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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳豐年, chen, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
近年來有關保險證券化(Insurance Securitization)之發展可謂為國際金融市場上之一項革命,而巨災債券乃為保險連結型證券之大宗,此一分散、消化巨災損失之新興金融技術,對於日益捉襟見肘的巨災風險再保險人而言,無疑成為了新的活水源頭。回顧我國,自從於八十八年九月歷經九二一大地震摧殘後,驚覺天然巨災之可怕,亟思研擬分散巨災損失之對策。就風險移轉之技術層面而言,引進巨災債券制度不失為一可行之良方。然巨災債券並無法直接適用於我國去年七月新通過之「金融資產證券化條例」,因此遂滋生若欲引進巨災債券制度時,我國現行法規架構應如何加以調整此一重大問題。又特殊目的再保險人(Special Purpose Reinsurer, SPR)所發行之巨災債券究為保險商品,抑或純粹為一種證券?監理機關對其又應採如何之監理架構,始能有效率地加以監理?而我國相關之稅制對此亦應採取如何之態度,方能吸引外資於我國進行巨災債券交易?此等皆國際保險監理上亦迭生爭議之議題,殊值研究。 因此,本文以下希望能借助比較法等研究方式,指出我國未來如欲繼受巨災債券此一制度時,應如何調整現存的法規架構與監理制度以符需求。希冀能對將來催生巨災債券制度提供一參考的方向。本文架構,安排如下: 第一章為緒論。闡述本文之研究動機與研究目的、研究範圍、研究方法,以及研究架構。 第二章討論國際金融市場上日益興起的「證券化」趨勢。本文先行整理各家學說見解對「證券化」之定義,再提出自身看法,並將巨災債券融入「證券化」的體系中,俾使其定位清晰,以利日後之理解推論。最後,再簡單介紹美、英兩國之證券化歷程,以使證券化之說明能更加完整。 第三章討論保險證券化於保險市場之崛起因素及該市場未來之展望。按保險證券化之興起背景,乃因傳統再保險市場之承保能量不足,保險業者用之因應頻繁之巨災及萎縮之再保險市場承保能量的替代方案,其主要類型有保險連結型固定收益證券、交易所的巨災選擇權及保險連結型資本融資證券三種。展望未來,雖然保險證券化商品有保險風險之不同質性等諸多挑戰,但無庸置疑的,保險證券化已是未來保險及再保險產業發展的新趨勢。 第四章討論巨災債券之交易架構及發展現況。按巨災債券交易架構者,簡單來說,係以欲進行風險移轉的分保人或一般企業所設立之特殊目的再保險人(或特殊目的保險人)為核心,向外放射出四個交易關係所架構而成。該四個交易關係乃:(一)為與分保人之間的再保險交易(或保險交易);(二)為與利率市場上其他交易者間進行利率交換交易;(三)為與投資人之間的債券交易;(四)為與信託業之間的信託交易。另外,東京海上火災保險公司的地震風險證券化等等著名的巨災債券交易案例,均將於本章內作詳細之介紹。 第五章討論巨災債券之法規架構。由於巨災債券交易所涉之法規眾多,未免紛雜,本章乃將此大致區分為二大種類而加以討論:第一,為當事人間之法律關係:主要涉及美國商品交易法、期貨交易實務法、證券法、證券交易法、投資公司法、信託法及保險法;第二,為相關稅捐法制:主要為我國之證券交易稅條例、加值型與非加值型營業稅法及所得稅法。 第六章討論巨災債券交易之相關監理議題。按巨災債券交易之相關監理議題,通常涉及監理權限就應歸屬於何一機關?投資人是否應接受保險業監理法令之拘束?等等問題。最後,本章亦將提及新進的監理立法例-即美國伊利諾州保險交易所(Illinois Insurance Exchange)與美國保險監理官委員會(National Association of Insurance Commissioners, NAIC)之受保護帳戶公司模範法(Protected Cell Company Model Act)、NAIC特殊目的再保險機制模範法(Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicle Model Act)及百慕達一九九八年保險修正法,以便完整呈現整個巨災債券監理之全貌。 第七章討論我國於引進巨災債券制度時所可能面臨之法規與監理制度相關議題。就我國現行法規制度而言,如欲引進巨災債券此一新興風險移轉方法,將面臨到許多挑戰與衝擊。諸如金融資產證券化條例並無法直接適用於巨災債券、我國是否可以於國內設置特殊目的再保險人,以及如何在國內外公開發行或私募巨災債券等等問題均是。其次,再就我國保險監理制度而言,如欲引進巨災債券制度則勢必亦需對整套保險監理制度作出適度之調整,方能竟全功,本章亦將詳究之。 第八章為結論。本章將擷取前揭各章討論之結果加以彙整,俾供將來我國引進巨災債券制度之參考。


