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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Designing Credit Card ABS in Taiwan

趙振宏, Chao, Chen-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
Three decades ago, the first securitization product was introduced to the investing public in the United States by federal agencies and similar products showed up in Taiwan in 2002. It is a brand new concept for investors in Taiwan and material differences between the west and the east should be considered thoroughly. This research focus on must-knows and critical techniques of securitization of credit card receivables in Taiwan. The researcher discovered that, the competitiveness of originators is one crucial factor for credit card securitization to survive during serious conditions. Without the ability to refill declining credit card receivables in asset pool of securitization transactions, early amortization will be triggered and that’s where case closed. Cash flow forecasting model is another important player in credit card securitization. By predicting future cash flows needed and generated, originators can reap the most profit. However, the variables in this magic model are not easy to find. Through multiple analyses and one simulated case, the researcher found that the most important factors are yield rate, loss rate, repurchase rate, and monthly payment rate. / Three decades ago, the first securitization product was introduced to the investing public in the United States by federal agencies and similar products showed up in Taiwan in 2002. It is a brand new concept for investors in Taiwan and material differences between the west and the east should be considered thoroughly. This research focus on must-knows and critical techniques of securitization of credit card receivables in Taiwan. The researcher discovered that, the competitiveness of originators is one crucial factor for credit card securitization to survive during serious conditions. Without the ability to refill declining credit card receivables in asset pool of securitization transactions, early amortization will be triggered and that’s where case closed. Cash flow forecasting model is another important player in credit card securitization. By predicting future cash flows needed and generated, originators can reap the most profit. However, the variables in this magic model are not easy to find. Through multiple analyses and one simulated case, the researcher found that the most important factors are yield rate, loss rate, repurchase rate, and monthly payment rate.


洪綜信 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於新巴塞爾資本協定的實施對銀行業之營運有重大的影響,本文依Basel II對金融資產證券化的規範為基礎,以國內金融資產證券化個案進行分析。研究主要發現為:創始機構在資產證券化的發行架構之下,常保留未評等或順位較低的證券化券次,以作為優先順位的內部信用增強機制,但在新資本協定實際後,創始銀行必須提列更多的資本,降低銀行資本的運用效率及獲利,因而影響金融機構資本計提與發行意願;國內金融機構因為自行建置內部模型的能力不足,使得金融資產證券化的成本提高,對國內金融機構在國際金融市場上的競爭有不利的影響。準此,本文提出的建議為:國內金融機構可透過共同機構建立風險資料庫,以降低建置成本,提升金融機構風險管理能力及資產證券化的意願;解決證券化的扭曲誘因,應從修改法令強制將部分風險最高的證券化資產不得透過資產負債表外化的方式列帳,以降低創始機構證券化業者將高風險性資產表外化規避資本的計提;針對同時提供合格流動性融資額度並投資該證券化商品的銀行,降低資本計提,以提高金融機構參與證券化市場的意願。 / In June 2004 The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision announced to enforce the New Capital Accord (Basel II,), which revised the requirements upon securitization of financial assets. The Basel II requires financial institutions to allocate more paid-in capital for trading of securitized products. The revision of the Basel II will impact seriously the banking business. It really is a worth topic to study for banking industry. In view of a great effect upon banking operation caused by the Basel II, this paper deeply analyzes the issue of securitization of financial assets under the basis of the Basel II regulations. The results show that under current framework, the initial issuers of securitized products may hold the unrated or low-grade tranches to be as credit enforcement tools. But under the new regulations of the Basel II, if the initial issuers hold the low-grade tranches purposely, they should allocate more paid-in capital for the holding, which should decrease the efficiency of capital utilization and deteriorate the performance of business operations. According to the research, We have the following suggestions : (a) The data warehouse which collects risk factors of default events should be set up by local financial institutions together. All it’s sponsors can share the abundant information in the warehouse, that will move up local banks’ ability to control their credit risk and reduce the cost of risk control operations. (b) The revision of regulations upon securitization of financial assets should be put into action, to prohibit the initial issuers from cutting off the low-grade tranches into off-balance sheet securities, that would compel the initial issuers to maintain their regulatory capital enough. (c) Financial institutions which invest in securitized products or to be suppliers of credit lines in securitized products trading, should be allowed to keep lower capital adequacy ratio to encourage them to participate in securitization market.


