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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳楊凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由「五力分析」及「鑽石體系」探討日本、韓國、台灣的鋰離子電池產業競爭力,以及台灣鋰離子電池產業的利基為何。 研究採用文獻探討、廠商訪談、工廠實地考察及市場資料分析進行。首先以文獻分析對產業結構及競爭力之內涵加以暸解,建立對產業觀察之架構,並對日、韓、台、大陸的十五家廠商訪談考察及資訊蒐集。再將所得日、韓產業資料比對理論推估,分析日、韓廠商競爭力及產業發展條件之後,來檢驗台灣發展鋰電池的條件並尋求有利的發展位置。

用4C行銷分析產業競爭力- 以金萬林公司為例 / Industrial Competitiveness for 4C marketing analysis- Kim Forest's Case

陳惠娥 Unknown Date (has links)

美國專利審查品質對產業競爭影響的研究-實例研究與批判 / The impact of patent quality to industrial competition-Case study and critic

姜成巨 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是研究美國專利審查品質對產業競爭的影響,以探討專利申請案的審查品質是否對會對產業競爭產生影響。 從企業對智慧財產權保護手段的選擇與思考的研究中可發現,企業對於無形資產的保護手段經常不選擇專利權,可能導致這種現象的原因很多,包括企業不願公開創新成果、企業無法實際自專利權交易中獲利及企業透過法院行使專利權經常遭受挫折。根據學者的研究,透過法院行使專利權的權利人只有少數能取得有利判決,同時近半的專利權被法院認為無效。本文以為,專利權的有效性不易透過法院證實是使企業不願以專利權保護企業創新成果的主因。 美國近年興起的專利改革運動企圖藉一連串專利制度的改革而改善美國專利商標局(USPTO)的專利審查品質。在美國的專利改革運動中,各利益團體的影響、競爭法主管機關的意見及各律師協會的意見都使專利改革運動有更充分的討論及更廣泛的思考,但也使整個改革運動的修法程序發生遲滯的現象。 為證明美國專利審查品質的瑕疵會影響產業競爭,本文第三章舉出曾實際發生在電子連接器產業的一實例──Alan專利,以該Alan專利為例說明美國專利商標局核准的專利權對產業的影響。該Alan專利核准後,產業中各競爭者分別採用不同的迴避設計,而這些迴避設計大多是不易製造或不可靠的設計。同時,美國專利商標局另核准近百個專利權都以Alan專利為審查基礎,但美國聯邦法院最後卻因申請前的習知技術而判決Alan專利無效。 本文第四章研究美國專利改革運動中的習知技術相關議題,包括是否改採先申請主義、專利申請人的申請案相關資訊揭露及專利核准後的異議程序等。 由於美國專利改革草案2009及2010均未通過美國國會審查,因此無法取得實證資料驗證是否能改善目前美國專利制度的缺失。雖然美國專利改革草案是企圖修正現行制度中的缺失,但未來仍待實證研究證據驗證是該專利改革草案的成效。


