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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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使用圖片提示對於高低成就高中學生英文作文之影響 / The effects of using pictures as prompts on english writing performance of high and Low achievers in senior high school

蔡孟芬, Tsai, Meng Feng Unknown Date (has links)
有許多的研究已經證實圖片提示提供具體且相關的訊息有助於英文寫作。本研究的目的是要探討使用圖片提示對於高低成就高中學生英文作文的內容、結構、字彙及整體寫作表現之影響。本研究的對象是108位屏東縣某所高中的高三學生,根據全民英檢寫作測驗的成績,他們被均分成兩個高成就群和兩個低成就群。他們填寫問卷(一)提供他們的背景資料。接著實施兩型記敘文寫作測驗,高成就群(一)及低成就群(一)接受只有引導句的寫作測驗;高成就群(二)及低成就群(二)則接受另一型提供引導句加圖片提示的寫作測驗。所有的研究對象填寫問卷(二)提供他們對英文寫作的態度,而高成就群(二)及低成就群(二)接著再填寫問卷(三)提供他們對圖片提示的看法。最後的小組訪談旨在更進一步瞭解學生對於圖片提示的觀感及寫作態度動機的轉變。 本研究的主要發現如下:(1)圖片提示對於高分群學生的寫作的內容、結構,及整體的寫作表現有幫助,但是對於單字沒有明顯的幫助。(2)圖片提示對於低分群學生的內容、結構、字彙及整體寫作表現都無任何明顯的幫助。(3)高低成就學生都對圖片提示抱持正面的態度,並且因為有圖片提示更願意從事英文寫作。 / Lots of studies have proved that picture prompts elicit English writing with concrete and relevant information. This present study aims to investigate the effects of using pictures as prompts on English writing performance of high and low achievers in senior high school in content, organization, vocabulary and overall writing performance. Participants in this study were 108 third graders in a senior high school in Pingtung County who were divided into two groups of high achievers (HA1 and HA2) and two groups of low achievers (LA1 and LA2) based on their scores in a GEPT writing test. Questionnaire I was done to know the participants’ background information. Two types of narrative writing tests were administered to the 108 participants. One with verbal prompt was taken by HA1 and LA1 and the other with verbal-plus-picture prompt was taken by HA2 and LA2. Questionnaire II regarding the participants’ attitudes toward English writing was filled out by all subjects. Questionnaire III was done by HA2 and LA2 to express their opinions on picture prompts. In-depth group interviews were conducted to further explore students’ perception of and attitude toward picture prompts. The findings of the study are summarized as follows. First, picture prompts had significant effects on the content, organization and overall writing performance of the high achievers but no significant effect was found on the vocabulary. Second, picture prompts had no significant effects on low achievers’ writing in content, organization, vocabulary and overall writing performance. Third, both high and low achievers kept a positive attitude toward picture prompts and were better motivated to write when guided by picture prompts.

台灣高中英文教師對教授英文寫作之信念與實踐 / Taiwan's High School English Teachers' Beliefs and Practicesin Writing Instruction

