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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我國「全民防衛動員」之研究 / A Study of Civilian-Based Defense Mobilization

許偉仁, Hsu, Wei Jen Unknown Date (has links)
當前我國國防政策的基本目標為「預防戰爭、國土防衛、反恐制變」,為確保目標之達成,現階段之各項國防整備措施及建軍備戰作為,須仰賴國軍推動必要的轉型,建立一支彈性快速、高作戰性能,以及能夠滿足多元國防任務的現代化軍隊,以期能「以革新提升實力,以實力確保和平」,有效保障國家安全與國民福祉。自國軍推行「精實案」、「精進案」後,兵力結構改變,台澎防衛作戰仍以三軍聯合作戰為主要型態,但最後成敗關鍵,動員整備工作的落實與否成了很重要的因素;現行組織之編組與做法,仍有若干問題存在,亟應朝法制化、常軌化發展,建立全民防衛動員工作之正常體制與良好運作環境,方能切合時代潮流,有效發揮全民防衛戰力。 全民防衛動員成功關鍵,必須以「全民國防」的意識及作為支撐,才能夠將「有效嚇阻、防衛固守」的戰略構想賦予具體內容。其所追求的目標是:「全民關注、全民支持、全民參與」,平時透過「全民國防教育法」的各項積極作為教育民眾,支持政府從事各項國防建設,喚起民眾憂患意識,落實全民心防,端正社會風氣;進入戰時狀態即依據「全民防衛動員準備法」,整合軍民之力量,建構生命共同體,擴展愛鄉、愛國之心胸,消弭統獨族群爭議,建立正確敵情觀念,以因應威脅國家安全的各種狀況。這些重點工作,個人期望能在全民防衛動員戰略規劃中,具體將國家整體資源及社會民物力運用,做深入探討,以試圖提出今後對建軍備戰的具體建議。 / At this time point, the fundamental goal of our policies of National Defense is “Prevent the war from, the national territory defends, anti- perhaps system changes”. In order to accompolish this goal,two transitions need take place: The national defense reorganizes and outfits the measure and sets up the armament war conduct and actions.To meet the expecfation of " Promote the strength with the innovation, insure the peace with the strength" a modern troop with high flexibility and high performance,which cancomplete National Defensive mission is requined. Although the army Structure has slightly changed after the national army started “Solid case, aggressive case of the main form of Taiwan Pon Hoo Denfensive war is The armed forces consociation battles.The key to success still depends on the execution of Mobilize to reorganize and outfit the work in order to demonstrate National Defensive Force. The key to the success of All the people defends to mobilize must be supported by the concept of Civil national defense in order to materialize the strategy of Deter, defend to keep without change effectively.The aim is All the people pays attention to, all the people support, all the people participates,the Bureau of National Defense edvcates the citizens to support National Dofease and rectify social trend. Arouse the people the disaster realizes, carrying out the civil mental defence.When at war, All the people defends to mobilize to prepare the method will be activated to integrate forces of soldiers and people,construct Common body of life,demonstrate patriotism,solve the dispute of The is only the ethnicity controversy,and develop the cornect Condition of the enemy idea,in order to cope with any condition that could thneateu national security.These issues will be discussed in my All the people mobilizes the strategy programming and I will also discuss about how to fully utilize National Resources and social Force Social people's material resources in order to give specifiz suggestions on Set up the soldier general quarter .

