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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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金希修, Kim Hee Soo Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣與韓國政府及業者對資訊產業積極努力與投資之下,短短的時間內,台、韓的資訊產業急速發展。台灣專長電腦硬體業,而韓國這兩年在線上遊戲的表現比台灣好。韓國與台灣幾乎同時開始形成網路咖啡市場,但因為兩國政府對網路咖啡業之相關政令政策及業者本身之經營策略差異愈大,故至今兩國網咖產業的發展結果亦大不相同。 本研究之目的係透過比較研究發現影響兩地網咖發展之因素及未來之改善方向,為達此目的,本研究過程如下: 一、 運用鑽石模型及五力分析,找出兩國網咖業發展SWOT分析的內外部因素。 二、 採用台、韓兩家網咖連鎖公司個案研究比較,驗證研究分析。 三、 討論兩國網咖業未來發展與相關的影響。由網咖產業之外部性在整個ICT產業發展上的影響,從而整理出目前兩國對ICT產業(例如數位內容產業)的作為與後續發展論點。 兩國網咖主要影響因素都屬於外部性因素。在台灣因為學校網路建設優良,以及家庭寬頻網路成長迅速,使得大部份消費者選擇在學校或家庭上網,去網咖的動機薄弱,因此台灣網咖產業不利成長。相對於台灣,韓國對網咖成長的主要因素是政府支持輔導網咖及其相關產業(遊戲軟體)。 另外針對兩國整體ICT產業比較,台灣在數位內容產業方面的發展比較均衡;韓國過於集中在遊戲軟體的支持與發展,所以整體數位內容產業發展以台灣較為有利。韓國必須準備下一代可取代遊戲軟體之產品,以利整體ICT產業之均衡發展。 最後,我們討論出兩國網咖產業未來發展工作,如下: 一、提供適時適所的政府支援。 二、強化多樣性的經營模式與附加價值。 三、開發豐富的網咖服務內容。 四、發展健全的資訊休閒文化。 / Both the Governments on Taiwan and of Korea invest heavily in IT industry. Many companies in both countries also enter IT industry aggressively. The Internet Café industry, or so-called Cyber Café, which provides a new kind of IT services, develops quickly in a short time in both countries. In the past, Taiwan companies, based on the strong capacity of Taiwan’s industrial sector of hardware manufacturing had more profits than their Korean counterparts. However, since recently, there is a stark trend that emerging Korean Cyber Café houses providing on-line-game services are making more profits than their Taiwanese counterpart. Though the Cyber-Café houses of the both fractions started about the same time of the 1990s, the status quo of both sides result very differently because of different government attitudes and policies. As a result, Cyber-Café house of both fractions have to adapt different strategies. The objective of this research is to discover the factors that affect the development of Cyber Café in Taiwan and Korea via comparative study. In order to achieve the goal, the procedures of this research are as follows: 1. To collect indexes and background data of the Internet Café Industry in both countries, then to apply Porter’s diamond model to analyze their competitive advantages as well s employ Porter’s analytical model of five forces to analyze their competitive advantages. 2. To conduct case studies on 2 corresponding firms with SWOT analysis to validate the aforementioned analysis. 3. To summarize research the competitive advantages of sides as findings of this research, and further discussions to provide the possible improvement of them. One of the major findings is that external factors play a major role in the Internet Café Industry in both countries. From this point, this paper presents a discussion about ICT industry development in both fractions, eg. the digital content industry. As the result, I argue for that the ICT industry in Taiwan engages even in diversified sectors, but Korean, on the contrary, are starkly narrowed in few sole sectors such as on-line game software. From this viewpoint, related Korea government agencies should foresee adequate substations for on-line-game related IT sectors. Last but not least, suggestions for the future development regarding Cyber-Café can be stated as follows: 1.Governments should carry out appropriate policy in-time for their own industry. 2.Cyber-Café houses have to find the value-adds and provide diversified innovative services on the Internet. 3.These enterprises should also create richer contents they can serve. 4.Governments and the Cyber-Café should enhance the healthy of entertainment and culture on the Cyberspace.

