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社會焦慮在難民庇護政策中的角色:以德國、法國與奧地利為例 / The role of societal anxiety in asylum policy: the cases of Germany, France and Austria楊博智, Yang, Bo Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本文發現,此次難民危機前,焦慮因子早已深埋各國社會之中,人民的經濟不安全感在歐債危機與撙節政策的衝擊下日漸加深,同時各國社會也為日益加劇的種族緊張關係所苦,而此兩項經濟與文化的焦慮因子是生成反難民社會焦慮的關鍵因素。難民危機期間,大批難民湧入衝擊人民的心理與情緒,不僅誘發並催化經濟與文化的焦慮因子,同時也帶來安全上的擔憂與威脅,催化各國的反難民社會焦慮,進而使各國的難民庇護政策轉趨緊縮。 / Faced with the refugee crisis, the EU had not only failed to come up with a common asylum strategy, but been plagued by increasing disputes among its Member States. The asylum policy of individual states had, in general, become more and more restrictive as the refugee crisis intensified. In order to understand the domestic factors contributing to the surge of anti-refugee sentiments, I take Germany, France and Austria as the cases and examine the dynamic developments of anti-refugee sentiments as well as the restriction-oriented asylum policy reforms that followed.
The existence of the agents of societal anxiety in European countries predated the refugee crisis. Prior to the European debt crisis, the sense of economic insecurity was already palpable. The implementation of austerity policies greatly enhanced this sense of insecurity. Meanwhile, ethnic tensions or even conflicts were chronic in western European countries. These two agents of societal anxiety turned out to be significant factors in explaining the surge of anti-refugee sentiments. Furthermore, during the crisis, the sudden mass influx of refugees also had an impact on people’s perceptions and sentiments. Not only did it trigger the economic and cultural agents of societal anxiety, but also brought about the perceived security threat as well. Eventually, the anti-refugee sentiments, catalyzed and reinforced by these dynamics, contributed to restrictive asylum policy reforms.
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大學生的社會焦慮與其相關因素之研究 / Social anxiety and its correlates among college students in Taiwan何春慧, Ho, Chuen-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據上述結果加以討論,並提出若干建議以供未來研究及教育與輔導工作之參考。 / The first purpose of this study was to assess the degree of social anxiety of college students in Taiwan. The second purpose was to investigate how gender, attachment style, physical attractiveness and goal orientation approach related to social anxiety. The third purpose was to study how social anxiety influences style of language use and communication satisfaction.
The Chinese versions of the Interaction and Social Anxiousness Scale (Leary, 1983), Attachment Scale (Mikulincer, 1990), Goal Orientation Inventory (Dykman, 1998), Physical Attractiveness Inventory (Wu & Liu, 1994), Conversational Indirectness Scale (Holtgraves, 1997), and Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction Inventory (Hecht, 1978) were administered to 572 college students from 13 universities in Taiwan.
The results supported most hypotheses. College students’ social anxiety was of moderate degree, but significantly higher than the American samples reported in Leary’s study (1983). There was no difference between males and females on overall social anxiety; however, males were more anxious in meeting strangers and females felt more uncomfortable in social situation. In comparison with secure students, both avoidant and anxious-ambivalent students were significantly more socially anxious. The more students perceived themselves to be physically unattractive, the more socially anxious they felt. Both growth-seeking and validation-seeking goal orientation approaches were negatively correlated with social anxiety.
The study also found that social anxiety was positively and significantly correlated with indirectness of conversation, but negatively and significantly correlated with interpersonal communication satisfaction.
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高社會焦慮者的注意力訓練療效與眼動歷程之探討 / Therapeutic effects of attentional training and eye-movements in social anxiety梁記雯, Liang, Chi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的研究目的有二:其一,探討高社會焦慮者對不同情緒臉孔的注意力時間歷程;其二,探討自動化階段與控制式階段所進行的注意力訓練,對於降低注意力偏誤以及改善社會焦慮的效果。基於上述兩項研究目的,分為研究一與研究二進行。研究一中,共有60名參與者完成眼動作業,其中高、低社會焦慮組 (HSA組/ LSA組) 各30名。在眼動作業中,生氣、難過、快樂與中性四類情緒臉孔同時呈現於螢幕上,參與者被指示自由觀賞螢幕上的圖片,直到圖片消失。研究一的結果發現,HSA組對生氣臉的初始注視時間 (initial gaze duration; IGD) 明顯高於LSA組,且高於其它三類情緒臉孔,LSA組對四類情緒臉孔的IGD則沒有差異;其次,LSA組對快樂臉的整體凝視時間比例 (proportion of total viewing time; PTVT) 明顯高於HSA組。時間歷程分析的結果發現,HSA組在751-1000 ms 對生氣臉的凝視可能性高於LSA組,以及在7-8 s對難過臉的凝視可能性高於LSA組;LSA組在9-10 s對快樂臉的凝視可能性高於HSA組。研究一結果指向,高社會焦慮者對威脅刺激可能有注意力脫離困難,同時可能缺少對正向刺激的注意。研究二共有72名高社會焦慮者參與,本研究將注意力訓練的刺激呈現時間操弄為100 ms或500 ms兩種,每一種刺激呈現時間的注意力訓練可分為注意力改變組 (AMP組) 與注意力控制組 (ACC組) 兩種情境,因此共有AMP-100、ACC-100、AMP-500與ACC-500四種訓練情境。所有參與者被隨機分派至四種訓練情境中,並完成八次 (每週兩次,為期四週) 的注意力訓練作業。參與者在注意力訓練的前、後分別完成量表填寫、修改版Posner作業與眼動作業的評估,並且在注意力訓練結束至少一個月後,接受追蹤階段的評估。研究二的結果發現,100 ms的注意力訓練可以增進AMP-100組在修改版Posner作業上對所有無效嘗試次的反應時間;降低其在眼動作業上對生氣臉的IGD;同時改善AMP-100組參與者的負向評價恐懼、互動焦慮以及演講前的預期焦慮。500 ms的注意力訓練可以降低AMP-500組的參與者在修改版Posner作業上對社會威脅詞無效嘗試次的反應時間;減少其在眼動作業上對負向情緒臉孔的注意力維持時間,並增加對正向情緒臉孔的注意力維持時間;同時降低AMP-500組的負向評價恐懼與社會互動焦慮。研究二結果顯示,自動化階段與控制式階段所進行的注意力訓練,均可促進高社會焦慮者對威脅刺激的注意力脫離速度,並且改善社會焦慮。本研究於討論中,針對本研究結果在理論與臨床應用上的意涵進行探討,並提出本研究的限制與對未來研究的建議。 / The purpose of the present study was twofold. First, it aimed to investigate the attentional processing of emotional faces in social anxiety using the eye-tracking technique. Second, it tried to examine the effects of attentional training in reducing attentional bias and in decreasing social anxiety symptoms in high socially anxious individuals. In study 1, a total of 30 high socially anxious (HSA) and 30 low socially anxious (LSA) participants completed the eye-movement task. In the eye-movement task, participants were instructed to view the slides on the monitor naturally. Each slide contained 4 emotional faces (one angry, one sad, one happy and one neutral face). The results showed that the HSA participants had longer initial gaze duration (IGD) on angry faces than the LSA participants did. Further, the LSA participants had higher proportion of total viewing time (PTVT) on happy faces than the HSA participants did. Time-course of attention to emotional faces was also examined. The results showed that the HSA group had higher fixation probabilities to angry faces than the LSA group did in the 751-1000 ms time window. The HSA group exhibited higher fixation probability to sad faces than the LSA group did in the 7-8 s time window. Further, compared with the HSA group, the LSA group had higher fixation probability on happy faces in the 9-10 s time window. The results of study 1 indicate that individuals with high socially anxiety may have difficulty in disengagement form social threatening information and may demonstrate decreased attention to positive information. In study 2, seventy-two high socially anxious participants completed the experiments. In the attention training task, stimuli were presented at two durations: 100 ms and 500 ms. Participants were randomly assigned to four different attentional training conditions, including the AMP-100 (attention modification program; presentation duration = 100 ms), the ACC-100 (attention control condition; presentation duration = 100 ms), the AMP-500 and the ACC-500 group. All participants completed eight attentional training sessions delivered over four weeks (i.e., twice weekly sessions). Participants were also required to complete preassessments, postassessments and follow-up assessments. The results demonstrated that the 100 ms attention modification program facilitated attention disengagement in the Modified Version of Posner task and decreased attentional maintenance to angry faces in the eye-movement task for participants in the AMP-100 group. Furthermore, it reduced the fear of negative evaluation, interaction anxiety and anticipated anxiety for public-speaking situation in the AMP-100 group. The 500 ms attention modification program facilitated the disengagement from social threat words in the Modified Version of Posner task in participants of the AMP-500 group. It also decreased the attentional maintenance to negative faces and increased the attentional maintenance to happy faces in participants of the AMP-500 group. Further, it reduced the fear of negative evaluation and social interaction anxiety in the AMP-500 group. The results of study 2 suggest that attention modofication programs may decrease difficulty in disengagement from threat and reduce some aspects of social anxiety symptoms in individuals with high socially anxiety. Theoretical and clinical implications of these results were discussed.
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高社會焦慮者在增加聯結的自我參照靜息態功能網絡初探 / Hyper-Connectivity of Self-Referential Resting-State Networks in Individuals with High Social Anxiety李炯德 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現高社會焦慮者的MPFC、PCC、ACC都有增加的功能聯結,顯示他們比一般人更容易做自我參照處理,而VMPFC、DMPFC同時有增加的功能聯結,代表高社會焦慮者的自我參照處理除了自我內在的相關訊息外,還會包含他人外在相關訊息的處理,研究結果較支持Rapee和Heimberg(1997)的說法。最後並提出本論文研究限制,與對社會焦慮症的臨床理論與實務上之建議。 / The purpose of the present study was to utilize the resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging(RS-fMRI) technique to investigate the brain regions in functional connectivity of self-referential processing in socially anxious individuals. According to Clark and Wells’ (1995) view, socially anxious individuals were hypothesized to construct their negative self-image with self-related internal information. However, according to Repee and Heimberg’ s (1997) model, they supposed that socially anxious individuals also brought other-related external information to make other-related external information self-referential and other-referential be processed. The present study was designed to use finding of neuroimaging to examine the two models
Forty undergraduate students were assigned to either high or low social-anxiety group. All subjects were asked to be scanned with RS-fMRI. MPFC, PCC, ACC, VMPFC, DMPFC were used as seeds to proceed the whole-brain functional connectivity analysis and acquired functional connectivity maps for comparison.
The results revealed that functional connectivity of MPFC, PCC, ACC of high social anxiety group increased, it displayed that they were more easily to do self-referential processing. Besides, functional connectivity of VMPFC and DMPFC also increased simultaneously, which means that the self-referential processing of high social anxiety group not only included self-related internal information but also included other-related external information. The result supported Repee and Heimberg’ s model. The limitations of this study and the suggestions for the theories and clinical treatment of social anxiety disorder were advanced in the end.
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社會焦慮傾向者與憂鬱傾向者的病理階層模式在靜息態功能聯結網絡之初探 / A preliminary study of RS-fMRI in hierarchical model of social anxiety trait and depression trait羅智宇 Unknown Date (has links)
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