「精進案」後國軍醫療人員任職進用之研究~以國軍醫學中心為例 / Research on the Recruitment and Employment of Military Medical Officers after the Armed Forces Streamlining Program: A Case Study of the Armed Forces Medicical Center

徐常渭 Unknown Date (has links)
國防部「精進案」政策執行後對國軍醫院醫療人員任職進用的影響甚大,其中以組織成員對進用管理、工作滿意及留職意願為主要關鍵,然而很少有研究者探討國軍醫院中進用管理與醫療人員工作滿意及留職意願間之關聯性。本研究之目的及在探討國軍醫學中心在「精進案」組織變革後,將醫療人員的進用管理、工作滿意及留職意願間之關聯性,透過問卷統計分析方式,歸納出以下的結論: 一、「精進案」政策執行後,國軍醫學中心醫療人員還是可以接受單位進用管理方式,並維持高度的工作滿意度,進而更有意願繼續留在國軍醫學中心服務。 二、年紀較長、高教育程度、擔任主管職位、服務在主要科別、服務年資年資及總年資較長的國軍醫療人員,其對進用管理認可程度較高。 三、男性、年紀較長、高教育程度、擔任主管職位、服務在主要科別、服務年資及總年資較長的國軍醫療人員,其對工作滿意程度較高。 四、已婚者、高教育程度、擔任主管職位、服務年資較長的國軍醫療人員,其對留職意願傾向較高。 五、提昇國軍醫療人員對進用管理的認可程度,可使人員加強人際合作關係,並將工作環境結合為個人生活的一部份,內化為自我實現的積極態度,進而提高工作滿意的程度。 六、「精進案」政策執行後,國軍醫學中心醫療人員對於單位進用管理方式認同程度越高者,其對自我的人際合作、融入工作環境、自我實現的追求及留職意願等方面認同程度也越高。 根據上述研究結果,筆者針對任職進用管理實務,提出以下建議﹕ 一、建立明確的目標與願景,並讓醫療人員清楚瞭解。 二、修訂國軍軍醫經管規定,整合人力資源與教育管理體系及單位。 三、提昇人員對人事政策的參與度。 四、妥善運用多元化獎勵與福利措施。 五、調整獎助金分配,實施一定比例的「變動獎助金」。 六、提昇醫療人員自我形象與專業素養。 七、建立學習型組織與氣氛,持續醫療人員職涯輔導。 / After the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, heavily depends on military medical officers which recommends for recruitment and employment, organizes the member to recommend for employment the management, satisfaction and remain on jobs rate as well. However, only little research had conducted to study the linkage of promotion program between people satisfaction and remain on job rate for the people who works at the military medical hospitals. The objective of this research focused on the promotion program, people satisfaction and remain on job rate after the process of the organization transformation through questionnaire and analysis. The results were summarized as follows: 1.The promotion and management program were accepted and maintain high satisfaction rate by the employee of the Armed Forces Medicical Center after the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, the employee have higher willing to remain their job at Armed Forces Medicical Center. 2.The new promotion program was more acceptable for the elder, high educated, manager level, people who worked for major departments and senior staff. 3.Male, elder, high educated, manager level, people who worked for major departments and senior staff were more satisfied for their job. 4.Married, high educated, manager level, senior staff were more like to remain at Armed Forces Medicical Center. 5.Employee more satisfied their jobs and work as a team, due to increase the acceptance of the promotion program, through enhance employee's relationship, integrates work and daily life and with enthusiasm for self-accomplishment. 6.After the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, got very positive results in promotion program acceptance, relationship build-up, integrates work and daily life, self-accomplish and remain on job. According to the above study results, some suggestions were proposed as below for the promotion program execution: 1.Establish clear mission and vision, let the employee who worked for Armed Forces Medicical Center fully understand. 2.Revise the management guidance for military medical doctors, harmonize HR (human resource), education manage system and related departments. 3.Enhance the participation of HR policy. 4.Properly using multiple reward and bonus programs. 5.Revise the bonus payment scheme, perform a fixed ratio of “flexible bonus”. 6.Improve the professional image and self-accomplishment of employee. 7.Build up the learning style organization and team spirit. Continue the career development program for employee.

