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國際法上庇護權之研究王劍平, WANG, JIAN-PING Unknown Date (has links)
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加拿大難民政策之研究 / The Study of Canada Refugee Policy陳孟綺, Chen, Mong Chi Unknown Date (has links)
難民問題是一個國際性問題,難民是指居住在自己國籍國家以外,無法或不願返國的個人,由於種族、宗教、國籍、特定社會成員身分,或政治立場遭迫害而有所恐懼。由於難民對移入國造成政治、經濟、文化、社會、教育、安全等方面的衝擊,政府必須規劃難民政策並制定相關法規來因應難民問題。加拿大每年收容難民約25,000人,約收容世界上難民的10%,加拿大在2002年制定「移民及難民保護法」等法規,建立了完整的難民政策,並與聯合國難民署及國際移民組織等單位進行合作,共同協力來解決難民的安置問題。加拿大落實人權治國理念,積極參與國際事務,實質進行難民庇護措施,政府與民間共同合作提供難民保護及協助,並因時制宜的對其難民政策進行調整,以利其國家未來發展。本文以加拿大的難民歷史沿革之架構出發,就加拿大難民政策發展歷程、接納難民現況及難民政策實踐及改革措施作一整理,文末筆者以其研究發現提出建議及結論。 / Refugee problem was recognized as an international issue. The term of “refugee” has been perceived as people who face systematic discrimination on the bases of ethnicity, religion, nationality, and membership in a specific social group with “fear of persecution”. The problem of refugee has fostered an intense debate regarding what changes of political, economic, cultural, educational and secure environments are necessary in refugee-receiving countries to provide effective solutions.
In Canada, there are about 25,000 people entered to seek asylum every year – with approximately 10% of all refugees worldwide. In order to deal with refugees’ settlement issues, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act came into effect in 2002. In addition, the Canadian government's effort in cooperating with UNHCR and IOM enables refugees to stay in safety. The dissertation presents historical overview of issues of refugees and provides critical review and discussion on refugee policies in Canada. In the end, the author proposed her personal conclusion and suggestion through the research.
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シリア難民の生成と「異邦」における再定住―祖国喪失後の生存基盤と帰属をめぐる中東と欧州の事例―望月, 葵 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第24025号 / 地博第304号 / 新制||地||118(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科グローバル地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 長岡 慎介, 教授 中溝 和弥 助教 佐藤 麻理絵, 教授 小杉 泰 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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社會焦慮在難民庇護政策中的角色:以德國、法國與奧地利為例 / The role of societal anxiety in asylum policy: the cases of Germany, France and Austria楊博智, Yang, Bo Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本文發現,此次難民危機前,焦慮因子早已深埋各國社會之中,人民的經濟不安全感在歐債危機與撙節政策的衝擊下日漸加深,同時各國社會也為日益加劇的種族緊張關係所苦,而此兩項經濟與文化的焦慮因子是生成反難民社會焦慮的關鍵因素。難民危機期間,大批難民湧入衝擊人民的心理與情緒,不僅誘發並催化經濟與文化的焦慮因子,同時也帶來安全上的擔憂與威脅,催化各國的反難民社會焦慮,進而使各國的難民庇護政策轉趨緊縮。 / Faced with the refugee crisis, the EU had not only failed to come up with a common asylum strategy, but been plagued by increasing disputes among its Member States. The asylum policy of individual states had, in general, become more and more restrictive as the refugee crisis intensified. In order to understand the domestic factors contributing to the surge of anti-refugee sentiments, I take Germany, France and Austria as the cases and examine the dynamic developments of anti-refugee sentiments as well as the restriction-oriented asylum policy reforms that followed.
The existence of the agents of societal anxiety in European countries predated the refugee crisis. Prior to the European debt crisis, the sense of economic insecurity was already palpable. The implementation of austerity policies greatly enhanced this sense of insecurity. Meanwhile, ethnic tensions or even conflicts were chronic in western European countries. These two agents of societal anxiety turned out to be significant factors in explaining the surge of anti-refugee sentiments. Furthermore, during the crisis, the sudden mass influx of refugees also had an impact on people’s perceptions and sentiments. Not only did it trigger the economic and cultural agents of societal anxiety, but also brought about the perceived security threat as well. Eventually, the anti-refugee sentiments, catalyzed and reinforced by these dynamics, contributed to restrictive asylum policy reforms.
