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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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劉欣怡, Liu,Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所稱之電視產業,包括無線電視、有線電視、衛星電視產業以及數位電視產業。集中化係與多元化相對之概念,電視產業之多元化分為二個層面,即電視產業所有權的多元化和輸出內容的多樣性。本論文所關切者係電視產業輸出內容的多樣性。由於產業追求利潤的本質和市場的競爭,電視產業所有權結構之多元與否,會直接或間接影響電視所呈現之內容或資訊之多樣性,二者間之關係為負相關。電視產業集中化對於廣播電視自由之保障和理想民主政治之實踐,均有負面之影響。此外,基於電視產業易市場失靈之特性,以及匯流和全球化使得電視產業集中化之程度升高,本文認為應該對於電視產業之集中化加以管制。是以,本文分析我國電視產業市場之現況與未來發展,認為其集中化程度有升高之趨勢。從我國和美國廣播電視自由與電視產業集中化管制之關連性、民主政治理念、電視產業之特性、匯流與全球化之影響,得出電視產業集中化之管制正當性。在需對於電視產業集中化管制之前提下,檢討我國現行之廣播電視法規和公平交易法,另參酌美國、英國和德國之立法例以為我國修法之借鏡,最後亦對於我國廣電三法合併修正草案作介紹。 / “TV media industry” explored in this thesis includes terrestrial TV industry, cable TV industry, satellite TV industry, and digital TV industry. The concept of “concentration” is contrast with “pluralism”. Pluralism of TV media industry is divided into two parts. One is diversity of ownership;the other is diversity of output content. The diversity of output content is chiefly focused in the thesis. According to high competition in the industry, the TV media ownership influences the diversity of output content; the correlation of them is opposite to each other. The concentration of TV media industry is kind of obstacle to the freedom of broadcasting and the accomplishment of democracy. Additionally, the market failures, convergence, and globalization increase the concentration of the TV media industry. Thus, this thesis analyzes the current and future situations, and the increasing tendency of concentration in Taiwan TV media industry. The thesis also states the necessary regulation on the concentration of Taiwan TV media industry. The outlines of the thesis are: the relation of broadcasting freedom and concentration of TV media industry both in Taiwan and U.S.A. markets, the nature of democracy in TV media industry, the market failures of TV media industry, the effects of convergence and globalization, the justification of necessary regulation on TV media industry, the current and future broadcasting laws, the current competition law in Taiwan, and the related laws in U.S.A. ,U.K. , Germany and European Union.

傳統出版業電子書平臺策略之研究(以某公司為例) / The Study and Strategy of Traditional Publishing E-Book Platforms: A Case Study

林宥瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
出版業就要面臨一次嚴厲的革命,能及時有警惕與危機應變才是當前要做的最重要的事,在看完各界的文獻與實況分析之後,對這產業的內容有更深一層的了解。 本論文以作者40年的出版工作經驗與觀察為主,輔以豐富的個案,這些出版商都是作者40年來的真實客戶,且是世界著名的出版業,輔以全球出版業產業研究資料與分析。探討將來出版發展電子書的各項競爭條件,論文架構採用對真實電子書出版的實況發展與科技閱讀器的進展。逐一分析面臨國際競爭下的策略步驟。 首先要了解國際的出版轉型,所謂他山之石可以攻錯,利用這些經驗才可以一步一腳印穩穩前進。 本論文以4個全球著名的個案為前提。先了解同業的運作與複雜的發展背景,時至今日,這些時空背景領導出版轉型輾轉前進者都大有來頭,深深影響各層面的未來。 產業與資金、人力的結構,配合科技的進步,手機App下載或是平台的發展閱讀器的跟進,排版軟體的現況及發展趨勢,並以這幾家個案的運作模式與發展歷程,進行個案分析,臺灣的出版業從中學習成功的經驗,以避免及縮短摸索的成本。

廣播節目數位化產製模式與流程研究 / A Study of the Digitalized Production Model & Process for Radio Broadcasting

