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論數位電視之收視率調查江文軍, Chiang , Wen-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
一、 收視率內涵將從狹義變成廣義
二、 應發展出與各種新收視方式相對應的測量技術
三、 收視率的重要性將隨數位化發展而逐漸遞減
四、 ABR是執行收視率數據分析、處理的另一種可能機制 / Advance of science and technology has created an illusion of digital TV reality. The debut of the digital TV is absolutely a breakthrough in the mass media as it is not merely a TV anymore. When the analogue TV was advanced into a digital one, the whole media ecology transformed, affecting categories of audience watching habits, tactics of program channels, the methods of conducting TV ratings, the new phase of related laws, as well as the styles of the advertisement services.
TV ratings, long been an important feedback mechanism, have resulted in affecting gigantic profits for TV companies, advertisers, and program producers, with the data offered, and hence in deciding the length of the programs. From the evolution of TV rating methods, we come to ascertain that TV rating poll has long been the direct outcome of conforming to the media environments. And, while TV development is self-variable, TV rating survey is responding variable. Consequently, the digitalization of TV system will result in the complication, difficulty, and unexpectedness of TV rating researches.
This thesis focuses on exploring how the intension of TV ratings under the digital TV environment would be relocated; and to comply with the digitalization, how the poll agencies would manage to adjust; and whether the advertisement interested parties, the ad agents, media buying houses would play the same important roles in media buying policies. And furthermore, in conducting TV ratings in the future, if there are any other possibilities in addition to the existing poll agencies.
As digitalization of TV system is not mature in Taiwan, the scope of poll has not extended to reach the area yet. This thesis, in which case, is outlined by means of interviewing professionals in terrestrial broadcasting companies, TV rating poll agencies, media buying houses, advertisement agencies, in addition to consulting scholars and experts. As a result, the findings fall as:
1. The intension of TV ratings will shift from narrow to broad
2. Various corresponding measurement techniques should be
3. The importance of TV ratings will gradually be decreasing.
4. ABR would be a possible mechanism to conduct data analysis
and process.
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電視數位化後收視調查機制之研究 / Research to Digital TV Audience Measurement Methodology許玉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
進入數位電視時代,因新科技而衍生的新型收視行為,首要應是瞭解該新型收視行為的普及程度及發展態勢,待市場成熟始可開始順應市場需求及市場規模建置常態性調查。數位電視特有的Return Path Data,可運用至電視收視調查,且無論接收裝置為電視機、電腦、手機,在運用過程中,有媒體市場調查經驗的市場調查公司扮演重要的角色。而數位電視的雙向傳輸特性,提供頻道與觀眾之間直接互動的平台,亦為台灣收視質電視收視調查開一扇窗。
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我國數位電視接收設備產業之廠商競爭策略研究許雲凱 Unknown Date (has links)
數位電視繼電黑白視機問世之後,成為傳播技術的一大突破,數位電視已成為二十一世紀資訊社會中影響最深遠且廣泛的殺手級應用(Killer Application)產品。數位電視所能帶來高畫質影音及互動服務等新式功能,震撼全人類的生活模式,隨著全球數位電視的陸續開播,數位電視時代很快就會全面來臨。
一. 競爭策略與內部環境之關聯性:
1. 產品技術創新、較佳的決策效率、與較佳的客戶回應能力,是數位電視接收設備產業最重要的組織能力、競爭優勢來源。
2. 人力資源與品牌商譽是數位電視接收設備產業最重要的資產。
3. 擁有龐大資源的公司傾向採行全球策略,或是多角化策略與垂直策略聯盟;資源稀少的公司則無此策略。
4. 採行廣泛差異化與集中低成本策略的公司,重視無形資產的累積與價值;採行最佳價值提供者策略公司則否。
5. 採行廣泛差異化與最佳價值提供者策略的公司,必須具備優異的專業技術能力,採行集中低成本策略的公司則不必然。
6. 採行最佳價值提供者策略的公司,有變成卡在中間的危險。
二. 競爭策略與外部環境之關聯性:
7. 採行廣泛差異化策略的公司,對抗替代品威脅的能力較強;另兩種策略並無法對抗替代品威脅。
8. 採行廣泛差異化策略的公司,對抗新進入者威脅的能力較強;另兩種策略並無法對抗新進入者威脅。
9. 選擇搭售為其銷售管道的公司,重視與互補品供應廠商之關係;只選擇零售市場的公司則否。
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台灣數位無線電視發展政策與法規之研究賴世哲, Lai, Shih Zhe Unknown Date (has links)
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有線電視系統業者因應數位匯流之經營模式探討_以台灣大寬頻為例吳靜媛 Unknown Date (has links)
研究建議台灣大寬頻應積極朝「向上游整合」、「水平整合購併」、「開創差異化的數位匯流服務及使用經驗」三大策略方向,擴大市場規模,掌握自上游到中游的「內容產製」、「內容匯集」及「系統通路」的關鍵性角色以強化競爭力;整合行動(Mobile)、固網(Fixed Network)、有線電視(CATV)、ISP(Internet Service Operator)、媒體頻道內容(Content)等數位匯流資源,在品牌、產品服務及使用經驗上建立差異化的服務品質,贏向數位匯流的大未來!