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難民との友情 : 冷戦体制が作り出した難民保護レジーム / Friendship with Refugee : Refugee Protection Regime Built in the Cold War / ナンミン トノ ユウジョウ : レイセン タイセイ ガ ツクリダシタ ナンミン ホゴ レジーム山岡, 健次郎, Yamaoka, Kenjiro 31 July 2009 (has links)
博士(社会学) / 甲第526号 / 160p / Hitotsubashi University(一橋大学)
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難民的國際法地位曾天賜, Zeng, Tian-Si Unknown Date (has links)
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構成性域外與共同•體之研究:以「難民」為例 / Constitutive Outside and Community:“Refugee” as an Example鍾永昌, Dante Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文聚焦於德希達對於文本「雙重解讀式」的解構干預,以及拉克勞與穆芙的論述理論,探究共同•體與構成性域外之間的關係,亦即,試圖呈現出共同•體的(不)可能性條件,並以難民此一極具爭議的議題,作為探究相關共同•體論述的切入點。大致上,可分作三個章節闡釋。第一章主要透過解構的策略打開構成「我們」的可能性條件:(一)任何論述仍有一不被知曉、掌握的「域外」,隨時使意義的確定性產生不穩定的狀態,瓦解論述的自我完整性,不斷地重新界定共同•體的界域;(二)必須設法針對特定的歷史情境或脈絡接合,不斷地創發出共同•體型態。共同•體從未真正地實現過,總是處於動態無終止、即將到來的狀態。在闡明了區分我們與他們的關係,乃是構成「我們」的(不)可能性條件後,第二章針對敵對性、同等與差異邏輯的運作、劃定疆界、建立霸權的過程,逐一闡釋,並初步整理出拉克勞與穆芙共同體論述之要旨:(一)共同•體必是「政治」共同•體,乃是各方勢力相互競逐、鬥爭以尋求界定共同•體意義的過程,在此過程中,沒有任何一方是絕對的勝主,總有權力得以分•享;(二)地理上的邊界已非決斷「我們」範圍的唯一因素,並且論稱「我們」意義的多元性與未可決斷性,但亦不可盲視構成共同•體過程中的敵對性面向。第三章則進一步論證任何企圖圍堵、將難民驅逐於我們的邊界之外的論述,本身都遭遇到難以完滿的結果,共同•體的邊界總是騷動不安。並且,指出拉克勞與穆芙理論中更積極的對抗面向,不斷地對於「我們」邊界進行干預與挑戰,在民主社會中持續深化革命與戰鬥的力量。 / This thesis focuses on Derrida’s ‘double reading’ of texts and Laclau & Mouffe’s theory of discourse. It attempts to show the relationship between constitutive outside and community -hence the conditions of possibility / impossibility of community, and that takes the issue of refugee as an example. Generally speaking, the analysis is divided into three parts. The first chapter aims at discussing the theoretical enterprise of deconstruction in order to open up the conditions of possibility for the constitution of “us”. There is a radical and unknown outside rendering the meaning unfixed and undecidable, thus the boundary of community always needs to be redefined. In short, the community has never been fully realized, it is always be-coming. Consequently, the second part pinpoints the relationship between the “we” and “they” where I show the conditions of impossibility for the constitution of “we”, emphasizing the dimension of antagonism, and the logics of equivalence and difference as the process of delimiting frontier and forming hegemony. Following the above argument, I contend that there is no fully fledged discourse of containment, deporting the refugees at our border. The constitutive outside always disturbs the border of community. Further, Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory effectively discloses the more resistance, which constantly intervenes in and challenges the border of “we”, so that the revolutionary force can be deepened in the democratic society.
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中國參與國際聯盟救濟白俄難民之研究(1921~1925) / The study of China's cooperation with the league of nations on the salvation for Russian refugees(1921~1925)王繼舜 Unknown Date (has links)
在二十世紀中,世界上最重要的國際組織乃是聯合國(United Nations)。而聯合國之前身為國際聯盟(League of Nations,以下簡稱國聯)。聯合國時期的中國,無論是中華民國抑或中華人民共和國,由於身為安理會之一員,對於組織的重要性自不待言。然而國聯時期中國之角色與重要性,卻鮮有人討論。中國身為第一次世界大戰之戰勝國,又為國聯創始會員國之一,期間所發揮的影響,值得後人研究。
中國加入國際組織及國際會議自清季末年開始,積極走向世界;即使清朝不久後即覆亡,中國接續下去的政府仍然秉持一貫的努力。民國初年北京政府加入第一次世界大戰的協約國行列,戰後以戰勝國的身分出席巴黎和會,得以剴陳自身立場與主張;更以創始會員國的身分加入國聯。 北京政府藉由參與國聯的過程中,努力提升國際地位,並積極維護國權和爭取權利;可惜陷於內部軍閥動亂、政局長期分裂,致使其目標未能全部實現。但無論是北京政府或者國民政府,對於國聯均相當重視。
在國內的歷史著作中,對於國聯的評價大都不佳。原因在於當時日本侵略野心正熾,1931年9月悍然出兵占領東三省,中國向國聯提出控訴,盼其伸張正義,有效制裁侵略者;但因國聯本身處理國際紛爭之能力有限,無法充分滿足中國的需求,致使當時部分國人對國聯甚感失望,進而認為國聯只是一個軟弱無能的國際組織。 然而國聯本身乃一般性組織,其功能是多方面的。如果僅因其短處進而否定組織的所有存在價值,則未免武斷。國聯成立的宗旨,除了消極解決各國紛爭以維持世界和平外,尚有積極國際合作的層面;在國際組織發揮人道關懷與國際合作上,可以國際難民的救濟作代表。
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新教科群4) 共生と平和の科学(IV. サイエンス・リテラシー・プロジェクトII (SLP II)の取り組み)原, 順子, HARA, J., 三小田, 博昭, SANKOTA, H., 山田, 孝, YAMADA, T., 細谷, 辰之, HOSOYA, T. 15 January 2008 (has links)
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現代中東における難民問題とイスラーム的NGO-難民ホスト国ヨルダンの研究-佐藤, 麻理絵 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第19844号 / 地博第200号 / 新制||地||71(附属図書館) / 32880 / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科グローバル地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 小杉 泰, 教授 藤倉 達郎, 准教授 長岡 慎介 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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