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知識創新學習環境量表之編製 / The development of the knowledge building environment scale林奎宇, Lin, Kuei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在編製「知識創新學習環境量表」,以瞭解學習環境中知識創新氛圍的程度。透過三個獨立樣本A、B及C,分別進行探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析及複核效化分析。樣本A(332人)以探索性因素分析獲得因素成份,結果顯示此份量表有三個因素,分別命名為「想法因素」、「自主學習者因素」及「社群因素」。其次,透過建立本量表的一系列競爭模式,以樣本B(536人)進行驗證性因素分析之評鑑,結果顯示二階單因素模式為最簡效模式,並且量表具有良好之信、效度。而樣本C(536人)則作為複核效化之分析,結果顯示二階單因素模式具有穩定性與預測力。希冀本量表能提供相關單位做為教學及研究之應用。 / The purpose of this study was to develop the Knowledge Building Environment Scale (KBES). Three independent samples was used to validte the reliability and validity of the scale. Firstly, sample A (n=332) was used to generate the factors through exploratory factor analysis. It resulted in a scale of three factors which contains ‘idea’ factor, ‘agent’ factor and ‘community’ factor. Secondly, a series of competing models was established and evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis through sample B (n=536). Comparing with several competing models, hierarchical model was found to be the most efficient model with good reliability and validity. Finally, the cross-validation was tested by sample C (n=536) for hierarchical model to confirm the stability and predictive power of this model. The KBES can provide relevant institutions as a tool for evaluating learning environments.
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台灣IC設計公司競爭模式與成長策略 / The competitive patterns and growth strategies of Taiwan fabless IC design林帛曉, Lin, Po Hsiao Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:IC設計、競爭模式、創新策略、成長策略、競爭優勢。 / Since 1970s, the semiconductor industry in Taiwan has formed a complete vertical specialized system which consisted of numerous companies from the upstream IC design, manufacturing, assembly & testing to the downstream IC distribution. The reasons why this study focused on the competitive patterns and business models of IC design includes:
1.There are more than 300 fabless IC design house in Taiwan and the whole industry attracted lots of young engineering talents and became remarkable to Taiwan economy.
2.Significant structural transformations changed the whole industry recently.
3.IC design house can rise rapidly by just one right product and fall even faster if they missed the right timing. So the industry is about high operation risks with high return on investments.
4.To learn the successful stories of Taiwanese IC design could be reference classes for the coming start-ups.
The growth strategies of corporations are quite diversified, therefore, this study induced the related documents and generalized the history of four case companies to find how they develop growth strategies. This study proposed the growth strategies could be formulated out of three dimensions: the market orientation, the technology orientation and the strategy orientation as below:
1.Technology orientation: In order to accumulate necessary resources for future growth, IC design start-ups may concentrate on core technologies and keep in step with the industry standard setters to plan their product line.
2.Market orientation: Collaborate with key clients to gain stable purchasing orders and reputations.
3.Strategy orientation: Leverage key clients or industry leaders to do market development.
Keywords: Fabless IC Design, Competitive Patterns, Innovation Strategy, Growth Strategy, Competitive Advantage.
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考量消費者行為與供應商價格競爭之零售商價格競爭模式之研究 / A Study on Pricing Competition Model of Retailer with Learning Behavior of Consumer and Competition of Supplier鄧廣豐, Deng, Guang Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將零售商、供應商及消費者互動形成之競爭市場視為一個複雜適應性系統(Complex Adaptive System ,簡稱CAS),應用代理人基塑模與模擬(Agent-based Modeling and Simulation,簡稱ABMS)方式建構考量供應商競爭與消費者學習行為之零售商價格競爭模式,將演化賽局理論應用於價格競爭中,探討不同的消費者學習及供應商價格競爭行為如何動態影響零售商價格競爭型態,以及不同價格調整策略之績效表現。
在實務意涵上,若零售商可使消費者行為偏向自我或群體式學習,並穩定供應商價格競爭下,整體而言零售商端競爭可獲得最高的獲利,若當此刻競爭零售商採取保守型價格策略,而本身採取開放式價格調整策略,則獲利最大。然而面臨群體式學習消費者,由於競爭強度的增加,需留意市場動態,須隨時靈活調整本身價格策略,避免因價格策略的僵化,而成為虧損之零售商。 / The pricing competitive model traditionally assumes that consumers will buy from the firm selling the homogeneous product at the lowest price, thus discarding any possibility of learning behavior on the demand side. But if, as in real competition, consumers learn adaptively and competition is a dynamic process, then some attention should be paid to consumers' behavior.
In a multiple supplier – multiple retailer supply chain, multiple price competitive forces interact to influence firm price decisions. These forces include: (1) the supplier level competition each supplier faces from others producing the same product, (2) the retailer level competition among the retailers selling the same set of goods, and (3) the vertical interaction competition between the retailer and supplier.
We are interest in these questions: How does the consumer learning behavior affect the retailer pricing competitive model? How does the competition of supplier affect the retailer pricing competitive model? What is the optimal adaptive pricing strategy for retailer performance in such competitive market including retailers, suppliers and consumers.
Therefore, this research study a version of the pricing competitive (Bertrand) model in which consumer exhibit dynamic adaptive learning behavior when deciding from what retailers they will buy. And we consider to join the supplier competitive pricing behavior into the retailer pricing competitive model and formulate their interaction as evolutional game and to analyze the competition of supplier effect and its impact on the pricing competition of retailers.
This research uses a complex adaptive system perspective to construct a retailer pricing competitive model which considers both competitive supplier and learning consumer behavior. Using agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) to construct the competitive market include retailers, suppliers and consumers, and use the fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms to model the pricing decision and learning behavior of retailers and suppliers, and use reinforcement learning and swarm algorithms to model consumers’ learning behavior.
The simulation results demonstrate that: The retailer level obtains the highest profit when the consumer behavior following reinforcement learning. When the consumer behavior displays swarm learning, the retailer level also obtains high profit near the highest profit. However swarm learning increases the competitive intensity on the retailer level. The competitive supplier increases the competitive intensity and decrease profit on the retailer level when the consumer behavior displays reinforcement learning and swarm learning.
The performance of retailer following a closed adaptive pricing strategy (high exploitation low exploration) exceeds that of retailer following an open adaptive pricing strategy (low exploitation high exploration) when the consumer behavior displays reinforcement learning and supplier display competitive behavior. However when the consumer behavior displays swarm learning and supplier display competitive behavior, the performance of retailer following an open adaptive pricing strategy exceeds that of retailer following a closed adaptive pricing strategy.
The proposed pricing competitive model with adaptive learning of consumer behavior and competition of supplier can help retailers to analyze pricing strategy and further discovery and design the more optimal pricing strategy.
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