Spelling suggestions: "subject:"procurement strategies"" "subject:"rocurement strategies""
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Upphandlingsprocessen i Byggbranschen : En kvalitativ analys av metoder och strategier i upphandlingMorina, Erblin, Bengtsson, Isak January 2023 (has links)
The construction industry is a complex sector that places high demands on project management, planning, and implementation. Significant progress has been made in recent decades regarding the delivery of extensive construction projects, including the adoption of new building techniques, improved risk management systems, and enhanced safety measures. However, a lack of efficiency persists in the construction industry in many countries. This is due to issues within projects, such as time and cost overruns, conflicts among stakeholders, limitations in productivity improvement, quality development, and inadequate customer satisfaction. Following this, many researchers and society at large have called for a change in attitudes, behavior, and practices to increase the chances of successful construction projects to improve the result of the final products. With increased complexity, uncertainty, and time constraints in construction projects, there has been a growing need for collaboration among various project stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the choices made by clients in the procurement process and what contractors prefer. Based on other studies finding that collaborative procurement procedures enhance project performance, this thesis wants to analyze clients’ and contractors’ views regarding collaborative procurement procedures. Additionally, moral-hazard is a component of procurement strategies and contracts, particularly in more complex transactions that involve interaction, which significantly affects the construction industry. Therefore, it is an important aspect to look at how the construction industry works to prevent the emergence of moral-hazard. Based on semi-structured interviews conducted with nine respondents, comprising of five respondents from the contractor side, three from the client side, and one consultant. It has provided insight into how collaboration and moral hazard are perceived. We can conclude that the client's choice of procedure in the procurement process is often closely linked to the selected form of contract. When clients select a form of contract or when contractors submit bids, it appears to be based on the company's expertise, tradition, or what best suits the project. Those who feel skilled or comfortable with partnering tend to choose partnering more frequently. The strategic choices are also shaped by a systematic and thoughtful decision-making process, consciously or unconsciously, to reduce the risk of opportunistic behavior that may occur.
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Byggentreprenörers upphandling av underentreprenörer på den svenska marknaden / Construction contractors' procurement of subcontractors on the Swedish marketFredriksson, Lukas, Larsson, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Byggindustrin har en betydande del i ett lands ekonomiska utveckling. Underentreprenörer bidrar med upp till 90 % av ett projekts totala värde, vilket lägger stor vikt vid upphandlingen av underentreprenörer. I denna studie undersöks det hur entreprenörer på den privata marknaden uppfattar upphandlingen av underentreprenörer, vilka problem och möjligheter som kan kopplas till denna process samt hur rätt val av upphandlingsstrategier kan bidra till effektivare processer. För att besvara syfte och frågeställningar har tio stycken intervjuer genomförts. Intervjupersonerna var inköpare, produktionsledare samt representanter från underentreprenörerna. Intervjupersonernas tankar och idéer jämfördes med den information författarna erhållit från studier av artiklar, rapporter och andra texter. Resultatet påvisar att aktörerna uppfattar att upphandlingsarbetet i dagsläget överlag fungerar bra, det finns dock utrymme för förbättringar. Tidsbrist, otydlighet samt dåliga handlingar är faktorer som ständigt tas upp som problem i arbetet. Entreprenören bör fokusera på vad som är av vikt vid den specifika entreprenaden, samt hålla anbudsförfrågan kort, koncis och projektanpassad. Att i större utsträckning jobba med samma underentreprenörer kan bidra till förbättringar gällande tid och tydlighet, i vissa fall kan det också vara aktuellt att skriva in specifik organisation i kontrakt. Att blanda ersättningsformer kan bidra till flexiblare processer. Hur omfattande detaljnivån i handlingar ska vara är av vikt vid val av entreprenadform. Tradition, vad entreprenör och underentreprenör vanligen jobbar med, påverkar val av upphandlingsstrategi. Detta kan hämma utvecklingen och testandet av nya tekniker och idéer. / The construction industry constitutes a significant part of a country's economic development. Subcontractors contribute up to 90% of a projects total production value, which make the procurement of subcontractors vital. This study examines how private market actors perceive the procurement of subcontractors, which problems and opportunities can be linked to this process and how the right choice of procurement strategies can contribute to more efficient processes. In order to answer the purpose and the research questions, nine interviews were conducted. The interviewees were buyers, production managers and representatives from subcontractors. The thoughts and ideas from the interviews were compared with scientific articles, reports and other texts. The result indicates that there is room for improvements in the procurement work but in overall it works well, according to the involved actors. Insufficient amount of time, ambiguity and poor documents are constantly mentioned as problems in the procurement process. The client should specify important things for the specific contract as well as keeping the bid request short, concisely and adapted to the project. Working with the sub-contractor to a greater extent could possibly contribute to improvements regarding time and clarity. In some cases it could also be appropriate to include a specific organization in the contract. By mixing different ways of how to pay for contracts the process might get more flexible. The extent of detail in the documents should affect how the contact is designed. Tradition, how the client and sub-contractor usually design their contracts, affects their future strategies of procurement. This might inhibit the use and development of new techniques and ideas.
