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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以精實創業探討新創事業平台化之歷程-以iCHEF為例 / Study of Startup Platformization from The Lean Startup Perspective- A Case Study of iCHEF

張家銘, Chang, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
2011年,Eric Ries於美國提出了「精實創業」理論,以科學、系統性的方法論,希望能夠提高新創事業的創業成功率。另外,由於各種類型平台的成功,近年來越來越多新創事業希望能夠建立連接多方的平台商業模式。本研究以精實創業理論為架構,探討精實創業對於新創事業平台化歷程的影響。目前國內仍少有文獻資料以此理論為架構做研究,筆者希望本研究有拋磚引玉之效果,對未來台灣學術界、創業界有正向幫助。 本研究利用次級資料以及深度訪談做資料的蒐集以及個案的分析與瞭解,並以精實創業理論「假設測試與評估軸轉或堅持」架構分析個案公司iCHEF的創業歷程,最後以商業模式圖呈現個案公司創業初期至未來商業模式的改變,整理得出最後的研究結論與發現。 本研究發現,個案公司精實創業的做法有助於達成其平台化的目標,並造成了正向的改變;但是在使用的本質上,與精實創業的精神有所差異。精實創業旨在透過不斷的測試去摸索並改變自身的商業模式,然而,iCHEF則是在心中已有未來策略方向,透過精實創業的做法去執行並達成最終的策略目標。筆者建議,未來後續研究者可以去探討發生此現象背後的原因,或是以其他平台個案與此個案的平台化歷程做比較式研究。

新創公司股票上市櫃前機構投資人之投資評價模式之個案研究 – 以長天科技公司為例

吳惠英 Unknown Date (has links)
最近的二、三十年中,不同型態的機構投資人,如創投業者或是資金雄厚、尋求多角化經營之大型集團企業,透過對於產業發展趨勢,以及產品技術上的專業判斷,積極參與新創事業之早期投資,這些機構投資人非但協助了創業者壯大其事業,也因其早期參與新創事業之股權,而實現了極高的報酬率,或者達到不同的投資目的,而提升集團的競爭力。 一、 在新創事業至逐步擴充、成熟的不同的發展階段,在不同的營運目的下,新創事業與機構投資人間之資訊揭露,以及企業價值與投資評價方式,有著極大的不同。本文以個案實例方式,將新創事業於企業不同發展階段,所引進之不同型態機構投資人之過程中,來探討機構投資人的評價方式,以及對公司實質的影響。 本研究發現 : 1. 台灣專業創投業者以投資於擴張期之發行公司為主;國內之創業投資機構依據其資金來源,可以概分為專業型創投、產業集團內之創投以及金融控股公司內創投,或因各自集團內之資訊資源不同,因此各自擁有不同之投資偏好,以台灣之專業創投而言,其偏好投資於擴張期、整體營運風險已大幅降低之企業。 2. 專業創投之投資評估考量,依序為產業成長性、經營團隊背景、技術程度等,為最主要之非量化摽準。 3. 專業創投之評價方式多較為簡易,主要係以議價方式與發行公司協議投資價格,實際價格之訂定則依發行公司於財務規劃上之經驗而有不同之協議空間。 4. 機構投資人參與公司營運之程度均較高,專業創投均以加入公司董事會為監督方式之ㄧ,以接近發行公司之實際營運資訊。 5. 因上市櫃法令對於董事以及監察人之長期間持股轉讓限制,因此機構投資人擔任董事及監察人者,均於發行上市櫃之前,於投資報酬率相對滿足時,轉讓持股以退出董事會,提早實現獲利。 6. 適度之機構投資人持股是必要的,創業者在公司控制權之外,透過不同的股東結構, 可多方面的強化發行公司的營運架構,提高企業整體價值。

天使投資人?以國內新創設計公司為例 / Case Study: Angel Investor? Using Domestic Design Company as an Example

高琳雅, Kao, Lin Ya Unknown Date (has links)
2009年之際,台灣中小企業隨著時代演進逐年增加,各項數據顯示了台灣蓬勃 的創業活動,正走向「創業型經濟體系」的形態,然而,其中的設計產業,由於 商業模式多元且無界限,並無既定的商業模式可供遵循,台灣中小型企業在此產 業中創業的案例雖多,關於此領域的相關財務管理文獻卻相當匱乏,一般教科書 與教學個案關於此類的案例也相當稀少。本研究乃是藉由「01 生活發展事業」此間設計公司在 2009、2010 年之際創業的案例,透過財務管理觀點(特別是預算評估、資金運用以及公司治理之代理人問題作為分析重點),搭配企業管理相關分析,對當時的台灣設計產業創業環境以及公司本身做綜合性的討論,提供給欲進入設計產業之潛在企業家,以及剛踏入設計產業創業家,一個不同以往的借鏡與思考方向。

