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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

消費者與生產者互動模式對綠生活之影響-以主婦聯盟生活消費合作社為例 / A Study of the Impact on the Interactive Relationship between Producers and Consumers with regards to Green Living- the Case for Homemaker Union Consumer Cooperatives

邱垂仁, Chiu, Chui Jen Unknown Date (has links)
考量在消費市場上,生產者與消費者各有各的生存法則,好比消費者是以「需求法則」為前提進行消費行為,反觀生產者則是以「供給法則」為前提,進行產品製造,然而,若能將兩者的法則予以整合,應可達到消費者與生產者共存且雙贏的關係。   因此,本研究為能深入瞭解主婦聯盟生活消費合作社在消費者與生產者互動上的經營對綠生活的影響,我們則是透過主婦聯盟生活消費合作社之社員或委員對消費者與生產者互動模式的認知與調查,進而探討之的影響,茲將研究分析發現概分下列幾項: (1)消費者與生產者的互動對綠生活有正面的影響。 (2)產地觀摩之互動模式對綠生活的影響較大。 (3)消費者與生產者互動有助於提升產品品質。 (4)經由消費者與生產者的互動可以增加社員加入的現象。

多軸飛行器用於自拍情境之互動模式研究 / Exploring Interaction Modalities for a Selfie Drone

陳建方, Chen, Chien Fang Unknown Date (has links)
「自拍」是時下特有的社群文化,使用手持相機或自拍棒輔助拍照多有限制。然而搭載相機鏡頭的多軸飛行器(Camera-equipped drone)日漸普及,未來將有機會成為新的攝影器材。 本研究由初步訪談並分類「日常生活中操作相機」之心智模型:(1)以自身為中心,指揮攝影師移動之操控者模式(User Mode),適合近距操作,如自拍;(2)使用者透過相機視角,取得觀測角度之觀景窗模式(Viewfinder Mode),適合取得遠距影像,如災區探勘;(3)以第三人稱同時控制攝影者與被攝者的導演模式(Director Mode),擅於處理人與鏡頭相對空間關係,適合已預想好全局構圖與分鏡腳本。本研究依上述分類討論文獻與商品之優勢與限制,探索「操作空間中任務擺放之相機(多軸飛行器)」的理想互動方法後,將「操作空間中的相機」互動切分為兩階段流程設計:(1)Positioning階段:以User Mode直視飛行器,指揮相機位置;(2)Fine Tuning階段:以Viewfinder Mode透過觀景窗取得影像並微調拍攝參數。 本研究將著重於Positioning階段之飛行器控制互動方法,透過探討使用者的空間認知,提出三種符合使用者心智模型之飛行器運動座標系(球狀、柱狀與修正之三維座標),結合智慧型手機操作的類指向輸入方法(Semi-Direct Pointing),並實作沉浸式VR多軸飛行器體驗模擬器「Skyfie」,並進行兩次使用者測試,模擬使用者在3D空間中指揮飛行器移動至指定位置進行拍攝,實驗結果證明本研究提出之三種座標系統皆比傳統三維座標容易操作,並於最後討論各運動座標系適用之情境。 / Taking Selfie is a brand new type of photographic behavior and has become a phenomenon on social medias. In Asia, many people love taking and sharing selfies in their daily life and have create several tools to take good selfies suck as a selfie stick or a portable tripod. In the meantime, camera-equipped drones are getting more and more popular today. We can envision a future where personal flying selfie bots are always with us. Among the previous works and commercial products, the interaction techniques for controlling drone are mostly designed in drone-centric mode that require a longer training and are not easy for taking an anticipated shot. We investigate the user needs in taking selfies and propose an interaction technique that contains Positioning state and Fine Tuning state which are designed with user and viewfinder mode. Users can place a drone in a specified coordinate system by our semi-direct pointing technique and then compose the framing on the smartphone screen. We propose 3 coordinate systems for positioning stage and conduct two user studies in a simulated VR environment to validate the performance and user acceptances. In conclusion, we find that all three coordinate systems are more user friendly compare to traditional Cartesian coordinate system considering the test results and implementation cost.