林世民, LIN,SHI-MING Unknown Date (has links)
台灣隨覂經濟的快遠成長,各產業對於土地方面的需求亦隨之增加,而在產業競爭的 情況下,土地使用型態常由地租來決定,能生產最高地租的用途,即取得該土地的使 用權,但農業生產乃屬於有機性生產,常受制於自然條件,故而競爭力薄弱,利潤偏 低,加上政府有關單位,對土地使用管制執行效果不彰,因此,常有土地遭受到變更 使用的情形發生,一般而言,可將之分為農業部門內之轉用,及農業與非農業部門間 之變更使用,前者因係挖掘為養魚池,或改為養豬場或養難場等用途,從而引起地層 下陷影響農村居住環境等問題,而後者則因變更為工業用地,住宅用地,或遊憩用地 ,既破壞農業生產環境,同時亦嚴重影響農業發展,是以如何調和並避免前述土地使 用相互間之衝突,實有深入研究探討之必要。 玆扼要說明本論文研究之內容如下: 第一章、緒論 首先揭櫫本論文研究的動機與目的,其次檢討有關之文獻,以確定研究之範圍,進而 就所收集之次級資料加以分析,並配以問卷調查分析法,做為本研究之實證;此外亦 繪製研究流程圖,俾便於瞭解本研究之基本理念與研究程序。 第二章、台灣土地使用競爭之原因與問題探討 本章首先透過文獻回顧與次級資料的分析,對農地使用現況,及現行農地使用管制之 相關法令加以瞭解,其次就造成農地轉用與變更使用之原因,分為內部之因素與外在 之誘因予以分析,並對使用競爭問題之形成加以探索,以便充分瞭解目前台灣農地使 用現況,及對使用競爭之問題與緣由深入探討。 第三章、土地使用競爭之實證分析 由問卷統計分析中,可看出台灣農地被轉用及變更使用其附近之農田,絕大部份者是 屬於中等則以上之農地,此顯示被轉用與變更使用之農地,大多數是位於優良農業區 ;而轉用與變更使用後,對農村生產環境影響最大者,大抵是農地土質受污染,農產 量減少,地下水位下降,農地鹽份加重,及農地整體結構受破壞;至於對農村居住環 境影響最大者為生活用水之污染,惡臭味,噪音,地下水鹹化等。 第四章、土地使用競爭對農業與農村之影響 本章就農業部門內轉用,及農業與非農業部門間的變更使用,所造成之水污染,空氣 污染,噪音干擾,惡臭味,地層下陷,地下水鹹化,房屋龜裂,海水倒灌,河堤崩塌 ,農作物減產,農產品品質惡化,地價上漲,農村居住環境惡化,農村人口外流等等 影響加以探究分析。 第五章、農地轉用與變更使用之防制對策 農地轉用與變更使用對農地生產環境,及農村居住環境,有許多不利之影響,故應研 擬防制策略,以減少農地轉用與變更使用,及減少其不利之影響,如:使用地下水, 應申請水權;工廠設立時,應繳納其設廠之土地面積之地價的一定成數,做為開發其 他地區農地之開發基金;除家庭式養豬戶 (五十頭以內) 外,養豬場需遠離住宅區五 ○○公尺以上方准設立等。 第六章、結論與建議 分別就本文研究之課題,擇其重要的部份做一摘述,並提出可行性之建議。

公司理財兩篇論文: (1)產業競爭,併購,及主併方報酬 (2)借殼上市之動機及長期績效:以台灣為例 / Two essays related to corporate finance: (1)Product market competition, mergers and acquisitions, and acquirer returns (2)Motivations and long-term performance of reverse mergers: evidence from Taiwan

劉晉吉, Liu, Chin Chi Unknown Date (has links)
First Essay: Using a sample of 15,835 completed M&A transactions in U.S. from 1985 to 2015, we document three main empirical results. First, consistent with the notion that the disciplinary effect of competition on corporate management, acquiring firms in competitive industries experience significantly positive announcement returns, while the abnormal returns of acquiring firms in non-competitive industries are insignificant. Second, market competition is correlated to the shareholder value in different types of M&A transaction. Horizontal and vertical integrations have positive announcement returns, while conglomerate integrations have negative announcement returns, irrespective of the condition of market competition. Third, the return of small acquiring firms is higher than the return of large acquiring firms, and this size effect is more profound in non-competitive industries. Second Essay: This paper examines the long-term performance of the reverse merger (RM) transactions in Taiwan stock market. Shell companies tend to conduct private placements to raise equity capital in the year following RM transactions. Based on the intended use of capital, issuers of private placements are classified into three categories: investment, recapitalization, and general corporate purposes. We find that shell companies in the investment category experience better long-term performance in the subsequent three years, which is consistent with the view that RM firms with strategic plans to increase in investments in capital expenditures are signaling profitable investment opportunity. However, shell companies in the recapitalization or general corporate purposes categories experience no or poor subsequent underperformance, suggesting that RM deals in these two categories are speculative in nature and short-sightedness that destroy the long-term shareholder wealth.