吳美滿, Wu, Mei-man Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中英文教師對於英文作文教學的信念與其實際教學情形。文獻回顧內容涵蓋英文作文教學理論以及教師信念與實踐。 本研究的對象為台北市的高中英文教師,研究方法採用量化的教師問卷輔以質化的教師訪談,問卷回收171份,採用兩種統計方法分析:描述性統計及單因子變異數分析;訪談人數為6人,訪談結果用來支持、解釋問卷結果。研究重點如下:(一)教師信念及教學情形:包含教學目標、教師角色、教學內容及教學方式、(二)教師信念與實踐的符合度與造成不相符合的原因以及(三)影響教師信念與實踐的因素。 本研究的主要發現如下: 1. 大考會左右老師的教學方向,但老師教學時目標不只侷限於此。 2. 老師的教學信念與實踐皆綜合成果導向與過程導向的教學法原則,而非單一教學法。 3. 教師教學上面臨課程、學生、教學準備及批閱作文等方面的困難,這些困難會阻礙老師遵循其信念教學。 4. 教師背景經驗確實會對其信念與實踐有所影響。 本研究有助於認識高中英文教師教寫作的信念與教學情形。研究者根據研究發現,分別對高中英文教師、教師培育機構、教育部及作文教學教材編寫者提出建議,以期讓高中英文作文教學更進一步。 / The purpose of this study was to explore what beliefs senior high school English teachers hold toward writing instruction and their practices of the beliefs. Literature review covered the approaches of ESL/EFL writing instruction and teachers’ beliefs and practices. The participants of this study were senior high school English teachers in Taipei city. Two data collection instruments were adopted, the quantitative questionnaire and the qualitative interview. In total, 171 questionnaires were gathered and analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. In addition, six interviews were conducted, whose results were utilized to further support and explain the questionnaire results. There were three research focuses. The first one was on teachers’ beliefs and practices in the goals of writing instruction, the roles they played, and the content as well as the teaching procedures of writing instruction. The second one was on the consistency between teachers’ beliefs and practices and possible reasons for the inconsistency. The third one was on influential factors on teachers’ beliefs and practices. Based on the results of this study, major findings are summarized. First, for the teachers in this study, entrance exams were approaching, so the test-oriented trend seemed to be inevitable. However, teachers believed that to familiarize students with English writing structure and to enable them to express in written English could also be possible goals, and they did teach accordingly. Second, the goals, roles teachers played, content, and teaching procedures reflected a mixture of product-oriented and process-oriented approaches. Third, the difficulties originating from curriculum, students, teaching preparation, and composition evaluation might hinder teachers’ practices of their beliefs. Finally, teachers’ background experiences were found to play a part in influencing teachers’ beliefs and practices. It is hoped that this study can contribute to more understanding of senior high school English teachers’ beliefs and practices in writing instruction. With the results of this study in mind, the researcher further made suggestions toward senior high school English teachers, teacher education institutes, the Ministry of Education, and writing instruction material designers. This might help refine senior high school English writing instruction.

中英翻譯與高職生的英文寫作:篇章連貫性之探討 Translation from L1 into L2 and Vocational Senior High School Students L2 Writing: Coherence as a Focus

曹瓊文, Tsao,Chiung-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討「中英文段落翻譯策略」對於高職學生在英文寫作中習得篇章連貫性的效用。本研究以新竹市新竹高商二年級,三十七位學生為研究對象, 每位寫四篇英文寫作及修改兩篇前測作文; 以148篇作文以及74篇修改後之作文為分析樣本; 並採用量的分析方法來驗證其效用。 本研究以兩階段驗證假設 : 第一階段以SPSS 10.0中之成對樣本T檢定(paired-samples t-test)來分析74篇前測與74篇後測英文作文; 第二階段用同樣的方式來分析74篇前測寫作與74篇學生修改前測後之作文。本研究結果顯示:(一)中英文段落翻譯練習,有助於學習者習得並運用凝結性(cohesion)技巧來提升寫作上篇章之連貫性(coherence)。(二)中英文段落翻譯練習,有助於學習者習得並運用凝結性(cohesion)技巧來修改寫作上缺乏篇章連貫性之部分。 總言之,本研究中所設計之中英文段落翻譯練習,能夠幫助高職學生習得篇章的連貫性並提升其寫作能力。翻譯練習中的凝結性技巧的設計,為學習者奠定了在寫作上習得篇章連貫性的基礎。本研究在最後,針對研究主題提出一些在英文寫作教學上的建議。 / This study aims to explore the effectiveness of Chinese-English paragraph translation device for vocational senior high school students in acquiring the coherent writing expertise. Subjects in this study are thirty-seven second-graders in Hsin-chu Commercial Vocational Senior High School in Hsin-chu city. Participants are required to finish four English compositions and two revision compositions. In total, 148 compositions and 74 revision compositions are analyzed to test the effectiveness on the basis of quantitative research. There are two stages of verification procedure. First, paired-samples t-test of SPSS 10.0 for Windows is used to analyze the seventy-four pre-test and seventy-four post-test compositions. Second, it is also used to analyze the seventy-four pre-test and seventy-four post-test revision compositions. Findings are summarized as follows: First, Chinese-English translation practice helps learners perform better in coherent writing. They acquire cohesive devices and better apply them to promoting their writing coherence. Second, Chinese-English translation practice helps learners perform a good job in revising incoherent parts of compositions. They acquire cohesive devices, apply them to revising compositions and thus promote writing coherence. To sum up, the findings show that Chinese-English paragraph translation practice in this study is effective to vocational senior high school students in acquiring coherent writing expertise and promoting their writing proficiency. The translation practice of the cohesive devices functions as a basis of acquiring coherent writing expertise for learners. Finally, some pedagogical suggestions based on this study are provided.