黃景垣 Unknown Date (has links)
不動產證券化是將一個或數個龐大且不具流動性之不動產,透過細分為較小單位並發行有價證券予投資人之交易模式。不動產投資信託之發展起源於美國在1960年通過內地稅則與不動產投資信託法案,其按照資金投資的方向,可分為權益型、抵押型及混合型等三種類型。日本則於2000年11月修訂投資信託暨投資公司法,引入公司型投資信託制度,與原先日本證券信託投資制度採取之契約型投資信託制度,二者雙軌並行。 我國不動產證券化條例於九十二年七月九日經立法院三讀通過,同年七月二十三日公布實施,該條例參考美國不動產投資信託制度與我國共同信託基金管理辦法引入資產運用形之不動產投資信託,以及借鏡日本之資產流動形引入不動產資產信託等兩種信託架構,作為不動產證券化之管道。不動產投資信託的運作模式,是指由受託機構尋找具有穩定收益之標的,經向主管機關申請核准或申報生效後,透過向不特定人募集或向特定人私募的方式,將募集資金轉化成受益證券的形式,交付給投資人,並分配信託財產之收益、孳息或其他利益予投資人。不動產資產信託是指由不動產所有人或相關權利人把不動產的相關權利移轉給受託機構,以自己為原始受益人,再把信託受益權透過受託機構予以證券化。 我國不動產證券化條例規定受託機構主體僅能以特殊目的信託的方式設立,受託機構以信託業法所稱之信託業為限,未許可由公司或其他組織為受託主體。受託機構之功能在架設一獨立之財產,使與原來的財產所有人之破產風險有所隔離。 不動產的價值源自於持有期間的租金收入及處分收益兩個部分,為確保不動產或不動產相關權利之交易公平性及價格合理性,不動產證券化條例規定受託機構運用不動產投資信託基金進行達新台幣一億元以上之不動產或不動產相關權利交易前,必須先洽專業估價者依不動產估價師法規定出具估價報告書。依內政部所制定之「不動產證券化估價報告書範本」規定需從收益法之直接資本法、收益法之折現現金流量法、比較法、成本法及土地開發分析法等五種估價方法中,兼採二種以上估價方法。 自不動產證券化條例於92年7月23日公佈實施後,國內不動產證券化商品陸續推出,根據業者估計,國內不動產總值高達77兆元,其中資產品質較佳且現金流量穩定的標的超過1兆元,預估未來不動產證券化之規模可達3000億元,具有很大的成長空間。截至九十五年四月底,國內已有十一件不動產證券化商品發行,其中有四件是不動產投資信託,七件是不動產資產信託。 我國不動產證券化法制及相關之會計及稅務等配合措施雖已臻完備,惟若干未明確規範之處,例如不動產證券化所得來自直接與不動產業務有關之比重及信託收益分配比率之下限等,宜參考其他國家之做法訂定明確規範,以進一步保護投資人權益。另如增加SPC方式,即可在不更動信託業之資格門檻下,讓具有不動產開發及經理經驗之業者循成立特目的公司之方式辦理不動產證券化,有利於不動產證券化之發展。