Skyfie:多軸空拍機用於空中自拍之互動控制方法研究 / Skyfie : a study of user-centered technique for taking aerial selfies

劉康平, Liu, Kang Ping Unknown Date (has links)
近年來多軸空拍機快速發展與普及,可預見其未來將成為新一代的輔助攝影工具。空拍機打破距離、角度的限制,讓時下流行的自拍(Selfie)照片相較於以往以手臂或自拍棒輔助的方式,拍出更具特色及多樣性的構圖。然而當前空拍機操作方式複雜,使用者需花費一定的練習時間才能熟練地控制空拍機至預定位置進行拍攝。 本研究針對空拍機的使用情境進行觀察,歸納傳統操作方式造成的問題,再依不同互動控制方法討論過往研究提出的解決方法之優勢與限制,並依據自拍行為之心智模型及過往研究經驗,設計兩階段互動流程:相機定位階段(Positioning)及鏡頭構圖階段(Framing),並在各階段中分別提出直接指向(Direct Pointing)、移動微調(Fine Tuning)及構圖調整(Framing)三種有別於傳統類比搖桿操控之互動模式。 本研究另設計一俱觸覺控制回饋、可單手操作之實體自拍遙控器,搭配前述互動設計實作兼具自動化移動及以使用者為中心進行操作之空拍機自拍互動控制系統原型Skyfie,並於戶外環境設計實驗場域進行使用者測試,測試使用者指揮空拍機至指定位置拍照之操作,評估互動流程中各操作方法之優劣。測試結果顯示Skyfie 互動控制系統相較於傳統的類比搖桿操控方式更易於學習及使用,且符合使用者對空間的認知,並依照回饋意見進行互動模式修正,以達成對空拍機初學者而言也簡單易學的互動操作方式。 / As personal drones become more popular, we can envision a future where flying selfie bots are always with us. Drones break the limits of distance and angle, providing more diversified composition than taking selfie with arms or a selfie stick. However, users have to be very skillful to pilot the drone and are not easy to take aerial selfies by state-of-the-art methods. Based on user observation and the mindset of selfie taking, we summarize the problems caused by the traditional control methods and generalize the interaction flow of selfie taking into two stages: Positioning and Framing stage. In each stage, we present new interaction techniques including a direct pointing technique, fine-tuning technique, and a touch manipulation for framing. We also present a selfie remote controller designed for single-hand operation to collocates with the interaction techniques, and implement a proof-of-concept Skyfie system for an outdoor user testing. The result shows users felt intuitive and expressed enthusiasm to take aerial selfies with our techniques. Finally, we discuss the insights from the evaluation and conclude with future directions.


