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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉倚帆 Unknown Date (has links)
本文從台灣在地歷史經驗切入進行耙梳,首先試圖釐清當代台灣本地所謂的「夜店」文化邊界。進一步的,以信義計畫區為例,我將把夜店放進全球消費社會脈絡當中檢視,援引Lefebvre的空間分析架構,分別從從物質與符號生產過程面向,對夜店內外的地景進行考察;同時也從消費者的空間感知層次,以消費者在其空間內部的身體姿態為分析對象,藉以從Lefebvre所提出的空間三元架構,分別說明並統整台灣本地夜店的空間生產過程。 研究發現,自九〇年代以降,循著「亞太金融中心」的發展邏輯,信義計畫區被刻意發展為全球節點,其地景型構乃是一種專屬於中產階級之消費殿堂的刻意打造;輔之以晚近台北市文化政策的施為轉折,在消費社會的脈絡當中,地景型構與政策施行等來自於政治力量的具體社會實踐,成為信義計畫區中的夜店提供節慶式享樂活動的基礎。 而在信義計畫區的夜店當中,就音樂部分而言,其所提供的主流音樂品味至今電音與嘻哈並陳,乃是歷史推演的結果,夜店DJ藉由音樂的播放培養了消費者的次文化音樂資本,對消費者來說,其音樂知識的累積也多僅在此一空間內進行,離開夜店之後則未必會提昇自己相關的音樂素養。 在夜店空間的視覺呈現方面,其透過通道的安排、酒精飲料的販賣,以及其整體裝潢風格所欲型塑的不同於日常生活想像的非日常性,作為遮掩其理性空間安排的表徵,實際上,為避免在此一空間發生過度失序的行為,除了服務生之外,夜店空間內尚有安管人員與監視器的配置,防止諸如性、暴力、偷竊,即使用禁藥等等逾越行為,目的在於維繫消費者在消費過程當中的安全,同時也創立並維護店家的聲譽。而對消費者來說,其多順從信義計畫區夜店的空間要求,以企圖在高級豪華的信義計畫區夜店空間當中,扮演一個稱職合宜的消費者。 就此而言,透過其內部空間的理性安置與空間氛圍的刻意型塑,夜店空間乃是一個由政經力量及消費者共構之專業化娛樂休閒場域,從而失去了Lefebve所希冀的成為嘉年華式差異地點的潛能。

路途上:《兩個閒散徒弟的懶惰旅遊》中的空間實踐 / On the Road: Spatial Practices in The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices

杜古筠, Tu, Ku Yun Unknown Date (has links)
《兩個閒蕩徒弟的懶惰旅行》(The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, 1857) 是一本由查理‧狄更斯(Charles Dickens)與威爾基‧柯林斯(Wilkie Collins)根據他們的旅途見聞再加上各自創作的兩篇短篇故事所集結而成的小說。在過去,許多批評家只單論文本中的兩篇短篇故事,而忽略鑲嵌短篇故事的主架構,把文本切割至互不相連的碎片。本論文主要採取昂希‧列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)對於空間三面向的理論概念來剖析《兩個閒蕩徒弟的懶惰旅行》在文本中反覆出現,並且被不同主體所論述的閒蕩(idleness)一詞,試圖藉由呈現閒蕩的多重意義而把《兩個閒蕩徒弟的懶惰旅行》視為一有機的整體。論文第二章借助空間的再現(representation of space)概念論述看似懶散、不事生產的地景是如何被規劃,最終喪失其神性(deity)。論文的第三章則檢視空間使用者與空間的互動。本章從空間實踐(spatial practice)的角度切入,試圖證明文本中的精神病院(lunatic asylum)、火車站(railway station)與賽馬週(race-week)的空間規劃異化(alienate)了生活在其中的空間居民,而居民無所事事的遊蕩正是此異化的展現。第四章援引再現的空間(space of representation)之概念,試圖證明閒蕩也有其積極面向。藉由檢視故事主人翁法蘭西‧古柴爾德(Francis Goodchild)與湯瑪士‧艾朵(Thomas Idle)既合作又競爭的夥伴關係,閒蕩對於湯瑪士‧艾朵而言,是一種在文本中爭取發言權的手段。至於對缺乏官方實證的怪談野史而言,閒蕩也是一種抵抗大論述收編、並且同時揭露資本主義中金錢對於人性腐蝕的路徑。 / The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices is a travelogue worked in collaboration between Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Besides noting down what they observe and encounter during the trip, Dickens and Collins also enclose two gothic tales which is written respectively by them. Nevertheless, when most critics mention The Lazy Tour, they limit their concerns to simply the two interpolated tales, which violates the integrity of The Lazy Tour by dissecting it into disconnected pieces. This thesis proposes to apply Henri Lefebvre’s conceptual triad to analyze the recurring theme, idleness, which is interpreted by different subjects. By presenting the variations of the concept of idleness, this thesis attempts to see The Lazy Tour as an organic whole. Applying the idea of representation of space, Chapter Two explains how the seemingly inoperative landscapes are programmed and designed, which results in the demise of the deity of Nature. With the support of the concept of spatial practice, Chapter Three proposes to demonstrate how the spatial designs of the lunatic asylum, railway station, and the festive occasion, the race-week, respectively alienate the spatial inhabitants. The idleness manifested by these spatial inhabitants is the syndrome of their alienation. Chapter Four analyzes the constructive aspect of the idleness with the assistance of Lefebvre’s idea of space of representation. In terms of Thomas Idle, one of the protagonists, idleness serves as a resistant measure to develop his own narrative. As far as the two interpolated tales are concerned, idleness can be compared to a way to resist the incorporation of the narrative framework of The Lazy Tour, and in the meanwhile discloses the moral corruption brought by Capitalism.

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