俄羅斯半導體產業發展之研究:台俄產業合作機會探討 / A Study of Semiconductor Industry Development in Russia

王麗銘 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體產業發展成熟,產業群聚效應明顯,供應鏈完整。基於晶圓製造過程中成本花費考量,若能尋找設備、零組件、材料原廠以外的第二來源,對於台灣半導體廠商而言,除了有機會降低成本,也能不受到原廠的牽制。另外,台廠期望能透過自主開發生產設備來取代設備的高額進口成本,然而目前本土設備廠商自主開發前段製程設備能力有限,向外尋求關鍵技術之合作為良好的解決方案。筆者思考這兩個方面是否能透過與俄羅斯合作,成功突破目前的情況。 本論文針對俄羅斯半導體產業過去發展、現況與未來發展進行研究,同時了解台灣與全球半導體產業現況及發展前景。運用文獻檢閱法搜集全球、台灣、俄羅斯半導體產業現有資料。筆者也使用訪問法,自行設計訪談問題,以台灣及俄羅斯半導體產業專家為對象進行訪談,並將搜集到的第一手資料資料進行整理,以Rugman 與 Verbeke的「雙鑽石模型」,分別為「生產因素條件」、「需求條件」、「相關及支援性產業」、「企業策略、結構與競爭」,以及第五個因素「政府」作為理論架構,分析台灣與俄羅斯半導體產業發展現況,並提出雙方可能合作機會與策略之建議。 研究發現俄羅斯科學基礎研究實力豐厚,晶片應用著重在軍事、航太等方面,晶片生產朝向少量多樣方向發展。從俄羅斯政府許多政策上可以其支持國內微電子產業的發展,並期望微電子產業的振興能帶動國內其他產業的升級。台灣晶圓製造能力強,供應鏈完整,應用領域主要專注於資通訊方面,雙方競爭可能性低。台灣在基礎研究與設備開發所需技術方面,實力較為不足,與俄羅斯進行技術合作可謂實現設備國產化的策略之一。經由理論架構分析,台灣與俄羅斯進行技術合作,有望能縮短設備開發所需的時日。台灣供應鏈及先進製造能力,能為俄羅斯特殊晶片提供生產製造、封裝檢測等服務。台俄雙方在半導體領域的合作機會大,可互相補足缺口,促成產業升級。 / The semiconductor industry in Taiwan is well developed. Because of the high cost of wafer manufacturing process, having a second source of equipment, components, and materials would be beneficial for Taiwanese semiconductor companies. The cost of production and dependency on original equipment suppliers will decrease. In addition, Taiwanese companies seek the opportunity to be self-reliant on developing production equipment in order to reduce the high cost of importing equipment. However, the capacity of Taiwanese equipment manufacturers is limited. Cooperate with foreign companies on key technology is the preferable solution. This thesis focuses on the cooperation with Russia companies and check whether Taiwanese companies can have a breakthrough at current situation. This study includes the past, present, and the future development of Taiwanese and Russian semiconductor industry. Literature review and interview method are two main research methods. Collecting current reference of global, Taiwanese, and Russian semiconductor industry and primary sources from the interview with semiconductor industry experts, the author conducts an analysis on the development of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan and Russia with the “Double Diamond” model of Rugman and Verbeke. The analysis factors include “Factors conditions”, “Demand conditions”, “Related and supporting industries”, and “Government.” Further, this research proposes advice for cooperation and strategies. Through theoretical analysis, technical cooperation between Taiwan and Russia is expected to shorten the develop time of equipment. Industrial supply chain and advanced manufacturing capacity in Taiwan can provide manufacturing, packaging and testing service for Russia. Cooperation between Taiwan and Russia in the field of semiconductor can complement each other and will promote industrial upgrading.