用範文演示法教授高中英文作文之成效 / A Case Study of Model-based Writing Instruction in Senior High School English Class

林淑惠, Lin,Shu-huei Unknown Date (has links)
在英語寫作教學上,長久以來對於範文的使用,有很大的爭議。有些學者認為學習者可以透過分析與模仿範文的結構學會英文的組織結構;另一方面,有些學者則認為寫作是複雜的,非直線的過程,應包含了構思、寫作、修改、重寫等活動,範文的使用會阻礙學生自主思考。因此,在此提出一套寫作教學法,融合上述兩派的優點,透過範文使學生熟悉英文的修辭結構,同時以同儕修改、重寫、教師回饋等活動來輔助寫作的過程。本研究的目的是探討以範文演示法教學對高中生寫作的成效。 研究對象是台北縣某所高中39位三年級學生。主要研究工具包括:用以評估學生寫作能力的前後測寫作、兩份問卷用以調查學生對於英文寫作之結構的認知,及最後進行訪談以了解教學成效。研究過程分為三個步驟:(1)前測---前測寫作及問卷。根據大考中心的英文寫作標準,以前測成績將學生分成中等能力組(MPG)和低能力組(LPG),以調查寫作教學對不同程度學生的影響。問卷則是調查學生之寫作習慣,及對英文寫作之認知。(2)教學實驗---為期十週的寫作教學 ,教學主題為記敘文及因果關係的寫作。(3)後測---後測寫作問卷與訪談,透過後測寫作以檢視學生之寫作成效;問卷與訪談則是為了進一步了解學生對英文寫作教學課程之觀感。 研究結過發現,此教學實驗對學生的英文寫作有正面影響。尤其在寫作結構及整體寫作品質方面,有明顯進步。此外,低能力組的進步大於中等能力組,而學生也反映,在上完英文寫作課後,對英文寫作較有信心。 / In the history of English writing pedagogy, there has long been a dispute over the use of models in English writing. Some researchers propose that learners can learn English organizational structures through the analysis and imitation of organization and logical arrangement in model paragraphs or essays. On the other hand, some process-oriented researchers argue that the use of models will prevent students from thinking on their own. An integrated approach was thus proposed to incorporate the strengths of the two approaches. Models were used to familiarize students with the rhetorical organization in English written discourse. In the meantime, peer-editing, revision and teacher feedback were used to facilitate the writing process. The present study examines the effects of model-based instruction in organization on the writing of senior high school students. Thirty-nine subjects, who were senior high students in the third year, participated in this study. A pretest writing was used before the instruction to group the subjects into different proficiency levels according to the criterion set by the College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC). Two proficiency groups, namely, the middle proficiency group (M.P.G) and low proficiency group (L.P.G), were found among the subjects. A Writing Habit questionnaire was applied to investigate the subjects’ conception and habits about writing before the instruction. Then, a ten-week model-based writing instruction was conducted on all the participants in the study. Description and cause-effect writing were the two genres for instruction. After the instruction, a post-test writing was conducted to compare with the pre-test to examine whether students had made progress in their writing after the instruction. The Response Questionnaire and three in-depth interviews were conducted to further explore students’ perception and attitude toward the model-based writing. The results of the study reveal that the instruction helps to improve students’ abilities to organize ideas more effectively and logically. The significant increase in scores on overall writing quality in the posttest also show that the model-based writing instruction helps to yield higher quality in students’ overall writing. In addition, subjects in the L.P.G. seem to make more progress than those in the M.P.G. Moreover, the subjects seem to have more confidence in writing after the treatment.