台灣報業經營困境與因應策略 / The Plight and Strategies of Newspaper Industry in Taiwan

徐榮華 Unknown Date (has links)
新科技快速改變了媒體消費的習慣,面對電視及網路等新興媒體的強力競爭,全球報業經營日益嚴峻。近10年來,全球報業普遍遭遇讀者流失、閱讀率下降、廣告大餅遭分食的艱困局面,經營者無不苦思突破困局之道,本世紀開始,台灣報紙陸續出現鉅額虧損,無法支撐者接續停刊;本研究目的在探究台灣報業困局的成因,及報紙因應策略思維與行動的效益。 報業衰退為全球性趨勢,歐美報業儘管經營日益嚴峻,多還能維持微薄的利潤,國內報業多呈現虧損局面,而且一年比一年嚴重;本研究雖以台灣報業為探尋重點,研究範圍則擴大,從國外報業的困境與創新因應策略、國內報紙面臨的困境與突困策略、到台灣與國外報業因應策略之比較等三面向進行,最後藉檢視台灣與國外報業,在市場環境與經營策略的異同與成因,找出已經創造優勢或顯示績效的報業利基措施,並進一步探尋發展新事業、創造新契機的方向與對策,或可提供台灣報紙參考。 本研究採文獻分析與深度訪談並進,訪談對象包括台灣四大報業集團相關高階經理人,及具領導地位的市場調查及媒體購買公司負責人共18位。由於媒體情勢變化快速,報業因應策略推陳出新,本研究必須設定期限,2007年5月後的進展,只有留待未來進一步的探究。 研究共分七章,研究發現:全球報業面臨的共通性危機,是一個在數位大環境中,即將被網路等新生媒體徹底顛覆的時代!台灣報紙每個族群的讀者都在流失,年長的傾向轉看電視,年輕族群還要加上網路;而台灣報業本身由發行到廣告業務的失血惡性競爭,更加重這個產業的營運困境。報紙的可信度,則因台灣社會政治立場分立的氣氛,出現認知失諧的特殊現象,遭遇活命危機的報業,短短3、4年間,更徹底地和商業新聞妥協。 平面媒體沒落不可逆轉,但報紙是否可以存活,取決於報紙對自己的定位,作法策略不同,會產生不同的結果。經由國內外報業所處困境與突困策略的比較分析,本研究對台灣報業因應策略及必須重視的發展趨勢,有七項發現: 1、報業必須積極探求降低成本的合理經營規模;2、打破閱讀率與廣告的惡質競爭,回歸產品基本面的報紙內容競爭;3、報業行銷策略轉型,消費者市場導向、軟性新聞當道及立場差異化成利基;4、以免費概念行銷的免費報及報紙網站,同時具經營年輕族群與開發新讀者功效;5、報業積極開展數位化行動,與網路對話的新報業概念開始出現,以web2.0概念對讀者開放,突破傳統編採作業框架;6、面對數位內容整合與創新的時代,媒體數位匯流在網上已成必然趨勢,報紙除了開展跨媒體領域投資,內容更應積極數位化,躍身跨媒體平台的重要成員;7、創新思維與行動是報業求發展的最高策略,報業必須重新定義,徹底轉型。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 關鍵詞:報業、行銷策略、網路、數位化、產業競爭、創新 / The newspaper industry is unquestionably ailing globally, circulation and readership are declining, advertising revenues is shrinking. Profound and disruptive market shifts are challenging the newspaper industry in the 21st Century, newspaper companies are seeking powerful strategies to keep overall revenue growing. Since the beginning of this Century, huge deficits has occurred in Taiwan’s newspaper companies, moribund newspapers closured are common, which succumb to cutthroat competition. This study aims to find out what make the newspaper industry go ailing and the strategies they take. There are pressures on revenues and profits that seemed more downbeat than before since 2000, most of the newspaper profits remain strong in Europe or America. Nevertheless, they are treading water on operating profit margin in Taiwan. This study categorizes newspaper industry into three dimensions:The newspaper industry’s plight and strategies in global , in Taiwan, and the comparative between them. Trying to find out the effective way breaking through the severe situation, and to develop new business model further. Based on literature review and in-depth interviews, the study concluded in May 2007. There are 18 executive managers of the top 4 newspaper groups and the largest marketing company were interviewed in Taiwan. Changing circulation patterns and emerging competitors—inside and outside the traditional newspaper industry—are forcing publishers to rethink their approach to how newspapers are brought to market. The study discovered that internet clearly is both opportunity and threat to newspapers. Particularly, newspaper industry in Taiwan succumbed to cutthroat competition on circulation and advertising field, conflict on political position. It makes the newspaper go commercially and unhealthy. The fate of print newspaper can not be reversible. Newspaper industry is now experiencing a crisis in confidence, no longer fully believing in itself and the viability of what it has to offer - on paper or elsewhere. It may survived after proper positioning and effective strategies making. Newspaper industry in Taiwan confronted with:1、Seeking the economic model with some strong initiatives that would reduce business-side costs. 2、Targeting audiences with niche publications and quality content as a way to that the main paper is starting to miss. 3、Marketing strategies stress on audiences. 4、Making progress toward a whole-hearted commitment to transformative online growth. 5、Targeting young adults with free concept, such as online editions and free dailies in the big cities. 6、The media landscape has changed forever. For media consumers, digitalization has expanded the daily media usage options.Digitized is the jobs to be done on converge. Newspapers are increasing their reach through the exploitation of a wide range of new distribution channels, ranging from daily free newspapers to online editions. They are proving to be incredibly resilient against the onslaught of a wide range of media competition. 7、Newspapers are embracing transformation as a concept. Shaping the future Newspaper industry ought to redefinition. If one thing seems inevitable, it is that the newspaper industry is moving toward a new business model. Innovation strategy is to encourage newspapers to experiment outside of their core news product to compete with cheaper alternatives. "Disruptive" products are proliferating online and as niche publications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keywords:newspaper industry、strategy、competition、internet、digitalization、innovation