李婉琳, Lee, Woan Leng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為探討數位化後台灣廣播電台的節目產製模式與流程之改變,依據生產流程管理與廣播節目產製理論觀點,析論廣播節目邁向數位化產製模式之可能性,並依據分析所得描繪可能之模式與流程。 透過對台灣廣播產業的現況分析,指出目前台灣廣播電台的節目產製模式大多偏向「需求導向」產製模式的描述;少數電台則是比較偏向「創意導向」產製模式。雖然自動播出系統已經普遍使用,但只是簡化了播出作業。在節目數位化產製程度上,仍在建立資料庫階段,還未扭轉過去的製播經驗,對於進入數位化產製抱持傳統的心態,減低了邁入數位化的可能性。 因此,研究建議首先廣播電台繼續豐富資料庫的資源,還要提升資料庫的功能性。其次,結合聯播網的產製經驗,擴大資料庫網絡,與其它傳播媒介合作,形成一個「需求與資料庫導向」的產製模式,作為達到數位化產製模式與流程的基礎。 / This research aims to understand the digitizing influence the production model & process for broadcast program. Based on the viewpoint of production management theory and the broadcast programming theory, analyze the current broadcast program production model & process and evaluate the possibility of digitization. According to the result, describe the possible digitalized production model & process for broadcast program. By the current situation analysis of Taiwan broadcast industry, point out their production model is mostly inclined to “effect-to-cause” model, and few are inclined to “cause-to-effect” model. Although the “Radio Computing Service” is generally used, but only simplified the program broadcasting stage. On broadcast program production’s digitization level, Taiwan radio stations are still in establishment database stage, but also retain the traditional production experience. This result showed that reduces the advance possibility of the digitization. Therefore, the research suggests the broadcasting continue enrich the database resource; also enhance the functions of database for strategy-planning. Then, by combining the experience of radio network, expand the database network and cooperate with other mass media. The broadcast production will shift to the "effect-database" model which is the relative concept of digitalized production model.

當數位科技進入電視新聞室:科技採納、組織創新與效益評估 / When TV newsroom goes digital: Technology adoption, organizational innovation and benefit assessment

江海寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由創新採用的角度切入,主要目的在探討,我國電視新聞室走向產製數位化的過程,並探討在數位化的過程中,各台之間的發展差異所存在的重要影響因素,以及電視新聞室所採用的數位產製科技對組織與新聞從業人員所造成的影響。 本研究採半結構式深度訪談法與個案研究法,以三立電視台新聞部以及TVBS新聞部為研究個案,在兩家電視台中各訪問二位文字記者、二位攝影記者,以及一位後製/工程人員,以了解二個個案電視台採用數位化產製系統的情形與人員、組織的適應情況。 研究發現,我國電視台新聞室數位化的趨勢中,不同電視台推動新聞室數位化的策略有差異,研究發現,針對不同工作內容規劃在職教育、培養新聞人員對數位化的正確認知更是重要。 數位化的成效上,目前最大幫助在於後製,專題報導也因此獲得重視,數位剪輯設備可以讓專題新聞的呈現更精緻。 新聞工作方面,新聞採訪本身、新聞價值等基本規範不會改變,但是文字、攝影記者的工作因數位化而增加,攝影記者的角色因此變得像技術人員,新聞專業會不會因後製設備的便利而發生改變,這點還值得持續觀察。 數位化的挑戰主要來自於數位化設備的成本,其中數位片庫對整個新聞數位產製流程非常重要,但目前兩家電視台還缺少這方面完備的設備。本研究發現數位化確實能提升工作效益,但是無形的人力、時間成本和新聞室的管理、新聞工作者的學習都是極大挑戰,組織也必須懂得培養組織成員的創新能力。

批判台灣的電視政策,2000-2002:無線電視台公共化與數位化之思辯 / A Critical Treatise on Taiwan's Television Policy, 2000-2002; Publicizing versus digitization of terrestrial services