台、日數位電視發展之比較研究 / Comparative Study on the Development of DTV in Taiwan and Japan

鄭偉慶, Cheng, Wei-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
數位科技的快速興起與發展,對傳統電視之價值鏈造成相當大的衝擊,促使整個電視產業的再造,重塑產業的競爭模式。日本政府由總務省精密規劃與強力主導之下積極推動廣播電視的數位化,早已1996年透過衛星電視開播日本首例之數位電視平台狹帶域CS,其進程快於台灣。 本研究期望藉由日本發展數位電視之經驗為借鏡,尋找出台灣未來數位電視之發展方向為前提,利用Porter之國家競爭優勢的鑽石模型理論,試圖從台日之發展現況比較分析台灣和日本兩國數位電視產業之競爭優勢,並嘗試針對台灣數位電視之平台發展方向、廣電法修訂方向及營運發展方向之三點,導出未來發展之分析建議,供以參考。 本研究對台灣數位電視發展方向之建議為如下: 一、 台灣政府可參考日本政府推動數位電視的方式加強積極度 二、 台灣應儘早建立「國家通信傳播委員會(NCC)」 三、 台灣可發展衛星電視,作為專門負責提供數位電視頻道之頭端 四、 本研究所提之數位電視播放的平台機制架構,可咨台灣數位電視未來發展參考 五、 台灣發展新衛星電視平台時,應參考日本之經驗,導入製播分離制度 六、 台灣應儘早建立數位電視之付費機制 關鍵字:數位電視、數位衛星電視、數位有線電視、數位廣播、鑽石模型 / The rapid rise and development of digital technologies have caused a major impact on the traditional television's value chain. The impact will compel the whole television industry to restructure and reconfigure their competition model. Through the careful planning and strong initiatives of its Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Japanese government has been aggressively pushing for digital television broadcasting. Japan’s first digital TV platform, "narrow band area Communication Satellite (CS)," was already in service by 1996. Thus, progress in converting to digital television was quicker in Japan compared to Taiwan. The premise of this research uses the Japanese development experience in digital TV as a reference point for the development direction for the future of digital TV in Taiwan. The research tries to apply Porter's diamond model to analyze the competitive advantages of the digital TV industries in Taiwan and Japan based on current development conditions. From the comparison of the competitive advantages, the research derives analytical suggestions for the future development of digital TV in Taiwan focused on the following three points: 1. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV platforms. 2. Revision direction of Taiwanese Broadcasting and Television Law. 3. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV operations. The suggestions for the development direction of digital TV in Taiwan are as follows: 1. The Taiwanese government can consult the initiatives taken by the Japanese government in aggressively promoting digital TV. 2. Taiwan should create a National Communications Commission (NCC) as early as possible. 3. Taiwan can develop the satellite television; specifically as a site for providing digital TV channels. 4. Taiwan’s future development in digital TV should follow a design for the digital broadcasting platform mechanism provided by this report. 5. When Taiwan develops the new satellite television platform, they should consult the experience in Japan where they separate the institutions for production and broadcasting. 6. Taiwan should create a payment mechanism for digital TV as early as possible. Keywords: Digital TV, Digital Satellite TV, Digital Cable TV, Digital Broadcasting, Diamond Model.

台灣電影產業環境與競爭力研究 / The study of the Taiwan film industry environment and its competitiveness

葉軒晨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要研究台灣電影產業環境及其競爭力,並透過研究給予電影產官學界在電影產業發展上的建議。研究方法是透過市場集中度瞭解目前台灣電影三大部門──製作業、發行業及映演業的市場集中情形,確立台灣電影產業之產業結構;再者,以麥克‧波特提出之產業環境類型檢視,瞭解其產業環境現況;最後以前兩步驟之結果為基礎,再經由鑽石理論之六大構面分析台灣電影產業在各項分析面向上的優、劣勢及可能的發展機會,彙整出台灣電影整體產業發展中,政府擬定政策、業者思考經營決策及電影產業學術研究上未來可行性的建議。 / The main scope of this research is to study the environment of film industry in Taiwan as well as its competitiveness. Also, throughout the research, opinions towards the film academia in the film industry shall also be elucidated. The research is carried out via acquaintance of concentration ratio of the three main parts in a film industry—production, distribution, and exhibition; furthermore, to clarify the production structure of the Taiwan film industry. Also, the current industry environment is evaluated by Michael Porter’s survey method. Lastly, based on the two aforementioned procedures of results with the application of the diamond theory altogether, a detailed analysis of the Taiwan film industry regarding the advantage and disadvantage and the relevant topics shall be further discussed.