賴樹奎 Unknown Date (has links)
不動產抵押貸款債權證券化制度在美國發展30多年且實施成效良好,由於此制度具有降低流動性風險及利率風險等效益,因此有其實施之重要性。我國自2002年6月立法院通過金融資產證券化條例迄今已逾3年,惟實施之案件僅有4件,發展自不具規模,而本研究亦發現現制存有諸多問題或缺失,如各銀行授信估價作業未能標準化、募集發行作業冗長、地政登記作業費時及欠缺私募證券化商品之交易平台等等,凡此等問題或缺失,若未能有效改善,影響所及,將因制度存有之限制與不便,影響實施推展之規模及成效,因此為值得研究探討之課題。 發展實施不動產抵押貸款債權證券化制度,須重視者不僅架構內涵應切合我國之需要,在實務面亦須確能落實執行,才能達成實施之效益。國內探討類似課題之文獻,其探討層面較不足之處,或未能針對實際案例作問題分析,或欠缺瞭解各相關參與業界實際執行情形之資料,故恐較不易針對實務執行面之問題提出較具體之對策與建議。而本研究與渠等文獻較重要之不同處,除了蒐集實際案例分析相關問題外,並親訪相關參與業界,因此較能深入瞭解實務執行面之問題;此外,並針對研究發現之問題,整合文獻觀點、美國制度可供參採之處、案例分析、訪談業界意見、洽詢主管部門意見及個人觀察後提出對策及建議。 至提出之對策及建議內涵,在資產組群方面,包括強化銀行授信估價相關作業標準化、資訊透明化,及加強金融資料之建檔與統計模型之建立。在募集發行方面,包括簡化申請審查及資產移轉登記作業、修正最高限額抵押權得為一部讓與,及加強專業人才之培訓。在信用評等方面,包括強化信評專業資格及責任機制與強化提昇評等專業水準機制。在銷售投資方面,包括強化活絡市場之相關機制、開放投資範圍與投資門檻,及加強市場宣導與教育工作。在其他層面方面,包括建置政府保證機制、發展房貸保險機制、健全優惠稅賦機制及完善之服務體系。 上述對策及建議,相信除能達增進制度健全發展及使現制運作更順暢與推行成效更臻良好之研究目的外,亦有助政府相關主管部門、銀行等參與機構及投資大眾,於修正法令、參與運作及認識商品之參考。 關鍵詞:證券化、金融資產證券化、不動產抵押貸款債權證券化


戴慧雯 Unknown Date (has links)
根據ISDA研究,合成型證券化商品之發行量已突破傳統型證券化商品,顯見合成型證券化商品對於金融機構經營策略之運用、投資市場的多元性以及風險管理工具的發展,均占一席之地。我國由「金融資產證券化條例」授權主管機關擴充「外國證券化債券」得為證券化資產種類中,即包含外國「合成型擔保債權憑證」;該產品特徵在於證券發行機構無須實質持有資產,投資人係透過發行機構承作信用衍生性商品以承擔標的資產之風險,並以該信用衍生性商品之「風險貼水」作為證券收益來源。 「合成型擔保債權憑證」架構特質,異於國內金融業者依據「金融資產證券化條例」之明文規範,得發行之受益證券或資產基礎證券。然「金融資產證券化條例」對於得證券化資產,授權主管機關得視國際潮流而另行擴充的立法方式,目的在調整立法彈性以適應國際趨勢,並提高競爭力;但目前條例尚未允許業者發行合成型證券化商品的情勢下,「外國證券化債券」得為資產池資產,反而更彰顯「金融資產證券化條例」未跟隨國際證券化市場之發展而調整的事實。 本論文參考美國SEC發佈之Regulation AB之公開原則為主軸,針對發行人、創始機構、發起人、存託人等參與者的責任,檢討國內條例就證券化市場所規範之公開原則、民事責任的賠償主體是否完善。接著探討合成型證券化商品的發行,對於「金融資產證券化條例」的基本架構應有的修正。期望可健全並多元證券化市場,同時亦促進金融機構風險管理能力。

BOT計劃透過資產證券化籌資之個案研究 / A case study of the fund raising through asset Securitization for BOT project