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有線電視業者在新收視率系統演變下之因應策略分析吳竹松 Unknown Date (has links)
同時,對於有線電視業者與新收視率系統公司的合作,或是現有有線電視產業中其他角色業者的合作關係改變,本研究也提出了可能性的分析與探討。 / In the development of digital cable television, the ratings system evolves from the statistical based approach into full audience based approach. So the new ratings system can be more precise. Cable system operators will have all subscribers’ detail viewing behavior information in the new rating collection process, thus they can have more applications accordingly.
The study suggests that the system operators could combine above information with other user information from their digital convergence business landscape to produce new advertising platform with personalized recommended capability. This new advertising model will be accepted and be used by existing advertising companies and advertisers.
Also the study has elaborated about the partnership possibility between system operators and the new ratings system company, as well as the possible relationship change among companies in existing cable industry.
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台、日數位電視發展之比較研究 / Comparative Study on the Development of DTV in Taiwan and Japan鄭偉慶, Cheng, Wei-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
一、 台灣政府可參考日本政府推動數位電視的方式加強積極度
二、 台灣應儘早建立「國家通信傳播委員會(NCC)」
三、 台灣可發展衛星電視,作為專門負責提供數位電視頻道之頭端
四、 本研究所提之數位電視播放的平台機制架構,可咨台灣數位電視未來發展參考
五、 台灣發展新衛星電視平台時,應參考日本之經驗,導入製播分離制度
六、 台灣應儘早建立數位電視之付費機制
關鍵字:數位電視、數位衛星電視、數位有線電視、數位廣播、鑽石模型 / The rapid rise and development of digital technologies have caused a major impact on the traditional television's value chain. The impact will compel the whole television industry to restructure and reconfigure their competition model.
Through the careful planning and strong initiatives of its Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Japanese government has been aggressively pushing for digital television broadcasting. Japan’s first digital TV platform, "narrow band area Communication Satellite (CS)," was already in service by 1996. Thus, progress in converting to digital television was quicker in Japan compared to Taiwan.
The premise of this research uses the Japanese development experience in digital TV as a reference point for the development direction for the future of digital TV in Taiwan. The research tries to apply Porter's diamond model to analyze the competitive advantages of the digital TV industries in Taiwan and Japan based on current development conditions. From the comparison of the competitive advantages, the research derives analytical suggestions for the future development of digital TV in Taiwan focused on the following three points:
1. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV platforms.
2. Revision direction of Taiwanese Broadcasting and Television Law.
3. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV operations.
The suggestions for the development direction of digital TV in Taiwan are as follows:
1. The Taiwanese government can consult the initiatives taken by the Japanese government in aggressively promoting digital TV.
2. Taiwan should create a National Communications Commission (NCC) as early as possible.
3. Taiwan can develop the satellite television; specifically as a site for providing digital TV channels.
4. Taiwan’s future development in digital TV should follow a design for the digital broadcasting platform mechanism provided by this report.