新創事業的智慧資本建構與管理— 以某醫工公司參與BOO過程為例

蔡佩君 Unknown Date (has links)
在今日的經濟活動中,知識比自然資源、龐大的工廠、雄厚的資金,都要寶貴,也都要強大。由於知識已經成為現代企業營運最重要的條件,所以對於智慧資本的管理,也成為經營上最重要的課題。然而,新創事業在自身人力、時間及資源有限的窘境下,如何在生存及成長間求平衡,如何從實做中學習,使公司在穩定營運的前提下,建構自身智慧資本、管理之使其成為之後的競爭利器,進一步地成為加速企業成長的獨特競爭力。智慧資本對新創事業而言重要性不亞於穩定運作的企業,甚至更是新創事業用以自產業中勝出的關鍵因素。 本研究以某醫學工程公司參與BOO(Build-Own-Operate)過程為例,針對新創公司的智慧資本累積及建構過程,以及活動的情形,做一深入的探討,並從中歸納出重要的影響因素,盼能供後進新創事業參考,提高其競爭力,加速其成功發展。本研究旨在回答下列幾個問題: (1) 新創事業之智慧資本構面及其內涵。 (2) 新創事業發展的過程中,智慧資本各構面間的相對比重、個別構面成長幅度、內容增長情形。 (3) 智慧資本的建構過程,是經由哪些智慧資本的活動所進行,是否隨建構過程而變異。 (4) 智慧資本的活動對於智慧資本各構面的內容及新創事業的發展過程,有何直接及間接的影響。 (5) 對新創事業的智慧資本建構及管理作一綜合整理及建議。 本研究分別針對四個角度進行個案分析: (1) 同一時期不同智慧資本構面的分析 (2) 同一智慧本構面不同時期的分析 (3) 重要事件對個別智慧資本構面影響的分析 (4) 各時期間的智慧資本動態情形的分析 最後,本研究得到下列結論: (1) 新創事業籌設之初,智慧資本在構面間的分佈不均衡。隨著公司的發展及成長,智慧資本構面間的相對存量比重,將漸趨於平衡協調 (2) 新創事業的智慧資本建構過程,是先「廣度」的延伸,再「深度」的蓄積,再由「深度」衍生出「廣度」,進而編織出專屬於企業的綿密「智慧資本網」 (3) 新創事業的智慧資本構面中,人力資本及關係資本的發展過程分別深受「重要事件」及「客戶」影響。而結構資本的發展是人力及關係資本綜合後的呈現 (4) 企業內部有效的系統及機制設計,以及外在重要事件對公司的刺激,均將加速新創事業內智慧資本的流動速率 (5) 同仁間「向心力」及「共同目標」的建立,是公司智慧資本創造的重要啟動裝置。而透過組織專屬知識的創造過程,可以使智慧資本三構面間的流動情形更平衡 (6) 針對客戶需求而創造智慧資本的過程,加速了知識在組織內流動的速率,更提升新知識及新智慧資本被創造的速率(正向回饋) / In the business activities nowadays, knowledge generally plays a more valuable and powerful role than tangible resources and capitals. Since knowledge is one of the most important resources for enterprises, management of intellectual capital also became a significant issue. Well-structured and managed intellectual capital can be a company’s unique competitive advantage. However, for a start-up company, it would be a more difficult task than a well-developed one, since a start-up is more limited in manpower and resources, and busier in balance between survival and growth. But the importance of intellectual capital for a start-up company, which is eager to win-out from the industry, is even more critical than well-developed companies. This research took a medical engineering company processing BOO(Build-Own-Operate)project as an example, and concluded several important factors for a start-up company to construct its own intellectual capital. The objects of the research was to answer questions listed below: (1) The constructs and contains of intellectual capital for a start-up company (2) The relative weight and individual growth situation of intellectual capital constructs (3) Activities for a start-up to construct intellectual capital (4) Direct and indirect impacts for these activities to influence the development of a start-up company (5) Suggestion for a start-up company to construct intellectual capital This research analyzed through four points of view: (1) Individual development of three intellectual capital constructs in each time period (2) Development through time periods for each intellectual capital constructs (3) The impact of events for individual intellectual capital constructs (4) The interacting situation among intellectual capital constructs After all, the research concluded that: (1) The distribution of intellectual capital among constructs, which is not balanced in a start-up company, will be generally equilibrated. (2) The process of a start-up company constructing its intellectual capital is going extensive first, following with intensive, then extensive, and so on, to weave particular “intellectual capital net” (3) Among intellectual capital constructs, the development of human capital and relationship capital are impacted by “events” and “clients” individually. The development of structural capital is the appearance combining of human capital and relationship capital. (4) Both of company’s internal operating plan and external events stimulation will accelerate the interaction among the intellectual capital constructs of a start-up company. (5) Member cohesion is the trigger to create intellectual capital. Through creation of organizational particular knowledge, three constructs of intellectual capital will interact more harmoniously. (6) In a start-up company, creating intellectual capital will accelerate the flow velocity of knowledge, which will improve the creation of new knowledge and intellectual capital. It’s a positive feedback process.