The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction in English Writing in Senior High School / 後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的成效

鄒美芸, Tsou,Mei-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的學習成效。研究者以桃園縣立永豐高中五年某班中的四十二位學生為對象,進行為時一學期共十五週,每週兩節課的實驗。教學實驗進行之前,全體學生接受研究者改編自Schraw and Dennison (1993),O’ Neil and Abedi (1996),Wey(1998) 所編製的後設認知量表,實施後設認知量表前測,並接受作文的前測。研究者根據作文前測的成績區分出能力高、中、低三組於教學實驗結束之後施以訪談。全體學生並於教學實驗結束之後,再度接受後設認知量表與作文的後測。以觀察其在策略教學後英文寫作表現與後設認知行為的差異情形。 本研究主要的發現下: 1.後設認知策略教學的確能夠有效提升高中生的英文寫作能力。 2.後設認知策略教學的確能夠有效增加高中生在英文寫作中的後設認知 程度。 3.高中生英文寫作表現的確與後設認知的成長有正相關。 4.學生對於後設認知策略教學均抱持正面的態度。 有鑑於此,本研究建議高中英文教師應用後設認知教學策略於高中英文作文教學中。 / This researcher explored the effectiveness of the metacognitive strategy instruction in senior high school writers’ performance, based on the theories of metacognitive strategies. Forty-two high school students in Yung-feng were selected to be subjects. Adapted from Schraw and Dennison’s Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (1993), O’ Neil and Abedi’s State Metacognitive Inventory (1996) and Wey’s Writing Self-Assessment Questionnaire (1998), Mtacognitive Awareness Questionnaires before and after Instruction, were used to measure students’ metacognitive awareness. To assess the effects of metacognitive strategy instruction on writing performance, forty-two pieces of writing were assigned in class and then scored based on criteria by the CRESST writing score guide: overall impression, quality and scope of content, organization and presentation of content, and mechanics. The Pair-Sample T test was performed to test the hypotheses in this study. The findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Metacognitive strategy instruction has positive effects on the students’ writing performance. (2) Metacognitive strategy instruction has positive effects on students’ metacognitive awareness. (3) Students’ writing performance proved correlated to their metacognitive awareness. (4) Students’ attitudes towards the metacognitive strategy instructions were generally positive. Thus, we recommend that metacognitive strategy instruction be used in English writing in senior high school.

台灣高中生英文寫作用字分析與教學 / A Study on Teaching Vocabulary for English Writing to Taiwanese High School Students

李芷涵, Lee, Chih Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在實驗一套單字教學活動是否能成功增加台灣高中生的寫作應用字彙。在實驗開始前,研究者先進行前測,採用了字彙知識自評表(Vocabulary Knowledge Scale)和一份作文題目以了解學生一開始的字彙知識及主要單字的使用情況。之後,研究者開始了為期十二週的教學活動,此活動分為三階段:呈現(Presentation)、練習(Practice)、應用(Production),每個階段皆採用不同的活動進行教學,並根據這四大原則來設計教導應用字彙的活動:刻意性、重複性、參與性、情境性。教學實驗過後,研究者進行後測以了解字彙知識的改變及主要單字的使用情況,並分析不同程度的學生作品,以了解學生實際的用字情況。 研究結果顯示,本教學活動能有效增進學生的辨識字彙能力及字彙的應用。字彙知識自評表顯示前後測分數有顯著性差異,在後測中,超過半數以上的單字進步到比前測更高的等級,而且有八個字進升到應用字彙的程度。百分之八十七的學生有把主要字彙用在他們的作文中,且正確的使用頻率及相關單字的使用也增加了,無論是新字或舊字,在後測的使用數量都是前測的兩倍。 / The current study experiments with a series of teaching activities for productive words to Taiwanese students at the senior high level. It aims to understand the changes of word knowledge and target word use after the experiment. In the beginning, a pre-test was administered with the help of two instruments, the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale and a writing prompt, to understand the students’ initial level. Then, the researcher conducted the teaching experiment for 12 weeks, which consisted of the Presentation, Practice, and Production stages. In each stage, the activities were designed based on four important principles for teaching productive words: intentional, repeated, involving, and contextualized. After the experiment, a post-test using the same instruments was carried out to analyze the changes of word knowledge and target word use. Moreover, individual writing products of different levels were analyzed to see the actual usage of words in the students’ writing. The results showed that the teaching experiment was effective in increasing the students’ receptive knowledge and productive use of the target words. The VKS scores of the pre- and post-test differed significantly. More than half of the words moved up to higher levels, and eight words moved to the productive level in the post-test. The students’ writing products also indicated a considerable increase in the use of target words in terms of the correct usages and related words. Eighty-seven percent of the students used the target words in the post-test. Moreover, the number of old and new words used doubled in the post-test.

