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he role of Internet TV is similar to the Cable, the more important function are collation the content and build the charge systemLee, Kim-Hum 03 February 2008 (has links)
In the Internet age, every traditional mass media has new broadcast ways. Since the digital technology link up with the Internet, all of the voice, image, data, multimedia technology and media could be converged on the single platform by the Internet. From the competition to collaboration, Telecom, Internet and Cable industry are integrated, and turn into the new industry, Internet TV.
The role of Internet TV is similar to the Cable, the more important function are collation the content and build the charge system. But, operating the Internet TV successfully is hard. First, the Internet TV is a new outcome from the digital convergence, so there is no any precedent for the business model and the management method in this industry. Second, instead of selling the tangible product, the Internet TV dealers provide the invisible content for customer. For this reason, users often have subjectively views to choose the Internet TV dealers. There are many factors to effect the decision of consumer. But, before we have a discussion on consumers, we should inspect the dealers first.
This study begin with the academic model of the Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC), adapt the literature analysis and qualitative research, to discuss that the dealers should catch on the thought of the consumer and offer the product what they want. We take the Chungwa telecommunication MOD service for a sample, to find how the Internet TV dealers apply the Integrated Marketing Communication model to operating and management. This study emphasis on that it could help the dealers to build operating and management method well by developing the characteristics of this industry correctly.
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"Jag tror man blev en helt annan människa"Johansson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om en komparativ studie om hur soldater upplevde krig, med fokus på</p><p>deras egna berättelser, det vill säga hur soldaterna uppfattade sin situation ur ett mycket</p><p>personligt perspektiv. Objekten i denna studie är de amerikanska soldaterna som frivilligt</p><p>sökte sig till kriget i Vietnam samt de frivilliga svenska soldaterna som under de första</p><p>missionerna åkte till det pågående kriget i Bosnien. Syftet med uppsatsen är därmed att</p><p>undersöka om de amerikanska och de svenska soldaterna hade liknande eller skilda</p><p>uppfattningar om de svårigheter som förekom genom att verka i en miljö som präglades av</p><p>död, lidande och att hamna i plötsliga, livshotande situationer. Resultaten av undersökningen</p><p>visar, trots de olika typerna av konflikter, att det förekom skillnader och även likheter i de</p><p>berättelser som skildrar synen på mod, rädsla, de inblandade parterna med mera.</p><p>Undersökningen utgår från gjord forskning av de amerikanska soldaternas brevkorrespondens,</p><p>vilket personligt och ingående skildrar deras situation. Gällande de svenska soldaternas</p><p>situation i Bosnien så beskrivs den ur ett antal undersökningar (intervjuer) samt ur två</p><p>biografier, vilket ligger till grund för en jämförelse i denna undersökning.</p>
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"Jag tror man blev en helt annan människa"Johansson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om en komparativ studie om hur soldater upplevde krig, med fokus på deras egna berättelser, det vill säga hur soldaterna uppfattade sin situation ur ett mycket personligt perspektiv. Objekten i denna studie är de amerikanska soldaterna som frivilligt sökte sig till kriget i Vietnam samt de frivilliga svenska soldaterna som under de första missionerna åkte till det pågående kriget i Bosnien. Syftet med uppsatsen är därmed att undersöka om de amerikanska och de svenska soldaterna hade liknande eller skilda uppfattningar om de svårigheter som förekom genom att verka i en miljö som präglades av död, lidande och att hamna i plötsliga, livshotande situationer. Resultaten av undersökningen visar, trots de olika typerna av konflikter, att det förekom skillnader och även likheter i de berättelser som skildrar synen på mod, rädsla, de inblandade parterna med mera. Undersökningen utgår från gjord forskning av de amerikanska soldaternas brevkorrespondens, vilket personligt och ingående skildrar deras situation. Gällande de svenska soldaternas situation i Bosnien så beskrivs den ur ett antal undersökningar (intervjuer) samt ur två biografier, vilket ligger till grund för en jämförelse i denna undersökning.
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Analyzing MOD Service Implementation with NEBIC Theory: A Study of Chunghwa Telecom CaseHsieh, Wen-Chuan 17 January 2007 (has links)
With the global trend of digital convergence, Chunghwa Telecom develops the Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) based on the broadband network and promotes the interactive Multimedia on Demand (MOD) to provide the integrated services including the voice, data and video (Triple Play). This study uses the secondary analysis method to analyze Chunghwa Telecom¡¦s MOD innovation roadmap based on the Net-Enabled Business Innovation Cycle (NEBIC) theory.
