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Valuation of Anerican Put Options: A Comparison of Existing Methods邱景暉 Unknown Date (has links)
美式賣權已經存在很長的時間,由於沒有公式解,目前只能利用數值分析方法(numerical analysis approach)和解析近似法(analytic approximations) 來評價它。這類的評價方法在文獻中相當多,但對這些方法的完整的比較卻相當貧乏。本文整理了27種評價方法和186種在文獻中常被引用的美式賣權契約,這些契約包含了各種不同狀態(有股利、沒有股利、價內、價平、價外、短到期日、長到期日),後續的研究者可以用這些美式賣權契約來驗證他們的方法。本文實作其中14種方法並應用於上述的186種美式賣權契約上。這14種方法包含了樹狀法、有限差分法、蒙地卡羅法與解析近似法。從這些數值的結果中,本文根據精確度與計算效率整理出各種方法的優缺點與適用的時機。
由本文之數值分析,我們得到下列幾點結論:1.Binomial Black and Scholes with Richardson extrapolation of Broadie and Detemple (1996)與Extrapolated Flexible Binomial Model of Tian (1999)這二種方法在這14種方法中,在速度與精確度的考量下是最好的方法;2.在精確度要求在root mean squared relative error大約1%的情形下,解析近似法是最快的方法;3.Least-Squares Simulation method of Longstaff and Schwartz (2001)在評價美式賣權方面並不是一個有效的方法。 / American put option has existed for a long time. They cannot be valued by closed-form formula and require the use of numerical analysis methods and analytic approximations. There exists a great deal of methods for pricing American put option in related literatures. But a complete comparison of these methods is lacking. From literatures, we survey 27 methods and 186 commonly cited option contracts, including options on stock with dividend, non-dividend, in-the-money, at-money and out-of-money, short maturity and long maturity. In addition, we implement 14 methods, including lattice approaches, finite difference methods, Monte Carlo simulations and analytic approximations, and apply these methods to value the 186 option contracts above. From the numerical results, we summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each method in terms of speed and accuracy: 1.The binomial Black and Scholes with Richardson extrapolation of Broadie and Detemple (1996) and the extrapolated Flexible Binomial Model of Tian (1999) are both efficient improvements over the binomial method. 2.With root mean squared relative error about 1%, the analytic approximations are faster than the numerical analysis methods. 3.The Least-Squares Simulation method of Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) is not an effective method for pricing American put options.
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跳躍擴散模型下之美式選擇權評價分析-隨機樹狀模型之應用陳雅婷 Unknown Date (has links)
Black and Scholes評價模型假設標的資產價格變動行為為服從常態分配的一連續擴散過程(Continuous Diffusion Process)。然而,許多實證研究結果指出相較於常態分配,市場上資產報酬形態多具有厚尾(Fatter Tails)、偏態、高峰態與價格不連續之現象。Merton(1976)提出跳躍擴散模型,在標的資產價格行為服從跳躍擴散程序的假設下,求算選擇權理論價格,有效地解釋市場資產報酬分配型態呈現偏態、高峰態及價格不連續等現象。本文在標的資產價格行為服從Merton(1976)跳躍擴散程序(Jump-Diffusion Process)的假設下,利用Broadie and Glasserman(1997a)所提出之隨機樹狀模型(Random Tree Model)來評價具有提前履約性質的美式選擇權,利用一信賴區間來解決一般美式選擇權模擬估計所產生之偏誤問題。
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漲跌幅限制下選擇權評價模型羅文宏 Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統的Black-Scholes(B-S)選擇權評價公式中,並未將標的資產的漲跌幅限制(price limits)考慮進來。但是在某些國家如日本、韓國、台灣等其股票市場是有漲跌幅限制的。因此如果還是用傳統的B-S公式來評價,將會產生嚴重的誤差。而且在考慮漲跌幅限制下對於波動度(volatility)的估計,亦不同於傳統的計量方法,因為在漲跌幅限制下,價格會受到嚴重的扭曲,導致傳統的計量方法不再適用。本文的目的在推導出漲跌幅限制下選擇權之評價公式來取代B-S公式,並提供兩種估計波動度的方法,進而得出在考慮漲跌幅限制下正確的選擇權價值。我們發現距到期日越近、漲跌幅限制越小、波動度越大、越價外,標準B-S公式的評價誤差越嚴重。而本模型所推導的公式的誤差,相較B-S公式來的小。且實證結果也發現對較常碰觸漲跌停板的樣本而言利用GMM法來估計波動度較歷史波動度來的準確,其評價誤差也相對較小。
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在HJM模型下使用遠期定價法評價或有求償權 / Pricing Contingent Claims under HJM Model using Forward Pricing Method張佳沛, Chang,Chia-Pai Unknown Date (has links)
我們使用一個新方法來評價美式或歐式的或有求償權,其受到本地利率和權益價值的影響。我們使用標的資產的遠期價格的樹狀圖,進而對或有求償權作定價。其中我們評價了美式與歐式的股票選擇權,以及利率期貨和利率期貨選擇權。 / We introduce a methodology for pricing American or European style contingent claims, influenced by domestic interest rates, and equity prices. Instead of using trees of short-term interest rate, bond price or forward interest rate, this tree method will use the forward prices of underlying assets to derive implied binomial spot-price tree and in turn price long term American or European options, and interest rate futures and interest rate futures options.