電腦輔助知識翻新活動對高中生學習環境感知與英文寫作表現之影響 / Effects of Computer-Supported Knowledge Building Pedagogy on High School Students’ Perception of Learning Environment and English Composition Performance

楊怡婷, Yang, I Ting Unknown Date (has links)
傳統作品導向(product-oriented)英文寫作教學重結果、輕過程,加上傳統學習環境多以教師為中心,重講述、少建構,不僅容易限制寫作內容的創意展現與發展,同時,學生在學習上亦容易處於一個被動獲知的角色。知識翻新理論中的知識建構歷程與想法創化環境,則提供了英文教師與學習者一個另類的教學設計原則以及學習環境感受。因此,研究者希冀能透過知識翻新教學理論之原理原則,設計出一套適用於高中生的英文寫作活動,幫助學生產出想法、發揮創意、提升寫作品質。有鑑於此,本研究旨在探討結合電腦輔助平台(即知識論壇)之知識翻新教學活動對高中生學習環境感知與英文寫作表現之影響。研究方法採個案研究法,研究對象為39名高二文組班學生。   本研究除了探討知識翻新活動對學生學習環境感知與英文作文寫作表現的差異情形之外,更進一步探討學生於構思階段寫作想法的轉變歷程以及教師在進行教學時的反思情形。本研究的資料來源包括:(1)知識創新學習環境問卷;(2)英文寫作成品;(3)構思活動記錄;(4)開放式問卷;(5)教師教學反思記錄。上述資料分析採量化的成對樣本t檢定、Pearson相關、描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、與單因子變異數等統計分析以及質性的內容分析,藉以瞭解學生對知識翻新創意氛圍的感知情形與英文寫作表現,以及以知識翻新原則導向的想法演變歷程與教學反思情形。   研究結果顯示:(1)知識翻新有助於提升學生的創意氛圍感知;(2)知識翻新英文寫作活動能提升學生的寫作的內容與表現能力;(3)以知識翻新理論為基礎所設計的英文寫作構思活動,能促使學生發想與精進寫作的想法;(4)知識翻新原則取向所進行的教師教學反思,能幫助教師改進與調整其教學信念與教學模式。最後,根據研究結果,本研究提出相關討論與建議,以供後續英文寫作教學及研究之參考。 / Traditional product-oriented English Composition pedagogy tends to focus on the writing results but not the writing processes. Accordingly, traditional learning environment also tends to be teacher-centered, emphasizing teacher’s lectures rather than students’ knowledge construction. Such pedagogy and environment not only restrain students’ development of creativities, but also turn students into passive learners. In contrast, the emphasis of a process of knowledge construction and idea development in a knowledge building environment has provided teachers and students an innovative pedagogy and an alternative learning environment. Therefore, the researcher in this study decided to employ the principle-based knowledge building theory to design more suitable English composition activities, in order to help students learn how to generate writing ideas, develop creative writing capacity, and eventually improve the quality of their English composition. As such, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of computer-supported knowledge building activities on high school students’ perception of learning environment and English writing performance. To this end, this research employed a case study and the participants were 39 second grade high school students. In addition to understanding how students perceived their learning environment and advance their English composition performance, this study further discussed the process and the transformation of writing ideas in three different stages and the condition of teacher reflection during the teaching. The data of this study mainly came from: (1) a knowledge building environment scale; (2) students’ English composition works; (3) the records produced during three ideas generation stages; and (4) the teacher’s teaching reflection. Quantitative and qualitative measures were applied in this study, and data were analyzed through paired-samples t tests, Pearson's product moment coefficient, descriptive statistics, independent-sample t test, one way ANOVA, and content analysis. The main findings were as follow: (1) knowledge building activities improved students’ perception of learning environment; (2) English composition activities which were based on knowledge building theory were able to advance students’ writing contents and performance; (3) brainstorming activities assisted students in idea generation, idea improvement, and idea synthesis; (4) teaching reflection affected teacher’s teaching beliefs (from cognitivism to constructivism) and teaching models (from teacher-centered to student-centered). Based on the results, some suggestions and implications were discussed.