程宗明, Hamilton Chung-ming Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
《摘要》 1987年解嚴的台灣,邁入一個前所未有的變動,型塑一個世界後進國家之林的民主化特例。在媒體改革部份,莫屬關乎大多數人視聽服務權益之無線電視為首要目標。無線電視的壟斷結構,面臨民主化多元的呼聲,掀起了風起雲湧的「黨政軍退出三台」運動,但在威權政府的支持下依然憾動不搖。另一股電視革新的風潮,為電視技術的徹底改變,從高畫質電視、衛星電視、數位電視等,前撲後繼襲向無線電視,於1998年達到高峰,使無線電視面臨不數位化、就要結束類比獨佔的命運;同一年度,公共電視台開播,注入民主化趨力,使電視結構質變。2000年總統大選,政黨輪替,失去政權庇護的無線電視體制,開始解構,現代化的改革,在渾沌的遲延中,終於再度啟航。 依據總統傳播政策白皮書意向,兩家國有商營電視台將轉換為公共電視台,並與現有規模組成公共電視集團,向後進國家民主化指標看齊。然而,在數位化整面革命的樂觀期盼下,社會既得優勢結構的份子,紛紛以數位化將會帶來頻道爆炸、言論多元為由,期盼終止公共化政策。不過無線電視數位化之路,面臨內在矛盾、轉尋歐洲數位發展模式之後,著實開了一道興革之門,公共化需求不證自明。 數位化無線電視的需求與目的,呼應了一種再現代化過程:從歐洲的數位經驗,引進共同傳輸平台、製播分離制、公部門投資引領研發等政策觀,反而證明公共電視規模的擴大有助數位化達成,同時型塑媒體生態的民主化意涵:﹝一﹞建立無線電視多頻道環境,形成壟斷有線系統之外的選擇;﹝二﹞數位化的訊號匯流,提供無線電視發揮資訊與多媒體傳輸的功能,提供公眾生活需求的指引;﹝三﹞數位電視訊號精準與普及度,得以推廣行動收視服務概念,創造公眾移動活動的附加價值; 在政策醞釀過程中,公共電視學習與國際非營利、公共利益與民間產業的電視組織之交流,吸取數位化經驗,提供政策建言,促進立法部門產業代表、新聞局規劃部門、數位電視產業組織合作力量、與民間電視改革團體的集思廣益,推演符合公共利益的數位發展政策。在建立共同傳輸平台的前提下,預期可優先為「落實公共化政策的下層基礎」打下根基。如此,無線電視的發展將邁向一個新里程碑,象徵第二現代的革新,彌補解嚴後民主化發展的人文斷層,導引視聽文明朝主流文化市場進行改造。這個公共化與數位化的無線電視創新議題,將是台灣民主深化的嶄新指標,值得國人密切關注與參與,一同考驗吾國社會發展抉擇的眼界與智慧。 關鍵詞:公共化、公共電視、民主化、第二現代、數位化、傳播政策。 / Abstract After the lift of Marshall Law in 1987, it was seen Taiwan, as one of the late comers of democratic countries through her exceptional transformation. On media reform, the first and foremost objective was the democratization of TV broadcasting industry. Within the reform missions, a civil television sector was a consensus recalled by means of military, political party and government bureaucracy step aside. However, so long as the Nationalist Party resided in government, this tripartite structure of terrestrial TV industry kept intact. On the other hand, a technological revolution driven by digitization, for example, satellite receiver, high-definition TV, digital TV, forced the analogue terrestrial TV service into its demise started from 1998. Meanwhile, the first public television channel was launched through the pressure of democratic movement. As a result, the over-commercialized television industry is curing. Till 2000, Nationalist Party was defeat by Democratic Progressive Party in a presidential election, a breakdown of television industry structure was gradually rolling out. A (re) modernization of broadcasting industry finally started. According to the White Paper of Presidential Communication Policy, currently two state-owned TV stations, TTV and CTS, are planned to transform into the public service broadcasting. However, the technocrat criticized this policy by emphasizing the diversity and freedom of speech brought by digital media. It rendered the unnecessary to the expansion of public media project. However, the continuous lack of investment on digitization of terrestrial TV service, proved the necessity of public broadcasting system in order to lead an experimental and creative works on this new service. Moreover, the digitization of Taiwan terrestrial television replies to a reform as follows: bringing European experience into the local context, reengineering the structure into the horizontal value-chain, leading development by public sector expenditure. Digitization requests to establish an economic scale of public service broadcasting and result in a health order of broadcasting industry by following goals: (1) providing a multi-channels of digital television other than the analogue ones of dominated cable service; (2) the convergence of signal realizing the universal multimedia service (3) digital transmission enhancing terrestrial broadcast up to a mobile reception and offering public added-values when moving. During the transformation of digitization, public broadcasting service, with the assistance of international non-governmental organizations, public interest and civil society sectors, proposed a policy recommendation and bridged the opinions of legislature, industrial, executive, and reform branches together into a progressive project of digital TV based on public interests. On behalf of uniform platform solution, a new digital public broadcasting service is promising. Conclusively, the digital terrestrial service is heading to a second wave of modernization. To close the gap between technology and humanity in local context, publicizing and digitization of television policy will challenge this democratizing country, Taiwan, whether or not she could move beyond the current status into an advanced industrial and democracy one. Keywords: Communications Policy, Democratization, Digitization, Publicizing, Public Service Broadcasting, Second Modernity

