鬱關係,發現排除問題風格後,負向問題定向可顯著預測憂鬱;排除問題定向後,逃避風格可顯著預測憂鬱,顯示負向問題定向與逃避風格對憂鬱有獨特之預測力。探討社會問題解決對壓力—憂鬱關係的影響,結果顯示衝動/粗心風格為日常問題與憂鬱之調節變項。此結果支持社會問題解決模式中,分殊不同向度的必要性,並提供臨床上憂鬱之問題解決治療方案可採行的策略。 / Confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the generalizability of the factor structure of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory- Revised (SPSI-R; D’Zurilla, Nezu, & Mayden-Olivares, 2002) The SPSI-R is based on a theoretical model and was modified by empirical data consisting of five factors – positive problem orientation, negative problem orientation, rational problem solving style, impulsivity/carelessness style, avoidance style. According to the theory model and empirical data with Chinese sample, the present study proposed another two alternative model. Thus, three different model were tested. With the sample of 916 Taiwanese undergraduate students, the results showed that the original five factor model which was proposed by D’Zurilla et al. was the best for SPSI-R in the sense of goodness of fit. This finding supports the Generalizability of SPSI-R in Taiwanese. Using the five-factor model of SPSI-R to examine the relation between SPSI-R and depression. Negative problem orientation and avoidance style were both significantly related to depression even after partialing out the variance of “Style” and “Orientation” respectively. While exploring the influence of SPSI-R on the relationship of stress and depression, a support was found for the moderator hypothesis which assumes that social problem solving interacts with everyday problems to influence the level of depression. Therefore, the findings in present study supported the distinction of five factors in SPSI-R. The implications of these results for social problem solving theory and assessment are also discussed.

阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止疾患與憂鬱情緒關聯性之探討 / Examining the relationship between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Depressive Mood