劉懷德, LIU,HUAI-TE Unknown Date (has links)
值此知識經濟時代,土地建物、自然資源、機器設備等有形資產的重要性已大不如前,而電腦、通信、生化等知識(智慧財產權)的價值則持續增加,許多擁有知識的大企業以全球為市場,所創造的財富大過許多國家,知識不只是力量,更是財富。1982年美國S&P 500大企業的總市值中無形資產佔38%,2002年已躍升為87%,即是明證,美國如此,台灣亦然,因此,智慧財產權融資應當是我國銀行可以開拓的業務之一。 本研究從實務觀點深入瞭解我國金融機構辦理智財權融資的現況與政府相關政策,同時借鏡美國、日本與韓國的作法與許多實際案例,先找出我國金融機構辦理智財權融資所遭遇的問題與挑戰,然後探討未來我國金融機構辦理智財權融資業務與政府建立智財權融資體系的方向,期能對於推動處在發展初期的智財權融資業務有些許助益。經由分析比較,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、智慧財產(無形資產)之重要性與日俱增,其價值早已不下於有形資 產,銀行應正視此一趨勢,於授信、投資、風險管理等多方面有所因應。 二、智財權必須商業化,必須結合營運,才能發揮價值,使其價值極大 化。 三、智財權融資是企業發展與產業升級所需要的資金來源之一。 四、智財權融資業務有商機,但風險仍不容輕忽。 五、健全的智財權融資體系不能只有金融機構,還需要智財權鑑價機構、智財權交易市場等環節。 並提出以下建議: 一、銀行應積極地為智財權融資業務做準備。 二、銀行不宜因智財權融資體系不成熟,而過度排斥智財權融資業務。 三、政府宜適度增加對若干智財權融資的補助。 四、政府宜以公權力協助建立具公信力的智財權鑑價機構與智財權管理機構。 五、政府可考慮開放創投公司或財務公司承做智財權融資。 六、智慧財產權證券化為智財權融資的重要項目與發展趨勢,政府應預做準備。

系統重要性金融機構及金融脆弱性 : GSV影子銀行模型的應用 / Systemically Important Financial Institutions and Financial Fragility:an Application of GSV’s Model of Shadow Banking

