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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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有線電視MSO發展數位化之關鍵成功因素:以中嘉網路的資源整合運用為例 / The Key Success Factors of Digitalization of Cable TV MSO:A Case Study on the Resource Integration of CNS

簡嘉威, Chien, Chia-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,有線電視多系統經營商(MSO)在統合台灣地區各家系統業者的集團化經營模式之下,已逐漸成為國內電訊產業中的主要營運平台之一,其發展也受到眾多產業研究者的重視。隨著全球性的數位電視發展趨勢,以及國內數位傳播科技的蓬勃提升,台灣的四大MSO業者先後在2009年推動數位電視服務,有線電視數位化的市場動能開始浮現,也帶來了國內傳媒產業的嶄新期待。 本文以MSO業者為主要的研究分析對象,輔以系統業者與跨業經營有線視訊服務的中華電信MOD作為交相對應之依據,並以組織資源學理的角度出發,探究有線電視MSO如何以資源運用與整合的方式,來推動數位電視服務。研究發現,原有的收視戶規模、工程技術、人力資源、數位內容與財務規劃等因素,雖然是首要的組織核心資源,但是能否進一步運用內部管理與行銷推廣能力,進而形構出超越傳統市場形象的數位化品牌價值,方為MSO業者的營運思維之關鍵所在。 總體論之,MSO應當將自身調整至電訊服務營運商(Telecommunication Service Operator)的角色定位,並積極引入跨領域背景的未來人才,且必須重視對於旗下系統業者的良好整合與管理、顧客關係管理的妥善執行、雙向互動之科技;而本地內容業者的數位化程度、政策制訂與產業發展的配合亦相對重要。另外,理想的組織外部資源整合,以及明確的數位有線電視服務定位,皆將對於該產業的市場發展性影響深遠。本文亦期盼該研究能對數位有線電視平台業者、內容提供者或其它的相關產業鏈局之業者,產生實質上的參考價值。

我國著作權集體管理機制現況及趨勢之研究 / A Study on Copyright Collective Management Mechanism in Taiwan: Exploring the Current Situation and Envisioning the Future

林之崴, Lin,Zir-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
著作權集體管理機制(Copyright Collective Management Mechanism),誕生已有數百年的歷史,國際間已經發展出相當成熟的運作機制,相較於我國自民國八十年起才開始有類似收費機制運作,發展經驗可說是相當地懸殊。而我國該機制之正式法制化—著作權仲介團體條例於民國八十六年十一月五日公布施行以來,十年間實務上爭議不斷,機制運作陷於巨大的危機。加以近年來我國推動數位內容產業,著作權授權議題更是攸關數位影音應用產業未來的發展,在在顯示我國著作權集體管理機制確有重新審視之必要。 於是自民國九十五年起在經濟部智慧財產局的主導下,開始召集各方進行對話,並藉此機會蒐集意見以推動著作權仲介團體條例的修法工程。除了國內的改革,國際間在過去十年來也開始對著作權集體管理機制的運作進行檢討,此乃由於數位時代的到來,著作權集體管理機制受到各種新興數位科技,諸如:網際網路、數位權利管理、點對點檔案分享等之巨大衝擊,此種態勢影響機制的保護、行使和管理的環境,使得國際著作權社群開始思考著作權集體管理機制應該如何因應數位環境所帶來的挑戰。 有鑑於此,本研究希望能夠立基於我國著作權集體管理機制的現況,以過去實務上及近日修法歷程中所遭遇的爭議問題為著眼點出發,回顧過去國際間著作權集體管理機制運作經驗,並探討近年國際間發展趨勢,以勾勒出我國機制未來藍圖。探討的重點包括:著作權集體管理機制的歷史與法律背景、意涵、功能與操作原則,以為我國機制擘畫運作之參考;著作權集體管理機制運作場域—我國著作權產業的發展現況;採納「利害關係人」觀點,釐清我國機制中的各方利害關係人為何、所追求的目標何在及互相的利益衝突,進而界定出各方利害關係人未來參與機制的適當形式;評析我國著作權集體管理相關法制的沿革、內容與修法;並針對國際間近年兩大發展趨勢:數位化及跨越疆界的著作權集體管理趨勢,先行探討有哪些新興的數位科技對著作權集體管理機制帶來衝擊,評估其影響與機制的新角色定位,其次討論跨越疆界趨勢:單一窗口、跨國界集體管理及其衍生的公平交易法課題。 最後回應本研究的研究問題,論述對我國實務現況之觀察、著作權集體管理法制總評、國際運作經驗及發展趨勢對我國的啟示,並且提出三大項建議:我國著作權集體管理團體現階段要務、政府的角色、對我國未來機制的幾點省思,是為本研究之結論與建議。 / Copyright Collective Management Mechanism has been established for centuries and developed maturely worldwide. However, it was not until 1991 that some similar collecting organizations started to operate in Taiwan. Compared with some countries around the world, the development experience is quite different. After the formal legalization—the enactment of the Copyright Intermediary Organizations Act on November 5 1997, there were lots of argues emerged in the aspect of law enforcement. Besides, Taiwan’s government has promoted the development of digital content industry in recent years. The issues concerning copyright licensing will have a big impact on the development of audio-visual application industry in the future. It is therefore, necessary to raise concerns and re-scrutinize Taiwan’s copyright collective management mechanism. Since 2006, Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) has started to gather public opinion for revising the act. Except the revolution in Taiwan, people started to examine the exercise situation of copyright collective management internationally in last ten years. This is because the advent of digital technologies, such as: the Internet, digital rights management, peer-to-peer file sharing, has changed the environment surrounding the copyrighted works. International copyright societies started to think about how to deal with the challenges brought in digital era. This thesis aims to discuss some of these issues by exploring the current situation of Taiwan’s copyright collective management mechanism, the obstacles encountered in the past practice, the process of law revising, and the latest development trends worldwide. First of all, Chapter One is an Introduction to this thesis. Then Chapter Two discusses the historical and legal background, definition, functions, and operating guidelines of the mechanism for future reference when Taiwan intends to modify current mechanism. Chapter Three describes the developing situation of Taiwan’s copyright industries. Chapter Four adopts “Stakeholder Analysis” to clarify who are the stakeholders in Taiwan’s mechanism, their pursuing goals, and conflicts of interest between them. Chapter Five traces the developing process, content and revision in relation to Taiwan’s copyright collective management legislation. Chapter Six outlines the two latest development trends: digital and cross-border copyright collective management. At first, it analyzes the impact of new digital technologies and the new role of copyright collective management mechanism. Integration trends: one-stop-shop, cross-border collective management and antitrust concerns, are explored as well. At the end of this thesis, Chapter Seven, I propose three recommendations for Taiwan’s mechanism in the future: the urgent missions of Taiwan’s collective management organizations, the role of government, and the self-examination. It is my hope the recommendations contribute to the better resolution of existing and future challenges.