李偉康, Lee, We-Kang Unknown Date (has links)
研究背景與目的:近年來,有不少研究指出阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止疾患(簡稱OSA)患者呈現出高比例的憂鬱情緒,但其盛行率結果分歧,回顧過往文獻也發現OSA與憂鬱情緒的關聯性之結果亦呈現分歧的結果。值得注意的是,OSA與憂鬱情緒之間存在著類似的症狀表現——白天嗜睡,OSA患者可能依據OSA伴隨的嗜睡症狀,回應憂鬱問卷或診斷中的問題,而使其受到誤診或是使盛行率受到高估。為探討此議題,本研究進行兩項研究,分別以橫斷及長期追蹤的資料,探討(一)OSA患者的憂鬱情緒是否聚焦於身體面向,且OSA與憂鬱情緒之間是否受到白天嗜睡中介,以及(二)OSA患者睡眠檢查長期追蹤資料中憂鬱情緒的改變,是否與白天嗜睡程度有關。 研究方法:研究一以台北醫學大學附設醫院睡眠中心資料庫中,2010至2015年到台北醫學大學附設醫院睡眠中心看診並進行PSG檢測時所收集的資料(AHI、醒覺指標、缺氧指標、平均血氧飽和度、最低血氧飽和度、BDI-IA、ESS)進行分析,在排除小於20歲與睡眠疾患共病之後,共有2140位OSA(364女、1776男)患者資料被納入分析。本研究針對OSA患者的憂鬱情緒(BDI-IA)分數進行探索性因素分析,並以此因素結構與Beck與Steer(1993)所得之憂鬱情緒面向結構進行模型競爭,以求更適配於OSA患者之因素結構。再者,本研究取具輕度以上憂鬱情緒的OSA患者資料,以線性迴歸分析了解OSA嚴重度(AHI)、嗜睡程度(ESS得分)與憂鬱情緒(BDI-IA、身體面向、認知面向)之間的關聯性,並以拔靴法進行中介模型的檢定。此外,欲探討OSA患者的憂鬱情緒可能聚焦於身體面向,本研究亦將OSA患者依症狀嚴重度分組,並比較不同症狀嚴重度OSA患者的認知面向與身體面向憂鬱分數。研究二則是以台北醫學大學附設醫院睡眠中心資料庫追蹤一年至兩年間的OSA患者的資料進行資料分析,由於女性人數過少,因此僅納入81位男性OSA患者資料進行統計分析。 研究結果:研究一探索性因素分析結果顯示,「體重減輕」與「煩躁易怒」在因素分析結果的負荷量相當低,無法歸類至其一面向,予以排除,且「不滿自我」、「社交退縮」、「優柔寡斷」三題(原認知面向題項)在OSA患者樣本中被歸類至身體面向。競爭模型結果顯示,本研究所得之因素結構AIC值較低,因此以本研究所得之因素結構進行後續分析中認知面向與身體面向憂鬱情緒之計分與分析。以具憂鬱情緒的OSA患者資料進行相關分析結果發現,AHI 、覺醒指標、 缺氧指標、平均血氧飽和度、最低血氧飽和度皆與ESS呈現顯著相關;且ESS與BDI、身體面向、認知面向憂鬱情緒皆呈現顯著正相關。值得注意的是,OSA症狀嚴重度AHI雖未與BDI呈現顯著關聯性,但與身體面向憂鬱情緒達顯著正相關,且OSA病理機轉——醒覺指標、缺氧指標、平均血氧飽和度亦與身體面向憂鬱情緒達顯著關聯性。拔靴法結果顯示,在控制年齡與BMI後,ESS僅中介於醒覺指標與身體面向憂鬱情緒間的關聯性。將男女性分組後,女性患者的ESS中介於AHI與身體面向憂鬱情緒、醒覺指標與身體面向憂鬱情緒、以及缺氧指標與身體面向憂鬱情緒之間的關聯性,但男性OSA患者則無此中介效果。將OSA患者依症狀嚴重度分組,針對不同症狀嚴重度OSA患者的認知面向與身體面向憂鬱分數進行重複量數檢定,發現不論AHI為輕、中、重度,身體面向憂鬱分數皆較認知面向來得高。研究二檢視OSA患者一年至兩年間追蹤的結果,發現AHI改變量與BMI改變量,無論對於ESS的改變量、BDI-IA總分的改變量、認知面向以及身體面向憂鬱情緒的改變量,皆無顯著相關性;而ESS改變量則與BDI-IA總分的改變量、認知面向憂鬱情緒的改變量、身體面向憂鬱情緒的改變量呈現顯著相關性。依ESS改變量分組後,進一步以單因子變異數分析對BDI-IA改變量、認知面向憂鬱情緒改變量、身體面向憂鬱情緒改變量進行檢定,結果顯示,無論在BDI-IA改變量、認知面向憂鬱情緒改變量、或身體面向憂鬱情緒改變量,皆達顯著差異;而事後檢定顯示,無論在BDI-IA改變量、認知面向、身體面向憂鬱情緒,ESS升高組與ESS無變化組、ESS降低組呈現顯著差異,而ESS無變化組則與ESS降低組無顯著差異。 結論:本研究OSA患者自評BDI-IA的結果發現有高達35%的患者至少有輕度以上的憂鬱情緒,且本研究發現在女性OSA患者身上,OSA嚴重度、睡眠片段化病理機轉,與憂鬱情緒間,受到白天嗜睡程度中介;且OSA患者的憂鬱情緒明顯聚焦於身體面向上,此結果說明OSA患者的憂鬱情緒可能受到白天嗜睡程度所影響,本研究在於提醒臨床工作者對OSA患者進行憂鬱症臨床診斷時,需注意與釐清OSA患者是否以白天嗜睡的情況,來回應憂鬱症狀相關的嗜睡表現,以降低誤判OSA患者憂鬱情緒的可能性。 / Aims: Recent years, researchers found high prevalence of depression occurred in OSA patients. However, the inconsistency was also found in depression prevalence and in the association between OSA and depressive mood. Notably, excessive daytime sleepiness is one of common symptoms of both OSA and depression. High prevalence of depression might be an overestimation due to excessive daytime sleepiness reported by OSA patients. Two studies (cross-sectional and longitudinal studies) were conducted to examine (1) whether the depressive symptoms in OSA patients are more somatic in nature and whether mediation effect between OSA and depression exist, and (2) whether the changes in depressive mood correlate with the changes in excessive daytime sleepiness showed in long term follow-up data. Methods: Sleep test data (including AHI, arousal index, desaturation index, mean SaO2, lowest SaO2, BDI-IA, ESS) retrieved from database of Taipei Medical University Hospital Sleep Center from year 2010 to 2015 was used in Study 1. 2140 OSA patients (364 F、1776 M) were included after rule out patients who is under 20 year-old or comorbid with other sleep disorders. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to extract the dimensions of depressive mood in OSA patients and the dimensions obtained were further compared with those of Beck and Steer (1993) through competing models. Furthermore, correlations between OSA severity, OSA pathological mechanism, excessive daytime sleepiness, and depressive mood were analyzed in the data of OSA patients with depressive mood, and boostrapping method was conducted to test mediation effect. For examining whether the depressive symptoms in OSA patients are more somatic in nature, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension were compared within different OSA severity. One to two year follow-up sleep test data retrieved from database of Taipei Medical University Hospital Sleep Center was analyzed in Study 2. There were only 81 male OSA patient data included due to the small numbers of female patients. Results: Exploratory factor analysis in Study 1 showed that “weight loss” and “irritability” should be excluded due to low factor loading in depressive mood of OSA patients. “Dissatisfaction”, “social withdrawal” and “indecisiveness” were categorized into somatic dimension in OSA patients. Competing models indicated the factors obtained in exploratory factor analysis were preferred due to lower AIC value, which suggested the model was better fit to OSA patients. Correlation analysis showed that AHI, arousal index, desaturation index, mean SaO2, lowest SaO2, BDI-IA score, somatic dimension and cognitive dimension significantly correlated with ESS. Notably, although the correlation between AHI and BDI-IA was non-significant, AHI positively correlated with somatic dimension. OSA pathological mechanism (arousal index, desaturation index, mean SaO2) also significantly correlated with somatic dimension on BDI-IA. After controlling age and BMI, mediation effects of excessive daytime sleepiness were only found on the relation of arousal index and somatic dimension. Mediation effects were also found on the relation of AHI and somatic dimension, on the relation of desaturation index and somatic dimension, and on the relation of arousal index and somatic dimension in female OSA patients, but the mediation effect was not found in male OSA patients. Furthermore, 3 X 2 ANOVA repeated measurement showed somatic dimension was significantly higher than cognitive dimension on BDI-IA in different AHI severity group. Follow-up data in Study 2 showed the change of AHI and BMI were not correlated with the change of ESS, BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension on BDI-IA. However, the change of ESS was significantly correlated with the change of BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension on BDI-IA. Furthermore, the change of BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension on BDI-IA were tested in different ESS change group. Results showed that the change of BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension on BDI-IA were significant in different ESS change group. Post-hoc analysis indicated the change of BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension in ESS elevated group were significantly different from ESS maintained group and ESS descend group but the difference between ESS maintained group and ESS descend group was non-significant. Conclusion: 35% of OSA patients were classified as co-occurring depressive mood using BDI-IA. However, mediation effect of excessive daytime sleepiness was found in female patients on the relation of OSA severity and depressive mood, and also on the relation of sleep fragmentation and depressive mood. Furthermore, depressive symptoms in OSA patients are more somatic in nature. The results showed depressive mood in OSA patients was probably affected by the excessive daytime sleepiness. The findings suggested the need to clarify the effect of excessive daytime sleepiness to prevent the overestimation of depressive mood in OSA patients.