蔡岳志, Cai, Yue-Jhih Unknown Date (has links)
2007-2008的金融大海嘯中,影子銀行及系統重要性金融機構(systemically important financial institutions, SIFIs)扮演重要角色。金融機構證券化移轉資產的個別風險,以資產池最低報酬作為擔保品,發行高品質債權證券。隨投資人財富愈多,對安全資產需求愈大,金融機構擴大槓桿及風險資產投資。SIFIs數量少但規模大,相對於其他小型金融機構有較好的投資效率,其投資、證券化及其他業務與經濟體系具有複雜而規模大的關係,具有太大、太複雜以致不能倒的性質。SIFIs透過證券化移轉個別風險,在景氣蕭條及經濟個體普遍忽略尾端風險下,金融體系具有脆弱性。在已經存在SIFIs的金融體系下,金融脆弱性隨SIFIs及其他小型金融機構投資效率差距愈大愈加增強。 / The shadow banking system and systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) play important roles in recent financial crisis. Financial institutions (FIs) securitize risky assets and use the lowest payoffs of the securitized assets as collateral to issue riskless debts. As the demand for riskless assets increases, FIs initiate more risky assets and increase leverage. SIFIs are large and advantageous to invest in risky assets compared to small FIs. The complex connection between SIFIs and economy make them too big or complex to fail. SIFIs transfer idiosyncratic risk and undertake systemic risk via securitization. Financial system is fragile to recession when entities neglect tail risks. In the financial system in which SIFIs exist,the financial fragility is severer when the gap of the investment ability between SIFIs and other small FIs becomes larger.

反向房屋抵押貸款之證券化- 四元樹模型之應用 / Securitization of the crossover risk in the reverse mortgage

苗芫綺 Unknown Date (has links)
承做反向房屋抵押貸款有許多的風險,包括有利率風險、房屋價值風險和死亡率風險,而當反向房屋抵押貸款的貸款餘額超過抵押房屋的價值時,則反向房屋抵押貸款的發行機構將會面臨了臨界風險。本文中的利率模型採用Black-Derman-Toy模型(BDT)來生成未來短期利率的機率分布;而房價模型方面則採用Cox-Ross-Rubinstein模型(CRR) ,死亡率模型為Lee-Carter模型。另外,本篇使用了三維度的四元樹模擬方法,觀察在短期利率模型與房屋價值模型相關的條件下,貸放機構將會面臨的預期損失。另外,對於承做反向房屋抵押貸款的貸放機構而言,最高可貸成數是由貸放機構未來預期損失的淨現值總合等於未來貸款保費的淨現值總合所求得。然而,當貸放機構未來所遭遇的實質損失大於預期損失時,貸放機構則將有未預期損失,因此為了移轉此非預期損失,我們設計了一個證券化的模型,希望藉由發行債券的方式,將此反向房屋抵押貸款發生在臨界點之後的臨界風險移轉給資本市場中的債券持有人。 / When the outstanding balance exceeds the housing value before the loan is settled, the insurer suffers an exposure to crossover risk induced by three risk factors: interest rates, house prices and mortality rates. Under the consideration of housing price risk, interest rate risk and longevity risk, we provide a three-dimensional lattice method which simultaneously captures the evolution of housing price and short-term interest rate to numerically calculate the fair valuation of reverse mortgages. For a mortgage reverse insurer, the maximum level of reverse mortgage insurance is determined by setting the present value of total expected claim losses equal to the present value of the premium charges. However, when the actual loss is higher than the expected loss, the insurer will incur an unexpected loss. To offset the potential loss, we also design a crossover bond, the payoff structure of which is related to the actual losses and expected losses, to transfer the unexpected loss into the bond investors. Therefore, through the crossover bonds, the reverse mortgage insurers can transfer the crossover risk into the bondholders.

房屋抵押貸款之資訊不對稱問題 -以台北市和新北市為例 / The asymmetric information problems in mortgage lending: the evidence from Taipei City and New Taipei City