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單一資產與複資產的美式選擇權之評價 / The Valuation of American Options on Single Asset and Multiple Assets劉宣谷, Liu, Hsuan Ku Unknown Date (has links)
對於評價美式選擇權,我們提出使用混合整數非線性規劃(MINLP)的模型,這個模型的最佳解同時提供賣方的完全避險策略、買方的最佳交易策略與美式選擇權的公平價格。因為求算MINLP模型的解需耗用大量的計算時間,我們證明此模型和其非線性規劃的寬鬆問題有相同的最佳解,所以只需求算寬鬆問題即可。觀察數值結果亦顯示非線性規劃的寬鬆問題可以大幅的降低計算的時間。此外,當市場的價格低於公平價格時,我們提出一個最小化賣方期望損失的數學規劃模型,此模型的解提供賣方最小化其期望損失的避險策略。 / In the past three decades, a great deal of effort has been made on solving the free boundary problem (FBP) arising from American option valuation problems. In this dissertation, we show that the solutions, the price and the free boundary, of this FBP are increasing functions. Furthermore, we provide a rigorous verification that the free boundary of this problem is concave. Our results imply that the optimal exercise boundary of an American call is a
strictly decreasing concave function of time. These results will provide a useful information to obtain an asymptotic formula for the optimal exercise boundary.
For pricing of American exchange options (AEO), we convert the associated FBP into a single variable integral equation (IE) and provide a formula for valuating the perpetual AEO.
For the finite horizon AEO, we propose an asymptotic solution as time is near to expiration and develop a numerical method for its optimal exercise boundary.
Compared with the computational results, the values of our asymptotic solution are close to the computational results as time is near to expiration.
For valuating American options, we develop a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model. The solution of the MINLP model provides a hedging portfolio for writers, the optimal trading strategy for buyers, and the fair price for American options at the same time. We show that it can be solved by its nonlinear programming (NLP) relaxation. The numerical results reveal that the use of NLP relaxation reduces the computation time rapidly. Moreover, when the market price is less than the fair price, we propose
a minimum expected loss model. The solution of this model provides a hedging strategy that minimizes the expected loss for the writer.
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考慮信用及利率風險下之可轉債評價 / Pricing convertible bonds with credit risk and interest rate risk凃宗旻 Unknown Date (has links)
可轉換公司債是給予持有者於債券存續期間內行使轉換為股票之複合式證券,除了債券性質外,內嵌的股票選擇權便屬於美式選擇權。而在本文中,針對內含美式選擇權的公司債評價是使用最小平方蒙地卡羅的數值分析,主要原因在於可轉債本身的條款彈性高,加上可轉債可能涉及之標的資產為兩個以上或狀態變數也可能具有多個維度(dimension)。此外,針對可轉債發行公司本身的信用問題,本文則採用縮減式(reduced-form)模型來處理其違約風險問題。依據A. Takahashi, T. Kobayashi, and N. Nakagawa認為採用結構式(structured-form)的缺點為參數難以校準,並列出下面兩論點認為使用縮減式的優點在於:
1. 違約事件將可能造成股價跳躍(jump)現象。
2. 在Duffie and Singleton方法下,資產隨機過程不必設定jump term,仍可設定為擴散過程(diffusion process)。
至於在利率期間結構方面,雖然Brennan and Schwartz(1980)認為實務上,考量利率的隨機性除了降低評價的效率性之外,與利率設定為常數相比,其差異不大。但針對為何差異不大的原因,本文認為利率對於純粹債券之價值影響為負向關係,而對於股票買權則是正向關係,故使得最後可轉債的影響則不明顯。然而,在目前「可轉債資產交換」等可轉債相關衍生性商品相繼推陳出新之下,使得可轉債的純粹債券與選擇權的個別要素評價也是相當重要。所以本文在利率風險的建構上將使用BGM模型來描述利率的隨機過程。
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