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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

社團活動中的華語及文化學習經驗:以大學合唱團的兩位外籍成員參與合唱團為例之個案研究 / Experiencing Chinese Language and Culture Learning through a University Student Club – A Case Study on Two International Participants of a University Chorus

陳昭安 Unknown Date (has links)

華語學習者對聲旁表音一致性的認知處理: 漢字聽讀的眼動研究 / Cognitive processing of phonetic consistency by second language learners of Chinese: an eye-tracking study of listening and reading Chinese character

黃懷萱, Huang, Huai Shiuan Unknown Date (has links)
漢字對於拼音語言背景的華語學習者而言,一直是較難掌握的內容,他們在初學華語的階段,很快就需要記認與書寫與母語文字系統差異極大的漢字,所以經常遇到困難。正由於缺乏相關背景知識,華語學習者的漢字識別和心理認知歷程必然與母語者有所差異。然而語言離不開書寫與閱讀,若要增進中文能力,就必須提升本身的字彙量。漢字總數以形聲字數量最多,形聲字主要可以拆解為聲旁及義旁兩個部分,功能上多以表音及表義區分。關於母語學童的識字研究,常以「聲旁一致性」作為討論主題,透過唸名作業探討學童的識字過程,學者發現這種中文的形音對應關係是隨著學習歷程發展出來的,年級越高的學童,越能看到顯著效果,與識字量和閱讀能力的關聯密不可分。至於成人華語學習者,是否也能在學習經驗中累積出這種形音一致性的對應概念,是以往較少細究的內容。本論文關注此一議題,進行記錄眼動的心理學實驗,探討形音一致性高低對不同程度華語學習者在辨識單字的處理效率和其背後的認知意義。   論文實驗採用漢字聽讀整合的作業形式,請受試者聽取經由耳機播放的語音訊息,在電腦螢幕上點選對應的字形,藉由眼動儀器的記錄,分析眼睛對於目標字和無關字的凝視比例變化。實驗操弄目標字的聲旁一致性,並依照中文能力將受試者分成高、低程度二組,高程度組12人,低程度組10人。除了聽讀作業以外,另外採用語言水平問卷、漢字學習策略問卷、中文年級認字量表以及短文閱讀的眼動實驗做為額外的評量工具,以量測受試者主觀和客觀判斷的中文程度,提供後文討論對外漢字教學的實際建議。   實驗結果顯示中文能力高低與聲旁一致性高低對凝視比例具有影響。高程度組呈現預期的聲旁一致性效果,於目標字語音播放後的300至500毫秒之間呈現顯著差異,高一致目標字的凝視比例顯著高於低一致目標字。這個結果表示隨著學習經驗的積累,即使是拼音文字背景的學習者,也會因為識字量增加而逐漸具備形聲字聲旁一致性的認知能力。低程度組雖然未獲得如預期的一致性效果,但卻發現聲旁結合度效果,受試者對於同一聲旁越多的字,其凝視比率高於同一聲旁較少的字,足見低程度組雖然字彙量遠不如高程度組,但已經掌握部分漢字結構表徵,只是更加仰賴字形訊息,所以聲旁結合度影響較大。本文結果顯示,對拼音語言的華語學習者而言,形聲字的辨認也並非絕對的一字一音,而是受到語音成分介入。本文最後提出如何利用此研究結果於對外漢字教學及教材編製上,以供後續教學研究參考。 / Learning to read and write Chinese characters is hard for CFL (Chinese as a foreign language) students, especially for those whose native languages are alphabetic languages, would face to a totally different writing system-“Hanzi” at the beginning stage of learning; therefore, it would be a real challenge because of the complexity. Due to lack of background knowledge, CFL students may have a different cognitive process from Chinese native speakers. Nevertheless, to improve language skills and abilities, it is necessary to raise the amount of their Chinese lexicon. Phonetic compounds comprise most of the Chinese characters and can be divided into two parts-a phonetic radical and a semantic radical, which denote the character’s possible pronunciation and meaning. Researchers have found that “phonetic consistency” affects the latency of naming from Chinese native speakers. For elementary school children, the higher grade they are in, the consistency effect is more significant, which related to their learning process of word-recognition. As for CFL learners, we know few from them. The present study focuses on the topic of phonetic consistency, manipulating the eye-tracking methods to investigate the processing efficiency and cognitive meanings from CFL learners of two different levels. The study utilized visual world paradigm of eye tracking methods through a reading and listening task. Subjects would hear a sentence and would be asked to choose the target character from the four on the screen. Fixation proportions of target and unrelated characters were counted in each time bin. The experiment manipulated phonetic consistency value and two groups of subjects participated in this research: the high level group (12 people) and the low level group (10 people), whose native languages were all alphabetic languages. Except for the listening and reading task, we used questionnaires, character recognition test and reading comprehension test to judge subjects’ Chinese reading ability. Results showed that Chinese ability and phonetic consistency affected fixation proportions. For the high level group, the proportion of target was higher in high consistency condition than the low consistency condition after the target onset. Significant consistency effect was found between 300 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds as expectation. For the low level group, there were opposite results compared with high level group and tended to show “phonetic combinability effect” between 300 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds. Subjects had more fixations on those characters with the amount of the same phonetic radicals. It seemed that the visual information attracted more than sound information. These results implicated that CFL students with alphabetic language background have accumulated the phonetic consistency concepts of Chinese phonograms after years of learning; in other words, the phonetic information of Chinese characters also involved in the word-recognition processing for CFL students. At the end, we provided some advices for teaching Chinese as a foreign language based on the present findings.