林耀宗, Lin, Yao Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
2007年美國爆發次級房貸違約潮造成了其經濟、房市和股市的不景氣,也波及到持有美國房貸證券化商品的各國,使其承受重大的損失,因此房屋抵押貸款違約的影響因素和金融資產證券化機制對貸款違約風險的影響又再度成為不動產與金融市場上之重要議題。而以往針對美國次貸危機的研究多指出道德風險是造成此次危機的原因之一,但是較缺乏實證研究的支持。 有鑑於此,本研究以我國的台北市和新北市的房屋抵押貸款市場作為研究對象,探討逆選擇和道德風險這兩個資訊不對稱的問題對貸款違約率的影響。研究結果顯示「貸款成數高、貸款利率高、搭配信貸和設定二胎的貸款比較容易違約」,證實逆選擇和道德風險問題確實存在於房屋抵押貸款市場,而且會增加貸款違約的機率。為了降低違約機率,從降低資訊不對稱的角度來看,本研究建議:一、建立全國房貸資料庫;二、將信貸的金額納入房貸的貸款成數中考慮,以降低款人的道德風險。 再者,本研究認為造成次貸危機的根本原因是不當政策導致的保證機制浮濫,以及高風險的房貸證券化商品的氾濫。為了避免我國發生類似次貸危機的事件,從減少資訊不對稱的角度切入,本研究建議我國的金融資產證券化機制應該:一、將道德風險內部化,消除創始機構自利的動機以減少道德風險;二、使用外部信用增強的方式,以確實發揮分散證券風險的作用。 / The 2007 subprime mortgage crisis has severely struck the stability of the worldwide financial markets. Some researches indicate that moral hazard problems are the main factors causing the crisis. However, few studies support asymmetry problems existing in a mortgage market by empirical evidences. First, using the mortgage samples from Taipei City and New Taipei City this study would like to understand if the mortgage market are information asymmetry problems, adverse selection and moral hazard, and conduct the empirical analysis for these factors’ impact on mortgage default. The results show that mortgage default is influenced significantly by the Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio, contract interest rates, the existence of second liens and credit loans, and jobs. It shows that adverse selection and moral hazard actually exist in the mortgage market. According to the empirical results, secondly, this study proposes suggestions for mortgage lending and financial asset securitization to reduce adverse selection and moral hazard problems and enhance the regulation environment and market’s stability. It is expected that the results of this study will be applied to avoid the occurrence of similar crisis in Taiwan.


武仁, WU, JEN Unknown Date (has links)
智慧財產證券化係近年來智慧財產領域發展的重點。智慧財產證券化涉及到財務、會計、賦稅、法律、技術等跨領域的專業知識。本研究主要探討如何採用專案組合證劵化模式,發行專案組合擔保債券,並結合專案融資(Project Financing)、投資組合(Portfolios)、現金流量分析(Cash Flow Analysis)、風險管理(Risk Management)等投資分析工具,在智慧財產證劵化的應用。 本研究首先初步介紹證劵化的基本概念。如果能夠對證劵化的基本概念有初步認識,有利於對智慧財產證劵化的理解。其次,本研究介紹證券化的可行性研究及風險分析與評估。只有對投資專案風險做出正確的分析與評估,才能找出解決風險的方法及途徑,設計出可行的且風險能為投資人所接受的專案組合證券化架構及信用增強機制。專案組合證劵化架構的核心,係為SPV與專案公司之間的擔保貸款合約。該擔保貸款合約在本質上係智慧財產能夠從資本市場取得資金的橋樑。最後,本研究以流行音樂證券化為案例,說明如何將專案組合證券化模式應用於流行音樂證券化。 / The recent trends and developments of intellectual property focus on the securitization of intellectual property. Intellectual property securitization involves a variety of expertise such as finance, accounting, taxation, technical, etc. Intellectual property securitization is better to be defined as portfolio-backed securitization which should include a comprehensive business plan. This thesis is to study how to apply the proposed portfolio-backed securitization together with project financing, investment portfolio, cash flow analysis, and risk management to intellectual property securitization. This thesis starts with the introduction of basic concepts of securitization. Prior to entering into a specific discussion relating to intellectual property securitization, it is helpful to understand the fundamentals of securitization generally. This thesis also introduces the feasibility study and risk evaluation of intellectual property securitization. The risks for intellectual property securitization can be managed and the securitization structure and credit enhancements be accepted by investors only if the project risks have been properly evaluated. The core of portfolio-backed securitization is the secured loan agreement which bridges the project company’s income to the debt service by the SPV to investors. A hypothetical example of popular music securitization is illustrated to best explain the use of the proposed techniques. Keywords: Portfolio-backed Securitization, Intellectual Property, Portfolio, Cash Flow, Credit Enhancement, Security Interest, Popular Music