Our results show that the first step, Choosing Emerging/Enabling Information Technologies, reveals Chunghwa Telecom¡¦s capability to building MOD platform by choosing IPTV information technology based on broadband and ADSL access. The second step, Matching with Economic Opportunities, Chunghwa Telecom initiates the domestic market of interactive digital television to exploit potential customers. The third step, Executing Business Innovation for Growth, Chunghwa Telecom learns to operate video industry by adjusting the diverse functions of organization, develops systems to support new service platform and trains employee for multimedia services. The last step, Assessing Customer Value, Chunghwa Telecom finds that implementing the MOD service can encourage customers to apply FTTB. These findings suggest that the Chunghwa Telecom should repackage its product/service with bundled solution to increase customer and enterprise value and take the broadband service into account to create the new potential revenue.
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On low-lying zeros of automorphic L-functionsGuloglu, Ahmet Muhtar 13 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Modélisation de la propagation de fissures dans un contexte thermo-électro-mécanique non linéaire par la méthode des éléments finis étendus (XFEM) (mod)Habib, Fakhreddine 05 August 2024 (has links)
L’apparition des fissures macroscopiques peut manifestement se déclencher à plusieurs étapes du processus de la vie d’une cathode dans une cuve d’électrolyse. Diverses causes peuvent engendrer un tel surgissement. Au préchauffage électrique, par exemple, la répartition spatiale irrégulière des gradients thermiques peut conduire à la naissance d’une ou plusieurs fissures. L’objectif principal de ce travail se résume à la modélisation et la simulation de la propagation de fissures dans un contexte multiphysique, thermo-électro-mécanique. L’approche se base sur une philosophie de développement numérique monolithique, du couplage fortement non linéaire avec la prise en compte des échanges thermoélectriques à travers les lèvres de fissures, par la méthode des éléments finis étendus (XFEM). Ce projet a été dressé sous forme de trois sous-projets. En premier lieu, un nouveau modèle de la propagation de fissures en contexte thermomécanique dans un domaine fissuré a été développé. Une stratégie d’enrichissement géométrique par XFEM a été élaborée avec succès pour modéliser la propagation de fissures ainsi que pour atteindre le taux optimal de convergence espéré sur les réponses physiques et sur le calcul des facteurs d’intensité de contraintes. Trois benchmarks ont été examinés et validés à partir des résultats existants dans la littérature. Ensuite, un nouvel exemple de propagation de fissures et défauts multiples a été conçu. La comparaison des résultats obtenus montre la robustesse ainsi que la précision du développement numérique. En second lieu, une approche originale de la modélisation du couplage fort thermoélectrique, en présence d’une discontinuité matérielle forte statique et en tenant compte des échanges thermique et électrique à travers ses lèvres, a été développée. Tout d’abord, un modèle a été élaboré et validé dans le cas d’une fissure capacitive, où les propriétés du diélectrique, entre les lèvres de la fissure, jouent un rôle déterminant pour la quantification de son intensité d’échange. De même, un modèle a été confirmé pour le choix d’un milieu gazeux remplissant la région entre les deux lèvres, assurant l’aspect résistif d’échange thermique. Le modèle thermoélectrique a été mis en œuvre par XFEM, en implémentant la version améliorée, et en tenant compte du traitement des parasites numériques dus aux éléments de transition. Trois cas d’études ont été proposés, le premier a été appliqué pour valider la mise en œuvre numérique du modèle proposé via un patch test développé. Une bonne convergence et précision des résultats numériques ont été observées. Le second a porté sur le cas d’une fissure courbée, moins fréquente dans la littérature, qui peut être rencontré dans de nombreuses applications, et représente un défi numérique notable. Le troisième est une étude élaborée sur la cathode. L’analyse de l’impact de la présence des fissures sur l’efficacité énergétique a été soulevée aussi pour le cas de fissures multiples. En troisième lieu, une originalité numérique de la propagation de fissures en couplage thermo-électro-mécaniques (TEM) avec les échanges thermique et électrique entre les lèvres de la fissure a été exposée. La fissure n’est pas statique, cette fois-ci. L’aire générée par le déplacement des lèvres est prise en considération dans les expressions physiques des coefficients d’échanges thermique et électrique. Cela est transcrit par la quantification du saut de déplacement à travers les lèvres. Cet aspect rend le problème mécanique non linéaire, aussi, par le biais des échanges, et par conséquent le système global TEM est fortement non linéaire. Une approche originale du point de vue de la technicité d’intégration a