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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


江禎裕, Jiang,Jen-Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
台灣發展光電產業近20年,已有舉世注目之成績。就在這同一階段,台灣創業投資產業也有超過新台幣1,700億元資金,投資於國內高科技產業中,其規模之大,全球排名第二,僅次於美國,此一成就是值得國人引以為傲的。 由於產業西進的風潮方興未艾,不久「新世代」的光電產業終將會繼電子產業,成為根留台灣的主流產業。未來兩岸分工、大陸本土廠商崛起、加上韓國廠商大幅投入,光電產業整體經營環境必然大不同於從前。相對之下,未來創業投資投資光電產業,有賴更明確之投資策略。 因此,本研究著重於研究過去光電產業與創投產業間的互動關係,蒐集並分析:(1)台灣創業投資公司投資光電產業所採之「一般策略」、(2)投資光電產業「成功」之關鍵性策略行為、(3)投資光電產業「失敗」之關鍵性策略行為;再綜合分析投資光電產業影響「成敗」之共通關鍵性策略。最後,總結分析「光電產業特性」與「影響投資光電產業成敗關鍵性策略」間之互動關係。 結尾,對未來光電產業發展趨勢加以推估,概略建議未來創投投資「新世代」台灣光電產業可採之關鍵性策略,期望對國內光電產業發展及創投未來投資台灣光電產業「成功」,能有所助益。 / There are almost 20 years for Taiwanese to develop optoelectronics industry. Its outcome is the annual production value will over 1 trillion NTDs in the coming year, and it is rated No. 3 in the world. During the same period, the venture capital was also under developed. Right now, there are over 240 venture capital management companies in Taiwan, and have invested over 170 billion NTDs in high technology industry, the investment scale is also highly ranked, No.2 in the world. It is interested to know the relationship between Taiwan optoelectronics industry and venture capital. This paper is concentrated on the the Taiwanese venture capital investment strategies on Taiwan optoelectronics industry. And to find out what is the KSFs ( Key Success Factors ) of venture capital investment strategies, also the KFFs ( Key Failure Factors). And to analysis the relationship between KSFs& KFFs, to find the real key factors cause investment success or fail . The development situation of Taiwan optoelectronics industry is also discussed during the analysis of the factors, in order to find out the relationship between Taiwan optoelectronics industry situations and venture capital investment strategies. Finally, to figure out what will be the future Taiwan optoelectronics industry looks like, and with the results from the above study to suggest what will be the best practices to do venture capital investment successfully in the coming years on Taiwan optoelectronics industry.