侯立洋, Hou,Li-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年臺灣發行第一件資產證券化商品以來,整體證券化市場發展快速,在可預見的未來,臺灣資產證券化將迅速普及。不過,就一般而言,間接金融與直接金融間似有替代關係,亦即資產證券化可能產生金融逆中介現象。因此,本文的研究目的即在於探討資產證券化對臺灣銀行業放款之影響為何。   本文以2001年第4季至2004年第4季臺灣銀行業將其資產予以證券化的不平衡追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型的估計,實證研究發現,從臺灣短暫的資產證券化經驗來看,資產證券化的增加確實會造成銀行放款量的相對減少(放款餘額占資產之比率下降),即臺灣實施資產證券化後,產生金融逆中介現象。長期而言,直接金融(含資產證券化)的增加將造成銀行放款成長率趨緩,以及銀行放款餘額占資產之比率下降,但此並不意味資產證券化的普及,將造成銀行總放款量減少,而降低銀行體系金融中介的功能。   另外,透過固定效果模型,發現其他因素對銀行放款之影響如下:(1)銀行逾期放款比率雖與放款呈負向關係,但並不顯著。意即銀行在逾期放款比率增減時,並不會特別調整放款餘額占資產之比率。(2)銀行淨值與放款之關係亦不顯著。表示銀行淨值增加時,放款可能只會與其他資產同步增加,而不會因此特別擴大其占資產之比率。(3)房價指數的係數為顯著正值。顯示擔保品價值愈高時,銀行愈願意辦理放款。(4)其他直接金融存量(扣除資產證券化)的係數為顯著負值。顯示直接金融與間接金融存在明顯替代關係。(5)國內生產毛額與銀行放款之關係不顯著。表示國內生產毛額增加時,銀行放款可能只會與銀行其他資產同步增加,而不會因此特別擴大其占資產之比率。   在控制其他解釋變數後,計算各樣本銀行的特質效果(即放款餘額占資產之比率),發現除了放款餘額占資產之比率較高者,逐漸降低該比率外,其餘銀行並無特定趨勢。因此,似可推論出銀行放款餘額占資產比率的高低,與銀行本身之經營策略有關,致使該比率在不同銀行間有不同水準。 / The entire securitization market has been evolving rapidly since the first asset securitization product was issued in Taiwan in 2003. In the foreseeable future, asset securitization in Taiwan will become prevalent. However, there seems to be a substitution relationship between direct finance and indirect finance; that is, financial disintermediation may emerge as a result of asset securitization. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss the effects of asset securitization on bank loans in Taiwan. Based on the unbalanced panel data of the asset securitization of banks in Taiwan from Q4 2001 to Q4 2004 along with the estimates from the fixed-effects model, it is found in this study that, judging from Taiwan’s brief experience in asset securitization, an increase in asset securitization does indeed bring about a relative decline in the amount of loans (a decreased ratio of loan balance in assets). In other words, financial disintermediation has arisen with asset securitization in Taiwan. From a long-term perspective, increment of direct finance (including asset securitization) will lead to retarded growth in bank loans as well as a lower ratio of loan balance in assets. This, however, may not necessarily imply that the popularization of asset securitization would result in a decrease in the amount of bank loans or weaken the financial intermediation function of the banking system. In addition, effects of other factors on bank loans found via the fixed-effect model are as follows: (1) Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio and bank loans have an inverse relationship, albeit insignificant. This means that banks do not usually adjust the ratio of loan balance in assets in accordance with their NPL ratios. (2) The relationship between the net worth of banks and the amount of loans is insignificant as well. This indicates that the amount of loans would only rise with other assets as the net worth of banks increases; the ratio of loan balance in assets will not be specifically elevated. (3) The coefficient of Housing Price Index is significantly positive, indicating that the higher value a collateral has, the more a bank is willing to release a loan. (4) The coefficient of other stock of the direct finance (excluding asset securitization) is significantly negative, which reveals an obvious substitution relationship between direct finance and indirect finance. (5) The relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and bank loans is insignificant, which indicates that the amount of bank loans would only rise with other bank assets as GDP increases; the ratio of loan balance in assets will not be elevated accordingly. As other explanatory variables are under control, the results gained from computing the specific effects (the ratio of loan balance in assets) of each sample (bank) show that only those with a higher ratio of loan balance in assets are found gradually reducing the radio. Such a trend is not found in others. Consequently, it can be inferred that the ratio of loan balance in assets depends on the business strategy of the bank itself, which results in different levels of the ratios among different banks.


