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利用維基百科及網路相簿從遊記探勘個人化旅遊行程 / Mining personalized trip plan from travelogues using wikipedia and web albums吳容瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
我們以國內知名BBS批踢踢實業坊上的日本旅遊看版內之遊記作為實驗資料來源,並參考維基百科及Flickr網路相簿,實作出個人化的旅遊行程推薦系統。實驗顯示本論文所萃取出的景點名稱,其精確度92%、召回率100%,而景點停留時間與Ground Truth的誤差範圍為3.16%。最後,滿意度評估顯示本論文的推薦系統符合個人化需求。 / Trip planning is an important and time-consuming step for backpackers. Most research focuses on finding the travel sequence from different data sources such as blog, photos and GPS. Although these approaches can recommend some popular travel sequences for a tourist, but tourist’s place preferences and temporal constraints are not considered. In this thesis, we propose an approach for personalized trip planning which takes tourist’s preference and temporal constraint into consideration.
In the proposed approach, first the place names are extracted from travelogues with the aid of the Wikipedia. Then the travel sequences are extracted from travelogues. Based on the relationship of mutual reinforcement between the authority of a place and the hub of a travelogue author, the authority of each place is derived. Moreover, the stay time of each place is estimated from the information of travel photos of a web album. Finally, based on the user specified place preference and temporal constraints, this thesis presents the algorithms to arrange a personalized trip for a user. The experiments show that the place name extraction achieves 92% precision and 100% recall. For the estimation of place stay time, the error is 3.16% compared with the ground truth collected from well-known backpacker site.
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以流程特性觀點探討資訊科技在企業再生工程之應用林明德 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業流程資訊有機體模式之探討—以某外商工作站直銷與經銷為例張智為 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,企業界盛行引進各種企業流程管理模式以檢視企業既有之工作流程,並透過分析工具與建構方法,系統性地評估舊流程並規劃新流程。企業流程的運作績效是評估企業營運成果的重要指標之一。有關企業流程的審視分析,各有不同的方法。其中,企業流程資訊有機體(PWIO)模式,兼具管理與分析的概念與技術,因此本研究採個案研究方式,應用PWIO模式,針對國內一家某外商工作站之直銷與經銷的訂單處理流程,進行分析比較研究。分析結果顯示,個案公司之經銷訂單處理流程比直銷訂單處理流程還要精簡,再加上付出的成本也是前者小於後者,似乎有檢討直銷經營模式之必要。但因該公司實施直接銷售策略時間尚短,再加上直銷也有經銷模式不及的優點,在流程設計上仍有可改善的空間。因此根據本模式,對於個案公司提出幾點建議方案,希望個案公司能據此改善其直銷作業流程,以提升訂單處理績效。另外建議未來研究可以取得直銷及經銷訂單流程所需的各項人力成本,輔以ABC成本分析法來交叉實證PWIO的結果。本研究為國內首次應用PWIO於高科技產業,也再次驗證該模式的可行性,可供學界與業界有興趣的人士參考。 關鍵詞:企業流程資訊有機體、訂單處理流程、個案研究 / Various kinds of process management models have been introduced to the business field to improve company’s existed workflow. Enterprises can use these models to evaluate their old business processes and establish new ones systemically through analytical means and methods. There are all kinds of different analysis models, each with its unique design. Among them, the Process-Wide Information Organism (PWIO) model posses both the management concepts and analytical methods. Therefore, with a case study design, this present study tended to use this model to analyze and compare the order entry processes of its direct and indirect sales models in a worldwide company’s Taiwan branch. The results showed that the indirect order entry process was simpler and more cost-effective than the direct one. Therefore, it seemed that the subject company needed to reexamine its direct order entry process. However, due to the short term implementation of direct order entry process and the pros of direct sales model, the subject company can still adopt the direct business design with some modification. Some suggestions were raised, based on the PWIO model, to improve the direct order entry process of the subject company. In addition, this study also suggested future research could fetch all kinds of manpower cost of order-entry process in direct and indirect sale, coupled with the ABCs of Cost Analysis, to cross-validate the results of PWIO. Being the pioneer research of applying PWIO to high-tech industry, this analysis model was once again being validated. Interested academic and business personage are encouraged to explore this model further.