新創事業定位之研究 / Case Study of New Venture Position

吳佩殷, Wu, Pei-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
一個新興事業創建的初期,除了對外有營運上的挑戰,在內部還要面對資源分配、人員聘用以及財務上周轉等的基本營運問題,由於其缺少同產業上可仿效或是追隨的目標對象,使得創建時期潛藏的不確定因子往往比具有某種程度規模的組織來的更多。本研究以本研究者和其團隊在2006年年底所創立之公司為研究對象,從綠色光電產業市場中的初級資料和次級資料,以質性研究方法,探討下面三面向之問題 (機會、團隊與資源):L公司在綠色光電的產業中之未來營運機會為何?在L公司發展過程中,團隊的核心能力為何?L公司如何在外界的環境中善用現有資源?如何找到他們? 結合的方式為何? 本研究是藉由夏恩博士於2005年所著「科技創業聖經」,原名為「尋找肥沃田地 – 為新事業辨視絕佳的機會」(Finding Fertile Ground – Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures) 書中的十個章節與L公司發展過程做一檢視,在機會的面向:選擇正確的產業、找出有價值的機會、管理科技演變、鎖定市場的真正需求、及了解顧客採用行為;團隊的面向: 管理智慧財產權與選擇正確的組織結構;資源的面向:利用既有公司的弱點、將報酬導向創新與管理風險和不確定性,以這十個面向為經,並利用Jeffry A.Timmons和 Stephen Spinelli在2003年所著的New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for 21st Century創業三構面 (機會、團隊與資源)為緯,將研究與實務做一比較,找出L公司下一步的方向與策略。 本研究發現,L公司在經由上述的檢討與行動修正後,能找到適當的利基點,正確掌握公司的核心能力,並隨著動態環境的改變適時作出調整,降低營運的風險。 / A new intention venture who builds up in the early stage faces the challengues not only the outsides operation, but how to solve the resources allocation, employee recruitment and finance issues…etc. Because this kind of new intention ventures are lack of the benchmark in the same industry, which make much more uncertain factors than in large scale companies. This research adopts researcher herself company, L Company, which is founded in the end of 2006 as the case study. We want to explore the following 3 dimention questions (Opportunities, Team and Resources) in green lighting industry with initial data and second level data, and use inductive research method. The three questions are: 1. What’s the future opportunity for L Company in the green lighting industry? 2. What’s the core competency from L company’s team in its developing process? 3. How to utilize the current resources in outsides environment for L Company? And how to find them and what are the methods to leverage them? This research approach applies Scott A. Shane’s theory framework – Finding Fertile Ground - Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures to review L company ‘s operation, and adopt Jeffry A.Timmons and Stephen Spinelli’s theory - New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for 21st Century to make the comparison of research and physical operation, and find out the next step for L company’s direction and strategy. Within this study, we find L Company can find its own niche market, control well her competition capibility through above items’ review and action adjustment and can reduce its operation risk with change in dynamic environment.


陳俊銘 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣產業的發展一向與國際市場的脈動相連,光電產業也不例外,近幾年來在國際的夾擊之下依然發展得極為出色,與其他部分高科技產業共同支撐起台灣科技產業的命脈。所以本研究藉著資料包絡分析法 (data envelopment analysis, DEA) 的應用,透過計算整體技術效率、純粹技術效率、規模效率與 Malmquist 生產力指數,具體衡量出各廠商的生產效率值與跨期變化情形以供廠商參考。另外將光電產業依產品特性分成幾個次產業,為各次產業提出客觀的經營建議。最後由 Tobit 迴歸分析影響效率的重要因素,提供提升效率的參考,希望能對我國的光電產業有所幫助,而繼續為台灣科技產業的成長努力。 本研究以國內 30 家光電產業廠商於 2000 年至 2003 年之資料為研究範圍,選取的投入變數為:員工人數、固定資產、營業成本與營業費用四項,產出變數為營業收入淨額與稅前淨利。另外迴歸分析中使用的解釋變數為董監員工紅利率、存貨週轉率、負債比率、研發費用率、 TCRI 信用評等與董監持股比率。 研究結果顯示,整個光電產業整體無效率的原因較多是技術無效率導致,小部份是規模無效率造成的;而就每個次產業而言,以其四年平均值來看亦是受技術無效率影響較多。而在 Malmquist 生產力指數分析中發現,整個光電產業只有在 2000 年至 2001 年間,因技術退步的影響大於綜合技術效率進步的影響,而使得生產力衰退,往後的期間皆呈現進步的態勢。而在次產業方面,綜合技術效率的退步導致光通訊產業在 2001 年至 2002 年間的生產力衰退;技術的退步使得 2002 年至 2003 年間的光輸出入產業產生生產力的衰退。 最後,在迴歸分析中的結果為存貨週轉率對於整體技術效率有著顯著的正向影響;研發費用率是顯著的負向影響。而在純粹技術效率部份,存貨週轉率有顯著正向影響;TCRI評等越佳,TCRI 值越低,純粹技術效率越好。 / Taiwan's industries are always connected closely with international market, and optoelectronic industry is no exception. Through keenly competence these years, it is still brilliant and boosts the lifeline of Taiwan's Technology industry with other Hi-tech industries. So this research uses data envelopment analysis as objective references to enhance production efficiency. First we divide the whole optoelectronic industry into several sub-industries according to the characteristics of their products, and calculate every firm and sub-industry’s values of technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and Malmquist index definitely. Then we analyze the key factors influencing production efficiency and offer references for helping optoelectronic industry better. This research is based on the data of 30 optoelectronic firms in Taiwan during the 2000-2003 periods. We use the number of employee, fixed assets, operating costs and operating expenses as input variables; net sales revenue and net income before taxes as output variables. Besides, the explanatory variables in regression analysis are the percentage of bonus accounting for operating net amount, inventory turns, debt ratio, the percentage of R&D expenses accounting for operating net amount, TCRI, share holding on directors. The result shows that inefficiency in the whole industry and sub-industries mainly comes from technical inefficiency. MPI demonstrates that productivity of the whole industry is declined only during 2000-2001 period and it is because of declined technology. And declined technical efficiency results in the declined productivity of fiber-communication industry between 2001-2002; declined technology results in the declined productivity of optical input/output devices industry between 2002-2003. Under regression analysis, the result shows that inventory turnovers have a significant positive effect on efficiency; the percentage of R&D expenses accounting for operating net amount has a significant negative effect on efficiency. And about pure technical efficiency, inventory turn has a significant positive effect; TCRI has a significant negative effect.

