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日、韓、台鋰離子電池產業競爭力分析陳楊凱 Unknown Date (has links)
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用4C行銷分析產業競爭力- 以金萬林公司為例 / Industrial Competitiveness for 4C marketing analysis- Kim Forest's Case陳惠娥 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣中小型企業電子連接器產業經營策略之研究-以個案公司為例陳正煌 Unknown Date (has links)
(四)中小型連接器廠商,應透過資本市場募資或同業合併的方式,增加公司規模,一方面充足法務人才,避免專利權威脅,一方面充足產能或產品應用面,方能提供客戶Total Solution及訂單需求
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台灣區數位電視發展趨勢的因應策略研究-以普騰電子公司為例 / Strategy and Resources Allocation to Digital TV Developing Trend for Proton莊鎮國 Unknown Date (has links)
數位電視(Digital TV,DTV)是指一種把影像、語音等聲光的類比訊號換成數位訊號,然後傳遞至視聽消費者端之電視技術。它也可以代表一種能夠接收上述數位訊號、並且無失真地還原成和送出時相同品質的一種電視產品。由於數位電視具有高品質的影像、音響效果,同時提供具附加價值的資訊服務,如透過數據、電子節目表單、在家購物等方式,可帶動旅遊、交通、娛樂、文化產業的發展,對於台灣中長期民生與科技發展極為重要。
從本研究所收集資料來分析可以發現,普騰電子以衍生成數家獨立事業群之策略,成功發揮品牌與代工交替運行之優勢,精準掌握電視產品與車用影音電子產品,在台灣形成一種具有特色之企業生存之道。普騰在延續過去技術基礎與成功模式的同時,兩岸與全球之競爭態勢已非同日而語,因此建議其適度放棄非核心家電,進攻利基型如車用數位影音與數位看板之產品,以儘早達成產業升級之目標。 / Digital Television (DTV) is the apparatus and technology that may convert analog video and audio to digital signals and send them to television viewers. It is also a type of display device that may present the image with high fidelity to the original recorded data. With the high quality on image and audio performance and the potential on providing value-added services like on-line personal data transmission, interactive program selection and shopping-at-home, DTV may launch enormous opportunity on developing tourism, transportation, entertainment, and culture industry. It will produce important impacts on the middle and long-term economic and technological development of Taiwan.
Most of the countries are facing the fact that their deadlines of closing analog TV channels are coming. Meanwhile, most of the economy analysts believe that the purchase of new TVs or signal converters by customers will give big business opportunities in the coming years. DTV is a worthwhile research topic because of its particular role on elongating the prosperous status of flat-panel display industry and raise customers’ requirement on AV peripheral products like set-up boxes, home or vehicle electronic devices, and digital contents. It means a lot of facets especially when either Taiwan or the industry is entering a new era of digital revolution. Furthermore, DTV industry is a field that appears to be very promising but actually is highly competitive, crowded with aggressive competitors, and full of technology and product specification barriers. For a company that joins this game, what on earth the qualification to be required, the proper goal to be set, and the strategy to be adopted by the company, are within the focus of this study and will be discussed on the basis of large amount of explored data.
The DTV explored by this study contains the fixed and mobile AV devices that may display images from wireless broadcasting stations, cable TV stations, satellites, and IPTV. The applications on displays on vehicles, mobile phones, anddigital signage devices are also covered in the discussion. The study raises a well-know Taiwan company, Proton, as an example to see the Proton’s advantages to DTV markets based on applying the analyses models proposed by Poter, Kotler, and Slywotzky to analyze the structure of the company, product features, and marketing strategies. A number of suggestions for its future development are drawn from the analyse results.
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日本產業競爭力強化法之研究—兼論我國金融科技發展與創新實驗條例— / A Study of Japan’s Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness: Focusing on the Comparison of Taiwan’s Act on Financial Technology Innovations and Experiments戴凡芹, Tai, Fan Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的另一研究結果為,經過個案模擬演練的操作後,歸納並提出七個執行步驟,並建議業者可針對此七個步驟進行腦力激盪與預先演練模擬,在有限的時間內以最高的效率備齊相關文件,以減少審核等待期。最後,本研究認為,業者與主管機關在議題協商時須充分考量有關於創新、業務、消保、法遵等四個面向的議題,且以公私協力的前提下,隨時調整並良性溝通。而主管機關更應加速金融科技的法規革新速度,並適度鬆綁不適用的法規,創造一個對於新創產業相對友善的法規環境,協助新創業者在業務上的發展,使我國能在金融科技戰場上決勝。 / In recent years, financial technology, aka FinTech, has become a significant study discussed by industries and academics. However, how to effectively manage supervisory, compliance with laws and promote industrial development, and how to design regulatory and supervisory measures in response to innovative business models have become a big challenge. Based on the abovementioned facts, the concept of Regulatory Sandbox came into being. Taiwan’s Act on Financial Technology Innovations and Experiments was released on January 31, 2018. Besides FinTech, innovation is equally necessary and indispensable for other industries that also restrained by the limitations of the existing laws and regulations. Are there any mechanisms similar with Regulatory Sandbox for those innovators in other industries? Japan released the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness on January 20, 2014, which provided two mechanisms, Special System for Corporate Field Tests and System to Remove Gray Zone Areas, for innovative technologies and services for all industries. This essay targets Japan’s and Taiwan’s Acts on Financial Technology Innovations as research objectives, discusses the investigations in both countuires, and provides suggestions for future works.
Firstly, this study explores the strengths and weaknesses of its contents and mechanisms by examining Japan’s Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness, and aims at extending the practical angle to Taiwan for the future when facing the conflict between innovation and regulation. Secondly, the essay aims at studying Taiwan’s Act on Financial Technology Innovations and Experiments, and comparing the differences between Japan’s and Taiwan’s Acts. Finally, by observing the results of sandbox simulation exercises, this study elaborates implemental procedures, and logical methodologies as a reference for practitioners to communicate with and submit proposals to the authorities during the preparatory phase.
Due to the nature difference of innovation technology and financial supervision, it is considered that the tensions and conflicts are inevitable. Therefore, it is more necessary to amend the existing regulations or even deregulate for start-up. Furthermore, by learning from Taiwan's experience in developing third-party payment legislation and Japan's legislations and actual practices released, this study obtains that deregulation and coordination from government agencies considered highly important to startup operators in every stage. In terms of industry development, further suggestions are concluded in this research for government agencies, including (1) laws and regulations should be more friendly for new start-up, (2) to maintain the sustainable development of start-up industries and operators, and (3)-to achieve balance between the protection of consumer rights and business continuity.
After conducting sandbox case simulation exercises, this essay proposes seven procedures for start-up to efficiently go through with internal brainstorming while in preparation stage under a limited time. The last part of the study sets out four topics for practitioners and the competent authorities that are related to innovation, business, consumer protection and law compliance when negotiating the regulatory issues during experiments, hoping to provide a solid methodology beneficial to FinTech practitioners.
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