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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

利用維基百科及網路相簿從遊記探勘個人化旅遊行程 / Mining personalized trip plan from travelogues using wikipedia and web albums

吳容瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年國內的自助旅遊風氣逐漸盛行,行前準備對一般人而言必須花費不少時間。我們必須從網路上收集各方資料加以整理,再規劃出理想的行程,所以行程規劃非常耗時。因此,本篇論文研究由網友撰寫的旅遊文章中,利用維基百科和網路相簿作為輔助工具,探勘分析旅遊景點與路線,並根據使用者的需求提供個人化的行程安排,以作為行程規劃之參考。 我們先將遊記標題透過中文斷詞系統進行斷詞,再利用維基百科確認是否為景點名稱。接著我們利用遊記作者權威性與景點重要性之間的相互強化關係來判斷每個景點的重要性。取得景點名稱及其重要性之後,我們利用遊記的文章結構與特性進而判斷遊記中的旅遊路線,由此步驟可得知景點在旅遊路線中的前後關係。此外,我們利用網路相簿中旅遊相片的資訊預估景點停留時間,並且從交通查詢網站取得景點間的交通時間。 系統根據使用者給定的必經景點,推薦使用者符合條件的旅遊路線。接著,根據使用者選定的旅遊路線,考量使用者給定的時間限制、景點開放時間的限制與景點交通時間的限制,排定行程內各景點適合的參訪時間。最後,根據上述步驟的結果,系統便可推薦使用者個人化的行程。 我們以國內知名BBS批踢踢實業坊上的日本旅遊看版內之遊記作為實驗資料來源,並參考維基百科及Flickr網路相簿,實作出個人化的旅遊行程推薦系統。實驗顯示本論文所萃取出的景點名稱,其精確度92%、召回率100%,而景點停留時間與Ground Truth的誤差範圍為3.16%。最後,滿意度評估顯示本論文的推薦系統符合個人化需求。 / Trip planning is an important and time-consuming step for backpackers. Most research focuses on finding the travel sequence from different data sources such as blog, photos and GPS. Although these approaches can recommend some popular travel sequences for a tourist, but tourist’s place preferences and temporal constraints are not considered. In this thesis, we propose an approach for personalized trip planning which takes tourist’s preference and temporal constraint into consideration. In the proposed approach, first the place names are extracted from travelogues with the aid of the Wikipedia. Then the travel sequences are extracted from travelogues. Based on the relationship of mutual reinforcement between the authority of a place and the hub of a travelogue author, the authority of each place is derived. Moreover, the stay time of each place is estimated from the information of travel photos of a web album. Finally, based on the user specified place preference and temporal constraints, this thesis presents the algorithms to arrange a personalized trip for a user. The experiments show that the place name extraction achieves 92% precision and 100% recall. For the estimation of place stay time, the error is 3.16% compared with the ground truth collected from well-known backpacker site.

由執行記錄中探勘具備活動期間之工作流程模型 / Discovery of Workflow Models from Execution Logs with Activity Lifespans

黃文範, Huang,Wen-Fan Unknown Date (has links)
工作流程(workflow)是商業流程自動化的一部份。一個工作流程是由完成一件工作所有可能執行的活動(activity)以及活動間在執行時的前後關係所構成。而工作流程的設計或改進舊有的工作流程是商業上很重要的工作,因為工作流程的好與壞會影響企業的競爭力。工作流程探勘(workflow mining)是利用資料探勘的技術,分析工作流程執行時所留下的流程執行記錄,還原出一個能夠產生這些記錄的工作流程模型(workflow model),而這個工作流程模型可做為設計新模型或改進既有模型的參考。 本研究針對我們所定義的工作流程模型,以一個未知的工作流程模型所產生的流程執行記錄(workflow log)當做輸入資料(input data),提出方法利用輸入資料還原一個能夠產生輸入資料中所有資料工作流程模型,且希望這個工作流程模型能與產生流程執行記錄之未知模型越相似越好。我們提出兩個還原工作流程模型的演算法,並利用precision和recall來評估還原的模型與未知模型間的相似程度,驗證我們所提出方法的效果。實驗結果顯示,我們的方法所還原的工作流程模型precision和recall值都能達到80%以上。 / The workflow plays an important role in business process automation. A workflow is composed of activities and causal relations between activities to complete a task. Workflow design and refinement are important tasks in business process reengineering. As a workflow is executed, the orders of the executed activities are recorded in workflow logs. Workflow mining utilizes the technology of data mining to analyze these workflow logs, and reconstruct a workflow model. In this thesis, we investigate the workflow mining problem to reconstrcuct the workflow model. Two algorithms are proposed to reconstruct a workflow model. We evaluate our proposed algorithms by precision and recall to measure the similarity between the constructed and the groundtruth models. The result of the experiment shows that our proposed methods can achieve 80% precision and 80% recall for the reconstruction of workflow models.