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Effective strategy for construction materials procurement during construction towards the enhancement of sustainable building production in Western Cape, South AfricaSolanke, Bukola Hannah January 2015 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology:
Construction Management, Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying In the Faculty of Engineering, At the Cape Peninsula University of Technology / Sustainable buildings are structures produced to meet the present housing needs of a society without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their future needs. Based on
the findings derived from the reviewed literature, the production process and the operational
lifecycle of sustainable buildings promote a healthy well-being for the inhabitants and
environmental balance through the effective management of energy, water, land and materials
resources at every stage of construction. However, ineffective construction materials
procurement strategy was found in literature as a major factor that constrains the production
of sustainable buildings; leading to project failures or production cost and time overrun. Thus,
the production cost of sustainable buildings is influenced by the total cost of construction
materials acquisition, which amounts to about 65% of the total cost of building production.
This factor on cost has over the years been a significant barrier to the adoption of sustainable
building principles in the construction industry. This prompted the need to establish an
effective strategy for construction materials procurement towards the enhancement of
sustainable building production in Western Cape, South Africa.
The research study adopted a mixed methodological approach, which involved the use of
semi-structured qualitative interviews and closed-ended quantitative questionnaires
administered to construction stakeholders (contractors and consultants) in the Western Cape
Province of South Africa. SPSS version 23 software was used to analyse the quantitative data
collected and ‘content analysis’ method was used to analyse the information collected through
qualitative interview conducted.
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Att skapa drivkrafter till förändring vid upphandling : En fallstudie av två nyproduktionsprojekt i Norra Djurgårdsstaden / Creating motives for change through procurement : A case study of two new production projects in Stockholm Royal SeaportBaran, Bahar, Storm, Ebba January 2016 (has links)
Som ett steg i riktningen mot ett mer miljövänligt och hållbart Stockholm upprättades våren 2013 ett center för samordnad bygglogistik (BLC) i Norra Djurgårdsstaden på initiativ av Stockholms stad. Ett logistikcenter för samordnad bygglogistik av denna storlek är det första av sitt slag i Sverige och kräver obligatorisk anslutning av samtliga byggherrar och entreprenörer inom området. BLC som innovation har medfört ett behov av förändring hos aktörerna vid upphandling av entreprenörer och i arbetssättet under produktion för att till fullo nyttja logistikcentret. Syftet med denna studie har därför varit att se till hur anpassningsförmågan till de förändringar som en innovation som BLC kräver kan främjas eller hämmas vid val av upphandlingsstrategier. Fokus ligger således på att identifiera huruvida upphandlingsstrategier kan nyttjas som ett verktyg för förändringsledning då den upphandlande aktören vill driva igenom en eller ett flertal förändringar. Rapporten är en sammanställning av en fallstudie av två nyproduktionsprojekt med ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Studien grundar sig på en omfattande litteraturstudie, deltagande observationer samt intervjuer av berörda aktörer i de två projekten och kan klassificeras som kvalitativ, empirisk forskning med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt till inbringad empiri. Studien visar att den förändring som skett i sättet att upphandla har varit ett utökat förfrågningsunderlag från byggherrens sida innefattandes information om BLC och dess syfte och omfattning. Utökningen innehåller också rekommendationer på hur BLC kan komma att användas. Tillägget i förfrågningsunderlaget förs på samma sätt vidare till underentreprenörer när dessa upphandlas av respektive huvudentreprenör. Trots byggherrens vision om ett effektivt och innovativt nyttjande av BLC har denne inte lyckats skapa rätt drivkrafter hos entreprenören för ett sådant användande. Svårigheten har visat sig delvis ligga i att BLC ännu inte fungerar på ett smidigt sätt för dess användare. Man upplever också svårigheter i att kalkylera kostnader för användandet av BLC vilket medfört att byggherren tar den största ekonomiska risken avseende BLC i projekten. Hos entreprenörerna är den övergripande uppfattningen att BLC är överflödigt och inte nödvändigt inom området varför mottagandet varit problematiskt och inställningen till att nyttja BLC negativ. För att utöka användandet av BLC och säkerställa att samtliga aktörer delar samma uppfattning om syftet och behovet av BLC bör byggherren vara mer drivande i denna fråga. Ett tidigt involverande av entreprenörerna i upphandlingsskedet samt gemensamt utformade krav på hur BLC ska användas i kombination med finansiella incitament kan ha en upptinande effekt hos entreprenörerna och öka deras mottaglighet för de förändringar som BLC innebär. / As a step towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable Stockholm, a logistics center for coordinated construction logistics (BLC) was established in 2013 at Stockholm Royal Seaport, an urban area, at the initiative of the municipality of Stockholm. Coordinated construction logistics of this