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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳竹松 Unknown Date (has links)
在數位有線電視的發展中,收視率系統從以往的統計調查方式得以進入到普查計算的方式,因此新收視率系統可以更精細。而在新的收視率收集調查中,有線電視業者有了全體收視戶的詳細收視行為資料,更可以有更多的應用方式。 本研究認為有線電視業者得以運用上述的資訊,再加上數位匯流下的其他用戶屬性的交叉分析後,產生出具有個人化推薦效果的新廣告平台;這樣的新廣告模式可為現有的廣告業者與廣告主所接受而採用。 同時,對於有線電視業者與新收視率系統公司的合作,或是現有有線電視產業中其他角色業者的合作關係改變,本研究也提出了可能性的分析與探討。 / In the development of digital cable television, the ratings system evolves from the statistical based approach into full audience based approach. So the new ratings system can be more precise. Cable system operators will have all subscribers’ detail viewing behavior information in the new rating collection process, thus they can have more applications accordingly. The study suggests that the system operators could combine above information with other user information from their digital convergence business landscape to produce new advertising platform with personalized recommended capability. This new advertising model will be accepted and be used by existing advertising companies and advertisers. Also the study has elaborated about the partnership possibility between system operators and the new ratings system company, as well as the possible relationship change among companies in existing cable industry.

台、日數位電視發展之比較研究 / Comparative Study on the Development of DTV in Taiwan and Japan

鄭偉慶, Cheng, Wei-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
數位科技的快速興起與發展,對傳統電視之價值鏈造成相當大的衝擊,促使整個電視產業的再造,重塑產業的競爭模式。日本政府由總務省精密規劃與強力主導之下積極推動廣播電視的數位化,早已1996年透過衛星電視開播日本首例之數位電視平台狹帶域CS,其進程快於台灣。 本研究期望藉由日本發展數位電視之經驗為借鏡,尋找出台灣未來數位電視之發展方向為前提,利用Porter之國家競爭優勢的鑽石模型理論,試圖從台日之發展現況比較分析台灣和日本兩國數位電視產業之競爭優勢,並嘗試針對台灣數位電視之平台發展方向、廣電法修訂方向及營運發展方向之三點,導出未來發展之分析建議,供以參考。 本研究對台灣數位電視發展方向之建議為如下: 一、 台灣政府可參考日本政府推動數位電視的方式加強積極度 二、 台灣應儘早建立「國家通信傳播委員會(NCC)」 三、 台灣可發展衛星電視,作為專門負責提供數位電視頻道之頭端 四、 本研究所提之數位電視播放的平台機制架構,可咨台灣數位電視未來發展參考 五、 台灣發展新衛星電視平台時,應參考日本之經驗,導入製播分離制度 六、 台灣應儘早建立數位電視之付費機制 關鍵字:數位電視、數位衛星電視、數位有線電視、數位廣播、鑽石模型 / The rapid rise and development of digital technologies have caused a major impact on the traditional television's value chain. The impact will compel the whole television industry to restructure and reconfigure their competition model. Through the careful planning and strong initiatives of its Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Japanese government has been aggressively pushing for digital television broadcasting. Japan’s first digital TV platform, "narrow band area Communication Satellite (CS)," was already in service by 1996. Thus, progress in converting to digital television was quicker in Japan compared to Taiwan. The premise of this research uses the Japanese development experience in digital TV as a reference point for the development direction for the future of digital TV in Taiwan. The research tries to apply Porter's diamond model to analyze the competitive advantages of the digital TV industries in Taiwan and Japan based on current development conditions. From the comparison of the competitive advantages, the research derives analytical suggestions for the future development of digital TV in Taiwan focused on the following three points: 1. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV platforms. 2. Revision direction of Taiwanese Broadcasting and Television Law. 3. Development direction of Taiwanese digital TV operations. The suggestions for the development direction of digital TV in Taiwan are as follows: 1. The Taiwanese government can consult the initiatives taken by the Japanese government in aggressively promoting digital TV. 2. Taiwan should create a National Communications Commission (NCC) as early as possible. 3. Taiwan can develop the satellite television; specifically as a site for providing digital TV channels. 4. Taiwan’s future development in digital TV should follow a design for the digital broadcasting platform mechanism provided by this report. 5. When Taiwan develops the new satellite television platform, they should consult the experience in Japan where they separate the institutions for production and broadcasting. 6. Taiwan should create a payment mechanism for digital TV as early as possible. Keywords: Digital TV, Digital Satellite TV, Digital Cable TV, Digital Broadcasting, Diamond Model.