陳婷妤, CHEN, TING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
全球化經濟體系的興起,促使產業結構大幅改變,商業行為益趨複雜,顧客需求日漸多元化、個人化,產品服務種類及結構更加繁瑣,因改變隨之而來的成本劇增,如何快速接近並滿足顧客的需求,已成為在激烈競爭環境中的致勝關鍵,而工作流程管理技術正是影響關鍵的重要樞鈕。 現今工作流程管理技術在企業工作流程自動化,監督、協同合作及控制各種活動的執行,以及有效利用資源、縮短流程之研究領域方面已相當成熟,但仍存在工作流程執行的彈性匱乏,與企業資源無法共享的問題。 因此,本研究提出一個簡單有效的動態處理工作流程架構,透過語意網標準語言-資源描述結構(RDF(S)及DAML+OIL制定更嚴謹、豐富、彈性的工作流程定義,使工作流程處理具有邏輯推理的知識能力,另一方面提供一套流程改變機制,以自動調適在執行期間動態改變的流程。 / By the development of global economics influences business model more and more complex. The way of promoting productivity and decreasing cost is the issue of the company. Current workflow management approaches can reach automatic, monitoring, collaboration and controlling the process. But process description and sharing resource approaches consider simplistic method invocation. So how to create dynamic workflow enrich process definition and modify the program at run time is very important issue. In this thesis we propose richer process representations using the semantic web languages which enable us to capture process than current approaches and applying a change system to adapt process change in run time. Further, we develop algorithms by which potential problem in dynamic workflow can be more flexible and combine computer and human activities. Keyword: Semantic Web, Ontology, Dynamic Workflow

設計與實作工作流程引擎之剖面導向擴充機制 / Enhancing Workflow Engines with Aspectual Processes

鍾政憲, Chung,Cheng Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
根據應用系統的功能特性可將其劃分為功能性需求(Functional Requirements)及非功能性需求(Non-functional Requirements)。功能性需求定義了系統的核心功能,而非功能性需求為系統層面的需求,且為核心模組所共用,例如logging、 authorization。雖然物件導向程式設計是目前最常被用來管理核心功能的方法論,但其對於橫跨(crosscutting)的非功能性需求則缺乏適當的模組化機制。剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Programming)是一種新興的程式語言方法論,能夠利用新的模組化單位—aspect—有效處理橫跨性需求的模組化問題,因此本研究將剖面導向程式設計的觀念與技術運用在工作流程(Workflow)的領域中,並且以JBoss jBPM(Java Business Process Management)為基礎,設計jPDL(jBPM Process Definition Language)的剖面導向擴充語言AO4JPDL(Aspect-Oriented for jPDL),並擴充jBPM工作流程引擎(jBPM Workflow Engine),使流程設計人員能利用AO4JPDL解決橫跨性需求的模組化問題。 / Software-system is composed of functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements define core functions of software-system. Non-functional requirements are crosscutting concerns such as logging, authorization and other elements common to many of the core modules. While object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most common methodology employed today to manage core functions, it is not enough to manage crosscutting concerns. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a relative new methodology that specifically targeted the management of crosscutting concerns by introducing a new unit of modularization—an aspect—that realizes the concept of Separation of Concerns. Our research is to apply Aspect-Oriented Programming in the field of workflow. We implement Aspect-Oriented for jBPM Process Definition Language (AO4JPDL) and extend jBPM workflow Engine to support Aspect-Oriented Programming. AO4JPDL is a aspect-oriented extension to the jBPM Process Definition Language(jPDL). With AO4JPDL process designer can implement crosscutting concerns in aspects instead of fusing them in the core modules, resulting in a system that is easier to design, implement, and maintain.


許銘方 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的進步,使得企業競爭的方式產生了根本性的改變,由過去單一企業的競爭,朝向跨組織整合的方向發展。企業間無論透過併購或策略聯盟的手段,皆希望整合上下游、提昇效率,以提高整體競爭力。而整體服務水準的提升,有賴於跨組織流程與資訊上的整合,使客戶的需求可以快速被滿足。工作流在跨組織流程中扮演極為關鍵性的角色,它結合企業邏輯、人員作業、組織資訊科技,主導企業流程,並直接影響到作業的品質與效率。   本研究採個案研究方式,選擇一國際海運物流集團,實地訪談各子公司,分析海運物流業者跨組織的整合運作。從企業流程與工作流的配合中,架構出資訊在跨組織企業中的傳遞,並描繪出資訊科技在工作流中所扮演的角色。結合企業流程、工作流、資訊架構此三個面向的觀點,探討企業工作流中的問題、資訊不連續的中斷點、跨組織工作流管理的困難點、以及資訊系統整合的問題。   經問題探討與流程分析,站在資訊整合、工作流資訊化、自動化的觀點,本研究針對個案集團提出新的工作流模式,為其規劃出與工作流整合之資訊系統,同時定義及強化資訊系統在可見性與自動追蹤、稽催上的角色。

以靜態織入方法實現剖面導向工作流程 / Design and Implementation of a Static Weaver for Aspectual Workflow

許朝傑, Hsu, Chao Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
現今的應用系統中常會有橫跨性(Cross-Cutting)的程式模組存在,這類程式模組包括:日誌記錄、授權認證、資料永存性等,而這種程式模組在系統中若沒有被區分抽離出來,常常會導致系統重複出現與主要功能需求無關的程式碼,除此之外,這些橫跨性需求的程式碼還會與主要功能需求程式碼糾結在一起,造成程式碼夾雜不清的現象。在工作流程(Workflow)的開發過程中也有著相同的問題。為了解決上述的問題,本研究以JBoss jBPM(Java Business Process Manage- ment)為基礎平台,將剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Progra- mming)的觀念與技術運用在工作流程的領域中,使流程設計人員能夠利用AOP的方式來解決橫跨性需求的模組化問題,並且利用靜態織入方法,改善jBPM工作流程引擎進行剖面流程在織入時的效能。 / Cross-cutting concerns are those system design issues that cut across the various modules of an application and are typically foundational system services that we need to consider before diving into building an application. Most common among these are logging, authentication, authorization, and persistence. Cross-cutting concerns always cause program code to be scattered and tangled, and therefore make it harder to understand and maintain. Similar problem also occurs in the field of workflow. In our research, we apply the concept of aspect-oriented programming(AOP) to the field of workflow system, and implement a static weaver for jBPM. With static weaver, process designer can use the facilities of AOP, and the performance is also improved via static weaving .


楊國源, Yang,Kuo Yuan Unknown Date (has links)

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