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自然美的神話:論小資女面容的微整型 / The myth of natural beauty: on the cosmetic surgery of Xiao-Zi-Nu (young working females)許之瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
第二部分則是從自然美神話裡的矛盾元素去探究醫療細微化的科技視野下所呈現的當代生活。透過訪談,本文初步揭示女性在神話結構當中對於自然美的渴求,並且藉由微整型實作完成神話的矛盾要素。應用Baudrillard的消費社會觀,本文指出當女性在尋求差異以強調自我獨特性時,卻正相反地在迎合社會的共同性價值。此處除了小資女的自我敘述之外,本文也結合理論文獻及二手資料進階探究自然美形塑過程的三大面向,亦即物質技術、廣告消費和數位微整型。首先,我們基於物質、技術與醫師經驗等三個判準,將當前四大微整型技術劃出一條自然光譜。其次,我們從醫美診所的廣告文宣,梳理其中針對微整形技術的自然主張,了解業者的自然宣稱及消費者的自然認知。第三,我們還探討了電腦技術下的數位修圖以便凸顯出微整形的自然美意涵。從數位攝影的普及到網路平台的展演,我們在數位自拍與修圖等虛擬真實的媒介實作中探索自然美神話的疆界。 / This research comprised of two parts studies the emerging trend of cosmetic surgery practiced by young working females in Taiwan. In the first part, a short history of cosmetic practices is outlined to mark the formation of a myth of natural beauty since medical science and technology dominated the traditional field of cosmetic practices in the late 1990s. The myth makes the individual who has gone through cosmetic surgery carry the value of natural beauty while regarding one’s self-identity and performing in social interactions. Through in-depth interviews, the study shows that these young working females who have made cosmetic surgery an integral part of their daily beauty maintenance tend to exercise subtle strategies (art or kung-fu) of simulation, acting and interacting as if their beauty were all natural and real beyond suspicion at work-related situations. In addition, our study finds that personal decisions struggle constantly with the injunction of the social value (of natural beauty) as these young females are exposed to an excessive array of beauty information and surgery options. With resort to Goffman's theory of dramaturgical interaction, this study reveals some interaction rituals performed in different workplaces by these young working females. As a result, the individual self has itself become a sign-object malleable to change along with proper ways of clothing and grooming.
The second part proceeds to explore contemporary living under the miniaturized purview of medical technology through the contradictory elements embodied in the myth of natural beauty. Once again drawing on in-depth interviews, the study reveals the female desire of natural beauty derived from the mythical structure, as well as their practices of cosmetic surgery which further realizes those contradictory elements in reproducing the myth. By applying Baudrillard’s theory of the consumer society, this study indicates that the more women intend to stress on their unique selves by marking out individual differences, the more they unintentionally cater to the common value of our society. In this regard, our study, apart from the self reports of interviewees, also combines theoretical discourses and secondary data to further explore the natural beauty process in its three main aspects, which might be termed as the cosmetic surgery of the material (technique), the representational (advertising) and the digital (social media). First, we delineate a spectrum of naturalism for the four major techniques of cosmetic surgery based on substance, technology and experience of the physician. Second, we examine the clinical claims and the consumer perceptions of nature shaped by advertising images and slogans circulated in the beauty industry. Third, we observe the trend of digital retouching with computer technology to sharpen the meaning of natural beauty in the practice of cosmetic surgery. From the relay of digital photography to the display of internet platform, we explore the mythical frontier of natural beauty by witnessing the digital retouching of selfies as a mediatory practice of virtual reality.
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Skyfie:多軸空拍機用於空中自拍之互動控制方法研究 / Skyfie : a study of user-centered technique for taking aerial selfies劉康平, Liu, Kang Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對空拍機的使用情境進行觀察,歸納傳統操作方式造成的問題,再依不同互動控制方法討論過往研究提出的解決方法之優勢與限制,並依據自拍行為之心智模型及過往研究經驗,設計兩階段互動流程:相機定位階段(Positioning)及鏡頭構圖階段(Framing),並在各階段中分別提出直接指向(Direct Pointing)、移動微調(Fine Tuning)及構圖調整(Framing)三種有別於傳統類比搖桿操控之互動模式。
本研究另設計一俱觸覺控制回饋、可單手操作之實體自拍遙控器,搭配前述互動設計實作兼具自動化移動及以使用者為中心進行操作之空拍機自拍互動控制系統原型Skyfie,並於戶外環境設計實驗場域進行使用者測試,測試使用者指揮空拍機至指定位置拍照之操作,評估互動流程中各操作方法之優劣。測試結果顯示Skyfie 互動控制系統相較於傳統的類比搖桿操控方式更易於學習及使用,且符合使用者對空間的認知,並依照回饋意見進行互動模式修正,以達成對空拍機初學者而言也簡單易學的互動操作方式。 / As personal drones become more popular, we can envision a future where flying selfie bots are always with us. Drones break the limits of distance and angle, providing more diversified composition than taking selfie with arms or a selfie stick. However, users have to be very skillful to pilot the drone and are not easy to take aerial selfies by state-of-the-art methods.
Based on user observation and the mindset of selfie taking, we summarize the problems caused by the traditional control methods and generalize the interaction flow of selfie taking into two stages: Positioning and Framing stage. In each stage, we present new interaction techniques including a direct pointing technique, fine-tuning technique, and a touch manipulation for framing.
We also present a selfie remote controller designed for single-hand operation to collocates with the interaction techniques, and implement a proof-of-concept Skyfie system for an outdoor user testing. The result shows users felt intuitive and expressed enthusiasm to take aerial selfies with our techniques. Finally, we discuss the insights from the evaluation and conclude with future directions.
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觀看戰爭:敘利亞內戰的難民影像分析 / Seeing war : An analysis on the Images of Syrian refugees莊崇暉, Chuang, Chung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本文也藉由分析戰爭中的自拍以討論在社群媒體觀看的倫理問題。難民自拍連結社群他人,也跳脫主流新聞媒體的再現,展現難民的非戲劇性日常。而社群觀者便於使用社群媒體的視覺行動機制,實踐線上人道主義。然而,線上視覺人道行動也可能再次消費戰爭悲劇,與實際人道行動的意義相異。最後,觀者不僅漫遊於社群世界,尋找自我觀看的視角,更在與社群他人的互動中反覆確認、變換觀看的位置,以此理解戰爭事件與自身的關係,再採取線上視覺行動。 / The images of Syrian refugees point out key questions about modern war, also high-light how users on social media see the images and practice visual activism. Therefore, this article aims to analyze what the transformation of humanitarian images is, how to
understand the humanitarian meaning when users see the images, and what the ethics of seeing is.
First of all, the image of Alan Kurdi and post-text show the social humanitarianism and connote lines of vision of ignorance and, including the struggle of international political, religion conflict, and the indifferent of mainstream media and social media.
Second, from Pietas to images of modern war, the meaning of humanitarianism is not always the same. Despite the western humanitarianism being rooted in the visual discourse of documentary war images, the meaning of humanitarianism has also changed with different referents. Besides compassion and mourn, struggle, anxiety, variation and instability are included in the images of refugees.
Third, this study discusses the ethics of seeing via analyzing selfies in war. Refugees take advantage of selfies to link others on social media and get rid of representation of mainstream media to present the nondramatic everyday life of fleeing. Furthermore,
spectators on social media take the visual action to practice online humanitarianism, although it may consume the tragedy again.
Conclusively, seeing is not only wandering in social media world and seeking the angles of self-seeing but confirming and changing the position of seeing among the interaction with others time and again. By seeing, people can understand the relationship between war and self, and then take visual action.
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