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企業競爭條件與策略選擇之關係-台灣企業實例研究陳文藝, Chen, Wen-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 為導論,說明本論文的研究動機與研究的目的,以及研究的限制,並說明
第二章 為企業競爭條件的評估,先討論有關策略的一些概念,繼而提出本論文的
第三、四章 討論企業競爭條件優劣勢之形成。先討論影響競爭條件環境因素,然
第五章 討論企業競爭條件優劣勢對策略選擇的影響,先討論企業採取的發展策略
第六章 為結論與建議,列出本研究的一些發現及對實務界,後進學者的一些建議
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兩岸文教交流事務中非營利組織選擇與政府互動模式之研究吳宗憲, wu,chuanghsien Unknown Date (has links)
「代理人結構」的產生原因,主要是由於大陸與台灣雙方政府均強調避免官方接觸,而採用透過民間單位對談互動的模式,而這種互動的模式除了以「委託」、「複委託」結構呈現出來, 兩岸文教交流事務當中我政府與非營利組織間的所有互動關係,也類似這樣的模式。而在這種政府與非政府組織間的互動結構當中,非營利組織在與政府互動時的行為態樣,相關理論歸納出幾種不同的模式,有與政府充分配合的「合作模式」、有利用政府資源遂行自己目的的「吸納模式」、有認同政府目標而分工併行的「互補模式」,也有與政府相互對抗的「衝突模式」(Najam,2000)。至於其效果,不同的理論對其效果有著不同的詮釋,例如:有研究談判的學者,認為如果非營利組織配合政府的官僚控制模式,則這種兩階段談判的結構,可以為政府爭取到談判的空間(Raiffa, 1996:15-16);而主張社群主義的學者則認為這種結構可以透過互動,使非營利組織與政府產生合作的集體意識(Haeberle, 1987:180),進而與大陸方面相抗衡;但根據公共選擇理論的經濟人假設,理性的「代理人」透過「吸納」政府資源以達成自己目標的模式,是一種必然的現象,政府同理亦可提供資源來誘導非營利組織的行為(Dunleavy, P., and B. O'Leary,1987: 114-115);當然,也有學者不斷強調非營利組織與政府之間的衝突對立關係(Kramer et al., 1993:123),而在對立狀況下,若非營利組織採取「疏離」的模式,反而可以減少彼此之間的衝突。由此可見,對於政府與非營利組織之間的互動樣態及其優劣,不同的學者有不同的看法,呈現「人言言殊、莫衷一是」的情況。
而為能了解兩岸文教交流當中,非營利組織與政府在互動時模式選擇的問題,必須解決兩方面的問題,首先,由於此一領域當中的行為模式相當多元,因此筆者必須建立一個能夠具有窮盡性及互斥性的分類模式才足夠「描述」現實的各種狀態。其次,每個實際政策領域中影響政府與非營利組織的變數並不盡相同,因此,本研究必須找出影響實際互動的變數以及其原因,才能夠將變數與選擇模式的行為將結合。為達前項目標,本研究將整理中外文獻以彙整出一個具有描述功能的分類模式,為達後項目標,本研究亦將以實際觀察作為方法,歸納出影響選擇行為的變項。 / Due to the fact that Chinese and Taiwanese governments both put emphasis on avoiding official contacts while entrusting private organizations with cross-strait dialogues and interactions, a so-called “proxy structure” has been established. Meanwhile, the interactions between Taiwan’s government and non-profit organizations in dealing with cross-strait cultural and educational affairs also resemble this structure. However, the results of the “proxy structure,” when interpreted based on different theories, are roughly categorized into four modes, including “cooperation,” “co-optation,” “complementarity” and “confrontation.”
Now that there are multiple modes to choose from, I have been perplexed all along by the following question: “From a pragmatic viewpoint, when non-profit organizations interact with Taiwan’s government, which mode will be chosen under what circumstances and why?” The core concept of this research lies in this very question. To be more accurate, only when the question how non-profit organizations choose from different modes and why is answered, can Taiwan’s government think, act and react accordingly and cross-strait cultural and educational affairs be handled smoothly.
In order to find the answer to this question, first of all, a categorizing model with both exhaustivity and mutual exclusivity and capable of “describing” all kinds of scenarios in the real world was established. Following that, observations were conducted to pinpoint the variables that affect real-life interactions and their causes. Thirdly, information was obtained through in-depth interviews to evaluate the accuracy and applicability of the above-mentioned categorizing model.
In-depth interviews has proven that the categorizing model established in the research has a predicting ability with a considerable degree of accuracy and can act as a reference for future researchers conducting quantitative studies.