企業新創事業經營策略之研究-以B公司為例 / The study of business strategy of new ventures : In case of B co. in China (system integrator)

徐中玲, Hsu, Chung Ling Unknown Date (has links)
自九十年代初期開始,台商在中國大陸投資案急速增加,近年來,因為大陸工資水準的增加,大中華地區的台商及陸商對系統整合的需求越來越大,因此,對於台灣的系統整合廠商擴大中國大陸市場是個好時機。然而,大陸經過幾十年的改革後,思想文化已與台灣有所不同,加上金融體系的制度不夠完整,都加深了台商西進大陸的風險。本研究主要係探討關鍵資源及智慧資本對台商西進大陸新創事業之經營績效的影響。 根據創業相關文獻回顧,本研究從智慧資本的觀點出發。參考相關學者對新創事業的經營策略的建議,本研究認為在資訊整合產業的新創事業應以無形資產做為經營策略的導向,建立不被複製之智慧資產。 本研究以個案訪談方式,選擇在大陸新創公司的台商作為研究對象。經由相關問題分析,以瞭解大陸台商之關鍵資源、經營方向與新創事業經營績效之關係。根據資料分析結果,本研究得到下列幾項重要發現: 1.資源的多寡對台商大陸新創事業的經營績效有顯著影響。 2.累積愈多的知識資源,對大陸台商新創事業愈有利。 3.大陸台商創業導向的強弱程度,對資源基礎與經營績效的關係有干擾作用;其中在知識資源對經營績效的干擾作用更明顯。 / Since early 1990s, the cases of Taiwan investment in China have been increasing rapidly. These years, the laboring cost goes up, so the demand of system integration for both Taiwanese and Chinese investors is increasing. Due to this, it’s a good timing for the Taiwanese System Integrator to develop the market in China. However, after tens of years of revolution in China, the culture and the way of thinking is totally different from Taiwanese. At the same time, the financial system is still not well-organized. All of these bring Taiwanese investors many risks. This study aimed to explore the factors of key resources and intellectual capital which will influence on the performance of the Taiwanese investors’ new ventures in China. According to the review of related literatures, this study follows the viewpoint of intellectual capital. It was supposed that the strategy of the entrepreneurial orientation should be based on intangible assests and establish a un-copied intellectual capital. The hypothesis of this study was proposed by case study. This study applied a survey of interviewing a Taiwanese investor in China. Analyses were conducted to find the relationship between the key resource of Taiwan investment in China, entrepreneurial orientation, business strategy and performance of entrepreneurial enterprises. Based on the result of data analysis, the major findings were as follows: 1. The magnitude of resources had a significant impact on the performance of the new ventures of Taiwan investment in China. 2. The more the knowledge resource was accumulated, the better the performance of the new ventures of Taiwan investment in China. 3. The degree of entrepreneurial orientation of Taiwan investment in China has a significant moderate effect on the relationship between resource base and operational performance. And the knowledge resources appeared to be more obvious.