軍事教育資源整合與軍事校院簡併之研究-以美國軍事校院為例 / The Research of Military Educational Resources Integration and Military Academies Streamlining-The case study on the US Military Academies

伍自強 Unknown Date (has links)
就我國與美國軍人之比例及對應兩國軍事教育體系及民間教育資源來看,實無必要浪費過多資源於大學及研究所教育中一般性之知識;因此,如能將國防軍事教育資源有效整合並擴大利用民間教育資源,使軍官教育多樣化,藉以刺激國軍僵化及單一之思維,相信必能大大節省國防部整體教育資源,並大幅提昇軍人素質。本研究發現在軍事教育資源整合及軍校簡併時,可能會遭遇到一些關鍵性問題亟待改進:如決策主官(管)權力過大且異動頻繁、參謀專業性及教育不足、教育資源重複投資、教育政策制訂過程欠週延及延續性、人才培育政策太過狹隘、經費來源受限、軍校傳統束縛、缺乏客觀之審查評估機制、未與國家教育體制接軌、師資無長遠規劃及欠多樣性、人為因素干擾教育政策、各校無明確教育目標與長遠計畫、未運用科學方法管控教育資源、課程缺乏多元化、軍事校院特色不足等。 研究者根據訪談結果分析與親身參與觀察的過程,經實證研究,提出研究建議: 壹、在執行軍事教育政策方面應:建立長遠軍事教育目標;充分授權各業務主管機關;嚴格限制軍事教育相關主官(管)任期與資格;密切結合人事經管政策;成立軍事教育政策指導委員會;與國家教育體制接軌並建立自我特色。 貳、在整合軍事教育資源方面應:運用現代化管理模式;建立機制控管與整合教育資源;軍事教育經費以固定比例編列;加強業管參謀之訓練與專業知能;著重全人教育與部隊實務的課程;師資多元並長期計劃培育;強化終身學習制度。 參、在簡併軍事校院方面應:簡併各軍事基礎校院,並檢討恢復ROTC之招募;整併同質性高之兵科學校,並將資源集中大量投入;重新構思深造教育模式,擴大施訓對象;大學部與研究所教育應明確區隔,並與民間共享資源。 / In terms of the proportion of soldiers’ number for Taiwan to US and in comparison of two countries military education system and civil educational resources, it is truthfully no needs to invest overmuch resource into university and graduate school for common knowledge. Therefore, if we could effectively integrate national defense educational resources and broadly employ civil educational resources to diversify the officer’s education for stimulating the armed forces rigid and single thought. Trustfully, it can widely save MND educational resources and largely enhance soldier’s quality. From the research findings, in the period of military educational resources integration and military academies consolidation process, some of the critical problems have been raised and waited for the improvements such as excessive authority and frequent transfer of decision-making superiors, insufficient staff’s profession and training, reduplicate investment of educational resources, the process of education policy-making lacks of well-consider and continuity, constrict talent people nurture policy, constraint budget resources, academies traditional burden, short of objective review and estimation mechanism, derailed from national education system, no faculty long-term planning and diversity, education policy affected by human factors, all academies short of categoric educational objective and long-term planning, not employ scientific method to control education resources, class objectives short of varieties, and military academies insufficient characteristics etc…. The researcher provided some suggestions as following by way of practical research according to the results of interviews. First, in execution of military education policy: to stimulate long-term military educational objective; fully empower to various units; strictly restrict the term period and prerequisite of related high superiors; closely joint all the manpower policies; to establish military education policy steering committee; to meet with national education system requirements and building self characteristic. Second, in integration of military education resources: to employ modernized management model; to establish mechanism to control and integrate education resources; to set up fix-proportion to plan the military education budgetary process; to reinforce the staff on-the-job training and professional knowledge; to focus on the courses related to all-respect education and troops affairs; diversified and long-term training plan on faculty; to intensify the perpetual learning system. Third, in streamlining the military academies: streamline all military basic academies and restore ROTC recruitment; consolidate the homogeneous professional military education school and invest in the collected resources; reconceive the advanced education model and enlarge the trainees’ background; categorically distinguish university education from graduate education and share the resources with other schools.

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