Key words: PWIO, order entry process, case study
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保險公司新契約行政流程改造之研究曾小玲, Tseng, Hsiao Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的結論中,提出個案改造後的新流程,其中實現虛擬組織的企業架構,新的營運模式已經開始實現了;並且提供了一個非常明確的個案,說明BPR的推廣與資訊系統自動化的區隔。同時也建議BPR的應用是一個週而復始的「生命週期」,企業應該定期檢視每個流程,重複應用BPR的方法來執行流程的改造。 / With computer science’s development, today almost every business has owned information system to support business’s operations; on the other hand, organizations in the business also have to do something to match up the rapid progress in communication facilities and development of Internet. Normally, Information system’s location is to support automation in operational processes and activities, and it couldn’t point some fundamental problems, for example: the effective dispatch of staff. So, if business wants to do more transformation, it must review the business processes to break current situation.
The essence of business process reengineering (BPR) is “reengineering in process”. Substituting for function-oriented thinking, business takes process-oriented thinking to re-verify operational mode. Combining author’s practical experiences and theories in BPR, the study tries to make the use of BPR be friendly, and prove BPR is a good way to proceed.
In the concussion of the study shows a new operational process under a virtual business organizational structure and explain the distinction between spread of BPR and automation of information system. In the same time, the study suggests business should regard BPR as a iterative application with its lifecycle, re-verify business process regularly, and take BPR at the right moment.
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以企業流程導向設計平衡計分卡之研究─以某個案公司為案例探討蔡坤輯 Unknown Date (has links)
Kaplan & Norton於1992年所提出的衡量方式─平衡計分卡,其均衡的架構,強調企業財務與非財務、內部與外部、長期與短期、領先與落後指標間的平衡,提供高階管理者一個快速且全面審視企業經營方式。
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壽險公司運用IT科技進行流程再造改善客戶服務流程之研究李進發 Unknown Date (has links)
流程再造的成功與否?全賴效益的呈現。效益的衡量需建立策略性績效評估制度,策略性績效評估制度為包括財務(定量)指標及非財務 (定性)指標,可以從財務、顧客、流程及創新四大構面來衡量,並訂定衡量績效指標。而個案公司流程再造的成功關鍵,主要在於企業文化的樹立與決策高層的支持,以及再造團隊的堅持與決心。
流程再造也是企業的「藍海策略」,在金融服務業的創新過程中,如何讓消費者(客戶)得到最大價值,讓客戶得到超出預期的差異化服務,這就是服務創新,亦是服務的流程再造。而運用IT科技進行流程再造,是達成目標最快最有效率的捷徑。 / Abstract
The life insurance industry has been through two times of financial revolutions and move towards liberalization and internationalization. Besides, changes in regulation brings in financial integration and financial institutions now face challenges from financial holding companies, mergers and acquisitions, and product innovation, cross selling, and so on. In the matter described, the life insurance industry urgently uses the IT technology to exercise business process reengineering(BPR)to create the new niche.
This paper, in a case-study view, discusses how the life insurance company can use BPR to promote customer service and reduce the company cost under the intensive financial competition environment. It will also help the life insurance industry understand the effects of BPR, discusses the strategy of BPR. The paper will describes how a life insurance company in Taiwan implement BPR including the difficulties met in the beginning, the new functions, and the benefits after implementing BPR.
The studied company applies BPR to the life insurance administration function and the customer service function. The BPR is based on the standard authentication of these two functions and then mainly makes the IT technology to set up the Internet work platform. It works in B2B and B2C of the traveling insurance, B2B of counter checking in the airport, the group insurance , the students’ group insurance, and the bank’s ATM. In this way, it enhances the productivity, saves the administrative cost, and achieves the customer relations management (CRM)goal.
How do we know whether BPR work or not? We have to do cost-benefit analysis. The evaluation must establish the strategy achievements appraisal system which includes the finance (quantitative) index and the non- finance (qualitative) index. There are four aspects to measure: finance, customer, process, and innovation. The studied company’s success lies in the enterprise culture and manager’s support.
BPR, which is implemented with IT technology to create core competition, also is the blue ocean of the enterprise. The innovation in the financial services industry is how to let the consumer (customer) obtain the greatest value. Employing IT technology to implement BPR is the way to go.