新創事業定位之研究 / Case Study of New Venture Position

吳佩殷, Wu, Pei-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
一個新興事業創建的初期,除了對外有營運上的挑戰,在內部還要面對資源分配、人員聘用以及財務上周轉等的基本營運問題,由於其缺少同產業上可仿效或是追隨的目標對象,使得創建時期潛藏的不確定因子往往比具有某種程度規模的組織來的更多。本研究以本研究者和其團隊在2006年年底所創立之公司為研究對象,從綠色光電產業市場中的初級資料和次級資料,以質性研究方法,探討下面三面向之問題 (機會、團隊與資源):L公司在綠色光電的產業中之未來營運機會為何?在L公司發展過程中,團隊的核心能力為何?L公司如何在外界的環境中善用現有資源?如何找到他們? 結合的方式為何? 本研究是藉由夏恩博士於2005年所著「科技創業聖經」,原名為「尋找肥沃田地 – 為新事業辨視絕佳的機會」(Finding Fertile Ground – Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures) 書中的十個章節與L公司發展過程做一檢視,在機會的面向:選擇正確的產業、找出有價值的機會、管理科技演變、鎖定市場的真正需求、及了解顧客採用行為;團隊的面向: 管理智慧財產權與選擇正確的組織結構;資源的面向:利用既有公司的弱點、將報酬導向創新與管理風險和不確定性,以這十個面向為經,並利用Jeffry A.Timmons和 Stephen Spinelli在2003年所著的New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for 21st Century創業三構面 (機會、團隊與資源)為緯,將研究與實務做一比較,找出L公司下一步的方向與策略。 本研究發現,L公司在經由上述的檢討與行動修正後,能找到適當的利基點,正確掌握公司的核心能力,並隨著動態環境的改變適時作出調整,降低營運的風險。 / A new intention venture who builds up in the early stage faces the challengues not only the outsides operation, but how to solve the resources allocation, employee recruitment and finance issues…etc. Because this kind of new intention ventures are lack of the benchmark in the same industry, which make much more uncertain factors than in large scale companies. This research adopts researcher herself company, L Company, which is founded in the end of 2006 as the case study. We want to explore the following 3 dimention questions (Opportunities, Team and Resources) in green lighting industry with initial data and second level data, and use inductive research method. The three questions are: 1. What’s the future opportunity for L Company in the green lighting industry? 2. What’s the core competency from L company’s team in its developing process? 3. How to utilize the current resources in outsides environment for L Company? And how to find them and what are the methods to leverage them? This research approach applies Scott A. Shane’s theory framework – Finding Fertile Ground - Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures to review L company ‘s operation, and adopt Jeffry A.Timmons and Stephen Spinelli’s theory - New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for 21st Century to make the comparison of research and physical operation, and find out the next step for L company’s direction and strategy. Within this study, we find L Company can find its own niche market, control well her competition capibility through above items’ review and action adjustment and can reduce its operation risk with change in dynamic environment.


黃廷愷, Huang, Ting-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
在創業風氣鼎盛的現代,本研究試圖了解並培養一比較嚴謹的方法,作為一植基在新興科技的新創事業進行事業規劃時可以依循的參考架構,尤其在面對技術與市場的不確定下,藉由本研究的方法幫助決策者以全面性的角度進行新事業的策略規劃,以提昇決策品質。本研究主要的研究發現如下: • 在新事業規劃發展的過程中,資訊情報蒐集的深度與廣度決定了情境規劃與STP策略的合理性與嚴謹度。 • 資訊來源除了市場資訊外,產業、學界專家的意見也是重要的一環。創業團隊的網絡關係決定能接觸到何種層級的專家與能蒐集到多深入的資訊。 • 市場資料通常有正確性與時效性的問題,因此多元化的資料來源蒐集,重複驗證資料的正確性,並由專家顧問獲得訊息求證是必須的。 • 影響一新事業發展的構面包括產業環境、技術能力、市場顧客、互補性資產與競爭者。 • 完整的思考邏輯是將情境規劃的構面導入STP的決策模式。市場區隔化的影響因素包括技術能力、市場顧客、與競爭者構面;選擇目標市場由產業環境、市場顧客、互補性資產、與競爭者構面所影響;市場定位由技術能力、市場顧客、互補性資產與競爭者構面所影響。 • 傳統的STP策略注重在市場顧客構面資料的取得與分析。因此當新技術出現,發生市場不確定高、消費者需求不明確的情形,則傳統的STP策略將無法有效為一新事業進行策略分析。

電腦週邊事業行銷策略之研究-以G公司為例 / The study of business marketing strategy of computer peripheral industry: in case of G co.