size is rare in Sweden and BLC requires mandatory affiliation for every developer and contractor in the area. BLC has caused a need for change in the different stakeholders’ working processes during production in order to fully utilize the logistic center. Being affiliated to and using BLC also implies increased costs for the project. That is the reason why discussions occur regarding which stakeholder should take the financial risk. This could be managed during the procurement. Thereof, the aim of the study has been to look at how the ability to adjust to changes that innovations as BLC requires could increase or decrease by the choice of procurement strategies. The intention is thereby to identify whether or not procurement could be used as a tool for change management. The report is a compilation of a case study of two new production projects with an abductive approach. The study is based on an extensive literature study, observations and interviews of participants of the two projects and can be classified as qualitative, empirical research with a hermeneutic approach to obtained empirics. The study shows that the procurement strategies have been affected by BLC in such way that the developer has made an addition to the technical specifications that is handed out when procuring contractions. The addition contains information about the purpose and the scope of BLC. It also includes recommendations for how BLC could be used in an effective and innovative way. The main contractors then in turn forward the extended technical specifications to the subcontractors. Despite the developer’s vision of an effective and innovative use of BLC, the right incentives for such use have not been created. It has been proven that the difficulty lies in the fact that BLC does not yet function smoothly for its users and that the users doesn’t fully understand how BLC functions and its purpose. The stakeholders also find it difficult to estimate the costs of using BLC, which is why the developer has taken the biggest economic risk regarding BLC in the projects. The general opinion among the contractors is that BLC is redundant and not necessary in the area. The reception and adoption has therefore been problematic and the attitude towards using BLC has been negative. In order to expand the use of BLC and ensure that all stakeholders share the same view about the purpose of and the need for BLC the developer should be more proactive in this matter. An early involvement of the contractors in the procurement phase and jointly defined ways of using BLC in combination with financial incentives could have a thawing effect on the contractors and increase their ability to accept and adopt the changes BLC requires.
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Procurement Strategies in Nigerian Ceramics ManufacturingAlege, Emmanuel Korede 01 January 2018 (has links)
Some developing nations struggle with a diminishing manufacturing output market share because of a lack of appropriate procurement strategies. The purpose of this single case study was to explore the procurement strategies that managers successfully developed and deployed to improve company performance. The strategic alignment model was the conceptual framework for the study. Data were collected through semistructured interviews of 6 members of a Nigerian ceramics manufacturing company, as well as from a review of publicly available documents related to the performance of the company. A thematic analysis of the data was conducted to identify codes, extract subthemes and themes from the codes, and develop a thematic map. The 5 themes that emerged from data analysis included the procurement strategies needed for cross-functional collaboration, emergencies and downturns, alternatives and competition, applications of information technologies in procurement functions, and control of stock level and vendors' performance. The results of the data analysis confirmed empirical evidence that linked strategic procurement alignment to organizational performance. The implementation of the findings of this study may be beneficial to individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, and society through employment creation, costs savings, waste reduction, value creation, crime reduction, and local development.
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Evaluación del sistema de aprovisionamiento y su aplicación en la gestión de la empresa Korea Motos SRL, Chiclayo, 2019-2020Guevara Rimarachin, Karol Elizabeth January 2023 (has links)
Actualmente las empresas se encuentran en un entorno competitivo y complejo enfrentándose a un camino largo que sobrellevar para el aseguramiento de sus inventarios y así poder ser más efectivas y competitivas. Para reforzar este aspecto se requiere de diversas estrategias de gestión donde la logística se convierte en un detalle fundamental y que precisamente se debe aprovechar para sacar ventaja, siendo el sistema de aprovisionamiento de inventarios el primer eslabón clave que potencializar para alcanzar los objetivos de una empresa, de aquí se desprende la necesidad de la empresa Korea Motos S.R.L. la cual presente diversas deficiencias en el ámbito logístico que les demanda sobrecostos, sobre
stocks, perdidas e incluso daños por la inadecuada gestión del sistema de aprovisionamiento.
De lo mencionado, se desprende el objetivo general que fue evaluar el sistema de aprovisionamiento y su aplicación en la gestión de la empresa Korea Motos S.R.L., para su desarrollo de utilizó una metodología con enfoque mixto, de diseño no experimental y nivel descriptivo. La población de enfoque fue la empresa en sí, cuya muestra fue el sistema de aprovisionamiento.