江雅文, Jiang, Yea-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
研究生:江雅文(1999) 論文題目:光電產業競爭優勢之研究--以國內LCD產業為例 研究所名稱:國立政治大學企業管理學系碩士班 論文摘要: 光電產業中的「光電顯示元件」在未來高度資訊化的時代中將扮演著重要的人機界面媒介,除了筆記型電腦及LCD監視器的應用之外,在「後PC時代」中,消費性電子產品及多媒體產品的應用範圍將擴大,對顯示元件之需求量將大增。現在的消費大眾對電子產品的要求傾向輕薄、省電、低輻射、環保性。傳統的CRT(Cathode Ray Tube, 陰極射線管)顯示器已無法滿足這方面的訴求,因而各類的平面顯示器正不斷地被研發中。包括液晶顯示器(LCD,Liquid Crystal Display)、電漿顯示器(PDP,Plasma Display Panel)、電激發光顯示器(ELD,Electron Luminescent Display)、真空螢光顯示器(VFD,Vacuum Fluorescent Display)、發光二極體(LED,Light Emitting Diode)、場發射顯示器(FED,Field Emission Display)等。 液晶顯示器(以下簡稱LCD)則因技術已趨成熟,其需求隨著全球筆記型電腦及LCD監視器市場的成長而迅速擴增,此外,液晶顯示技術的發展也刺激了其他電子產品的創新,其範圍涵蓋了資訊、通訊及消費性電子商品等。因此,LCD產業的發展被資訊界喻為本世紀末的產業革命之一,因為其具有輕薄、省電、無輻射、不佔空間及可攜性等優勢,隨著多元化應用的推廣及技術的發展,LCD的整體市場規模將急遽成長。 由於液晶顯示器產業是一個相當重要的高科技產業,對於國內相關產業的關鍵零組件自主性與促進產業升級都有重大的影響。尤其是這個產業在技術與市場上的變化仍相當快速。目前以日本及韓國對我國之威脅最大,我國廠商要如何在這個光電市場領域中建立競爭優勢,找到適當定位,是一個很重要的課題。此外,自1997年開始,國內各大廠商及集團紛紛集資興建大尺寸TFT-LCD廠,預計在1999年至2001年間投產。究竟這個產業有何吸引力,為何能夠讓各種不同型態的廠商爭相投入,是個有趣的問題。而在一陣投資熱潮之後,業者是否會因產能過剩,面臨殺價競爭的慘烈局面,投入的業者應如何在這樣不確定的環境前題之下建立競爭優勢,則是個應認真思考的嚴肅議題。 本研究希望透過研究的過程,廣泛地探討競爭優勢的觀念,從競爭優勢形成的條件、競爭優勢的來源,到競爭優勢最後表現出的市場競爭效果,做一觀念上的釐清,以便對競爭優勢的分析有一深入的認知。進而找出一套適用於光電顯示元件LCD產業之有系統的競爭優勢分析架構。在實務上則希望能夠作為業者擬定企業競爭策略及政府擬定產業政策的基礎。 研究首先確立研究背景。在釐清研究問題與目的之後,著手蒐集相關產業資訊,並據以界定研究範圍;並根據文獻探討擬定研究架構作為LCD產業分析之基本架構。競爭優勢分析之理論基礎主要係按照Porter(1980)的五力分析架構,於初步了解台灣LCD產業的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅之後,再根據Porter(1990)國家優勢競爭之鑽石模型概念分析我國發展LCD產業之競爭優勢形成條件,最後,再針對台灣LCD產業的未來發展提出策略建議。 本研究為一探索性研究,為釐清LCD產業的環境及條件前提,必須建立產業分析的基本資料。首先廣泛地蒐集國內外相關的文獻、報告、期刊、雜誌、報紙及新聞等次級資料,採用Porter(1980)五力分析架構及Porter(1990)國家優勢競爭之鑽石模型概念將之整理、歸納。本著資訊收集網路化的原則,透過網際網路瀏覽器廣泛地蒐集相關網站資訊。接著,對國內廠商與相關專家進行訪談,以了解國內產業最新發展動態及其對產業競爭優勢之看法,期能提出我國LCD產業之競爭優勢狀況及可行策略,作為業者之參考。 目 錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究問題與目的 4 第三節 研究範圍 5 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 競爭優勢的觀念 7 第二節 競爭優勢及其來源 8 第三節 價值鏈模型 22 第四節 鑽石模型 24 第五節 動態競爭理論 26 第三章 研究設計 第一節 研究流程及架構 30 第二節 分析方法及資料來源 31 第三節 研究限制 32 第四章 光電產業概述 第一節 世界光電產業概述 34 第二節 我國光電產業概述 36 第三節 結論 47 第五章 LCD產業之發展概述 第一節 LCD產業概述 50 第二節 整體LCD產業發展趨勢 71 第三節 我國LCD產業發展概況 83 第四節 LCD產業未來發展趨勢 105 第六章 我國LCD產業之競爭優勢分析 第一節 我國LCD產業結構分析 117 第二節 我國LCD產業之競爭優勢分析 121 第三節 LCD產業之鑽石模型分析模式 126 第四節 我國LCD產業未來發展策略建議 130 第七章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 135 第二節 建議 138 參考文獻 141 附錄一 145