教師回饋在多次文稿寫作上的成效--以台灣高中英文課為例 / The Efficacy of Teacher Feedback on Multi-draft Writing--A Case Study in Taiwan High School English Class

黃淑萍, Huang, Shu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
教師回饋在學生的寫作過程中是很重要的,所以如何給予有效的回饋是個值得探討的議題。這個研究是在評估老師的書面回饋對於高中生多次文稿英文寫作練習的成效。桃園市某所國立高中的高三學生,一班共36位 (男生27位,女生9位) 參與這項為期從2007年九月到2008年一月的研究。教師回饋的方式是在第一次文稿上給予代號批改及評語,在第二次文稿上直接寫上正確答案及評語,在第三次文稿上直接給予答案並附上評語。老師不會在每次的文稿上評分,而學生在繳交改寫的文稿時要附上心得單。這項研究包含敘述文體的前測及後測、兩份參與者對教師回饋的問卷、及參與者的訪談。研究結果如下:第一,這種教師回饋對於整體的寫作品質上的進步有所貢獻。第二,雖然這樣的教師回饋對於整體的寫作正確度上沒有明顯的改善,但在時態及標點符號方面卻有正向的影響。第三,參與者對於這樣的教師回饋抱持著正面的態度。最後,討論此研究在教學上的意涵及對未來研究的建議。 / Teacher feedback is important in students’ writing process, so how to give effective teacher feedback is an issue worth investigation. The present study assessed the effect of teacher written feedback on high school students’ multi-draft English writing practice. A class of 36 seniors (27 boys and 9 girls) in a national senior high school in Taoyuan City participated in this study from Sep. 2007 through Jan. 2008. The teacher feedback was to give coded correction and comments on Draft 1, to offer direct correction and comments on Draft 2, and to provide direct correction and comments on Draft 3. Grades were assigned randomly and the participants had to submit cover sheets in revision. The study included the pre-test and the post-test on narrative writing, two questionnaires on the participants’ perceptions of the teacher feedback, and interviews. The results are as follows: First, this teacher feedback contributed to significant improvement in the overall writing quality. Second, this teacher feedback yielded no significant difference in the overall writing accuracy, but it had some positive effect on tense and punctuation. Third, the participants took a positive attitude toward this teacher feedback. Finally, some implications for teaching and suggestions for future research were discussed.

探討PROPOSE和SUGGEST於英文學術寫作中之共現結構:以語料庫為本的研究 / A corpus-based study on the co-occurrence patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST in English academic writing