台灣報業經營困境與因應策略 / The Plight and Strategies of Newspaper Industry in Taiwan

徐榮華 Unknown Date (has links)
新科技快速改變了媒體消費的習慣,面對電視及網路等新興媒體的強力競爭,全球報業經營日益嚴峻。近10年來,全球報業普遍遭遇讀者流失、閱讀率下降、廣告大餅遭分食的艱困局面,經營者無不苦思突破困局之道,本世紀開始,台灣報紙陸續出現鉅額虧損,無法支撐者接續停刊;本研究目的在探究台灣報業困局的成因,及報紙因應策略思維與行動的效益。 報業衰退為全球性趨勢,歐美報業儘管經營日益嚴峻,多還能維持微薄的利潤,國內報業多呈現虧損局面,而且一年比一年嚴重;本研究雖以台灣報業為探尋重點,研究範圍則擴大,從國外報業的困境與創新因應策略、國內報紙面臨的困境與突困策略、到台灣與國外報業因應策略之比較等三面向進行,最後藉檢視台灣與國外報業,在市場環境與經營策略的異同與成因,找出已經創造優勢或顯示績效的報業利基措施,並進一步探尋發展新事業、創造新契機的方向與對策,或可提供台灣報紙參考。 本研究採文獻分析與深度訪談並進,訪談對象包括台灣四大報業集團相關高階經理人,及具領導地位的市場調查及媒體購買公司負責人共18位。由於媒體情勢變化快速,報業因應策略推陳出新,本研究必須設定期限,2007年5月後的進展,只有留待未來進一步的探究。 研究共分七章,研究發現:全球報業面臨的共通性危機,是一個在數位大環境中,即將被網路等新生媒體徹底顛覆的時代!台灣報紙每個族群的讀者都在流失,年長的傾向轉看電視,年輕族群還要加上網路;而台灣報業本身由發行到廣告業務的失血惡性競爭,更加重這個產業的營運困境。報紙的可信度,則因台灣社會政治立場分立的氣氛,出現認知失諧的特殊現象,遭遇活命危機的報業,短短3、4年間,更徹底地和商業新聞妥協。 平面媒體沒落不可逆轉,但報紙是否可以存活,取決於報紙對自己的定位,作法策略不同,會產生不同的結果。經由國內外報業所處困境與突困策略的比較分析,本研究對台灣報業因應策略及必須重視的發展趨勢,有七項發現: 1、報業必須積極探求降低成本的合理經營規模;2、打破閱讀率與廣告的惡質競爭,回歸產品基本面的報紙內容競爭;3、報業行銷策略轉型,消費者市場導向、軟性新聞當道及立場差異化成利基;4、以免費概念行銷的免費報及報紙網站,同時具經營年輕族群與開發新讀者功效;5、報業積極開展數位化行動,與網路對話的新報業概念開始出現,以web2.0概念對讀者開放,突破傳統編採作業框架;6、面對數位內容整合與創新的時代,媒體數位匯流在網上已成必然趨勢,報紙除了開展跨媒體領域投資,內容更應積極數位化,躍身跨媒體平台的重要成員;7、創新思維與行動是報業求發展的最高策略,報業必須重新定義,徹底轉型。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 關鍵詞:報業、行銷策略、網路、數位化、產業競爭、創新 / The newspaper industry is unquestionably ailing globally, circulation and readership are declining, advertising revenues is shrinking. Profound and disruptive market shifts are challenging the newspaper industry in the 21st Century, newspaper companies are seeking powerful strategies to keep overall revenue growing. Since the beginning of this Century, huge deficits has occurred in Taiwan’s newspaper companies, moribund newspapers closured are common, which succumb to cutthroat competition. This study aims to find out what make the newspaper industry go ailing and the strategies they take. There are pressures on revenues and profits that seemed more downbeat than before since 2000, most of the newspaper profits remain strong in Europe or America. Nevertheless, they are treading water on operating profit margin in Taiwan. This study categorizes newspaper industry into three dimensions:The newspaper industry’s plight and strategies in global , in Taiwan, and the comparative between them. Trying to find out the effective way breaking through the severe situation, and to develop new business model further. Based on literature review and in-depth interviews, the study concluded in May 2007. There are 18 executive managers of the