El principal resultado obtenido es la carencia de un manejo apropiado en el sistema de aprovisionamiento, presentando múltiples deficiencias en ámbitos de compras, gestión de proveedores y almacenamiento, por tal motivo se estableció políticas y procedimientos a seguir con el fin de mejorar cada aspecto que involucra el sistema de aprovisionamiento. / Currently, are in a competitive and complex environment, facing a long way to go in order to secure their inventories and thus be able to be more effective and competitive. To reinforce this aspect, various management strategies are required where logistics becomes a fundamental detail and that should be used precisely to take advantage, with the inventory supply system being the first key link to potentiate to achieve the objectives of a company. , hence the need for the company Korea Motos S.R.L. which presents various deficiencies in the logistics field that demands cost overruns, over stocks, losses and even damages due to inadequate management of the supply system. From the above, the general objective is clear, which was to evaluate the supply system and its application in the management of the Korea
Motos S.R.L. company, for its development a methodology with a mixed approach, nonexperimental
design and descriptive level was used. The focus population was the company itself, whose sample was the supply system.
Among the results obtained, it is stated that the company lacks proper management in the supply system, presenting multiple deficiencies in the areas of purchases, supplier management and storage, for this reason policies and procedures were established to be followed to improve each aspect that involves the supply system.
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半導體及光電產業廠務廢水系統工程承攬策略之探討 - 以T公司為例王誌鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃在探究哪些關鍵因素足以影響建廠廠商之採購發包策略,再以工程承攬商的觀點提出應對,發展出本身之承攬策略。由於有關建廠發包策略之相關文獻不多,故本研究主要採實地專家訪談,訪談半導體廠及TFT-LCD廠廠務及採購主管對於建廠採購發包之看法,配合文獻所提之各要點發展問卷,透過問卷了解高階主管、廠務人員及採購人員對發包有何不同觀點,同時面對不同之發包型態與關鍵影響因素,利用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process;AHP),發展適用於不同類型採購發包決策人員之各構面及次準則指標之權重,並與其他相關研究做比較,探討差異所在及原因,綜合研究建廠廠商高階主管、廠務人員及採購人員對於新建廠務系統發包之需求,進而擬定出承攬商因應之承攬策略,以提供決策者進行執行決策之參考。
關鍵字:半導體產業、光電產業、工程承攬、發包策略、承攬策略 / As the developments in semiconductor and opto-electronic industries grow rapidly, they have become two major economic industries of Taiwan to compete globally. In order to keep Taiwan’s exiting advantages in manufacturing and its strength and also to improve its design and innovation abilities, Taiwan government has proposed “The New Century Two Trillions Double Stars Industries Development Plan” and the plan has clearly outlined the development directions for both semiconductor and flat panel display industries in Taiwan. While stepping into 21st century, the developments in Taiwan industries have faced enormous competition due to the sharp rising of emerging countries, China especially. For maintaining its competition advantages and upgrading its market shares, every enterprise only has to accelerate on making investments to the plant construction. By doing so, it aims to create economic scale to lower the product costs and it also aims to increase the entry barriers for competitors through its leading advanced technologies.
In recent years, major enterprises in Taiwan have aggressively engaging in 12” fab construction and TFT-LCD 8th generation plant construction planning. Since both are the investments required high capital, the enhancement in procurement professionals’ negotiation skills and the selections of qualified contractors, the drawing up for the contracting strategies and the completion of the plant construction within shortest time with minimum budget are the major policies for the enterprises of the plant construction.
This paper aims at probing into what are the key factors that will have influence on the procurement and contracting strategies made by the enterprises of the plant construction and followed by responding proposals provided from the contractors’ of the plant construction points of view and also the developments of the contracting strategies made by them. Since there are not many researches about the topic on the contracting strategies of the plant construction, the study is mainly from live interviews with experts and through interviews with facility managers and procurement mangers of semiconductor and TFT-LCD plants to understand their points of views on the procurement and contracting strategies of the plant construction. In addition, also matching up with major points in bibliographies, the questionnaire has been developed and the questionnaire survey has revealed various points of views about contracting from top management, facility professionals and procurement professionals and the key influential factors when facing different types of contracting meanwhile. By using Analytical Hierarchy Process, it has applied on every aspect and the percentages of the secondary indexes for the decision makers’ of different types of procurement and contracting and the results have also been compared with other related researches in order to figure out the differences and their causes. Combined with the study on the demand from top management, facility professionals and procurement professionals of the enterprises of the plant construction for the contracting of new plant construction systems, the contractors’ can draw up the responding contracting strategies and provide them to decision makers as the reference whiling they are making judgments.
Key words:
Semiconductor industries, Opto-electronic industries, Contracting work, Procurement strategies, Contracting strategies.
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