陳清賢, Chen, Ching Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電腦週邊設備製造業的發展,一直以來與 PC 產業發展具有高度關聯性。本產業大約從1980 年代開始,國內廠商大多以代工模式興起。自1990 年起,產業進入快速成長階段,產能規模持續成長,台灣亦成為電腦週邊設備的製造重鎮。而近年來隨著科技產業的蓬勃發展,電腦週邊設備更是越來越複雜,產品種類不僅繁多、汰換率高且產品生命週期日趨縮短。再加上產業集中化與微利化的情形下,彼此之間的競爭更是激烈。 本論文研究是以台灣電腦週邊設備製造領導廠商G公司為個案,研究其將近三十年之行銷實務經驗,以提供未來台灣新創中小事業行銷組合策略之參考依據。在藉由本次行銷組合策略的分析過程中,讓我們更加了解電腦週邊設備製造業的現況及未來發展趨勢,以及如何面對產業的快速變化和不確定性。 文中是以訪談G公司經營高層,以及蒐集其他相關文件資料的方式,來探討國內電腦週邊設備製造商行銷組合策略,並將所獲得之成果進行衡量,其中研究之影響變數有市場區隔、目標市場、市場定位、產品定位、研發創新能力、行銷通路布建等等。透過本個案研究之結果,提供下列數點建議,以供台灣新創中小事業之借鏡: 1.透過明確的市場區隔,可穩定成長並避免與市場既有廠商競爭及攻擊。 2.要能掌握通路布局並與經銷商保持良好關係。 3.妥善運用區域彈性定價,以保持公司競爭強度及獲利。 4.發展品牌,以避免落入價格競爭。 5.技術領先與創新產品,保持公司競爭力。 6.積極參與國內、外產品展,藉以快速打開知名度。 關鍵字:新創事業,市場區隔,行銷組合策略。 / In Taiwan, computer peripheral equipment manufacturing industry has been highly associated with the PC industry. About the industry from the 1980s began, most domestic manufacturers rise to the OEM model. Since 1990, the industry entered a rapid growth stage, the capacity continued to grow; Taiwan has become the manufacturing center for computer peripherals. In recent years, the rapid development of the technology industry, computer peripheral equipment is more complex, not only the range of product categories, replacement rate and increasingly shorter product life cycles. Coupled with industry concentration and the case of shrinking profit margins, more competition between them is intense. This thesis is based on Taiwan's leading computer peripheral equipment G Co., as a case study of marketing practices for nearly three decades of experience, to provide for Taiwan's future small new ventures marketing mix strategy of reference. By this time in the marketing mix strategy analysis process, our understanding of computer peripheral equipment manufacturing industry development status and future trends, and how to deal with the rapid industry change and uncertainty. The article is based on interviews with the senior management of G co., and to collect other relevant documents, to explore the domestic manufacturer of computer peripherals marketing mix strategies, and measure the results obtained, which studies the impact of variables there is market segmentation, target market, market positioning, product positioning, R & D innovation, marketing channels, and so on. Through the case study results, the following points provide suggestions for the new ventures: 1.Through the market segmentation, we can stable growth and to avoid competition with existing companies and the victims of its attacks. 2.We should be able to master channel and maintain good relations with retailers. 3.Good use of flexible pricing strategy to maintain ours competitive and profitability. 4.To develop the brand in order to avoid falling into the price competition. 5.Technological leadership and innovative products, to keep the competitiveness of company. 6.Involved in domestic and international electronics show, in order to build brand awareness quickly. Keywords: New Ventures, market segmentation, marketing mix strategies.

新創事業的口碑管理-以木酢家為例 / Word of Mouth Management of Startup Business - A Case Study of Mujohome Pet Supplies

