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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣銀行業系統重要性之衡量 / Measuring Systemic Importance of Taiwan’s Banking System

林育慈, Lin, Yu Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用Gravelle and Li (2013)提出之系統重要性指標來衡量國內九家上市金控銀行對於系統風險之貢獻程度。此種衡量方法係將特定銀行之系統重要性定義為該銀行發生危機造成系統風險增加的幅度,並以多變量極值理論進行機率的估算。實證結果顯示:一、系統重要性最高者為第一銀行;最低者為中國信託銀行。其中除中國信託銀行之重要性顯著低於其他銀行外,其餘銀行之系統重要性均無顯著差異。二、經營期間較長之銀行其系統重要性較高;具公股色彩之銀行對於系統風險之貢獻程度平均而言高於民營銀行。三、銀行規模與其對系統風險之貢獻大致呈現正向關係,即規模越大之銀行其重要性越高。在此情況下可能會有銀行大到不能倒的問題發生。四、存放比較低之銀行系統重要性亦較低,而資本適足率與系統重要性間並無明顯關係。 / In this thesis, we apply the measure proposed by Gravelle and Li (2013) to examine the systemic importance of certain Taiwanese banks. The systemic importance is defined as the increase in the systemic risk conditioned on the crash of a particular bank, and is estimated by the multivariate extreme value theory. Our empirical evidence shows that the most systemically important bank is First Commercial Bank, and the CTBC Bank is significantly less important than other banks, while the differences among the remaining banks are not significant. Second, banks established earlier have higher systemic importance; and the contribution to systemic risk of public banks, on average, is higher than the contribution of private banks. Third, we also find out that the size of a bank and its risk contribution have positive relationship. That is, the bigger a bank is, the more important it is. Under this circumstances, the too big to fail problem may occur. Last, the bank which has lower loan-to-deposit ratio will be less systemically important than those with higher ones, while the relation between capital adequacy ratio and systemic importance is unclear.

系統重要性金融機構及金融脆弱性 : GSV影子銀行模型的應用 / Systemically Important Financial Institutions and Financial Fragility:an Application of GSV’s Model of Shadow Banking

蔡岳志, Cai, Yue-Jhih Unknown Date (has links)
2007-2008的金融大海嘯中,影子銀行及系統重要性金融機構(systemically important financial institutions, SIFIs)扮演重要角色。金融機構證券化移轉資產的個別風險,以資產池最低報酬作為擔保品,發行高品質債權證券。隨投資人財富愈多,對安全資產需求愈大,金融機構擴大槓桿及風險資產投資。SIFIs數量少但規模大,相對於其他小型金融機構有較好的投資效率,其投資、證券化及其他業務與經濟體系具有複雜而規模大的關係,具有太大、太複雜以致不能倒的性質。SIFIs透過證券化移轉個別風險,在景氣蕭條及經濟個體普遍忽略尾端風險下,金融體系具有脆弱性。在已經存在SIFIs的金融體系下,金融脆弱性隨SIFIs及其他小型金融機構投資效率差距愈大愈加增強。 / The shadow banking system and systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) play important roles in recent financial crisis. Financial institutions (FIs) securitize risky assets and use the lowest payoffs of the securitized assets as collateral to issue riskless debts. As the demand for riskless assets increases, FIs initiate more risky assets and increase leverage. SIFIs are large and advantageous to invest in risky assets compared to small FIs. The complex connection between SIFIs and economy make them too big or complex to fail. SIFIs transfer idiosyncratic risk and undertake systemic risk via securitization. Financial system is fragile to recession when entities neglect tail risks. In the financial system in which SIFIs exist,the financial fragility is severer when the gap of the investment ability between SIFIs and other small FIs becomes larger.

銀行業中「大至不能倒」(Too Big to Fail)現象之防範與法制建構-兼論銀行事前預囑

黃卲璿, Huang, Shao Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文所要探討的問題在於如何消弭銀行業中具有「大至不能倒」地位的銀行對整體經濟與金融體系所帶來的負面效應。 為了處理此一問題,本文將從比較法經驗進行歸納分析,理出「大至不能倒」理論在美國法上的面貌,並對「大至不能倒」銀行的界定提出比較法上採取的途徑,之後本文將進入檢閱現有的「大至不能倒」的解決方案,並以本文核心目標:『正視「大至不能倒」銀行的存在,並最小化「大至不能倒」政策適用的餘地!』來檢驗這些解決方案,緊接著本文將提出金融穩定委員會對於「大至不能倒」銀行的「資本強化」、「監理強化」與「復原與退場計畫」這三個監理方案供參酌,本文在結論上強力主張應將「復原與退場計畫」納入我國的法制架構中,為我國未來面對「大至不能倒」議題預做準備,並提出立法建議。 所謂「復原與退場計畫」(銀行事前預囑)是國際上處理「大至不能倒」問題所創造出全新的監理工具,簡介其內容,就是藉由事前周全的計畫使大型銀行在遭遇嚴重的壓力事件(尤其是系統性事件)時能藉由實施事前計劃快速地使財務狀況回復正常,或退而求其次藉由實施事前計畫使銀行能在不影響金融穩定或損及納稅人(即紓困政策)的狀況下退出金融市場。簡而言之其精神在於「卸除大型銀行的系統重要性」。

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