精熟學習策略配合數位化診斷系統對高工學生數學科學習成效之研究 / A Study on Math Learning Effectiveness of Vocational High School Students Using Mastery Learning Strategy with Computerized Diagnostic System

滕春麗 Unknown Date (has links)
為達成「精熟學習」的教與學過程中強調的個別化教學、學生學習的回饋、校正學生學習錯誤等高效能的教學理想。本研究自行發展一套數位化診斷系統,在不改變學校政策、班級作息、教室管理實施情況下,對準備參加科大入學測驗高工三年級的學生,在考前六週進行數學科總複習的「精熟學習配合數位化診斷」實驗教學。經由學生的作答反應,本診斷系統完成以下功能: (1)能快速的篩選出優良試題,並提供試題的難度、鑑別度、答對率與評鑑試題的品質。 (2)能診斷出個別學生與試題的差異性,並完成試題卷的信度、效度評鑑與S-P分析表。 (3)能提供完整的學習成就遷移記錄,並可歸類出學生學習潛能與整體學習表現。 (4)能彙整出學生學習成效與具體教學建議。 教師藉診斷系統所提供的資訊,對學生進行個別化校正或充實教學,期以達成精熟學習的教學理想。並在實驗教學後分析學生學習回饋單,大多數學生對實驗教學法持正面態度,且自認學習態度更積極,並建議若能提早實施精熟學習配合數位化診斷教學,應會有更好成績表現。 本研究並探討「實驗教學」的實驗A組學生,分別對「不同科別」的實驗B組學生與對「傳統教學」的控制C組學生的數學學習態度、學習成就、學習成就絕對均差的差異性,經單因子共變數分析,排除前測影響後,具體結論如下: (1)實驗A、B組與控制C組學生在數學學習態度後測得分並無明顯差異。 (2)實驗A組與控制C組在數學學習成就後測成績有明顯差異,且實驗A組分數明顯高於控制C組。 (3)不同科別實驗組的A組電機類與B組機械類學生,在數學學習成就後測成績有明顯差異,且電機類分數明顯高於機械類,但機械類排除未完成實驗的學生後,則不同科別的實驗A組、實驗B組,在數學學習成就後測成績無明顯差異。 (4)實驗A組與控制C組學生在數學學習成就後測成績的絕對均差有明顯差異,且實驗A組絕對均差小於控制C組。 最後為使實驗教學能更順利進行,建議教學前先營造愉快與舒適教學環境與良好的師生互動情誼再實施,這將會是實驗教學成功的關鍵 / Mastery Learning Strategy is a highly effective teaching method, emphasizing the importance of individualized tutoring, student feedback and learning error correction. In this study, a self-devised computerized diagnostic system was developed for the third-year vocational high school students who were preparing for the technological university entrance examination. An experimental teaching method using Mastery Learning Strategy with computerized diagnostic system was given to the aforementioned students as a math review lesson six weeks before the entrance examination, following the original school policy, class schedule or class management. From test responses, the diagnostic system achieved the following: (1)Quick selecting of good quality test items. It also evaluates the test items and provides the difficulty, discrimination, and correction rates of them. (2)Individualized diagnosis of each student vs. test items. It also completes the reliability, validity and S-P charts of the test. (3)Offering a comprehensive record of the learning process. It also analyzes the learning process of the students and sorts out their learning potential. (4)Analyzing students’ learning effects and coming up with teaching suggestions. In this experiment, the data gained from the diagnosis were used to provide each student with individualized instruction or error correction with the hope of attaining the goals of Mastery Learning. The analysis of the students’ feedback after the experimental teaching method showed that most students thought positively of the experiment, admitting