黃楷評 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣有很多的新創公司,產業結構以中小企業為主, 2013年台灣中小企業佔全體企業的97.64%;不可否認的是中小企業是台灣經濟的中流砥柱,也是幫助就業與平均分配所得的要角。然而,有超過三成的新設企業在五年以內結束營業,而經濟部2013年所出版的全球創業觀察台灣年報中的調查表示,新設企業在資金周轉不靈或是資源缺乏的情況下,將難以持續營運企業。 當人們再購買產品或是服務之前,多半傾向會去詢問親友或是熟人的意見,有93%的消費者會上網搜尋口碑意見,且有近53%的消費者會上網評論、分享他們的經驗,而當對於商品或服務滿意時,評論的意願會增加。國內外對於口碑效應的研究不在少數,但研究本身多集中在口碑效應的行程以及消費者行為,較少從企業的觀點出發研究口碑管理,如果能夠深入研究口碑管理的操作細節並能夠為新創事業所運用的話,將能夠大大提升資源效率與公司的存活率。 本研究欲探討的問題有三,1. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何促進口碑傳播?再者,促進口碑傳播的行為與其成長階段的關係為何?2. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何監視口碑?再者,監視口碑的行為與其成長階段的關係為何?3. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何回應口碑?再者,回應口碑的行為與其成長階段的關係為何? 透過深入訪談新創事業-木酢家,並配合相關次級資料的蒐集與整理,本研究獲得以下結論1.新創事業會透過接觸虛擬和實體世界中不同的人際網絡促進口碑傳播。2. 新創事業口碑監視的重點在於,更詳細的了解消費者行為,以及顧客真正想要的產品。3. 口碑回應是對消費者傳達理念的途徑,新創事業再塑造形象時會納入策略的一部分。 / There are many start-up companies in Taiwan, and therefore made the industrial structure full of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In the year of 2013, SMEs account for 97.64% of all the enterprises,and are the mainstay of the employment market andthe economy system in Taiwan. However, the data shows that over 30% of SMEs end up in 5 years, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) from the Ministry of Economic Affairs said that the lack of money and resources are the biggest challenge of running a start-up company. When making the decision of buying products and services, people incline to ask for the opinions from friends or acquaintances. The data shows that 93% of the respondents search word-of-mouth informations on the internet, and 53% of them shared their experiences. The more satisfaction they perceived, the more likely they would share the experience. There were abundance of researches in the past studying word-of-mouth, much of them gave discussions on word-of-mouth effects and consumer behaviors, while only a few studying about word-of-mouth management from the enterprise view of point. Despite the power that word-of-mouth contains, if it can be apply by some of the SMEs, it might enhance the efficiency of utilizing resources. This thesis is going to study three questions: 1. How does a start-up company foster word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth foster activity and the growing phases? 2. How does a start-up company monitor word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth monitor activity and the growing phases? 3. How does a start-up company responds to word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth responding activity and the growing phases? The research findings are describe as following:1. A Start-up company foster word-of-mouth by attaching different virtual and physical social networks. 2. The word-of-mouth monitor activity of a start-up company focuses on the comprehension of consumer behaviors and the consumer needs. 3. The word-of-mouth responding activity is a way to convey the belief of the company, it would be a part of the strategy when a start-up company is shaping its image.

新創事業體之競爭與挑戰–以宏碁自建雲數位看板為例 / Challenges of New Business Venture: A Case Study of Acer Being Signage

施嵐, Shih, Lan Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代來臨,過去在戶外見到的傳統招牌廣告、商店內張貼的紙本海報,或是速食店(Quick Service Restaurant)的菜單,現在都漸漸由數位看板取代。根據Global Industry Analysts的預測,2017年全球數位看板市場規模約為138億美元。宏碁自建雲部門於2012年起致力於發展雲端相關之產品,看好數位看板的高成長性,宏碁將數位看板與自身雲端系統結合,在德國成功銷售了8,000台數位看板解決方案。2017年,宏碁取得前線媒體的影像辨識感應器技術,並將其應用到宏碁智雲看板解決方案上,讓「眼球經濟」商業化,成為創新的商業模式。透過積極的入股和策略聯盟,宏碁不斷優化自身的銷售組合以及商業模式,希望將營運宏碁智雲看板的Acer Being Signage Gmbh德國子公司成為宏碁自建雲第一個上市的事業體。 本研究將探討宏碁智雲看板的商業模式,同時,給予其建議,使其能與競爭者差異化以達到目標所需之銷售量。 / Digital transformation age has come. Digital Signage replaced the traditional out-of-home media such as plastic advertising signs, posters in stores and paper menus in quick service restaurants. According to the estimation by Global Industry Analysts, Digital Signage Market value in 2017 is about 13.8 billion USD. Acer BYOC department focused on developing cloud-based related products. Considering the high potential of digital signage, Acer BYOC combined cloud technology with signage, and successfully sold 8,000 digital signage solution in Germany by its subsidiary Acer Being Signage GmbH. In 2017, Acer BYOC acquired the technique of Behavior Tracking System from Pilot TV and applied it on the digital signage solution. Acer commercialize “eye economy” into its business model for innovation. By altering and fine-tuning its product mix and business model, Acer hope that Acer Being Signage GmbH could be the first listing business unit in BYOC. This thesis will discuss about Acer ‘s current business model, as well as offering suggestions so that Acer can be differentiated from its competitors and increase the sales volume.

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