吳宗憲, wu,chuanghsien Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸關係的研究者,除了將歷史的糾結、族群的認同、經濟的利益以及不對稱力量等等的因素,作為分析兩岸關係的重要變項之外,兩岸互動當中的「代理人結構」,也是兩岸關係當中學者所重視的一個重要變項。 「代理人結構」的產生原因,主要是由於大陸與台灣雙方政府均強調避免官方接觸,而採用透過民間單位對談互動的模式,而這種互動的模式除了以「委託」、「複委託」結構呈現出來, 兩岸文教交流事務當中我政府與非營利組織間的所有互動關係,也類似這樣的模式。而在這種政府與非政府組織間的互動結構當中,非營利組織在與政府互動時的行為態樣,相關理論歸納出幾種不同的模式,有與政府充分配合的「合作模式」、有利用政府資源遂行自己目的的「吸納模式」、有認同政府目標而分工併行的「互補模式」,也有與政府相互對抗的「衝突模式」(Najam,2000)。至於其效果,不同的理論對其效果有著不同的詮釋,例如:有研究談判的學者,認為如果非營利組織配合政府的官僚控制模式,則這種兩階段談判的結構,可以為政府爭取到談判的空間(Raiffa, 1996:15-16);而主張社群主義的學者則認為這種結構可以透過互動,使非營利組織與政府產生合作的集體意識(Haeberle, 1987:180),進而與大陸方面相抗衡;但根據公共選擇理論的經濟人假設,理性的「代理人」透過「吸納」政府資源以達成自己目標的模式,是一種必然的現象,政府同理亦可提供資源來誘導非營利組織的行為(Dunleavy, P., and B. O'Leary,1987: 114-115);當然,也有學者不斷強調非營利組織與政府之間的衝突對立關係(Kramer et al., 1993:123),而在對立狀況下,若非營利組織採取「疏離」的模式,反而可以減少彼此之間的衝突。由此可見,對於政府與非營利組織之間的互動樣態及其優劣,不同的學者有不同的看法,呈現「人言言殊、莫衷一是」的情況。 自民國86年起,筆者任職於主管兩岸事務的行政院大陸委員會,89年亦曾在辦理兩岸文教交流活動的非營利組織工作,在工作的過程當中,發現相較於其他政策領域,兩岸文教交流互動當中的政府與非營利組織的互動關係並非只有某一種固定的行為模式,而是呈現出更多元的關係,而上述不同理論所描繪的互動模式,均能在兩岸文教交流領域過程當中獲得實證的案例來佐證,並且各種互動模式似乎是非營利組織根據時空的變化而有意做出來的選擇行為。 正因為這些多元的選擇行為模式,筆者一直深受下面問題所困擾:「從實然面的角度來說,非營利組織與政府在互動的時候,在什麼情況下會選擇什麼模式?其原因為何?」,此一問題,便是吾人之所以欲進行本研究之初步動機。進一步來說,若能了解非營利組織如何選擇不同模式以及其原因,政府才能據此思考應該採取的因應之道,兩岸文教交流事務才有辦法順利推動。 而為能了解兩岸文教交流當中,非營利組織與政府在互動時模式選擇的問題,必須解決兩方面的問題,首先,由於此一領域當中的行為模式相當多元,因此筆者必須建立一個能夠具有窮盡性及互斥性的分類模式才足夠「描述」現實的各種狀態。其次,每個實際政策領域中影響政府與非營利組織的變數並不盡相同,因此,本研究必須找出影響實際互動的變數以及其原因,才能夠將變數與選擇模式的行為將結合。為達前項目標,本研究將整理中外文獻以彙整出一個具有描述功能的分類模式,為達後項目標,本研究亦將以實際觀察作為方法,歸納出影響選擇行為的變項。 / Due to the fact that Chinese and Taiwanese governments both put emphasis on avoiding official contacts while entrusting private organizations with cross-strait dialogues and interactions, a so-called “proxy structure” has been established. Meanwhile, the interactions between Taiwan’s government and non-profit organizations in dealing with cross-strait cultural and educational affairs also resemble this structure. However, the results of the “proxy structure,” when interpreted based on different theories, are roughly categorized into four modes, including “cooperation,” “co-optation,” “complementarity” and “confrontation.” Now that there are multiple modes to choose from, I have been perplexed all along by the following question: “From a pragmatic viewpoint, when non-profit organizations interact with Taiwan’s government, which mode will be chosen under what circumstances and why?” The core concept of this research lies in this very question. To be more accurate, only when the question how non-profit organizations choose from different modes and why is answered, can Taiwan’s government think, act and react accordingly and cross-strait cultural and educational affairs be handled smoothly. In order to find the answer to this question, first of all, a categorizing model with both exhaustivity and mutual exclusivity and capable of “describing” all kinds of scenarios in the real world was established. Following that, observations were conducted to pinpoint the variables that affect real-life interactions and their causes. Thirdly, information was obtained through in-depth interviews to evaluate the accuracy and applicability of the above-mentioned categorizing model. In-depth interviews has proven that the categorizing model established in the research has a predicting ability with a considerable degree of accuracy and can act as a reference for future researchers conducting quantitative studies.

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