top 4 newspaper groups and the largest marketing company were interviewed in Taiwan. Changing circulation patterns and emerging competitors—inside and outside the traditional newspaper industry—are forcing publishers to rethink their approach to how newspapers are brought to market. The study discovered that internet clearly is both opportunity and threat to newspapers. Particularly, newspaper industry in Taiwan succumbed to cutthroat competition on circulation and advertising field, conflict on political position. It makes the newspaper go commercially and unhealthy. The fate of print newspaper can not be reversible. Newspaper industry is now experiencing a crisis in confidence, no longer fully believing in itself and the viability of what it has to offer - on paper or elsewhere. It may survived after proper positioning and effective strategies making. Newspaper industry in Taiwan confronted with:1、Seeking the economic model with some strong initiatives that would reduce business-side costs. 2、Targeting audiences with niche publications and quality content as a way to that the main paper is starting to miss. 3、Marketing strategies stress on audiences. 4、Making progress toward a whole-hearted commitment to transformative online growth. 5、Targeting young adults with free concept, such as online editions and free dailies in the big cities. 6、The media landscape has changed forever. For media consumers, digitalization has expanded the daily media usage options.Digitized is the jobs to be done on converge. Newspapers are increasing their reach through the exploitation of a wide range of new distribution channels, ranging from daily free newspapers to online editions. They are proving to be incredibly resilient against the onslaught of a wide range of media competition. 7、Newspapers are embracing transformation as a concept. Shaping the future Newspaper industry ought to redefinition. If one thing seems inevitable, it is that the newspaper industry is moving toward a new business model. Innovation strategy is to encourage newspapers to experiment outside of their core news product to compete with cheaper alternatives. "Disruptive" products are proliferating online and as niche publications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keywords:newspaper industry、strategy、competition、internet、digitalization、innovation


賴世哲, Lai, Shih Zhe Unknown Date (has links)

台灣有線電視推動數位化之關鍵成功因素研究 / Research for the key success factors of digitization of cable television in Taiwan

