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以策略行銷架構分析台灣3M 之業務銷售流程 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Sales Management Procedure : A Case Study of Taiwan 3M蕭筠樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業流程資訊有機體模式在診斷企業流程之應用及其績效評估-以某公司為例黃淑滿, Huang,Shu-man Unknown Date (has links)
企業流程是企業營運核心,也是創造企業競爭力之關鍵因素。本論文以個案公司現行願景為基礎,植基於會計交易循環之基礎架構,參考Tsaih.et al. (2004)企業整體資訊有機體模式之分析架構,重現並分析個案公司之現行關鍵營運流程。本研究首先透過系統化分析企業個體對內、對外之資訊流聯絡管道及接觸點,辨認並評估個案公司之關鍵流程與其資訊流的流暢度。接著以前述分析結果作為辨識及改善企業作業流程之基礎,作成相關流程改善建議及績效評估參考指標。最後,結合PWIO分析結果與平衡計分卡觀念,提供個案公司建議性策略地圖,以作為評估及管理未來績效之基礎。
本論文發現,個案公司之現有流程並無法有效達成現行願景。因此,我們運用PWIO分析模式及主要作業流程關聯圖呈現個案公司在銷售及收款循環、採購及付款循環、配送作業等流程運作效率上可以改善之處。此外,依據分析所示流程目標並透過平衡計分卡概念,建立其流程績效指標。最後,發展個案公司之策略地圖,呈現個案公司在現有願景下,財務、顧客、內部流程及學習與成長四大構面之因果關係,以作為個案公司未來評估及管理其策略性成果之架構。 / The business processes are central to a company’s operation and competitive advantages. Based on the analytical framework proposed by Tsaih et.al. (2004), and an application of accounting transaction cycle approach, this thesis investigates the key business processes of a hyper-mart in Taiwan. The major objectives of this paper are three-fold. Relied on the existing vision of the firm under studied, this thesis first restores and analyzes its core operation by identifying the practices of the contact point and information channel underlying the key business processes. The related suggestions on process improvement are then discussed and proposed based on the analyses from the previous step. Finally, a proposed strategy map will be developed to serve as the basis of evaluation and management of the strategic performance in the future.
The research results indicate that the operation processes currently employed by the case firm cannot meet its vision effectively. Through the chart describing the practices of contact point and information channel, the smoothness of the key processes and the corresponding process improvements were suggested. In addition, through an integration of goals derived from process practices with the balanced scorecard concept, performance measures help achieve the goals of processes are developed accordingly. A strategy map delineating the casual-effect relationship between the Financial, Customer, Process as well as Learning and Innovation perspectives and the performance indicators is also provided. The managerial implications of such framework are discussed. Read more
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以區域最佳解為基礎求解流程式排程問題的新啟發式方法 / A new heuristic based on local best solution for Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling曾宇瑞, Tzeng, Yeu Ruey Unknown Date (has links)
本研究開發一個以區域最佳解為基礎的群體式 (population-based) 啟發式演算法(簡稱HLBS),來求解流程式排程(flow shop)之最大流程時間的最小化問題。其中,HLBS會先建置一個跟隨模型來導引搜尋機制,然後,運用過濾策略來預防重複搜尋相同解空間而陷入區域最佳解的困境;但搜尋仍有可能會陷入區域最佳解,這時,HLBS則會啟動跳脫策略來協助跳出區域最佳解,以進入新的區域之搜尋;為驗證HLBS演算法的績效,本研究利用著名的Taillard 測試題庫來進行評估,除證明跟隨模型、過濾策略和跳脫策略的效用外,也提出實驗結果證明HLBS較其他知名群體式啟發式演算法(如基因演算法、蟻群演算法以及粒子群最佳化演算法)之效能為優。 / This research proposes population-based metaheuristic based on the local best solution (HLBS) for the permutation flow shop scheduling problem (PFSP-makespan). The proposed metaheuristic operates through three mechanisms: (i) it introduces a new method to produce a trace-model for guiding the search, (ii) it applies a new filter strategy to filter the solution regions that have been reviewed and guides the search to new solution regions in order to keep the search from trapping into local optima, and (iii) it initiates a new jump strategy to help the search escape if the search does become trapped at a local optimum. Computational experiments on the well-known Taillard's benchmark data sets will be performed to evaluate the effects of the trace-model generating rule, the filter strategy, and the jump strategy on the performance of HLBS, and to compare the performance of HLBS with all the promising population-based metaheuristics related to Genetic Algorithms (GA), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Read more