半導體及光電產業廠務廢水系統工程承攬策略之探討 - 以T公司為例

王誌鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
半導體及光電產業快速發展,已成為台灣賴以與國際競爭之兩大經濟產業,為維持台灣既有之製造優勢及實力,並加強設計創新能力,政府擬定「新世紀兩兆雙星產業發展計畫」,明確勾勒出我國對於半導體及平面顯示器兩大產業之發展方向。邁入二十一世紀,新興國家快速崛起,台灣產業發展面臨強大的競爭,尤其在中國大陸,各廠為維持既有的競爭優勢及提昇市場佔有率,唯有加速持續投資建廠,一則創造規模經濟以降低生產成本,另一方面更以領先技術築高競爭者之進入障礙。 近年來,國內各大廠積極建置規劃12吋晶圓廠及TFT-LCD八代廠,由於均屬於高資本之投資,擬定發包策略,故強化採購人員的談判技巧及遴選合適的承攬廠商,以最短的時間及最少的預算來完成建廠,將成為建廠業者主要的政策。 本研究乃在探究哪些關鍵因素足以影響建廠廠商之採購發包策略,再以工程承攬商的觀點提出應對,發展出本身之承攬策略。由於有關建廠發包策略之相關文獻不多,故本研究主要採實地專家訪談,訪談半導體廠及TFT-LCD廠廠務及採購主管對於建廠採購發包之看法,配合文獻所提之各要點發展問卷,透過問卷了解高階主管、廠務人員及採購人員對發包有何不同觀點,同時面對不同之發包型態與關鍵影響因素,利用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process;AHP),發展適用於不同類型採購發包決策人員之各構面及次準則指標之權重,並與其他相關研究做比較,探討差異所在及原因,綜合研究建廠廠商高階主管、廠務人員及採購人員對於新建廠務系統發包之需求,進而擬定出承攬商因應之承攬策略,以提供決策者進行執行決策之參考。 關鍵字:半導體產業、光電產業、工程承攬、發包策略、承攬策略 / As the developments in semiconductor and opto-electronic industries grow rapidly, they have become two major economic industries of Taiwan to compete globally. In order to keep Taiwan’s exiting advantages in manufacturing and its strength and also to improve its design and innovation abilities, Taiwan government has proposed “The New Century Two Trillions Double Stars Industries Development Plan” and the plan has clearly outlined the development directions for both semiconductor and flat panel display industries in Taiwan. While stepping into 21st century, the developments in Taiwan industries have faced enormous competition due to the sharp rising of emerging countries, China especially. For maintaining its competition advantages and upgrading its market shares, every enterprise only has to accelerate on making investments to the plant construction. By doing so, it aims to create economic scale to lower the product costs and it also aims to increase the entry barriers for competitors through its leading advanced technologies. In recent years, major enterprises in Taiwan have aggressively engaging in 12” fab construction and TFT-LCD 8th generation plant construction planning. Since both are the investments required high capital, the enhancement in procurement professionals’ negotiation skills and the selections of qualified contractors, the drawing up for the contracting strategies and the completion of the plant construction within shortest time with minimum budget are the major policies for the enterprises of the plant construction. This paper aims at probing into what are the key factors that will have influence on the procurement and contracting strategies made by the enterprises of the plant construction and followed by responding proposals provided from the contractors’ of the plant construction points of view and also the developments of the contracting strategies made by them. Since there are not many researches about the topic on the contracting strategies of the plant construction, the study is mainly from live interviews with experts and through interviews with facility managers and procurement mangers of semiconductor and TFT-LCD plants to understand their points of views on the procurement and contracting strategies of the plant construction. In addition, also matching up with major points in bibliographies, the questionnaire has been developed and the questionnaire survey has revealed various points of views about contracting from top management, facility professionals and procurement professionals and the key influential factors when facing different types of contracting meanwhile. By using Analytical Hierarchy Process, it has applied on every aspect and the percentages of the secondary indexes for the decision makers’ of different types of procurement and contracting and the results have also been compared with other related researches in order to figure out the differences and their causes. Combined with the study on the demand from top management, facility professionals and procurement professionals of the enterprises of the plant construction for the contracting of new plant construction systems, the contractors’ can draw up the responding contracting strategies and provide them to decision makers as the reference whiling they are making judgments. Key words: Semiconductor industries, Opto-electronic industries, Contracting work, Procurement strategies, Contracting strategies.