林晏宇, Lin, Yen-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在英文學術論文寫作上,引述動詞在文獻的重述、引用等方面扮演著重要的角色。透過引述動詞的使用,寫作者能更清晰、有力的陳述其論點。目前雖有許多關於引述動詞在句子中表達評論語氣與修辭功能的探討,但卻少有研究提及短語詞組的使用情形。引述動詞短語詞組的進一步探究能使學生在建構學術論述寫作的同時,對於經常與之共現的搭配字詞、句構有更敏銳的覺察能力。本研究從語意及句式兩方面著手,觀察常與PROPOSE和SUGGEST兩個高頻近義引述動詞共現的字詞與詞組。此二動詞所具有的共通點為:(一)字義上皆可表示「提出某事以作進一步考量」、(二)經常用於降低或弱化陳述句中的肯定語氣。本研究的目的在於釐清這兩個近義引述動詞的特點,並更完善地歸納出它們各自所偏好的短語詞組。 本研究的研究工具為擁有近四十五億詞彙的當代美式英文語料庫(Corpus of Contemporary American English),蒐集了其中PROPOSE 和SUGGEST於學術寫作中的相關語料,以觀察此二動詞的不同詞形(V-base型、V-s型、V-ed型與V-ing型)在句子中的表現。至於本研究的分析則分成了三個部分:(一) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST的語法模組、(二) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST的搭配中,有生命性或無生命性的主詞在主要語法模組中的分布情形、(三) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST後的受詞語義分類。量化分析之餘,本研究也引進了語料庫中的索引行(concordance line)以進一步展示PROPOSE及SUGGEST出現的語言環境,分析模組在不同語境中的特點。 研究結果顯示此二動詞的用法有許多相異之處。SUGGEST具有強烈明確傾向與that子句共同出現,而PROPOSE和that子句共現的機率與其和名詞片語共現的機率相近;除此之外,PROPOSE較常與有生命性的主詞共現,SUGGEST則是偏好與無生命性的主詞共現。至於受詞方面,我們發現PROPOSE後的受詞,多屬「認知觀點」、「方法」、「規則」等語義類別,而 SUGGEST後的受詞則多與「可能性」、「狀態」、「性質特徵」有關,以上的對比結果使我們發現,在學術英文寫作中,PROPOSE通常表「提供計畫或行動供他人參考決定」,而SUGGEST則通常表「傳達可能的推論或概念」。我們也發現此二動詞若是以不同詞形呈現時,偏好的字詞也不同。舉例來說,[suggest that-clause]偏好與表達「研究結果」意義相關的主詞共現,[suggests that-clause]則多與表「研究文獻」有關之主詞一同出現。整體而言,若我們從功能的角度出發,PROPOSE通常用於表示某人提出、建議某事項,SUGGEST則多用於詮釋解讀本研究結果或先前文獻中所提出之觀點。 本研究結果揭示了近義詞間短語詞組使用上的不同,並且也證實了當動詞以不同詞形呈現時會選擇不同的搭配,產生不同的語境。本研究透過系統化分析近義引述動詞的搭配情形,期許能為語言教學教材設計及未來與動詞共現詞組相關之研究帶來啟發與助益。 / Reporting verbs are important in academic research papers for paraphrasing and reviewing previous studies to support a writer’s positions. While a large number of studies have been carried out to investigate the evaluative potential and rhetorical functions of reporting verbs in citations, comparatively little research has focused on the phraseological patterns of particular common reporting verbs, the exploration of which can be beneficial in raising student awareness of the recurrent associations of words and structures of reporting in academic written discourse. This study aims at examining the syntactic and semantic environments of two frequent near-synonymous reporting verbs, PROPOSE and SUGGEST. According to Hyland (1998a) and Hinkel (2016), PROPOSE and SUGGEST both can mean ‘putting forward something for consideration’ and are frequently applied to mitigate the certainty of a statement (e.g., Hyland, 1998a; Hinkel, 2016). We expect to distinguish the two verbs from each other and offer a more comprehensive phraseological profile of them in academic writing. We used the subcorpus of academic writing in the 450 million-word Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) as the source data to investigate the performance of PROPOSE and SUGGEST in V-base form, V-s form, V-ed form, and V-ing form. Based on the corpus, the analysis focused on three aspects: (1) the grammatical patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST; (2) the distribution of animate and inanimate subjects of the dominant patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST; (3) the semantic classification of the objects of PROPOSE and SUGGEST. In addition to the quantitative methods, qualitative-based concordance line analysis was also implemented to reveal the characteristics of the broader stretches of discourse where PROPOSE and SUGGEST occur. The results show that the two reporting verbs are distinct from each other. While SUGGEST has a rather strong propensity for co-occurring with that-clause, for PROPOSE, the possibilities of co-appearing with a simple noun object and with a that-clause are similar. In addition, PROPOSE is more likely to have animate subjects, whereas SUGGEST prefers inanimate subjects. As for the simple noun objects of the two verbs, a large number of instances occurring with PROPOSE systematically belong to the semantic groups of COGNITION, METHOD, and STANDARD; SUGGEST shows more preference for POSSIBILITY nouns, STATE nouns, QUALITY nouns and RELATION nouns. The inter-comparison of the results of PROPOSE and SUGGEST suggests that, in academic writing, PROPOSE usually carries the sense of ‘to offer a plan or action for others to consider’, whereas SUGGEST tends to mean ‘to communicate or show an idea, which is likely to be true’. Moreover, the differences across four word forms of PROPOSE and SUGGEST were also identified. It was found that [suggest that-clause] prefers subjects referring to research results, but [suggests that-clause] occurs with the subjects referring to articles or studies on a particular topic more frequently. Overall, in terms of functions, PROPOSE is mainly used for describing the action of offering something as a choice for people to think carefully; SUGGEST, in contrast, serves to interpret a research finding or present an argument suggested by previous studies and literature. The present study sheds light on the phraseological difference between synonyms. It has also proved that different word forms of the same lemma have different choices of collocations and phraseologies. The research findings will contribute to the teaching and research of English for academic purposes since they provide a systematic analysis of the different habitual collocations of two frequent and similar reporting verbs in research articles. We believe this study will bring some insights to the designs of language teaching materials and can serve as the basis for future studies on the co-occurrence patterns and phraseologies of verbs.

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