翁偉翔 Unknown Date (has links)
不動產證券化可行性之研究 摘要 為解決傳統不動產投資困境,將不動產投資方式由固定的資產形式轉變為證券型態的概念,而有不動產證券化(Real Estate Securitization)的產生。國內主要的不動產證券化模式分為不動產投資信託(Real Estate Investment Trust)與不動產資產信託(Real Estate Asset Trust),這兩種模式未來市場供需面實際運作的可行性為何,將是不動產證券化制度成功與否的重要關鍵。 本研究先從需求面投資者的角度切入,透過問卷調查資料,運用Logit模型探討證券化可行性因素對於投資者購買不動產受益證券的影響。實證結果發現,一般投資者認為受益證券的市場流通性、分散風險的重要性愈高,以及預期報酬率愈高,其購買不動產受益證券的可能性愈高;在總體因素方面,對於未來證券市場情況愈樂觀,以及房地產市場情況愈樂觀,其購買受益證券的機率將愈高;法人投資者則認為分散風險的重要性愈高,以及該法人機構主要投資工具的種類愈多,其購買不動產受益證券的機率愈大。 以供給面不動產持有者財務上的可行性而言,其財務目標在追求自身的ROE極大化,因此不動產持有者將視各項風險來源對於投資報酬的影響,決定是否運用證券化投資方式。模擬分析結果發現,除了不動產持有者本身的財務結構限制與不動產經營能力之外,在個別考量委託成本風險與開發風險的情況下,其對於不動產持有者ROE的影響較小,但營運風險相較於其他風險來源,對於不動產持有者ROE的影響較大;綜合各項風險來源同時納入考量時,發現不動產持有者自有資金比例愈低,其運用證券化方式的ROE較高,但變動的幅度也較大。此一實證與模擬分析結果,對於未來國內不動產證券化實際運作,可提供政府、業者及一般投資大眾作為決策參考。 關鍵字:不動產證券化、不動產投資信託、不動產資產信託、Logit模型、蒙地卡羅模擬 / A Feasibility Study of Real Estate Securitization in Taiwai Abstract By transforming real assets into securities , real estate securitization is created to solve the liquidity problem of real estate investment. The real estate securitization system in Taiwan is divided into two types - Real Estate Investment Trust and Real Estate Asset Trust. Whether the real estate securitization system succeeds or not is based on the feasibility of the market operation in practice. On the demand side, this research uses Logit model to analyze the impact of the feasibility of the real estate securitization system on the investors’ behavior of buying beneficiary certificates by sampling from intuitional investors and individual investors. The empirical results show that the individual investors emphasize on liquidity, divergence, and expected return. In addition, the probability of buying real estate beneficiary certificates increases with the degree of their optimistic expectation on both the stock and the real estate markets. However, the institutional investors regard the divergence of portfolios and investment instruments as the main factors of their buying those certificates. On the supply side, given the financial objective of ROE maximum, the owners of the real estate will review all of impacts of risk on return of investment before their decision to take the way of securitization. In addition to the financial structure and the management ability of the owners, the results of Monte Carlo simulation on the effect of real estate securitization also reveal that: a. There is little influence on the ROE of the owners’ real assets while taking trust cost risk and land development cost risk into consideration. b. The influence of operation risk on ROE is more than that of other risks. c. Lower the proportion of capital, higher the ROE and bigger the variation of the ROE are. The results of empirical analysis can be a reference of decision making for Government, trust industry, and investors in the real estate security market operation. Keywords:Real Estate Securitization , Real Estate Investment Trust , Real Estate Asset Trust , Logit Model , Monte Carlo Simulation