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自動化流程機器人與人工智慧發展之探討 / The Research of Robotic Process Automation Optimization and Artificial Intelligence Development李龍憲, Lee, Lung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
自動化流程機器人(Robotic Process Automation)能自動的管理並執行企業大量耗費時間與人力的業務流程,可用於客戶服務、人力管理、供應鏈管理、採購、會計等範疇。物聯網(IoT)時代下的機器人自動化流程加入了認知運算等新興技術,更能進一步提升企業效率並降低成本。自動化流程機器人(Robotic Process Automation)儼然成下一個新的生產力革命。
市場研究機構IDC預測,2017年全球在認知和人工智慧系統支出將達到125億美元,和2016年相比成長達59.3%。Google母公司Alphabet公開測試無人駕駛汽車、阿里宣佈投資千億成立達摩院、百度機器人入駐肯德基等等。人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)將顛覆商業思維、改寫商業模式。在2020年,人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)將成為市場上真正的「主流」技術思維。IDC並且認為亞洲將在2020年成為全球第二大認知與人工智慧輸出區域。
本文探討自動化流程機器人與人工智慧之間的關聯,以及流程優化後對企業所產生的影響與變革.並且針對個案的自動化解決方案所達到的效益與後續發展進行評估與檢討,藉以提升自動化解決方案,協助企業在未來挑戰的競爭環境中創造最佳化優勢. / “The Economist” stated in 2017 that “the world’s most precious resource is no longer oil but data”. With the advent of the Internet of Things, industrial applications have begun to integrate various technologies and set off a new wave of industrial revolution. Because of a large amount of automation and data, in addition to upgrading automation soluitons, integrating netcom systems, and monitoring the big data generated by the solutions, analysis is performed through industrial computers, and conditions are generated through the logic judgment of artificial intelligence, and then the solutions autonomously handles various processes. It can produce better products, optimize the process and reduce business costs to focus on automation of big data and to save a lot of labor hiring.
Robotic Process Automation can automate the management and execution of a large number of business processes that consume time and manpower, and can be used in areas such as customer service, manpower management, supply chain management, procurement, finance and accounting. The robotic automation process in the Internet of Things (IoT) era has added emerging technologies such as cognitive computing to further enhance the efficiency of enterprises and to reduce costs. Robotic Process Automation becomes the next new productivity revolution.
In 2017, marketing research firm, IDC, predicts that global spendings on cognitive and artificial intelligence systems will reach US$12.5 billion, which represents a growth of 59.3% compared to 2016. Google, the parent company of Alphabet, publicly tests driverless cars, Ali announced that it has invested 100 billion to establish Daruma House, Baidu Robots has settled in Kentucky. Artificial Intelligence will disrupt business thinking and rewrite business models. In 2020, Artificial Intelligence will become the real "mainstream" technical thinking in the market. IDC also believes that Asia will become the world’s second largest cognitive and artificial intelligence output region in 2020.
The article discusses the relationships between robotic process automation and artificial intelligence, and also the impact and changes after implementing the solutions. It has also evaluated and reviewed the effectiveness and following development of the automated solutions, so as to enhance the values of automation solutions and to help companies create optimal advantages in the future challenging and competitive environment. Read more