that they developed a more aggressive learning attitude, and suggested that this computerized diagnostic system, had it been implemented earlier, would have helped them achieve even better grades. The students in this study consisted of three groups. Group A and B were both experimental groups except that group A were students from electrical engineering department while group B were students from mechanical engineering department. Group C was the control group receiving only conventional teaching method. Group A was compared with group B and group C respectively in terms of differences in math-learning attitude, math-learning achievement, and in the absolute mean deviation of learning achievement. By means of one-way analysis of covariance, with pre-test effects eliminated, the conclusions were as follows: (1)None of the groups exhibited significant grade differences on the math-learning attitude post-test. (2)Group A scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group. (3)Group A of electrical engineering students scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group B of mechanical engineering students. However, if the grades of the Group B students who didn’t complete the experiment were unaccounted, no grade difference was noticeable on the math-learning achievement post-test between Group A and Group B. (4)Group A, the experimental group, had significantly lower absolute mean deviation on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group. Finally, it was suggested that creating a comfortable environment for teaching and learning as well as an advance establishment of a good teacher-student rapport are the key to a smooth-going and successful experimental teaching method.


劉雅芸, Liou, Ya Yun Unknown Date (has links)
於科技發展進步、資訊傳遞方式多樣化之現代生活,因遠距通訊工具問世,即使交易雙方當事人分處兩地亦能締結契約,為消費模式揭開全新一頁。鑑於此一新興交易中,企業經營者單方面提供交易資訊為消費者獲知交易內容的主要方式,容易衍生企業經營者利用對於資訊的壟斷,誘導消費者與之締約,故於消費者保護法中設置「郵購買賣」特別規定予以規範。 惟關於現行郵購買賣定義及效果規範之適用仍存在多項爭議問題與不確定性,有關郵購買賣定義之現存問題,諸如「郵購買賣」用語妥適性如何、郵購買賣適用客體內涵爭論、應否以「未檢視商品」及「買賣契約」作為郵購買賣構成要件;於郵購買賣效果規範部分,對於資訊告知義務履行方式是否須以要式為限,尚無明確規制可供遵循,以及有關無條件解除權猶豫期間之起算方式、無條件解除權適用客體是否合宜等爭點,仍曖昧不明。 其中尤以交易客體多樣化所衍生問題最受矚目,新型態交易客體不同於過去傳統實體商品,軟體設計、數位化商品、新興服務等軟實力,已然成為台灣躍居世界舞台不可或缺要素,然尚欠周延之消費者保護法規可能扼殺此等新興交易客體發展空間,譬如對於本質上具有「無限複製」與「完整複製」特性之數位化商品行使無條件解除權者,縱該數位化商品附有反複製技術,仍無法完全排除該反複製技術遭受破解之可能;又如消費者針對通常於締約後即履行之服務主張不附理由解除契約之際,亦因服務所具無法回復原狀性質,將致消費者接受全部服務後卻不必支付價金之結果,實則前述事例於現行法規範下,企業經營者所負經營管理成本已然失控。 是以,揆諸郵購買賣所具特殊交易性質、交易客體複雜化等背景,與現行郵購買賣規範交錯致生問題引發筆者研究興趣,並以之成為本文撰寫起點,同時祈能藉由本文就郵購買賣構成要件與效果規範相關問題之發覺,及援引參照日本消費者保護法規內容,由法制面之檢討著手,釐清各項爭議原委,探尋法規範更為整備之修正可能性與方向,以彰消費安全保障之目的。

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