大學生生活壓力、心理資本與憂鬱之關係 / The relationships among life stress, psychological capital, and depression of college students

巫姿嫺, Wu, Zih Sian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生的生活壓力、心理資本及憂鬱之關係。受試者為國立政治大學與國立交通大學的大學生,有效樣本為631人。本研究採問卷調查法施以生活壓力量表、心理資本量表及臺灣憂鬱症量表,使用的資料分析方法包括:t考驗、單因子變異數分析、因素分析、及結構方程式模型。本研究主要發現如下: 一、在背景變項方面: (一)不同性別大學生在「生活壓力」與「憂鬱」上有顯著差異。 (二)不同年齡大學生在「生活壓力」上有顯著差異。 (三)不同年級在各背景變項上皆無顯著差異。 (四)不同學院在各背景變項上皆無顯著差異。 二、在結構模式方面: (一)生活壓力對心理資本有直接負向效果。 (二)生活壓力對憂鬱有直接正向效果。 (三)心理資本對憂鬱有直接負向效果。 (四)生活壓力能直接影響憂鬱,也能透過心理資本間接影響憂鬱。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among life stress, psychological capital, and depression of College students. The participants included 631 college students sampled from National Chengchi University and National Chiao Tung University. The data was collected by questionnaires, including the Stress Scale, the Psychological Capital Scale, and the Taiwan Depression Scale. Moreover, the data were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis, and SEM. The main results were summarized as follows: About the background variables: 1.Students with different gender were significantly different in the scores of life stress and depression. 2.Students with different grade were significantly different in the scores of depression. 3.Students with different age were not significantly different in the scores of background variables. 4.Students with different faculty were not significantly different in the scores of background variables. About the structural model: 1.Life stress had negative influence on psychological capital directly. 2.Life stress had positive influence on depression directly. 3.Psychological capital had negative influence on depression directly. 4.Life stress had influence on depression directly, and it also affected depression through psychological capital.