LED廠商之競爭策略分析-以Cree公司為例 / Competitive and strategic analysis of LED companies – A Case study of Cree

邱晶晶 Unknown Date (has links)
照明產業現在正面臨前所未有的革命,發光二極體正慢慢地取代我們所稱的燈泡、燈管。當新科技取代舊科技的同時,產業也跟著洗牌,各國政府莫不傾政府之力來推動照明產業的革命,企圖在產業洗牌後能夠佔據一席之地。目前全球五大LED公司分別是日本的日亞化學、豐田合成、美國的Cree、歐洲的Philips Lumileds、與德國的Osram。本論文特別針對Cree公司的發展歷程與策略加以分析,期望藉由探討國外公司的優勢、劣勢,提供國內產業一借鏡。 策略是企業一連串搭配的活動組合。本論文以吳思華教授的策略三構面、競技場理論對Cree公司的各種活動組合進行分析。由產品範疇、核心能力、事業網路的分析可知,Cree公司善用事業網路的資源來建立自身的核心能力,並不斷地重新擬定產品範疇。於核心能力的部分,本論文引用周延鵬教授智慧資本理論,透過分析更能瞭解利用專利的商業策略,透過事業網路也能快速地建立智慧資本─核心能力。 本論文認為Cree公司發展分為三階段。第一階段1987~1998年,為產品範疇的定義時期,以DOE與Defense Department的美國政府計畫做為研發經費來源、NCSU的博士生帶入技術能力,並維持一定的合作,而以兩大客戶Osram與住友來支持整體公司的營收。第二階段1999年~2002年,Cree以智財與技術的授權 (Nitres與UCSB技術連結)、訴訟 (Lawsuit partners: NCSU、BU、Rohm與中村修二)、併購Nitres的策略佈局,將營收快速擴張到2億美元。第三階段2003年以後,Cree選擇封裝產品、LED燈具產品進行10億美元的營收目標,實際併購Cotco、LLF與Zumtobel策略合作,以LED city、LED University、Led workplace,再聯合照明系統伙伴提供光、電、熱的LED照明解決方案,推廣與教育更多的LED照明。 以策略競技場分析,可以很清楚比較出Cree所處的LED產業與其他競爭者的競爭態勢,第一個競爭比較層次是產品/服務的「價值/效率」競技場,Big 5與台廠分屬於價值與效率的兩端。第二層次競爭比較是企業總體的「結構/能耐」競技場,Big5廠商以專利交互授權形成結構障礙,而台廠處於能耐的一端。第三層次競爭是產業網路的資源比較,Osram、Philips Lumileds、TG、Nichia以母集團的自身能力而處實力一端,Cree積極的採用合縱策略串起自身的供應鏈體系,台廠則以台灣內需的上下游供應關係形成自己的體系。Cree不斷地利用體系的力量來建立競爭優勢,符合四競技場理論的架構。 台灣LED產業發展甚早,產業鏈分工完整、研發投入、研發成果、企業獲利、、、等等比起Cree公司毫不遜色。 (一)從價值─效率來看,Cree擁有產品性能(價值)後,於是Cree併購Cotco,增加規模降低成本,能繼續帶給客戶效率;LED台灣廠商如晶電,不斷藉著水平整合、增加規模、降低生產成本,達到了良好的效率。接著應當思考給客戶效率的同時,再給予更高的價值。 (二)從結構─能耐來看,五大廠商藉由專利與訴訟、較長的學習曲線和較大的經濟規模擴充,建立起相當的結構的競爭的進入障礙。台灣廠商如晶電,發展和專利的佈局較五大廠晚,但卻憑藉著工研院研發團隊建立起的技術,再透過自有研發與產業併購,累積起足夠的能耐。如能再學習Cree靈活運用專利與訴訟之策略,能使結構的競爭力更加強大。 (三)從體系─實力來看,台灣廠商與Cree相同,靠的是善用體系的力量來競爭。例如晶元光電、億光電子、光寶電子、、、等許多國內LED產業形成一完整、高效率的供應體系。然而台灣的體系實力,從電子業、IT產業發展歷史來看,多半侷限在製造體系,微笑曲線的最前的研發與最後的品牌通路一直都不發達。 從Cree的經驗來看,體系的競爭力可以擴展到製造之外,此時Cree正在進行的是建立一個以Cree為核心的照明體系,能不能成功是未知數,但對於善於運用體系、創造Win-Win的Cree來說無疑是一大機會。 因此善用體系競爭的台灣廠商,也可思考如何擴大體系力量的範疇,使體系的分工能夠結合前瞻研究、研發、專利、生產、標準、規範、物流、品牌、行銷等等。 / Lighting industry is confronted with an intense revolution that light emitted diode (LED) lighting is replacing traditional lighting. The change of technology results in the change of industry. Every government tries hard to promote the development of LED lighting industry to take over the share in the new market. The top five LED companies (Big 5) are Nichia from Japan, Osram for Germany, Philips Lumileds from Netherlands, Cree from America and Toyota Gosei from Japan. The thesis will analyze the history, management, business and competitive strategy of Cree to provide a good case model to Taiwanese LED companies. A strategy is performed with a series of actions in a company. The thesis will apply Dr. Se Hwa Wu’s Three Dimensions of Strategy and Strategy Arenas Theory to analyze every action in Cree. From the analysis of the three dimensions, it can be observed that Cree is good at employing their business networks to build up their core capabilities and continuously re-define their coverage of product line. The thesis will also apply Prof. Y. P. Jou’s Intellectual Property Theory to analyze Cree’s core capabilities and elaborate the patent strategies and how to rapidly create the core capability as intelligent capital through business networks of a company. Cree’s development can be divided to three stages. Stage I was the definition of product lines, from 1987 to 1998. Cree obtained their R&D funding from DOE and U.S. Defense Department and their R&D ability from North Carolina State University. Cree’s two major customers, Osram and Sumitomo, supported their revenue. From 1999 to 2002, Cree used their intelligent property and technology licensing (allied with Nitres and UCSB), lawsuit partners (NCSU, BU, Rohm and Shuji Nakamura) and merger and acquisition with Nitres to increase their revenue