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台灣區數位電視發展趨勢的因應策略研究-以普騰電子公司為例 / Strategy and Resources Allocation to Digital TV Developing Trend for Proton莊鎮國 Unknown Date (has links)
數位電視(Digital TV,DTV)是指一種把影像、語音等聲光的類比訊號換成數位訊號,然後傳遞至視聽消費者端之電視技術。它也可以代表一種能夠接收上述數位訊號、並且無失真地還原成和送出時相同品質的一種電視產品。由於數位電視具有高品質的影像、音響效果,同時提供具附加價值的資訊服務,如透過數據、電子節目表單、在家購物等方式,可帶動旅遊、交通、娛樂、文化產業的發展,對於台灣中長期民生與科技發展極為重要。
從本研究所收集資料來分析可以發現,普騰電子以衍生成數家獨立事業群之策略,成功發揮品牌與代工交替運行之優勢,精準掌握電視產品與車用影音電子產品,在台灣形成一種具有特色之企業生存之道。普騰在延續過去技術基礎與成功模式的同時,兩岸與全球之競爭態勢已非同日而語,因此建議其適度放棄非核心家電,進攻利基型如車用數位影音與數位看板之產品,以儘早達成產業升級之目標。 / Digital Television (DTV) is the apparatus and technology that may convert analog video and audio to digital signals and send them to television viewers. It is also a type of display device that may present the image with high fidelity to the original recorded data. With the high quality on image and audio performance and the potential on providing value-added services like on-line personal data transmission, interactive program selection and shopping-at-home, DTV may launch enormous opportunity on developing tourism, transportation, entertainment, and culture industry. It will produce important impacts on the middle and long-term economic and technological development of Taiwan.
Most of the countries are facing the fact that their deadlines of closing analog TV channels are coming. Meanwhile, most of the economy analysts believe that the purchase of new TVs or signal converters by customers will give big business opportunities in the coming years. DTV is a worthwhile research topic because of its particular role on elongating the prosperous status of flat-panel display industry and raise customers’ requirement on AV peripheral products like set-up boxes, home or vehicle electronic devices, and digital contents. It means a lot of facets especially when either Taiwan or the industry is entering a new era of digital revolution. Furthermore, DTV industry is a field that appears to be very promising but actually is highly competitive, crowded with aggressive competitors, and full of technology and product specification barriers. For a company that joins this game, what on earth the qualification to be required, the proper goal to be set, and the strategy to be adopted by the company, are within the focus of this study and will be discussed on the basis of large amount of explored data.
The DTV explored by this study contains the fixed and mobile AV devices that may display images from wireless broadcasting stations, cable TV stations, satellites, and IPTV. The applications on displays on vehicles, mobile phones, anddigital signage devices are also covered in the discussion. The study raises a well-know Taiwan company, Proton, as an example to see the Proton’s advantages to DTV markets based on applying the analyses models proposed by Poter, Kotler, and Slywotzky to analyze the structure of the company, product features, and marketing strategies. A number of suggestions for its future development are drawn from the analyse results.
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策略選擇對組織知識管理影響之研究 ─ 以半導體企業為例黃則堯, Huang,Tse Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用個案探討之方式,參考知識管理及智慧資本存量的構面,同時將組織由外部及內部輸入資源的機制一起考慮,以 (1)、智慧資本的存量,(2)、有助於累積智慧資本的知識管理相關之組織活動及組織系統 (知識管理四大構面),兩大類別來分析個案公司。
本研究最後並提出一些實務上與後續研究上的建議。 / There are two major technology sources of Taiwan Hi-Tech companies, first, they develop technology by themselves or joint develop technology with technical cooperation partners; second, they transfer the production technology directly from technical cooperation partners. They set up their production line either by themselves or joint venture with other companies. So the technology alliance relationship between Taiwan DRAM companies and world wide major DRAM supplier will affect the long term development of Taiwan DRAM industry.
This research takes the utilization of internal and external resources of the organization into consideration and focus on the knowledge management and the intellectual capital constructs of a company. I base on the following two categories to analyze the cases: (1) the stock of the intellectual capital, (2) the knowledge management related organizations and activities contributing to accumulate the intelligence capital (four major constructs of knowledge management).
The research takes two Taiwan DRAM companies as an example; the two companies have different operation strategy and different technology implementation strategy to accumulate their core compentance. One company joint develops technology with technical cooperation partners; another company sets up the joint venture production line and transfers the production technology directly from technical cooperation partners.
This research digs deeply into these two companies and wishes to find some useful clues to compare and explain the differences between these two differerent operational strategy companies about the constructs of the knowledge management and intellectual capital.
This research finds the selection of the operation strategy will affect the constructs of the knowledge management and intellectual capital; the differences can be summarized as bellow:
(1) the stock of relational capital is different, (2) the stock of structual capital is different, (3) the ways to get external technology are different, (4) the mechanisms of making knowledge are different, (5) the external sources of inputting technology knowledge are different, (6) the ways to create and integrate production technology are different, (7) the tactics that accumulate tacit technical knowledge are different, (8) the time to implement technology to mass production and integrate new technology is different, (9) while knowledge creation stage, the hierarchical organization and project team are both needed, but the operation method and purpose are not the same, (10) having the similar knowledge market, but the content is different; Technical workshop and job rotation are good for the research and development environment.
Beside the above major differences, there are some similar knowledge management constructs, but the contents are different:
(1) The tactics of managing explicit knowledge are similar, (2) the tactics of problem solving are similar, (3) to transfer the information and intelligence everywhere into the organization knowledge by using the systematic management tactics.
Finally, this research proposes some suggestions for working level and future study reference.
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