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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林淑貞, Lin, Shu-Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共一冊,約五、六萬字,分五章十一節。 第一章 緒論。旨在闡述研究動機與目的,說明研究範圍與方法。 第二章 有關文獻之探討,分四節:一、規模經濟的內涵與分析;二、教育規模經濟 的內涵;三、教育規模經濟之分析及有關發現;四、影響學校成本的因素之探討。 第三章 調查研究之設計與實施。 第四章 調查結果之分析與討論,分三節;一、影響單位學生平均經常成本的學校因 素之決定;二、以直線式、乙形曲線和矩形雙曲線作假定,採複迴歸分析法調適出台 北市國民中學最適代表性的成本理論曲線;三、決定台北市國民中學經營規模最佳指 標(包括最適當的在學人數和資源分配比例)。 第五章 結論與建議,分二節:一、歸納研究發現提出結論;二、根據結論試提建議 。

台灣地區大學院校整併策略之研究 / The Study of Strategies for Universities and Colleges Merger

梁金盛, Liang, Chin-Shen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析台灣地區大學院校之現況與大學院校整併策略,做為教育行政與學校行政在大學院校間實施整併的參考。 研究者透過文獻探討、文件分析解析台灣地區大學院校的發展與現況;以台灣地區公私立大學院校決策管理層級之校長、教務長、學務長、總務長等合計507位做為問卷調查對象,回收問卷303份,回收率約59%,運用次數分配、卡方分配、及肯德爾和諧係數等進行考驗;另針對已完成整併及正討論中的個案實施訪談,得到以下的主要研究發現: 一、現代大學院校必須注重經營管理的績效,與朝最適經營規模發展。 二、學校間的整併是促使大學院校達到最適經營規模的一種方式。 三、政府在保障與維護學術自由前提下,有規劃整體教育發展的權利與責任。 四、台灣地區近10年來在大學學校數量與學生數量上均不斷的增加,但學校規模不大,約有80%左右的學校學生數在10,000人以下,而且5,000人以下的學校約有37%。 五、台灣地區近40年來人口出生數,與近10年來經濟成長率均呈現下降的現象,又面對WTO衝擊的壓力,學校間的整併是規模較小學校發展的可行策略。 六、台灣地區大學院校決策管理層級,對大學院校現況認知情形與實際情形相符,但認為「為增加資源的使用效益,招生人數應該增加」。 七、在大學院校整併條件方面,認為學校最應重視的是學生素質的提升,在經費補助方面應維持原有學校經費三年不變。 八、在大學院校整併原則方面,認為最重要的是願景、系所整併、人力資源整合與擴大互補功能。 九、學校間整併的效益為提升學校整體競爭能力,與有利於人力的整合運用。 十、學校間整併的問題,為增加單位間的協調困難與文化不同不易整合。 十一、大學院校間整併策略優先順序,為聯合大學系統、合併、策略聯盟、購併。 十二、政府如果希望學校間整併,宜提供誘因且訂定整體方案公布實施。 十三、學校間的整併,政府所能提供的最具體誘因是「經費」與「員額」二項。 十四、學校間能否整併,應由校務會議決定。 十五、學校間如果有共同接受的願景,則容易合併。 十六、學校間的整併過程中,政府適時介入與支援為是否完成整併的關鍵。 最後,本研究針對大學院校的整併策略,分別向教育行政機關與學校提出具體的建議,同時也建議未來進一步研究的方向。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate current positions and merge strategies among universities and colleges in Taiwan. In addition, the study intended to provide useful implications to education administration for governing the proceeding of college merger. The current researcher reviewed literature and documents to analyze the development and current positions of Taiwan's colleges. The questionnaires were mailed to 507 administrators who were college presidents, chairs of Academic Affairs, chairs of Students Affairs, and chairs of General Affairs in Taiwan. A total of 303 questionnaires were completed and returned. The returned rate was 59%. Distribution of frequency, chi-square, and the Kendall coefficient of concordance were used for data analyses. The current researcher also interviewed the administrators whose college had completed merger or were in the merging process during the investigation period. The findings from this study were the following: 1. Modern colleges need to emphasize the efficiency of school management and pursue “the optimal scale” for school development. 2. The merger among colleges is a way for promoting the school to achieve “the optimal scale”. 3. Based on the premise of “no violated academic professional liberty”, the government should have authority and obligations to provide a plan for comprehensive educational development. 4. The numbers of colleges and students are increasing dramatically in the past 10 years. However, the size of schools is considered small. A total of 80% of colleges with student number less than 10,000, and 37% of these colleges with student number less than 5,000. 5. The current challenges for Taiwan's higher education include a decreasing population of new born in the past 40 years; declining economic growing rate within recent 10 years; and the advent of Word Trade Organization. It is a practical strategy to merge small colleges in order to face these challenges. 6. The college administrators recognize the reality of current higher education. They suggest an increase of the student number would promote the efficiency of the use of education resource. 7. The critical requirements for college merger include that schools have to emphasize the quality of students and to have a stable financial support for at least 3 years. 8. A vision of future, consolidation of graduate and under-graduate programs, and coalition of human resources are considered as the most important principles of college merger. 9. The benefits of a merger among colleges are an increase the compatibility and the use of human resources. 10. The challenges of a merger among colleges include the negotiation of the increase of new units after merger, and the consolidation of different cultural backgrounds among colleges. 11. The priorities of college merger strategies are affiliation of universities' system, merger, strategic alliance, and purchase. 12. If government wants to promote merger among colleges, the government should provide incentives and be clear with the policies. 13. The best "incentive" from government for college merger are financial and personnel supports. 14. The Committee of School Affairs has the authority to decide whether a college needs to be merged with others. 15. If there have mutual goals among colleges, a merger is more likely to success. 16. During a merger proceeding, government's support and mediation are the keys for a successful merger. The current study not only provides implications for college merger to the government and college administrators, but also suggests directions for further research.