臺灣太陽能光電產業創新發展與競爭優勢 / Innovative development and competitive advantage of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan

張哲源, Chang, Che Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣的太陽能光電產業發展於2000年起發展快速,產值於2008年突破千億新台幣,太陽能光電產業從零到有僅經歷了十幾年的時間,其原因在於臺灣本身擁有良好的半導體技術基礎以及優良的人力素質,也因對於石油煤炭這類能源過度依賴,臺灣缺乏此類資源的情況下,積極發展太陽能光電產業成為了一條尋求替代再生能源的可行之路,本論文將探討臺灣發展太陽光電產業的優勢與發展模式為何,臺灣廠商又如何保持競爭優勢以因應全球化的競爭。 太陽能光電產業在台灣的發展與競爭為本論文研究之核心,在環保意識高漲以及其技術落後於其他先進國家的同時,臺灣太陽能光電產業面對國際競爭,在矽晶片型、薄膜型電池或第三代電池發展中,如何以臺灣原有之產業優勢創造利基;另外,從國家創新系統之發展模式中探討政府、公部門與私部門研究機構在太陽能光電產業發展過程中的位置為何,此一研究不僅討論其在臺灣太陽能光電產業技術升級上是否為推動者,同時檢視在全球化競爭中,政府、研究機構與產業其未來的方向為何。 / The development of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan has grown rapidly since 2000, and the output value surmount 100 billion NT Dollars in 2008. Because of Taiwan has an exceptional semiconductor and TFT-LCD manufacturing technology foundation and an excellent quality of manpower. Photovoltaic industry in Taiwan only takes less than two decades to expand to 5th main manufacturer in the world. Promoting photovoltaic industry is not only a way to solve the excessive dependence on the traditional energy, but also to find an alternative renewable energy for Taiwan. The research explores the advantage and development mode of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, and researchs how photovoltaic manufacturers maintain the competitive advantage to compete against other foreign manufacturers in the globalization age.