up to 200 million U.S. dollars in the end of stage II. After 2003, Cree used LED packages and LED lighting fixtures to increase their revenue to 1 billion U.S. dollar. Cree merged with Cotco and LLF while establishing strategic alliance with Zumtobel. Cree promoted LED with different projects, such as LED city, LED university and LED workplace. Cree also collaborated with their lighting partners who supported total solutions of optics, electron and heat dissipation, to achieve those promotions. Through analysis based on the Strategy Arenas Theory, the competitions between Cree and their competitors in the LED industry will become more obvious. The first arena of strategy is a competition of value and efficiency of product/ service. The Big 5 companies occupy the position closer to the extremity of value and Taiwan companies stay closer to the other side of efficiency in the value chain. The second arena is a competition of structure and capability. Big 5 take more advantages by structural block formed with cross licensing, while Taiwanese companies own greater capability of production. The third arena is an industrial networks level, a competition of networks and strength. Cree and Taiwanese companies both use industrial networks as their advantage, while Osram, Philips Lumileds, Nichia and TG use the strength of their own company to maintain their market share. Cree continuously collaborate with and allies outside resources from partners to establish their competition advantages. Taiwan has developed our LED industry for nearly 30 year manufacturing. The industrial chain, R&D investments, R&D achievement and company revenue are all well established. All these achievements make Taiwanese companies as well qualified as Cree in the LED market. 1. Value vs. efficiency: Cree merged with COTCO Luminant Device Limited, a Hong Kong company (Cotco), to achieve cost down by mass production and to increase production efficiency. A similar example can be seen in Taiwan LED companies, Epistar Corporation. Epistar continuously used horizontal merger and acquisition, to increase production scale, decrease cost and achieve better efficiency in production. Epistar have to perform higher value to their customers at the same time. 2. Structure vs. capability: Big 5 constructed strong entry barriers by patents, lawsuits, longer learning curve and larger finance scale. Taiwan LED companies, Epistar Corporation for example, take the strength of the R&D team of ITRI, in-house R&D, and merger and acquisition to try to catch up on the gap of belated developments and patents arrangement. If Epistar can well apply patents and lawsuit as their strategy, the company would gain more advantage in the competitions. 3. Networks vs. strength: Taiwan LED is similar with Cree to take strength of industrial network. Many LED industries in Taiwan, such as Epistar, Everlight, and Lite-On, have formed a complete and efficient industrial network. However, the network is limited within manufacturing. From the history of electrical industry and IT industry in Taiwan, it can be observed that R&D and marketing, both extremities of Smile Curve, are usually ill-performed. According to the case of Cree, the competition of networks can be expanded out of manufacture. Cree is developing a LED lighting industrial networks from the core of Cree. It is still unknown whether Cree can succeed, but there will be a big chance of Cree who know to well employ networks to create Win-Win strategies. In conclusion, Taiwan companies who well use networks can also think about broadened their networks to combine R&D, manufacture, standardization, SOP, logistics management, trademark and marketing.