新北市國民小學學校規模適正化與因應策略之研究 / The Study on Optimal Operating Scale of Elementary School and coping strategies in New Taipei City

楊雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市地區公立國民小學在少子化趨勢下,學校規模所產生的變化情形及規模類型為何,並探求新北市國小學校最適經營規模,最後整合教育利害關係人的需求與看法,歸納出學校適正化策略,另外也進一步模擬規劃新北市三重分區學校適正化具體做法。 本研究採文獻分析法、模糊德菲法,針對新北市公立國民小學學校規模及學校配置合宜性進行探究;於101年11月共發出130份問卷,共回收問卷105份,有效問卷共92份。 本研究主要研究發現為: ㄧ、新北市公立國民小學最適經營規模為「每年級至少5~8個班」,最適合的班級規模為「每個班級16~25人」,依此原則推估新北市公立國小學校最適規模之學生總數為480~1200人。 二、新北市通學距離應定義為都市地區1公里內、偏遠地區則為2公里內較為適宜;除此之外,小學生的通學時間應以30分鐘為限。 三、新北市公立國民小學總班級數與總學生數呈現逐年下降趨勢。 四、新北市各公立國小學校規模變化有所不同,具有多元規模類型。 五、學校適正化方針之具體作法包括:擬定整體階段性計畫、維持學校適正配置、整體評估校舍建築、設置新學校、重新設定學區範圍、推估學齡人口與就學需求、召開區域性政策公聽會等。 關鍵字:學校適正化、最適經營規模、模糊德菲法 / This study aimed to discuss the change and the typology of public elementary school scales in New Taipei City due to recent declining birthrate for exploring optimal operating scale. Strategies of optimal operating scale might be summed up by integrating needs and perspectives of education stakeholders. Furthermore, concrete ways could be come up to formulate optimal operating scale of public elementary schools in the district of Sanchong in New Taipei City. It was undergoing public elementary school scales in New Taipei City and the appropriateness of school allocation by literature review method plus fuzzy Delphi method. Total 130 copies of questionnaires were sent out in November 2012, 105 copies returned and out of them 92 copies valid. The major finding would be as followed: 1. Among public elementary schools in New Taipei City, it is concluded for the optimal operating scale containing “5 to 8 classes each grade”, the optimal class scale containing “16 to 25 persons each class”, and consequently , the optimal scale of student sum containing 480 to 1200 persons in estimation. 2. Commuting distances in New Taipei City should properly define as 1 kilometer within urban areas and as 2 kilometers in remote regions. Besides, time of pupils walking to school should be within 30 minutes. 3. Class sum and pupil total among public elementary schools in New Taipei City appear downward year by year. 4. It differs and bears multi-scales of typology concerning the change of public elementary school scales in New Taipei City. 5. Some concrete ways fulfill optimal operating scale: Making overall progressive plans, maintaining school allocation of optimal operating scale, assessing overall architectures, setting up new schools, resettling school district, estimating school-age population and schooling needs, holding regional policy public hearing, etc. Key words: Optimal Scale of Schools , Optimal Operating Scale , Fuzzy Delphi Method


鄭聰懿, Zheng, Cong-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論,說明本文研究動機、目的、研究方法、研究的範圍及有關名詞的定義。 第二章擴大農場經營規模的問題,首先瞭解土地改革後的農業發展及現況,其次闡明 大農場經營的理論,再就目前各種擴大農場經營規模的方法加以分析並歸納其問題, 然後探討農企業方式擴大規模的理論。 第三章工業區模式擴大農場規模的調查,調查宜蘭龍德及嘉義民雄兩工業區原農地被 征收之土地所有人之現況。就其徵收前後之生活,勞動力的就業,農業資產的運用與 轉換情況及其意願,對當地社會、經濟的影響情形加以分析。 第四章推行農企業公司之必要配合措施,就前章研究分析結果,探討財經政策、社會 政策、法令制度與修訂及行政上等各方面應如何配合。 第五章以農企業公司擴大農場經營規模之評估,分析推行農企業之預期效益,並探討 其可行笥。 第六章結論,提出本文研究的結果。

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