江雅文, Jiang, Yea-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
研究生:江雅文(1999) 論文題目:光電產業競爭優勢之研究--以國內LCD產業為例 研究所名稱:國立政治大學企業管理學系碩士班 論文摘要: 光電產業中的「光電顯示元件」在未來高度資訊化的時代中將扮演著重要的人機界面媒介,除了筆記型電腦及LCD監視器的應用之外,在「後PC時代」中,消費性電子產品及多媒體產品的應用範圍將擴大,對顯示元件之需求量將大增。現在的消費大眾對電子產品的要求傾向輕薄、省電、低輻射、環保性。傳統的CRT(Cathode Ray Tube, 陰極射線管)顯示器已無法滿足這方面的訴求,因而各類的平面顯示器正不斷地被研發中。包括液晶顯示器(LCD,Liquid Crystal Display)、電漿顯示器(PDP,Plasma Display Panel)、電激發光顯示器(ELD,Electron Luminescent Display)、真空螢光顯示器(VFD,Vacuum Fluorescent Display)、發光二極體(LED,Light Emitting Diode)、場發射顯示器(FED,Field Emission Display)等。 液晶顯示器(以下簡稱LCD)則因技術已趨成熟,其需求隨著全球筆記型電腦及LCD監視器市場的成長而迅速擴增,此外,液晶顯示技術的發展也刺激了其他電子產品的創新,其範圍涵蓋了資訊、通訊及消費性電子商品等。因此,LCD產業的發展被資訊界喻為本世紀末的產業革命之一,因為其具有輕薄、省電、無輻射、不佔空間及可攜性等優勢,隨著多元化應用的推廣及技術的發展,LCD的整體市場規模將急遽成長。 由於液晶顯示器產業是一個相當重要的高科技產業,對於國內相關產業的關鍵零組件自主性與促進產業升級都有重大的影響。尤其是這個產業在技術與市場上的變化仍相當快速。目前以日本及韓國對我國之威脅最大,我國廠商要如何在這個光電市場領域中建立競爭優勢,找到適當定位,是一個很重要的課題。此外,自1997年開始,國內各大廠商及集團紛紛集資興建大尺寸TFT-LCD廠,預計在1999年至2001年間投產。究竟這個產業有何吸引力,為何能夠讓各種不同型態的廠商爭相投入,是個有趣的問題。而在一陣投資熱潮之後,業者是否會因產能過剩,面臨殺價競爭的慘烈局面,投入的業者應如何在這樣不確定的環境前題之下建立競爭優勢,則是個應認真思考的嚴肅議題。 本研究希望透過研究的過程,廣泛地探討競爭優勢的觀念,從競爭優勢形成的條件、競爭優勢的來源,到競爭優勢最後表現出的市場競爭效果,做一觀念上的釐清,以便對競爭優勢的分析有一深入的認知。進而找出一套適用於光電顯示元件LCD產業之有系統的競爭優勢分析架構。在實務上則希望能夠作為業者擬定企業競爭策略及政府擬定產業政策的基礎。 研究首先確立研究背景。在釐清研究問題與目的之後,著手蒐集相關產業資訊,並據以界定研究範圍;並根據文獻探討擬定研究架構作為LCD產業分析之基本架構。競爭優勢分析之理論基礎主要係按照Porter(1980)的五力分析架構,於初步了解台灣LCD產業的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅之後,再根據Porter(1990)國家優勢競爭之鑽石模型概念分析我國發展LCD產業之競爭優勢形成條件,最後,再針對台灣LCD產業的未來發展提出策略建議。 本研究為一探索性研究,為釐清LCD產業的環境及條件前提,必須建立產業分析的基本資料。首先廣泛地蒐集國內外相關的文獻、報告、期刊、雜誌、報紙及新聞等次級資料,採用Porter(1980)五力分析架構及Porter(1990)國家優勢競爭之鑽石模型概念將之整理、歸納。本著資訊收集網路化的原則,透過網際網路瀏覽器廣泛地蒐集相關網站資訊。接著,對國內廠商與相關專家進行訪談,以了解國內產業最新發展動態及其對產業競爭優勢之看法,期能提出我國LCD產業之競爭優勢狀況及可行策略,作為業者之參考。 目 錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究問題與目的 4 第三節 研究範圍 5 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 競爭優勢的觀念 7 第二節 競爭優勢及其來源 8 第三節 價值鏈模型 22 第四節 鑽石模型 24 第五節 動態競爭理論 26 第三章 研究設計 第一節 研究流程及架構 30 第二節 分析方法及資料來源 31 第三節 研究限制 32 第四章 光電產業概述 第一節 世界光電產業概述 34 第二節 我國光電產業概述 36 第三節 結論 47 第五章 LCD產業之發展概述 第一節 LCD產業概述 50 第二節 整體LCD產業發展趨勢 71 第三節 我國LCD產業發展概況 83 第四節 LCD產業未來發展趨勢 105 第六章 我國LCD產業之競爭優勢分析 第一節 我國LCD產業結構分析 117 第二節 我國LCD產業之競爭優勢分析 121 第三節 LCD產業之鑽石模型分析模式 126 第四節 我國LCD產業未來發展策略建議 130 第七章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 135 第二節 建議 138 參考文獻 141 附錄一 145