車用影像系統商業模式與發展策略個案分析 / A Case Study on the Business Models and Strategy of the Automotive Imaging System Firm

林智清 Unknown Date (has links)
汽車電子在過去數年中因汽車駕駛輔助系統(Automotive Driver Assistance Systems,ADAS)發展,取得了顯著的進步,除了豐富駕駛體驗,並為駕駛資訊創造新需求,而影像系統一如汽車的眼睛在ADAS中則扮演了關鍵角色。目前新一代汽車影像系統裝有數個攝像頭,它們精確佈置以覆蓋整個汽車周圍,從而實現更優化的安全系統。經由了解影像系統的發展如何成為未來智能汽車的一部分,以及系統如何進行創新演進,對於車用電子產品開發策略來說非常重要。本研究將分五個部分來探討車用影像系統如何成為S電子科技公司企業策略發展產品。   第一章為緒論,主要介紹研究背景、研究動機和研究方法。第二章主要為產業分析和對策略管理相關理論概述。以汽車電子產業為中心,分析汽車零組件、電子元件及電動車發展相關理論,最後介紹策略工具「商業模式圖」。第三章為研究方法,第四章為分析與實證研究,重點分析個案電子公司外部競爭環境及產品競爭力。主要以ADAS在汽車電子產業所誘發新市場及汽車電子零組件產業競爭狀況構面來加以分析,並整合策略競爭理論及汽車電子零組件產業的內、外部競爭,最後藉由「商業模式圖」分析個案電子公司經營策略發展脈絡。   汽車電子市場環境變化的並非同一般高科技電子產業快速,雖然不斷有新技術、新產品與新市場出現,但產品生命週期將會隨車用認證標準所牽制,企業的策略要維持競爭力,不能以短期獲利模式來形塑成本結構。電子產業如何打進主要汽車大廠Tier1、Tier2之供應鏈,將電子產業之豐富資源與汽車電子市場媒合,並為企業帶來創新發展,故相當值得業界與學界深思與探討。僅期望透過個案電子公司的車用影像系統發展研究,乃至於未來車用電子零組件企業進行產品發展決策與執行方針,提供理論和實務的參考。 / Since the development of Automotive Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) prospered, the automotive electronics have significant progress in the past few years, not only enrich the driving experience but also create new demand for the driving information. The imaging system is the automobile's eyes, played a key role in the development of ADAS. A new generation of automotive imaging systems are currently equipped with several cameras, they are precisely arranged to cover the entire car around and in order to achieve a more optimized safe system. Through the development of imaging systems, to understand how they become part of the intelligent car of the future, and how the system evolution. Development Strategy for automotive electronic products is very important. In this study will be divided into five chapters to discuss how a company developing the product of automobile imaging system. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, motivation and research methods. The second chapter is the industry analysis and an overview of strategic management theory, and introduce the strategies tools "Business Model Canvas." The third chapter is the research methods. The fourth chapter is the analysis and empirical research, focuses on the case of electronic firm external competitive environment and product competitiveness. Mainly in ADAS-induced new market and case study to "Business Model Canvas". The last chapter is the conclusion and recommendations How the electronics firm to becoming the Tier1/Tier2 supply chain of major automotive manufacturers, through the tremendous resources between Electronics Industry and Automotive Electronics Industry. There are many issues worthy of discussion between the industry and academia. We hope that through the case studies on the development of automotive imaging systems, merely provide the theoretical and practical reference.