5. When Taiwan develops the new satellite television platform, they should consult the experience in Japan where they separate the institutions for production and broadcasting.
6. Taiwan should create a payment mechanism for digital TV as early as possible.
Keywords: Digital TV, Digital Satellite TV, Digital Cable TV, Digital Broadcasting, Diamond Model.
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創新擴散模式探討我國數位電視之發展蔣雅淇 Unknown Date (has links)
所謂「數位電視」時代,泛指數位電視之節目訊號採用數位影音訊號壓縮技術(Digital Video/Audio Compression),透過數位編碼(Digital Coding)與數位調變(Digital Modulation)來傳輸,並具有結合其他數位資料一起廣播之能力。
台灣的無線電視台早在2000 年舉行試播典禮,每天有五小時的數位節目播送﹔五大有線電視多系統經營者,(Multiple System Operator,簡稱MSO),包括東森、和信、台灣寬頻通訊顧問公司、太平洋聯網科技及其他,五大系統商掌控全台將近90%的有線電視收視戶,發展數位電視也最積極﹔衛星電視台如年代,也以衛星直播網路(Direct PC)方式播送數位電視﹔連電信業者如中華電信,更於2000年中成立「互動式多媒體處」,提供用戶互動式影音服務。
一、 數位內容與創新擴散模式之關係:不同之數位電視業者,提供哪些不同 之數位內容?能吸引哪些消費大眾
二、 數位電視之系統採用與創新擴散模式之關係
三、 數位電視之價格策略用與創新擴散模式之關係
四、 數位電視之使用簡便性與創新擴散模式之關係
本研究以歷史文獻分析法為研究主軸,蒐集國內外相關文獻、書籍、報告、期刊、論文等資料來源加以整理分析,並以國內現有之數位電視業者及其發展之商品,如何進行創新擴散,加以介紹、分析、比較,進而探討出其未來可能之發展與建議。 / The administrative Planning Report passed recently by the Executive Yuan indicates that taking [Challenge 2008] as the target, plan and discuss a 6-year plan, named [National General Construction Planning], and of which the policies for [The Two Trillion, Twin Stars] industry attracts more attention and the digital industry is one of sectors in the planning. We expect the production value would be up to NTD 370 billion in 2006, and increase more than forty thousand job opportunities; even the Ministry of Economy would establish [Digital Institute], for helping educate the outstanding talents in digital industry and sharpen the national competitive edge; and the year of 2006, which was regarded as the Digital Video Year by the Taiwan government, will witness the process of changing the simulating video system into digital video era completely.
What is called [Digital Video] era, it is generally referred to the program signal for digital video adopted with Digital Video/Audio Compression technique, and through Digital Coding and Digital Modulation to transmit the message, and has the capability of broadcasting combined by other digital information.
Early in 2000, the trying-out broadcasting cerebration of the Radiovision Station in Taiwan was held, and the digital program was broadcasted for five hours everyday; The big five CATV Multiple System Operator (MSO) includes Eastern Television, KG Telecom, Taiwan Broadband Communication Corporation (ANET), Pacific Broadband Company Limited, and others, which control nearly 90% CATV audiences, and develop the Digital Video actively too; The satellite TV station like ERA also broadcasts the digital video by the way of Direct PC; and the communication operator like Chunghwa Telecom established “Interactive Multimedia Office” to provide the interactive video service in 2000.
The theory of “Innovative Marketing” and “Value Extending” is taken as the principle in this research, discussing mainly the digital video and interrelated industries, whether it is successful or not, or accepted by the audience. The main proposes as followings:
I. The relations between digital and innovative extending; will different digital video operator provide different digital programs? What kind of audience would be attracted?
II. The relations between digital video system and innovative extending model
III. The relations between the price strategy of digital video and innovative extending model
IV. The relations between the convenience of digital video and innovative extending model
This research took historic literature analysis as its researching principle, based on the collection and analysis of interrelated literature, book, report, periodical and article etc. information in domestic and oversea, and introduce, analyze and compare how they innovate and extend upon the existing products developed by the digital video operator in domestic, and further discuss its future orientation and suggestion.