胡靖雯 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,天災頻仍,從1999年921大地震、2005年Katrina颶風至2008年四川大地震,巨災損失金額遽升,再保險業面臨再保險費率高漲、承保能力下降之窘境。此時,若能有效運用風險移轉工具以充實理賠資金,對於災難發生後重建工作之推行,必定更有效率。「保險證券化」是國際金融市場上之一項革命,其結合保險市場與資本市場上之強大力量,發行有關保險連結型證券予廣大投資人,以解決傳統再保險市場中承保能量不足之問題。 巨災債券是保險連結型證券中最被廣泛應用之ㄧ種商品,我國中央再保險公司於2003年曾發行金額為1億美元之巨災債券,雖發行巨災債券之可行性已十分明顯,然而,因巨災債券具有相當的特殊性,並不完全符合現行法規架構下之規定,因此,後續相關法令規範尚待建立。 SPV是巨災債券交易中不可或缺之交易實體,其重要性不言可喻。SPV發行巨災債券之行為如何定性?SPV信託予信託業者之資金如何應用?如何貫徹破產隔離等問題,均值探討。因此,本文擬從巨災債券發行與監理架構出發,首先介紹巨災債券之源起,後釐清巨災債券於我國現行法下之定位,並透過百慕達和美國於保險證券化監理上之立法例介紹,提供我國另行制定法令之參考,期望對監理單位或立法機關有所助益。


廖柏媛 Unknown Date (has links)
基於國內貸款市場的特性來看,國內金融機構所承作的不動產抵押貸款幾乎都是浮動利率抵押貸款,與美國以固定利率抵押貸款為主的貸款市場發展相當不同,未來台灣若欲發展不動產抵押貸款證券化,最先發展的商品應是符合國內抵押貸款屬性的調整利率傳遞證券,因此本文將針對調整利率傳遞證券做評價。同時,由於傳遞證券具有路徑相依的利率衍生性商品之性質,難以得到評價的封閉解,必須依賴數值方法來評價,評價方法不外乎採用利率樹或蒙地卡羅模擬法,本文將對此兩種評價方法做一深入的探討,同時有別於目前國內相關論文以Hull & White三元利率樹的評價方式,採用蒙地卡羅模擬法來評價,並進行敏感度分析,調整利率傳遞證券的評價結果如下: 1. 以台灣的貸款屬性來看,抵押貸款無每年利率上下限,雖有20%的最高利率上限但在目前低利率環境及低利率波動度的環境下,很難觸及此20%的最高利率上限,因此,期間利率上限價值很低,幾乎可視為一個純粹的浮動利率貸款。由於利率每年調整一次,現金流量則是按當時利率水準每月折現,故即使在貸款契約利率之利率加碼等於風險溢酬的情況下,傳遞證券的價格也不會等同於面值。 2. 利率波動度與調整利率傳遞證券價格之相關性不確定。 3. 調整利率傳遞證券價格與每年利率上限(annual cap)及期間利率上限(lifetime cap)有正相關。 4. 同時具有每年利率上限及下限的傳遞證券,價格會比只有每年利率上限的傳遞證券高。 5. 利率加碼越大,調整利率傳遞證券價格越高。 6. 提前清償速度與調整利率傳遞證券價格間的相關性,受到MBS折價或溢價的影響。

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