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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nastavení systému nákladů podnikatele na správu a obnovu vozového parku

Fikarová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Obchodní politika EU se zaměřením na vztahy EU a Ruska / Common trade policy of EU with focus on the relations between EU and Russia

Tukhtaeva, Olga January 2008 (has links)
The main topic of the thesis is the Common Commercial Policy of European Union that began with the liberalization of internal trade and the integration of the foreign trade of the member states. It describes historical process of trade policy's development along with the actual problems. This part is explaining why the Common Commercial Policy is so meaningful nowadays. Very important part of the thesis is dedicated to the common rules, which EU uses not only in its internal trade, but also in foreign trade with third states. Next part describes trade relations of EU based on agreements between the Community and other non-EU countries or international organizations. The agreement can be based on bilateral relations between the EU and trade partners or in form of multilateral relations under WTO. Special attention must be paid to the actual trade relations between the Community and Russia, while the importance of Russian Federation in international relations constantly rises. Before understanding the role of Russia for the EU is very important to look at the position of Russian in the world economy and its perspectives in the future. The thesis describes economic, political and trade relations between the EU and Russian federation from the period of its rise up to date. The main advantages from the Common Commercial Policy can be found at the end of the thesis.

Úloha celního řízení v mezinárobním obchodě / Role of Customs Operation in International Business

Zhemelko, Tetyana January 2007 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na analýzu vývoje celnictví ve kontextu vývoje mezinárodního obchodu. Skládá se ze tř. části. První část je zaměřená na multilaterální dohody a jejích vliv na vývoj cel. Druhá část pojednává o Společné obchodní politice EU. Třetí část analyzuje celní legislativní rámec Společenství. Poslední čtvrtá část popisuje postup celního řízení.

Trådriktningens inverkan på plagget : Visuell skillnad mellan virtuellt och fysiskt plagg

Fogelberg, Alice, Möllerström, Agnes January 2020 (has links)
Detta är en kandidatuppsats i designteknik som innehåller en studie om hur flera kjolmodeller med olika trådriktningar skiljer sig virtuellt mot verkligt. På dagens modeföretag är de två främsta metoderna för avprovning verklig och virtuell som används i produktutvecklingsprocessen. Dessvärre har inte alla företag tillgång till virtuell-avprovning då detta är en kostsam investering för företagen och flera menar på att det inte blir likadant virtuellt som i verkligheten. För att bemöta dessa tankar har tre olika kjolmodeller konstruerats, blivit uppsydda och provats av verkligt respektive virtuellt. En enkät har därefter utformats och skickas ut till 30st konstruktörer i branschen. Resultatet av undersökningen visar på att det finns både likheter och skillnader mellan kjolarna med samma trådriktning. 3D simuleringsprogrammet CLO kan framhäva tygets mekaniska egenskaper och ge ett så likt resultat som möjligt. Baserat på denna studie är förhoppningen att fler företag ska våga investera och börja arbeta i 3D för att således minimera antal provplagg och värna mer om miljön. / This is a Final Bachelor Degree Thesis in design technology that investigate how several skirts with different grainlines differ in reality to virtually. The two most common methods for today's product development are garment fitting in 3D and physical fittings. Unfortunately, 3D fitting is a very expensive investment for a company and some argue that it does not become the same result virtual as in reality. To respond to these thoughts, three skirts has been constructed, sewn, and fitted virtual as physical. Thereafter, a questionnaire have been created and sent to 30 pattern makers. The results of the survey show that there are similarities between the skirts with the same grainlines. The 3D simulations program CLO has the opportunity to emphasize the mechanical properties of the fabric to give the same result as possible. Through this study, the hope is to encourage companies to invest and start working in 3D in order to minimize the number of sample garments and protect the environment.