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探討CMMI驗證流程領域 ~~ 以軟體測試流程為例郭浩昇, Kuo,Hao Sheng, Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以CMMI驗證流程領域為基礎,提出驗證作業程序,並以裁製後的RUP測試流程為例,當作驗證的對象,結果將以UML活動圖表達其互動關係,以及以Zachman5W1H表呈現資訊需求,接著將5W1H表中的Who 和 How進一步分析,結果以使用案例圖及使用案例說明呈現,再進行實作以完成雛型系統,最後再試評整個過程是否符合CMMI驗證流程領域的目標;另一方面,本研究也在建置雛型系統時,涵蓋軟體測試自動化工具的引介。透過本文研究的過程,期盼提供想要導入CMMI驗證流程領域的軟體開發單位一個簡單的範例說明。
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壽險業IT導入BPM之研究-以個案公司系統再造為例張慶童 Unknown Date (has links)
綜合以上,壽險業IT資訊系統正面臨一個重新思考與設計的迫切時刻,如何運用IT的能力,來創造新的差異化優勢,協助壽險業邁入商品、通路、服務多元化的時代?如何整合不同平台的系統,思考以流程為導向的系統運作模式?本研究期望能從「企業流程管理」(BPM)理論面與技術面的探討,瞭解BPM對壽險業IT發展的影響與幫助,並從實際個案的探討,提出個案公司系統再造的BPM系統架構藍圖與導入步驟之規劃。 / Enterprise model is more complicated as business expanded, so between the service functions and business processes are more complexity. Meanwhile, the insurance companies face the changes and competitions of outside financial environment. They try to make the break through to provide the diversified services and multiple channel strategy; they also try to maintain the position in existing market place.
The old IT systems of insurance company consider the systematic automation only and do not emphasis the business processes. Recently the insurance company tendency is to develop products of combined investment and new distribution channels of cross industry. To form, include the products, the channels, the services, a new business model and business process, and to bring of IT systems more impacts.
The IT systems of insurance company develop many different platforms in the way of business fast grow. This is the reason why that it is difficult to maintain and integrate the systems. The result causes the ineffectiveness of business process and performance.
To make a summary, the IT systems of insurance company are facing a re-thinking critical point. Perform the IT abilities to bring up the difference superiority and to create the new ideal systems to help the insurance company for creating the products, approach and services. This research aims at implementing Business Process Management (BPM), from theory and practices, to understand the impacts and supports of IT development. Finally, try to by the actual cases to search and provide the architecture of system reengineering via implementation of BPM.
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設計與實作工作流程引擎之剖面導向擴充機制 / Enhancing Workflow Engines with Aspectual Processes鍾政憲, Chung,Cheng Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
根據應用系統的功能特性可將其劃分為功能性需求(Functional Requirements)及非功能性需求(Non-functional Requirements)。功能性需求定義了系統的核心功能,而非功能性需求為系統層面的需求,且為核心模組所共用,例如logging、 authorization。雖然物件導向程式設計是目前最常被用來管理核心功能的方法論,但其對於橫跨(crosscutting)的非功能性需求則缺乏適當的模組化機制。剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Programming)是一種新興的程式語言方法論,能夠利用新的模組化單位—aspect—有效處理橫跨性需求的模組化問題,因此本研究將剖面導向程式設計的觀念與技術運用在工作流程(Workflow)的領域中,並且以JBoss jBPM(Java Business Process Management)為基礎,設計jPDL(jBPM Process Definition Language)的剖面導向擴充語言AO4JPDL(Aspect-Oriented for jPDL),並擴充jBPM工作流程引擎(jBPM Workflow Engine),使流程設計人員能利用AO4JPDL解決橫跨性需求的模組化問題。 / Software-system is composed of functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements define core functions of software-system. Non-functional requirements are crosscutting concerns such as logging, authorization and other elements common to many of the core modules. While object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most common methodology employed today to manage core functions, it is not enough to manage crosscutting concerns. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a relative new methodology that specifically targeted the management of crosscutting concerns by introducing a new unit of modularization—an aspect—that realizes the concept of Separation of Concerns. Our research is to apply Aspect-Oriented Programming in the field of workflow. We implement Aspect-Oriented for jBPM Process Definition Language (AO4JPDL) and extend jBPM workflow Engine to support Aspect-Oriented Programming. AO4JPDL is a aspect-oriented extension to the jBPM Process Definition Language(jPDL). With AO4JPDL process designer can implement crosscutting concerns in aspects instead of fusing them in the core modules, resulting in a system that is easier to design, implement, and maintain.
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以流程對映及Web服務為基礎,發展應用框架-以物流中心為例何婉玲, Ho Wan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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