以TRIZ方法探討數位有線電視的定價策略 / On the pricing strategy of digital cable TV by the method of TRIZ

文德蘭, Wen, Te Lan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來世界各國的電視產業均開始從類比邁向數位時代,然而有線電視數位化亦已成為其未來的發展趨勢,對於有線電視業者目前除積極提供原有的影音視訊服務外,也開始紛紛推出互動電視等進階服務。因此有線電視在數位化之後首先面臨的問題就是頻道數大幅增加,而要如何經營、如何提供多樣化的服務、及如何定價這些都將會是急待解決的問題。故本研究希望從經濟學的角度、互動數位有線電視整體產業的影響並考量消費者的利益,採用一個創新的方法「創意問題解決理論」(Theoria Resheneyva Isobretatelskehuh Zadach,TRIZ)來討論互動數位有線電視的定價策略。本研究主要研究目的希望以TRIZ的創新方法求出理想解,並建議未來互動電視之定價策略,提供政府政策做為未來訂定數位電視價格之參考。 本研究建議有線電視在進行互動數位電視發展時應針對不同的頻道服務採取不同的差別定價:對於免費收看的頻道可依據廣告播出的形式分為基本免費頻道與選擇性免費頻道,而付費頻道則可分為單一計價方式、組合計價方式與差別計價。對於法規政策本研究則建議取消費率上限原則、重新訂定節目廣告化與廣告節目化的認定原則與開放有線電視跨區經營的限制。 / In recent years, global television industry is moving from analog to digital era, and digitalization becomes a trend. The cable operators start to offer advanced services such as interactive televisions in addition to their existing video and audio services. Major issues facing the cable operators include how to operate their businesses, how to provide a variety of services, and how to justify their prices with the substantially increasing channels after digitalization. This study is to discuss the pricing strategy of the digital cable TV using an innovative method of “creative problem-solving theory”(Theoria Resheneyva Isobretatelskehuh Zadach,TRIZ) from the perspectives of economic development, industry, and consumers. We also recommend the pricing strategies for the digital cable TV industry and the government’s price policy based on the TRIZ results. This study suggests that the pricing policy for the digital cable TV industry is to offer different services with reasonable price discrimination. For example, free channels can be categorized into basic cable channels and optional cable channels with cable TV advertising. The pricing strategies for the pay channels are the fixing pricing strategy, product bundle pricing strategy, and differential pricing strategy. This study also suggests the authorities to make rate cap expiration, to re-regulate the advertising nature of programs and program-like television advertisings, and to cancel the limitation of the service area of the cable system.

有線電視分組付費可能實施方式之研究 / The Research of Possible Executive Ways of CATV Channel Tiering