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兩階流程管理在採購成本與利潤管制上的應用-以個案公司探討林芳綉 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業資訊入口重新設計流程之研究林咏慶 Unknown Date (has links)
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利用組織架構與企業流程之對應增進管理效率高智敏 Unknown Date (has links)
組織扁平化趨勢中最重要的議題之ㄧ,就是如何有效的管理更多的員工與更複雜的流程。目前已經許多新穎的標準與技術規格來解決企業流程自動化與溝通的問題,像是網路服務商業流程執行語言(Business process execution language for web services,以下簡稱BPEL4WS)這樣的標準,不過對於員工與流 程之間的對應關係還是著墨甚少,管理者想要掌握企業流程執行的情況和員工的責任歸屬這樣的需求尚待滿足。
本研究試圖利用延伸標記語言(Extensible markup language,以下簡稱XML)相關技術,建立一紀錄員工與其負責流程的對應檔案。透過圖形化的操作介面,讓管理者可以了解企業經營現況,並能夠依照現況更新對應檔案內的紀錄,帶來對應視覺化、責任追蹤、容易調整及接掌迅速等益處,增加管理上的效率。
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資訊系統整合之影響探討-以電子零件通路產業之電子流程與ERP整合為例謝加川, Hsieh Chia-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
第二、資訊流程整合缺失可區分為相對不可避免性與可避免性兩類。企業資訊流程整合過程中,有許多效益是其他成本替換(Trade-off) 的結果,因而相對不可避免其他層面的缺失。然而,有些相對可避免的缺失,實際上是可以預防與避免的。
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企業整併後之策略再思考與組織轉型變革:跨國企業在台公司之個案探討洪千淑 Unknown Date (has links)
自1990年代開始,「全球化」的議題開始蓬勃的發展,歐、美大型企業,除了專注原有的母國市場, 紛紛向全世界的市場展開觸角,企圖透過規模經濟與範疇經濟的方式,為企業創造持續高成長的機會。尤其近十年來中國大陸的崛起,兩岸三地經濟圈的繁榮更是各家磨拳擦掌、不可錯失的投資重鎮。而針對進入市場的策略,跨國企業一般採取購併方式以期快速爭取市場成長經驗,並進行資源與技術的重整,透過綜效以更精實其營運實力與建立市場獨佔能力。然而購併的管理與成敗乃是企業全球化的重大課題,在其進行組織變革的過程中伴隨而來的企業轉型、組織變革、流程再造等管理議題也為不同市場、文化所影響,失敗者如過江之鯽,成功者猶如浴火鳳凰般的重生;全球性企業如何規劃並管理變革,讓變革在組織內引爆並落實執行於海外市場,其所面臨的挑戰與難題,值得思考與借鏡。
本研究個案公司是以一跨國性消費品公司為研究範本。該跨國企業在面臨全球化競爭的壓力下,善於運用其事業範疇、核心資源與企業網路間的優勢、進行企業的策略性再思考與組織轉型。本研究為單一個案的探討,雖採理論與實地研究法併用,對理論、文獻、國內外管理個案、與本個案相關之訪談、文件亦多所收集,但難免有主客觀考量之虞,故仍難以建構理論與外部效度。本個案的探討重心在於跨國企業在全球企業定位轉型的過程中,因應市場策略考量以購併方式進行海外子公司之企業整併,而從在地分公司的角度,了解企業合併的目的與背後意義外,在整併過程中引發台灣子公司之策略性再思考、組織轉型、流程再造的過程。從本研究發現個案公司在台灣進行購併的策略目的有二:一則以考量台灣市場的成長性與未來欲轉移的營運重心 二則是全球化思考背後如何奠立大中國市場營運優勢的考量。而本研究個案公司以追隨母公司的腳步並釐清其企業的價值定位從「家庭衛生用品」轉向「個人衛生用品」時,聚焦於整併後所產生之組織、人員、流程、系統等核心管理議題,從個案子公司所帶領的一連串變革措施中得知新企業願景是整體變革的引擎;而全球績效評估系統的建置與執行與積極培育具新領導力人才來達成願景與轉型目標是發動引擎的關鍵之鑰。針對企業的關鍵流程提出「以顧客為導向」的巨幅改造行動與藉由業務行銷組織的重定義與創新,具體創造出變革危機意識是邁向轉型之路的加速器。然而企業領導人與變革團隊鼓舞全體員工勇敢承諾、擁抱變革,終至轉敗為勝的短期成效不但證實在組織轉型過程中領導力與管理能力必須要平衡並重外、新企業文化的再創是延續變革、轉化企業體質,為下一波再追趕母公司全球性「衛生保健公司」新定位的企業轉型奠立基礎。而母公司與子公司在企業轉型歷程通常會有時間落差與階段性過渡的現象,而母公司與子公司間因策略性市場地位之特殊的考量與做法所帶來的管理啟示也有助於類似消費性產業做為組織轉型與變革管理之參考。 Read more
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審計作業流程建置方法論之研究林素雯 Unknown Date (has links)
財務報表查核簽證審計業務具有服務無法規格化、標準化與高度應用專業判斷等知識服務產業特性。基於這些特性,本研究納入品質成本管理觀念,並參考Tsaih and Lin (2006)提出之整體企業流程資訊有機體模式,另行提出審計作業流程建置方法論。透過該方法論建置之審計作業流程主要係將審計流程中需要仰賴專業判斷、具關鍵性之知識服務提供作業點予以辨認出,並於該作業點發展客製化且具修正彈性之指引表,協助審計人員於執行知識服務提供活動時使用,以確認審計品質。基於品質成本管理觀點,納入預防性控制性質的指引表之審計作業流程,預期將較目前以複核程序為主之事後偵測性控制活動及事後更正性活動的審計作業流程更具效率與效能。 / Characterized with features of the knowledge-based service industry, the financial audit process performed by the accounting firm is difficult to be standardized and required exercise of high degree of professional judgment. Under these characteristics, and with an application to concepts of quality cost and the Process-Wide Information Organism (Tsaih and Lin 2006) approach, this study proposes an Auditing Business Process Set-up Methodology (ABSM) to analyze the financial audit process. Based on the ABSM, key activities that required exercise of professional judgments in the audit process are first identified. Highly tailored guidance tables corresponding to the activities identified are then developed to provide guidance to auditors in order to assure the quality of audit. The provision of guidance tables is in nature a preventive measure, while the common practices of reviewing process which requires giving and clearing review notes are detective and corrective measures. In the context of quality cost management, a preventive approach is more efficient and effective. Read more
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