蘇琪君, Su, Chi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
投資計畫和融資決策間存在強烈的連動關係,因此近年來推動新金融商品以為籌資來源在全球資本市場上蔚為風潮,資產證券化便是相當受到重視的新金融工具。 資產證券化(Asset Securitization)最早由美國投資銀行家 Ranieri, Lewis R.於1977年接受《華爾街日報》記者採訪時提出。有別於傳統的融資工具,資產證券化可靈活的設計出不同的架構來滿足不同融資者的需求,在各國也有不同的制度設計以適應不同國家的經濟、法律和社會環境。 由於資產證券化在歐美已行之有年,我國政府為與國際金融接軌,促進金融國際化、自由化及多元化,也展開對資產證券化商品的推動。繼1996年率先頒佈「信託法」、2000年「信託業法」作為資產證券化的鋪路法源後,2002年7月公佈實施「金融資產證券化條例」、2003年7月公佈實施「不動產證券化條例」,而「金融資產證券化條例施行細則」及「不動產證券化條例施行細則」等相關子法也分別於2003年8月、2003年12月陸續公佈實施,國內銀行與證券商等相關業者均相當看好這塊新金融市場之潛力。雖然國內已有金融資產證券化商品及不動產資產信託、不動產投資信託商品,但金融資產證券化商品目前仍以企業貸款、債券貸款及住宅抵押貸款為主要證券化標的,仍有開發新資產基礎的空間。 因應在金融海嘯後,國內政府陸續推出四年5,000億振興經濟擴大公共建設投資計畫及愛台十二項建設等計劃,如同國際潮流,政府諸多公共建設投資計劃中多個項目即規劃採用BOT、BOO、ROT或OT等模式發包予民間投資人。在內部及外在環境條件均有利於民間機構參與公共建設的狀況下,對於參與BOT或BOO的民間機構而言,最關切的問題便是資金的來源與規劃。 本研究以發展環境資源相關BOT案的個案公司為研究基礎,分別以BOT專案計劃本身財務規劃的角度出發之單一資產證券化;及以BOT資產組合透過信託基金方式籌資以募集資金池,支應個案公司長期發展BOT業務的資金來源等兩個方向,探討個案公司以BOT資產為基礎的籌資建議,以為個案公司多元化籌資之參考。 / Investment plan and financing decision have strong feedback relationship. Hence, promote creative financial instruments as the source of funds raising becomes widespread in global capital market in recent years. Asset securitization is regarded as a new and potential financial instrument. The idea of asset securitization was brought up earliest by the American investment banker, Mr. Ranieri Lewis R. while interviewed by “The Wall Street Journal " reporter in 1977. Different from the traditional financing instruments, the request from various financing requirements can be satisfied by issuing asset securitization with the feasibility arrangements of transaction structure. And distinct systems have been structured to get with the local economic, legal and society environment in different countries. Assets securitization has already implemented for a long time in America and Europe. In order to integrate with the global finance market and promote financial internationalization, liberalization and pluralism, the government launched the push of the assets securitization goods in Taiwan. “Trust Business Law”has been issued in 2000 after sourcing first “Trust Law” in 1996, as law of paving the way to assets of securitization. Continually, the government implemented “Financial Asset Securitization Act” in July of 2002 and promulgated “Clauses of the Real Estate Securitization Act” in July of 2003. Following these rules, such relevant sub laws, “Enforcement Rules of the Financial Asset Securitization Act” and “Enforcement Rules of the Real Estate Securitization Act” were announced in August of 2003 and December of 2003 respectively. Consequently, domestic banks and underwriters had already had an optimistic view of the potentiality of this new financial market. Even though there are already financial asset securitization goods, real estate trust and real estate investment trust goods trading in Taiwan capital market. However, the major financial asset securitization goods are major for Collateralized Loan Obligation (“CLO”), Collateralized Bond Obligation (“CBO”) and Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (“RMBS”). It has to cultivate more new asset types as the asset base for securitization goods. After the financial tsunami, the government speeds up domestic public expenditure, such like “NT$ 500 billion for the Special Act for Expanding Investment in Public Works to Revitalize the Economy” and “The i-Taiwan 12 Projects”, etc.. To keep pace with the international market trend, the government plans to adopt the major projects with the participation of private sectors through BOT, BOO, ROT or OT model. Considering the favorable economy environment for public-private partnership, the most critical issue for BOT or BOO developers is only the sourcing and planning of the fund raising. The study focus on an individual environmental resources company which developing BOT related business. The study proposes two options for the future fund raising of the case company. The single BOT assets securitization or raising trust fund as the capital pool for BOT asset combination should be taken as the capital source alternates for the case company to fulfill its capital requirement.