林軒如, Lin, Hsuan-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
台灣有線電視早期因業者惡性競爭,採大量增加頻道、降價促銷方式爭取訂戶,形成獨特的「大碗公」收視文化,民眾支付六百元月租費,即可收看約一百個基本頻道。有線電視頻道雖多,但消費者事實上無力收視,卻仍需為其付費,同時無法選擇符合個人需求的頻道內容。在「大碗公」收視文化下,消費者收視權益難以保障,頻譜無法有效利用則造成社會資源浪費。 近年來消費者意識抬頭,反應希望收看較少的頻道並支付較少費用;為回應消費者擇其所好之收視需求,政府方面提倡實施「分組付費制度」。分組付費制度可落實使用者付費觀念,有助於業者提高市場運作績效、杜絕私接戶,並可保護青少兒收視環境。 過去業者曾經實施分級付費,然而並不成功;其後,政府方面亦提出數種分組付費模式,但截至目前各界仍未達成共識。分組付費立意良善,未能推動實為可惜,因此研究者針對產、官、學進行深度訪談,探討分組付費過去失敗因素、目前面臨問題、各界對分組付費之態度,試圖匯整不同意見,探討分組付費未來可能實施之方式。 研究結果發現,現階段分組付費面臨諸多問題。「大碗公」收視文化使消費者欠缺「使用者付費」精神;加上消費者對於目前有線電視滿意度頗高,推動新制動力不足。此外數位機上盒裝機意願低,亦影響分組付費之推動。業者方面,分組付費將使系統業者收視費之收益降低、購片成本提高;頻道業者廣告收益大幅減少,宣傳行銷成本上升,因此業者反對實施。政府方面認為現階段推動分組付費確有一定困難,但為維護消費者收視權益,未來仍應繼續推動。學者專家則呈現市場開放與加強管制的兩極意見。 雖然分組付費議題目前仍然缺乏共識,但研究者由研究過程中釐清現階段分組付費面臨問題,可供未來研究者針對問題擬定解決方案。研究者亦發現,分組付費並非孤立之政策,其與產業結構、數位化…等議題息息相關,建議未來可由結構面進行探討,同時思考有線電視數位化、相關法規之研議修訂…等議題。此外,為促使有線電視費率合理化,建議相關單位積極輔導其他媒體平台,促成市場公平競爭機制,並擬定具體之數位化政策,提供有線電視業者誘因與獎勵,以較有彈性的角度來思考分組付費問題。 / Because of the serious competition, during early developing time, Taiwan’s CATV system operators provided lots of channels and greatly lowered the CATV price to promote channel services. This promotion strategy has run for years and formed a very unique CATV environment in Taiwan. CATV consumers only have to pay NTD. 600 per month, then they can watch about 100 basic channels nowadays. Although CATV consumers can watch so many channels, they don’t really have so much time watching them all but still have to pay for them. Besides, the CATV bundling price doesn’t allow consumers to choose the channels they really need and want. On the social resource perspective, the CATV bundling pricing strategy keeps CATV channels from being used effectively and brings a waste. In recent years, consumers’ awareness of their rights is getting stronger. Consumers begin to find out the possibilities of paying fewer CATV price and watch fewer channels. In order to respond to the need of consumers, the government advocated CATV channel tiering policy. Channel tiering brings several advantages: consumers can be more active and own more choices; the CATV industry can work more effectively and system operators can prevent those who access CATV services illegally. Also, the advanced technology and hardware of channel tiering can prevent juveniles from watching inappropriate CATV programs. In the past, some CATV system operators tried to implement channel tiering, but it was not successful. The government also advocated several kinds of channel tiering models, but until now, there is still no consensus. CATV channel tiering is basically a good policy for consumers, and it’s a pity that this policy can’t be successfully execute. Therefore, by in-depth interview, the researcher of this study collects opinions from managers of CATV industry, government members and professors to discuss the failure reasons of channel tiering, the problems of execute channel tiering nowadays and different attitude toward this issue. Furthermore, the researcher tries to integrate different opinions to find out possible executive ways of channel tiering in the future. According to the research findings, CATV channel tiering faces many complicated problems now. First, because of the “bowling CATV culture”, Taiwan’s CATV consumers lack for the spirit of “user-payer” principle. Besides, they are pretty satisfied with the CATV services now and have no intention to push a new policy. Furthermore, consumers’ intentions to order digital CATV services and the distribution of DSTB are pretty low, and this situation barriers to the implementation of channel tiering, too. As to the CATV industry, the implementation will affect both CATV systems and channels, so the CATV industry objects to this policy. In order to preserve the rights of consumers, the government members hold that CATV channel tiering policy should execute in the future although it faces many difficulties now. They suggest the government should find an appropriate way and keep pushing this policy. The opinions from professors are very divergent. Some consider that the government should open the CATV market and give the industry more freedom, but some consider that the government should regulate more strictly. Although there is still no consensus on CATV channel tiering, the researcher has some findings during the research process. CATV channel tiering is a very complicated policy which relates to lots of other policies, laws and issues. Therefore, the researcher advices that the channel tiering issue should be considered together with other issues like digital policies, the problems of CATV industry structure and so on. Furthermore, in order to make the CATV service price more reasonable, the government should encourage more medium to provide services equivalent to CATV channel services, give consumers more choices, and build an equally competitive market. To summarize, the research advices that channel tiering issue is not a single policy and we should rethink it in a more flexible way.

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