Právní aspekty cla / Legal aspects of customs duties

Jamalová, Yvette January 2012 (has links)
Legal aspects of customs duty The aim of my diploma thesis is to define the concept of customs duty, describe and analyze the current legal regulation of customs duty in the Czech Republic and European Union, to explain the process of determining the customs debt and to answer the question if customs duties and customs authorities are important today or not. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is divided into three subchapters, which are focused on the characteristics and definition of custom duty, its functions and its types from a theoretical perspective. The second chapter deals with the history of customs duty and presents a brief description of its development in the present Czech Republic. It is divided into two subchapters; the first is dedicated to the development of customs duty until the establishment of Czechoslovakia, the second focuses on its development until the establishment of the independent Czech Republic. The third chapter focuses on the current customs legislation and also mentions some legislation that will become applicable in the future. It is divided into three subchapters. The first subchapter is devoted to the sources of customs law at the international level and also mentions some major international organizations. The second describes legislation...

Chebský obchod v 16. století / Cheb's trade in 16. century

Sečkař, Petr January 2013 (has links)
City of Cheb, lying on crossroad of old trade roads, gains by favor of czcech kings and roman emperors many privileges supports trade activity. Sixteenth century was period of trade prosperity of this region: silver was discovered in Joachimsthal and some new deposits of tin. Prosperous mining areas are source of prosperity even for near and farther neighbourhoods, and on main route from western Europe lies Cheb. Assumed prosperity of trade shoud make impact on prosperity of city inhabitants, even city as a whole. Goal of this work is to analyze city income books (Umgeldbücher) and qualify and quantify income from trade and proportion of this income in whole city income.

Harmonizovaný systém popisu a číselného označování zboží v obchodní a celní agendě

Samec, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Práce analyzuje a hodnotí oblast celní politiky České repuliky před vstupem ČR do Evropské unie a po jejím vstupu s ohledem na problematiku zařazování zboží do Harmonizovaného systému. Práce vymezuje hlavní pojmy týkající se oblasti zařazování zboží do kombinované nomenklatury. Praktická část je zaměřena na aplikaci Všeobecných interpretačních pravidel při zařazování zboží do Harmonizovaného systému a na příkladu ukazuje zařazení dvou vybraných výrobků, a to tabáku, tabákových výrobků a nápojů a lihovin do kombinované nomenklatury. Poukazuje na základní předpisy a nařízení EU a národní legislativu, která tuto činnost upravuje.

Studie logistické koncepce pro obchodní síť / The Study of Logistic Conception for Trading Network

Jankůj, Robert January 2008 (has links)
The master’s thesis devises a logistical concept as well as the execution of promotional and advertising commodities’ exportation to the markets of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


Hall, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
This report investigates the conventional female silhouette through common assumptions of the body. Moreover, different perspectives of the body and the dressed body is analysed and considere. Conventional pattern construction is based upon these assumptions of the female body. To expand the perspective, an experimental approach is implemented to display new expressions of the female silhouette and define and explore these characteristics through form. The work is conducted by rethinking the conventional female silhouette in terms of volume and composition extracted from traditional cuts in womenswear. Furthermore, to challenge expectations on female silhouette using seams and darts to create concave and convex volumes, to correspond with bodily shapes which then are rearranged in a non traditional composition.

貸款證券化-台灣的銀行業如何迎戰Basel II 的桎梏兼論風險移轉

劉家森 Unknown Date (has links)
Basel II預備於2006年施行.屆時各金融機構均須依其規定計提各項風險性資本.目前台灣的金融機構逾期放款仍多,借款人接受信用評等的殊渺.再者台灣的金融機構所承作的中小企業貸款件數眾多.短期內欲對眾多借款戶施以信用評等殊為不易,因此Basel II 施行之後台灣金融業之貸款,勢必受到壓抑,此乃因(一)銀行無法提列太多的資本(二)台灣的中小企業財報真實性欠佳以及中小企業得自有資本不足,屆時,若銀行的受信無法推展,則企業的投資周轉受到壓抑,將危及到經濟發展.而貸款證券化恰可解決銀行貸款業務的瓶頸.CLO可創造銀行投資者及企業界各取所需有益國家經濟發展.

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