été implémentée. Elle est fondée sur une technique de sous-triangulation barycentrique par une ’toile d’araignée’ pour les éléments de surface coupés par la fissure. Une autre technique basée sur l’intégration par ’bras’ de fissure réservée pour les éléments d’échanges thermique et électrique. Deux cas d’études essentiels ont été envisagés. Le premier est un exemple de propagation en mode mixte d’une fissure inclinée en TEM avec les échanges thermique et électrique en fonction du saut de déplacement. Le deuxième a été réservé pour un cas d’étude industrielle d’une cuve en opération, en contexte TEM. L’impact de la présence de la fissure sur les différentes réponses physiques est analysé. Comme constatation, en expansion thermoélectrique du bloc cathodique, la fissure a plus tendance à rejoindre la surface supérieure pour mettre, probablement, fin à la vie de la cathode. / The outbreak of visible cracks can be triggered at several stages in the life of a cathode block in an electrolysis cell. Various matters can prompt such an upsurge. Under electrical pre-heating, for example, the random spatial distribution of thermal gradients can lead to the rise of one or more cracks. The main objective of this work is to model and simulate the crack propagation in a multi-physical, thermo-electro-mechanical, context. The approach is based on a monolithic numerical development philosophy of a strongly nonlinear coupling, with the consideration of thermoelectric exchanges through the crack lips using the extended finite element method (XFEM). This project was sketched essentially on three sub-projects. Firstly, a new model of crack propagation in a thermomechanical fashion over a cracked domain has been developed. A geometrical enrichment strategy by XFEM has been successfully performed to model crack growth as well as to achieve the expected optimal convergence rate in physical responses and the computation of stress intensity factors. Three benchmarks were examined and validated from existing results in the literature. Then, anew example of the propagation of multiple cracks and multiple defects was designed. The comparison of the results obtained shows a good agreement with the reported works as well as the robustness and the accuracy of the numerical development. Secondly, an original approach to the modeling of full thermoelectric coupling, in the presence of a strong static material discontinuity and taking into account the thermal and electrical exchanges through its lips, has been elaborated. First, a model has been established and validated in the case of a capacitive crack, where the properties of the dielectric, between the inter-crack-lips, play a determining role for the ascertainment of its exchange intensity. Similarly, a model has been settled for the choice of a gaseous medium filling the gap between the two rims, ensuring the resistive heat exchange aspect. The thermoelectric model has been implemented via XFEM by performing the enhanced version and taking into account the treatment of numerical noise due to the blending elements. Three case studies were intended, the first one was employed to validate the numerical implementation of the stated model via a developed patch test. Good convergence and accuracy of numerical outcomes have been noted. The second focused on the case of a curved crack, less considered in the literature, which can be encountered in many applications, and represents a significant numerical challenge. The third is an elaborate study on the cathode. The analysis of the impact of cracks on energy efficiency was also raised for the case of multiple cracks. Thirdly, numerical originality of crack propagation in the context of the full thermo-electro-mechanical (TEM) coupling combined with thermal and electrical exchanges between the crack lips has been displayed. The area formed by the displacement of the two crack bank sis carried out in the physical expressions of the heat and electrical coefficients. The quantification of this gap is rendered by the resulting displacement jump across the lips. This aspect makes the mechanical problem nonlinear as well through exchanges, and therefore the global TEM system is strongly nonlinear. An original integration strategy, from a technical point of view, has been realized. It is based on a technique of barycentric sub-triangulation through a ’spider-web’ for the surface elements cut by the crack. Another procedure based on integration by crack ’arms’ reserved for heat and electrical exchanges elements. Two case studies have been examined. The first one is an example of the mixed-mode growth of a sloped crack in TEM context with thermal and electrical exchanges as a function of the displacement jump. The second was held for an industrial case of an electrolysis cell in operation and TEM circumstances. The impact of the presence of crack on several physical responses is analyzed. As an outcome, due to the thermoelectric expansion of the cathode block, the crack is expected to join the upper surface and lead to the end of the cathode’s life.