兩岸太陽能光電廠商競合策略研究 / A case study for cross-strait photovoltaic interfirm co-opetition strategy

王羚卉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,環境汙染、能源危機等議題,使世界各國莫不開始重視環境永續經營之課題。目前被認為具發展潛力之替代能源包括太陽能、風力、地熱、水力、生質能等,其中,由於太陽能為取之不盡、用之不竭的循環再生能源,具無汙染、發展歷史悠久、取得來源穩定、發電成本逐年下降等優勢,因此,各國政府皆致力於太陽能光電產業之發展與推動。 根據統計,太陽能光電產業產品製造重心在2008年金融風暴後,快速往亞洲地區移動,產量增加最快的地區為中國和臺灣,兩岸因各自不同的地理環境、發展條件、政府政策等因素,促使相關產品在全球市場佔有率持續增加。2009 年全球太陽能電池產量為9.34GW,其中,中國與台灣佔全球總產量的49%(中國38%、台灣11%),可見兩岸同時共享全球太陽能光電市場,亦共同競爭全球再生能源產業版圖。 本研究由廠商角度出發,針對兩岸太陽能光電產業競爭與合作策略進行多面向分析研究。首先透過Porter (1980, 1990)五力分析與鑽石模型,對兩岸太陽能光電產業進行探討,並以廠商層次之資源基礎與交易成本等理論,瞭解個案廠商的交易成本與交易價值,同時探討國家和產業因素是否在廠商合作或不合作決策間形成調節效果。本研究發現,面對中國廠商,不同價值鏈階段的台灣廠商需選擇不同的競爭或合作策略,垂直整合並非台灣太陽能光電廠商首選之發展策略。同時,基於資源與能力的互補性可發現,兩岸同價值鏈階段廠商呈相互競爭狀態,廠商合作動機低,而兩岸不同價值鏈階段廠商的合作動機則高。在合作方式方面,則因台灣廠商的目的性差異,主要分作長短期契約和合資兩種方式。此外,本研究亦發現國家條件,如生產要素互補性與政府政策,以及產業發展現況將帶動兩岸廠商建立合作關係的可能性。 / Due to increasingly environmental issues such as pollution or energy crisis, people begin to regard environmental sustainability as an important topic in recent years. There are several kinds of potential substitute energy, including solar, wind, geothermal, water power, biomass energy, etc. Solar energy is one of important substitute energies because of its pollution-free characteristics, stability and decreasing cost trend. Therefore, the governments are committed to develop and promote the solar photovoltaic industry. According to statistics, the production area of photovoltaic products has been moved quickly from Europe to Asia after the financial crisis in 2008. The two of the fastest growing areas are China and Taiwan. Due to geographical environment, development conditions, government policies and other industrial factors, photovoltaic products from China and Taiwan continue to increase in the global market share. For instance, China and Taiwan accounted for 49% (or 93.4GW) of the worldwide solar cell production (38% in China, 11% in Taiwan) in 2009. It is obvious that China and Taiwan are competing the global photovoltaic market share. Based on five forces model, diamond model, transaction cost theory and resource-based view, this study provides a multi-strategic analysis of co-opetition in the cross-strait photovoltaic industry. By collecting secondary data and conducing case study, I complete a serious of systematic analysis and results with the grounded theory approach.