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從有線電視到數位寬頻—台灣有線電視數位化的競爭力分析 / From Cable to Digital Broadband—A Study on Strategic Analysis of Digitization in Taiwan Cable Industry劉嘉皓, Chia-Hao, Liu Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現雖然研究中所觸及的相關組織或單位都對數位化抱有很大的期望,但彼此對數位化的認知卻是存在不同的歧異,因此本研究的分析與建議正可答覆業者這方面的遲疑與卻步。以本研究所聚焦的有線電視頻道經營者與系統業者來看,對頻道業者而言,未來發展與其說是朝向「數位內容產業」,更確切地說應該是新興「文化創意產業」的數位化,應該加入更多對社會與文化的認同與規範,如果還是落在「產業」的概念來推動,過多的政經角力最後將又是另一個畸形的電視生態;對系統業者,市場的接受度是科技發展的根本問題,對消費者的重視畢竟才是長遠發展的基礎,就算免費推廣機上盒,裝到每個家戶中,但真正的內容與營利模式才是必須審慎評估的,不然最終消費者與業者還只是執著於前段免費頻道的多少與質量,並沒有感受數位化的好處。 / Although the government and private industry regards digital technologies as mainstream in the future and in both the developed and developing countries digital television have been spread by the promotion of the digital receiver and content, the success of new technologies depends on the adoption and response of the market. External environment and internal strategies related with market both affect the development of digital television value chain. Then we should not only put emphasis on the vision of DTV, but also dig out the impact and moment to the industry and find the solution during the digitalization process.
The analytic concept of this survey is based on Porter’s “industry value chain” and “five force analysis”, with which the framework of the dissertation combines cable digitalization. According to the framework, researcher searches and collects relevant data, sets up the questions and interviewees of in-depth interview, analyses the changes of cable television industry value chain and observes the transformation of competitive atmosphere.
In the conclusion, different managers and authorities that have had expectation towards DTV possess different perspectives in digitalization because of the lack of understanding. So the suggestion and analysis caused by dissertation responds to the doubt and hesitation of the industries. As the cable channel operators, they need to transform into digitalized “cultural creative industry”, not “digital content industry”. The difference between both industries is the addition of the culture that imports more identification and features from society. Moreover, the channel operators should redefined as content provider fitting in with all the channels, like MOD, DTTV, DBS and so on. From the point of view of cable distributors, customer relation management (CRM) will be the most important and difficult work. The distributors need to find out how to communicate with consumer what the benefit of digital television is as soon as possible.
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數位電視廣告形式研究 / A Study of Digital TV Advertisement Format游家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
類比電視廣告近來由於網際網路發達,以往強勢的廣告業務受到極大的威脅。數位電視的媒體特性結合網際網路和傳統電視的各大優點,讓電視廣告再度有了新契機。本研究針對數位電視的媒體特質,提出五大類數位電視廣告類型,分別為:(1) 互動電視廣告 (2) 資訊服務廣告 (3) 特殊接收方式的廣告 (4) 分眾訴求廣告 (5) 特殊畫面表現的廣告,針對五種不同的全新廣告形式,以深度訪談法,就其類型、廣告作法、優缺點、業務潛力等方面進行探討。
研究發現,數位電視對電視廣告產生了許多影響,包括了 (1) 分眾化 (2) 資訊量大增 (3) 獨立性 (4) 移動收視 (5) 互動 (6) 高畫質 (7) 門檻降低 (8) 整體服務品質上升。而以廣告類型來看,數位電視廣告中以互動電視廣告最具業務潛力;資訊服務廣告門檻低,適合各種平台發展;行動接收廣告為無線平台最大利基,前景看好;分眾訴求廣告受限於法令與時間因素,發展受限;而 HDTV AD 潛力雖好,但廣告製作投資過大。
本研究亦發現數位電視廣告發展遲緩,整體而言起因於受到:(1) 普及率不足 (2) 硬體規格尚未統一,或過於低階無法支援 (3) 法令對節目與廣告區分之限制 (4) 收視率計算機制尚未建立 等因素影響。
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