張政權 Unknown Date (has links)
金融資產證券化起源於1970年代的美國,目前該種金融商品已成為美國債券市場中的主要交易標的。而我國金融資產證券化條例於2002年6月始完成立法程序,目前已陸續成功發行的證券化商品計有6個個案,包括「企業貸款債權」(3個)、「房貸抵押債權」(2個)及「現金卡債權」(1個),業者預估未來市場規模將有新台幣2兆元的發展空間。 本研究以個案探討「企業貸款債權」證券化。比較兩個案之特色包括:(1)創始機構之發行動機,(2)證券化專業知識的取得,(3)業務承作概念的改變,(4)優先順位受益證券的多樣化,(5)次順位受益證券之銷售,(6)募集方式的改變,(7)受益證券提前還款風險的轉嫁等,發現金融資產證券化將提供金融機構不同於以往的業務發展模式,及新的獲利來源,但同時也帶來相當大的衝擊。 企業貸款債權證券化可為創始機構帶來許多好處,諸如:提昇資產負債管理能力、健全財務結構、促進授信良質化、擴大籌資管道、提高資本適足率、實現潛在未實現利益等,但這些好處並非全部適用,它必須針對創始機構本身的財務需求及其個別條件加以規劃設計,否則不同證券化案件會有完全不同的結果。 我國財務會計準則制度第33號公報「金融資產之移轉及負債消滅之會計處理準則」,係參照IAS第39號公報及FASB第140號公報而訂定,對於金融資產證券化之相關計處理,有相當完整之規範。惟由於各國金融環境的差異及發展階段的不同,目前在實務適用上尚有一些疑義之處,包括(1)證券化相關費用是否得以資本化問題,(2)保留權利之公平市價無法可靠衡量,(3)折現率缺乏客觀之市場指標,(4)原為「出售」,因買回權之行使,致改變成「擔保借款」,(5)服務資產之市價評估,(6)「部分認列出售、部分認列擔保借款」之會計處理等問題,仍待釐清。 金融資產證券化後將改變原有課稅結構,其是否會成為金融機構規避所得稅負的工具,端視個案的收入及成本結構而定,一般而言淨利差(收入扣除費用、資金成本及風險成本後之淨收益)愈大的案件對創始機構愈會有節稅的效果,而其中最大的影響變數,應是其風險成本(呆帳損失)比率的大小。


謝福源 Unknown Date (has links)


沈英佐 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國人生活習慣,理財觀念的改變,對於不動產之持有、使用理念,亦隨之改變,如大型購物中心的相繼出現;新穎科技化辦公華廈的興建,舒適健康豪華休閒育樂設施的開發;便捷安全公共工程的建設...等等,再再需要相關產業相互間的配合,而財務融資是根本課題。   巨額財務資金之籌集,來自投資大眾,因此,不動產物權之規格化、細小化、單位化,乃透過信託之證券化,以公開發行之受益憑證,直接由資本市場募集資金;我國不動產證券化條例第一條即謂:為發展國民經濟,藉由證券化提高不動產之流動,增加不動產籌資管道,以有效開發利用不動產,提升環境品質,活絡不動產市場,並保障投資;其重要性,可窺全貎。   本研究係就證券化定義之詮釋,來探討不動產證券化之特性,並列舉全球發行不動產券化國家之有關制度,市場概況及比較,加以簡述,尤其對美、日兩國推行REITs成效之良窳,予以論述,及我國不動產證券化立法前後,個案實例成敗及發展之研究,期能建立更臻完善之制度,健全不動產與證券市場管理,保障社會投資大眾,達成「資金大眾化,產權證券化,經營専業化」目標,職是故,於本研究後,有所結論與建議。

貸款證券化-台灣的銀行業如何迎戰Basel II 的桎梏兼論風險移轉

劉家森 Unknown Date (has links)
Basel II預備於2006年施行.屆時各金融機構均須依其規定計提各項風險性資本.目前台灣的金融機構逾期放款仍多,借款人接受信用評等的殊渺.再者台灣的金融機構所承作的中小企業貸款件數眾多.短期內欲對眾多借款戶施以信用評等殊為不易,因此Basel II 施行之後台灣金融業之貸款,勢必受到壓抑,此乃因(一)銀行無法提列太多的資本(二)台灣的中小企業財報真實性欠佳以及中小企業得自有資本不足,屆時,若銀行的受信無法推展,則企業的投資周轉受到壓抑,將危及到經濟發展.而貸款證券化恰可解決銀行貸款業務的瓶頸.CLO可創造銀行投資者及企業界各取所需有益國家經濟發展.

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