劉瑋婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解台灣有線電視推動數位化關鍵成功因素,首先提出有線電視數位化之困境與問題,建構有線電視數位化應有之關鍵成功因素之指標項目,並透過層級分析法(AHP)之權重分數配比提出良好之關鍵成功因素,以提供本研究結果與建議提供政府單位與相關業者應用與參考。研究方法以文獻分析法、深度訪談、修正式德菲法及層級分析法作為主要研究方式。 文獻分析法主要是蒐集有線電視產業相關中英文學術期刊、相關研究案、論文等資料加以分析;而深度訪談利用分層抽樣與立意抽樣挑選多系統經營者(MSO)、獨立系統經營者及政府單位三大類別共8位具代表性之經營管理者進行訪談;為求AHP更為嚴謹,特別採用修正式德菲法將問卷寄發給15位學者專家代表,針對各項意見進行分析統整並歸納而編製下次問卷,藉此取得共識;層級分析法主要是羅列出有線電視數位化需要決策之問題及相關因素,而後建立其具有相互關係之層級架構並進行信度與效度之檢定。 本研究經過上述研究法得到下列結論:各層面相對權重以技術創新面(43.9%)為首,其次為政策法規面(39.4%)而行銷策略面(16.7%)最低。針對技術創新面研究建議包括:1.公司領導者對有線電視數位化之決心;2.長期營運之資金需求之建議;3.開發高畫質電視(HD)服務之決心;4.數位節目版權費用支出應為列為重要投資項目。而行銷策略面研究建議包括:1.必頇提供更多優質數位頻道給消費者;2.提供民眾免費或低價之數位機上盒為考量方向;3.提供免付費的數位加值應用服務作為誘因。針對政策法規面研究建議:1.政府優先確立關閉類比頻道時程;2.建立有線電視數位化國家級政策;3.研擬收費標準與費率審議政策;4.經營區之調整或重新劃定。 / This study is to research the main success factors of digitization of cable television in Taiwan. At first, this study addresses the current dilemma of digtial cable TV. Also, the study constructs the key success indicators of digital cable TV. Moreover, the study adopts the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP) in order to provide the key success factors to the government agencies and related industry for application and reference.This study introduces the document method, the in-depth interview, fixed Delphi method, and AHP for the main research methods. The docunment method is to collect cable television related academic journals, research projects and thesis. Depth interviews apply stratified and purposive sampling to choose multi-system operators (MSO), independent system operators and government agencies as the three main groups, totally eight representative managers for interview. For the AHP result more rigorous propose, the study adopts fixed Delphi method for sending questionnaire to fifteen scholars, and to analyze, integrate and conclude all the opinions in order to compose the second questionnaire for more consensus. The AHP lists the problems or related factors of digitizing cable TV, then built hierarchical structure with mutual relation and processes reliability and validity statistical analysis. This study can conclude to the following results by the above research methods: the most important factor is the technical innovation(43.9%), second is about the government policies (39.4%), and marketing strategy is the lowest(16.7%) priority. Furthermore, suggestions for the technical innovation include: 1. CEO's determination for cable television digitization; 2. Suggestions of Long term Financial plan. 3. Resolution of developing high-definition (HD) digital service; 4. Digital program copyright cost should be listed as important investment. Suggestions for the marketing strategy include: 1. Offer more high quality digital channels for consumers; 2. Offer audience more low price or free television box; 3. Offer free value-added service as incentives. For government policy suggestions: 1. Government should set a timetable about closing the analog channel; 2.Build national digital cable television regulations; 3. Construct fee standard and rate review regulation; 4.Rezone or revise the cable operators' service area.

《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型歷程分析:1996~2016 / Analysis on the Digitalization of the New York Times Newsroom from 1996 to 2016