自尊、人際關係、復原力與大學生的憂鬱行為表現 / A study of self-esteem, interpersonal relationship, resilience and depression of university students

曾筱恬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生自尊、人際關係、復原力及憂鬱行為表現間之關係,乃以大學生558人為研究對象,經運用成人復原力量表、柯氏憂鬱量表、自尊量表及人際關係量表等研究工具,獲得所需資料,再以描述統計、t檢定、皮爾遜績差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析以及階層迴歸分析等方法,進行統計分析。主要研究結果如下: 1. 大學生之整體復原力大致良好;尤其在社會資源、家庭團結、社交能力、未來組織風格以及個人強度等方面的復原力,均有良好的表現。 2. 大學生輕度至中度憂鬱者佔全體大學生的48.10%,且2/3以上的大學生有輕度以上的憂鬱行為表現。 3. 女大學生的「家庭團結」與「社會資源」的復原力表現較男大學生佳。 4. 不同性別、年級的大學生,其自尊與整體復原力之間,均存有顯著中度正相關的關係;而其自尊與憂鬱行為表現之間,均存有顯著中度負相關的關係。 5. 女大學生及大一學生的自尊與「個人強度」復原力之間,存有顯著高度正相關的關係。 6. 不同性別、年級的大學生,其人際關係與整體復原力間,存有顯著中度正相關的關係;而其人際關係與憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著低度負相關的關係。 7. 「自尊」最能有效預測不同性別、年級之大學生的整體復原力及憂鬱行為表現。 8. 人際關係的「自我揭露度」,為預測男女大學生及大一學生復原力的第二高變項。 9. 人際關係的「和諧度」能顯著預測大三學生的復原力。 10. 人際關係的「合作度」,能預測男大學生與年級不同大學生的憂鬱行為表現。 11. 「個人強度」復原力最能預測女大學生及大一學生的憂鬱行為表現。 12. 「社會資源」復原力可預測男大學生與大一學生的憂鬱行為表現。 13. 不同性別、年級大學生的復原力,能在其自尊與憂鬱行為表現間,扮演調節的作用。 14. 不同性別、年級大學生的復原力,能在其人際關係與憂鬱行為表現間,扮演調節的作用。 本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between the university students’ self-esteem, interpersonal relationship, resilience and depression. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the university students in Taiwan, and the valid sample size was 558. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The major results of the study are as follows. 1. The university students’ resilience and its factors including social resource resilience, family solidarity resilience, social skill resilience, future organizational style resilience and personal strength resilience were all above the medium level. 2. There were 48.1 percent of university students had mild to moderate depression, and two-thirds of university students had mild depression to severe depression. 3. Female students’ family solidarity resilience and social resource resilience were higher than male students. 4. Significant moderate positive correlations were found between university students’ self-esteem and resilience no matter what gender or grade they were. And there were significant moderate negative correlations between their self-esteem and depression. 5. Significant highly positive correlations were found between both female and freshman students’ self-esteem and personal strength resilience. 6. Significant moderate positive correlations were found between university students’ interpersonal relationship and resilience no matter what gender or grade they were. And there were significant moderate negative correlations between their interpersonal relationship and depression. 7. Self-esteem was the most predictive variable of university students’ resilience and depression. 8. The self-disclosure factor of interpersonal relationship was the second predictive variable of resilience of freshman students and both male and female students. 9. The harmonious factor of interpersonal relationship was the most predictive variable of junior students’ resilience. 10. The cooperation factor of interpersonal relationship was the most predictive variable of depression of male students and both freshman and junior students. 11. The personal strength resilience was the most predictive variable of depression of both female and freshman students. 12. The social resource resilience could valid predict both male and freshman students’ depression. 13. The resilience of university students had moderate effect between their self-esteem and depression no matter what gender or grade they were. 14. The resilience of university students had moderate effect between their interpersonal relationship and depression no matter what gender or grade they were. Both academic and practical implications based on the findings and discussions had been provided for the reference of future studies.

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