陳正煌 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣經濟的高度成長,國民所得大幅提升,人們對物質需求相對提高,連接器的用途愈來愈廣泛,需求愈來愈大。因此連接器工業之發展確實有加以研究之價值。連接器產業如一般產業有其產業生命週期,在經歷環境的變遷,產銷方式也起了相當程度的變化,就全球連接器廠商來看,國內除了鴻海相關廠商外,國內廠商多屬於10億以下的中小規模廠商,國內中小型連接器廠商面對全球大者恆大與整體產業成長趨緩之下,需找出相關因應之道以求生存,本論文研究的目的在藉由產業的分析,瞭解台灣連接器產業的現況與產業趨勢,經由產業競爭力分析與SWOT分析歸納出連接器產業可採行的因應策略,以提供廠商在經營上的參考。 台灣連接器產業正面臨產業升級的壓力與日愈艱難的產業經營環境,必須面對中國大陸強大的磁吸效應,國內勞動成本居高不下,若不改變現行之一般產業競爭策略,提出創新策略來因應於未來環境的挑戰,勢必無法與世界各國競爭。因此連接器產業的轉型及多角化經營相形重要,加強研發新產品及走向輕巧高附加價值產品成為台灣連接器業永續發展的必要條件。 本研究以電子連接器產業為研究對象,由於國內目前連接器產商多屬於資本額10億新台幣以下中小企業。因此針對中小規模企業為出發點,就目前電子連接器廠商的內外部環境,並以一間中小規模廠商為樣本,進行深入訪談,以了解目前中小型規模廠商所存在經營上的問題。最後,本研究提出小中型連接器廠商因應策略以供作參考。 (一)中小型連接器廠商,應該利用靈活生產優勢,往利基型應用市場發展,避免於傳統PC市場與大廠殺價競爭。 (二)中小型連接器廠商,應該加強研發能力,與國際大廠進行專案合作,或參與各制定規格之協會共同參與制定產品規格,以儘早得知未來市場脈動。 (三)中小型連接器廠商,應透過與不同領域之同業合併或策略結盟,以增加產品應用領域,或相同領域內藉由聯合產、銷、採購,增強對供應商之議價能力,降低原物料成本及達到規模經濟以降低生產成本,並可將現有產品拓展更廣之客戶群。 (四)中小型連接器廠商,應透過資本市場募資或同業合併的方式,增加公司規模,一方面充足法務人才,避免專利權威脅,一方面充足產能或產品應用面,方能提供客戶Total Solution及訂單需求 關鍵字:連接器、產業競爭力分析、SWOT分析、競爭策略、創新策略、同業合併、策略結盟。

台灣電影產業環境與競爭力研究 / The study of the Taiwan film industry environment and its competitiveness

葉軒晨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要研究台灣電影產業環境及其競爭力,並透過研究給予電影產官學界在電影產業發展上的建議。研究方法是透過市場集中度瞭解目前台灣電影三大部門──製作業、發行業及映演業的市場集中情形,確立台灣電影產業之產業結構;再者,以麥克‧波特提出之產業環境類型檢視,瞭解其產業環境現況;最後以前兩步驟之結果為基礎,再經由鑽石理論之六大構面分析台灣電影產業在各項分析面向上的優、劣勢及可能的發展機會,彙整出台灣電影整體產業發展中,政府擬定政策、業者思考經營決策及電影產業學術研究上未來可行性的建議。 / The main scope of this research is to study the environment of film industry in Taiwan as well as its competitiveness. Also, throughout the research, opinions towards the film academia in the film industry shall also be elucidated. The research is carried out via acquaintance of concentration ratio of the three main parts in a film industry—production, distribution, and exhibition; furthermore, to clarify the production structure of the Taiwan film industry. Also, the current industry environment is evaluated by Michael Porter’s survey method. Lastly, based on the two aforementioned procedures of results with the application of the diamond theory altogether, a detailed analysis of the Taiwan film industry regarding the advantage and disadvantage and the relevant topics shall be further discussed.

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