曾筱媛, Tseng, Hsaio Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
1996年來,《紐約時報》緊跟數位科技發展,跨媒體經營網站,其內部新聞室也出現轉折,以產製數位新聞目標,逐步調整新聞產製的內容與方式。本研究從新聞產製取徑出發,分析《紐約時報》自1996年到2016年間的新聞室數位化轉型歷程,剖析產製數位新聞與工作常規轉變之間的關聯性。經文獻回顧所整理的分析架構,將研究個案的分三階段探討:第一階段變革(1996-1999)、第二階段變革(2000-2007)、第三階段變革(2008-2016),文獻分析法,系統性地整理現有歷史資料,剖析研究個案在不同階段的轉型歷程。 研究發現,《紐約時報》在各階段數位科技發展中從未缺席,甚至積極擁抱改變,拋棄過往歷經百年的印刷報紙產製流程,以求市場領先地位。其歷年來的數位新聞服務多元,儘管過程中有些服務宣告失敗,但經營者與高層主管總有獨到見解,積極投入資源,內部新聞從業人員也總能快速因應,不斷招募新的數位科技人才,設立新職務,打造不同以往的新聞產製流程與工作常規。相較於過去,《紐約時報》網站與報紙新聞室之間的關係已經反客為主,從「網路優先」概念進展到「行動優先」,並持續在新聞室中拓展不一樣的新聞工作常規和產製流程,為《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型,埋下成功的因子。 / Today, journalists across the organization are hungry to bring about change while facing a vital moment where digitalization has pushed the entire newspaper industry to accelerate transformation. In the past few years, The New York Times, as a pioneer of the American newspaper industry, has tried to change news routines and produce progress that takes advantage of today’s changing media landscape. In light of the importance of digitalization, this case study takes a historical approach to analyze the digitalization of The New York Times newsroom from 1996 to 2016, as well as other endeavors, in order to provide a framework of the newspaper’s news routines during the digitalization era. The analysis framework is composed into three periods of time: 1996-1999, 2000-2007, and 2008-2016. This study concludes that as The New York Times is uniquely well-positioned to transform itself quickly, it buried the traditional news routines of print newspaper and moved forward to make digital progress as soon as possible. Their digital-first strategy is still ongoing, and, as a result, this report shows that The New York Times has played a vital role in a changing world and has brought about different types of digital progress.

電腦輔助語言學習之研究-以我國學生學習日語為例 / A Study of Computer Aided Language Learning-Taiwan Students Learning Japanese as an Example

王珮姍, Wang, Pei Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對我國學生學習日語發音進行相似度指標發展之初探,貢獻為針對目前日語發音提供一個相似度的指標可以和老師語音進行比較分析,找出分析日語發音相似度之模式。 研究從聲音數位化的角度切入,有別於過去研究使用語音辨識的方式來進行,聲音數位化後為數值的方式,因此使用指標來計算相似的程度。研究提出一套對應的聲音相似度指標,以電腦分析輔助日語學習者的發音練習。 指標建立過程由聲音取樣、正規化、端點偵測,到實際的運算,使用所蒐集的聲音資料來測試指標的穩定度與有效性,研究結果說明在以日語為母語者間的指標都很靠近,而不同日語腔調間會有一定的指標差異,對於一定日語程度的對象而言,指標落點很靠近,惟本研究此次蒐集到的聲音資料,其應用指標運算結果的分佈太過集中,如果能有更多樣化的聲音資料來測試指標應能有較漂亮的分佈圖形。 / This research includes developing a similarity index applies to the evaluation of Taiwan students learning Japanese pronunciation. The contribution of this research is that it provides a similarity index to the Japanese pronunciation comparing to the teacher’s pronunciation, finding the model of how to analysis the similarity of Japanese pronunciation. This research uses the digital audio processing to begin with, which is different from the other research that uses the speech recognition to evaluate the pronunciation. The audio will turn into numerical format after digitalize, so this research uses an index to calculate the similarity. By using this similarity index, the computer can become an assistant role that helps to analysis while learning Japanese pronunciation. The developing of index starts from audio sampling, audio normalizing, and end-point detection to the calculation of similarity index. This research collects audio data to test the stability and the validity of the similarity index. The result indicates that the similarity index of native Japanese speakers is very close;and the similarity index contains certain difference between different accents. For those Taiwan students who qualify with Japanese, their similarity index is close. Nevertheless, the result of the similarity index is too centralized, it would be better if there are more audio data to test the similarity index.

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