台灣光電企業跨足綠能整合之策略布局 / The transformation strategy of Taiwan's optoelectronic company to the green energy integration industry

魏明皓, Wei, Ming Hao Unknown Date (has links)
台灣光電產業為近年來台灣經濟成長的最佳動力來源之一,截至2010年,台灣光電總產值已經突破新台幣2兆元。其中以LED、顯示面板、太陽能電池模組等貢獻最多,帶給台灣大量的就業機會,並創造出全球第一的產值。然而,台灣光電大廠以往的經營模式大都以OEM/ODM為主,製造代工屬微笑曲線價值最低的中間區域,因此企業不斷找尋轉型的機會。近年來因能源耗竭隱憂,綠能產業蔚為未來科技革命的新主流,如太陽能發電、風力發電、LED照明、電動車等,為台灣光電大廠創造新的契機。幾間光電領導大廠紛紛跨入綠能產業,除了研發製造端,也開始嘗試挑戰下游的系統整合與行銷通路,尤其以太陽能發電系統為主。面對下游不熟悉的領域,以及眾多的綠能廠商競爭對手,光電企業必須從自身核心能耐出發,找尋最佳切入點,並靈活運用相關資源,與事業夥伴密切合作,方能找到自己的定位,建立獨特競爭優勢。 本研究從光電企業跨足綠能產業的先後整體性策略布局進行分析比較,並由顧客價值與企業核心能力的角度出發,深入探討面對綠能產業下游的新事業之組織設計、營運模式、關鍵資源、關鍵流程等。本研究建議台灣光電廠商面對市場白地時,應打破傳統製造思維,以創新商業模式進行在地化資源整合,進而建立行銷通路,打造自有品牌。並且建構良好的學習交流管道,讓新事業在下游的經營管理經驗帶回企業。 / Recently, the optoelectronic industry becomes one of the driving forces of economic growth in Taiwan. Until 2010, the output value of optoelectronic industry was over 2000 billion NTD, creating many employment opportunities. The optoelectronic industry in Taiwan is accounted for the largest output value in the world, especially in sectors such as LED, photovoltaic panels, solar cell and solar modules. However, a lot of optoelectronic companies in Taiwan are OEM/ODM based. They capture the lowest value in the supply chain. Hence, many companies are eager to seize the opportunity to implement transformation strategy. Nowadays, due to energy depletion issue, more and more people care about the popularized green energy industry, include solar power, wind power, LED lighting, electric cars and so on. This condition states good foundation for optoelectronic companies in Taiwan to perform transformation strategy. Some leading companies started to cross boundaries into the green energy industry, especially focusing on manufacturing and system integration of solar power system. Facing the unfamiliar downstream business and existing green energy competitors, optoelectronic companies should start with own core capability to find the best point of entry while entering the whole new industry. They need to integrate local resources and cooperate with business partners, finding their unique position and to build up their own competitive advantage. This study analyzes a comprehensive strategy framework for optoelectronic companies in Taiwan crossing over to the green energy industry. First thing ahead, the company should start with its own core capability and consumer value, developing new business model, organization structure, key resources and key process of the new field. The conclusion of this research suggests that optoelectronic companies in Taiwan should forgo its old ways of manufacturing thinking, and operate with innovative business model to integrate the localized resources, establish its own marketing channel, create its own brand, and construct good learning process that can bring downstream experience into the organization when operating in the new industry.

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