兩岸太陽能光電廠商競合策略研究 / A case study for cross-strait photovoltaic interfirm co-opetition strategy

王羚卉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,環境汙染、能源危機等議題,使世界各國莫不開始重視環境永續經營之課題。目前被認為具發展潛力之替代能源包括太陽能、風力、地熱、水力、生質能等,其中,由於太陽能為取之不盡、用之不竭的循環再生能源,具無汙染、發展歷史悠久、取得來源穩定、發電成本逐年下降等優勢,因此,各國政府皆致力於太陽能光電產業之發展與推動。 根據統計,太陽能光電產業產品製造重心在2008年金融風暴後,快速往亞洲地區移動,產量增加最快的地區為中國和臺灣,兩岸因各自不同的地理環境、發展條件、政府政策等因素,促使相關產品在全球市場佔有率持續增加。2009 年全球太陽能電池產量為9.34GW,其中,中國與台灣佔全球總產量的49%(中國38%、台灣11%),可見兩岸同時共享全球太陽能光電市場,亦共同競爭全球再生能源產業版圖。 本研究由廠商角度出發,針對兩岸太陽能光電產業競爭與合作策略進行多面向分析研究。首先透過Porter (1980, 1990)五力分析與鑽石模型,對兩岸太陽能光電產業進行探討,並以廠商層次之資源基礎與交易成本等理論,瞭解個案廠商的交易成本與交易價值,同時探討國家和產業因素是否在廠商合作或不合作決策間形成調節效果。本研究發現,面對中國廠商,不同價值鏈階段的台灣廠商需選擇不同的競爭或合作策略,垂直整合並非台灣太陽能光電廠商首選之發展策略。同時,基於資源與能力的互補性可發現,兩岸同價值鏈階段廠商呈相互競爭狀態,廠商合作動機低,而兩岸不同價值鏈階段廠商的合作動機則高。在合作方式方面,則因台灣廠商的目的性差異,主要分作長短期契約和合資兩種方式。此外,本研究亦發現國家條件,如生產要素互補性與政府政策,以及產業發展現況將帶動兩岸廠商建立合作關係的可能性。 / Due to increasingly environmental issues such as pollution or energy crisis, people begin to regard environmental sustainability as an important topic in recent years. There are several kinds of potential substitute energy, including solar, wind, geothermal, water power, biomass energy, etc. Solar energy is one of important substitute energies because of its pollution-free characteristics, stability and decreasing cost trend. Therefore, the governments are committed to develop and promote the solar photovoltaic industry. According to statistics, the production area of photovoltaic products has been moved quickly from Europe to Asia after the financial crisis in 2008. The two of the fastest growing areas are China and Taiwan. Due to geographical environment, development conditions, government policies and other industrial factors, photovoltaic products from China and Taiwan continue to increase in the global market share. For instance, China and Taiwan accounted for 49% (or 93.4GW) of the worldwide solar cell production (38% in China, 11% in Taiwan) in 2009. It is obvious that China and Taiwan are competing the global photovoltaic market share. Based on five forces model, diamond model, transaction cost theory and resource-based view, this study provides a multi-strategic analysis of co-opetition in the cross-strait photovoltaic industry. By collecting secondary data and conducing case study, I complete a serious of systematic analysis and results with the grounded theory approach.

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