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Modifiering av datorspel- vilka hjälpmedel som tillhandahålls av spelutvecklare / Modifying computer games- what tools are given out by the game developersBerg Josefsson, Jonathan, Strömqvist, David January 2022 (has links)
Datorspelsindustrin har genom åren haft delade meningar gällande modifiering av deras spel. Några av dem har varit väldigt positiva till det, vilket lett till att deras spel ibland lever vidare längre än de borde eller till och med början av en helt ny genre av datorspel. Men de delade åsikterna har lett till att det inte finns någon standard när det kommer till att tillhandahålla hjälpmedel för att kunna modifiera spel. För att få en inblick i och undersöka om det finns likheter mellan vilka olika hjälpmedel som utvecklarna ger ut, utfördes ett experiment som bestod av en kategorisering av hjälpmedel som olika spelutveklare kommit ut med. Experimentet resulterade i sex stycken kategorier av verktyg: öppna datafiler, API, enkel nivåeditor, avancerad nivåeditor, SDK och övriga verktyg. Tillhörande dokumentation var av tre typer: information om hur moddar aktiveras, information om verktyget och guider för skapandet av moddar. En fallstudie gjordes där moddar skapades till några spel, med syfte att skaffa insikt i kvalitén på de tillhandahållna hjälpmedlen. Från denna kunde slutsatsen dras att de guider som användes var bra nog för att en novis kunde komma igång med att skapa moddar. I fall där dokumentation saknades, krävdes det antingen att de givna verktygen var självförklarande, eller att moddaren har stor erfarenhet av spelet. / The computer game industry has through the years had different opinions about the modding community, and the way people modify their games. Although a majority of the companies have started to embrace the community and even gone so far as to release tools to aid the players in modifying their games. But the lack of cooperation between game developers have led to a disparity in the ways games are opened up to modifications. To get an understanding in and investigate if there are any similarities between the way the tools given out by the companies’ function, an experiment was made to categorise the different aids based on their likeness. The result of the experiment were six categories: open datafiles, API, simple map editor, advanced map editor, SDKs, and other aids. The documentation for the tools were divided into three categories: information about how the mod are activated, information about the tool itself, and guides and tutorials for how to use the tool. A case study was also conducted where mods were made for a couple of games to get an insight into the quality of the aids provided, as well as its documentation. The conclusions drawn from the case study were that tools of self-explanatory nature did not need any documentation for a novice to use. As well as if the documentation were well made, a novice could easily follow it to create a simple modification. When the documentation was lacking or non-existent, combined with an editor that was not very easy to follow, the knowledge of the game was clearly needed to be able to create even the simplest of modifications.
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Relations between British Government sources and the media in wartime : an analysis of the Falklands War (1982) and the Gulf War (1991)Gammal, Denise Lohrey January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Proteomics Methods for Detection of Modified PeptidesHansen, Beau Tanana January 2005 (has links)
The recent emergence of the field of proteomics has been driven by advances in mass spectrometry methods and instrumentation. Due to the large amount of data generated, success at peptide and protein identification is contingent on reliable software algorithms. The software programs in use at the time the work in this dissertation was carried out were well suited to the task of identifying unmodified peptides and proteins in complex mixtures. However, the existing programs were not able to reliably identify protein modifications, especially unpredicted modifications. This dissertation describes the development of two novel software algorithms that can be used to screen LC-MS-MS data files, and identify MS-MS spectra that correspond to peptides with either predicted or unpredicted modifications. The first program, SALSA, is highly flexible and uses user defined search criteria to screen data files for spectra the exhibit fragmentation patterns diagnostic of specific modifications or peptide sequences. SALSA facilitates exhaustive searches, but requires user expertise to both generate search criteria and to validate matched spectra. The second program, P-Mod, provides automated searches for spectra corresponding to peptides in a search list. P-Mod is able to identify spectra derived from either modified or unmodified peptides. All sequence-to-spectrum matches reported in the P-Mod output are assigned statistical confidence levels derived using extreme value statistics.
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Classification of Irreducible Admissible mod-p Representations of GL_2(Q_p)Menake Wijerathne, Wijerathne Mudiyanselage 01 December 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we classify all irreducible admissible mod-p representations ofGL2(Qp)and divide those into 4 exhaustive disjoint categories. This classification was first pioneered by Barthel-Livne (1994-95), and completed by Breuil (2003). This thesis is mainly based on the lecture notes by Herzig (2015).
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