台灣外籍學生華語學習困擾與因應策略之研究 / A study of Chinese learning difficulties and coping strategies for foreign students in Taiwan

呂啟萱 Unknown Date (has links)
國內關於華語文教學之研究多著重於漢語語音、詞彙、語法本身,以及不同國籍間之教材設計、對比分析等外在因素,關於外籍學習者本身學習情況之探討較為有限。外籍學生在全外語學習環境下產生的學習困擾,對於學習之影響力不容小覷。因此本研究旨在以半結構式訪談,深入瞭解台灣外籍學生於內在原因、外在原因,以及華語作為第二語言等原因之影響下,所產生的學習困擾與因應策略,並比較不同國籍、學習動機與目的、語言學習背景等研究對象之間的學習困擾及因應策略差異情形,提出結論及相關建議。 為達上述研究目的,本研究以質性研究方法中的訪談法進行研究,訪談五位曾在台灣學習華語超過一年以上之外籍學生,根據「台灣外籍學生學習困擾及因應策略訪談大綱」實施訪談,並將訪談資料整理歸納後,提出研究結果分析與討論及研究發現。根據本研究目的與問題,提出本研究結論如下: 一、引起受訪之外籍學生產生華語學習困擾原因中,最多為外在原因,其次為內在原因及華語作為第二語言之因 二、令多數受訪之外籍學生產生華語學習困擾之因有:實用性不足、華語語序與外籍學生母語差異之問題,以及華語中聲調太困難等困擾 三、受訪之外籍學生較特殊的華語學習困擾有:對於課堂練習方式不滿的困擾、聽不懂台語的困擾,以及在台灣繼續求學或工作後發現華語能力不足的困擾 四、受訪之台灣外籍學生面對華語學習困擾之因應策略,多為行為層面因應,其中以「主動尋求解決」居多,態度上以「正面積極」居多 五、受訪之外籍學生面對華語作為第二語言所引起的學習困擾之因應策略以「不回應」居多 六、不同國家、華語學習動機與目的、華語學習背景之受訪外籍學生具華語學習之差異 基於以上述研究結論,本研究提出之建議如下: 一、對華語教學相關單位之建議 (一)宜提高聘任華語教師教學知能方面的門檻,並轉換對發音之要求 (二)建立華語教師進修方案及開設多元文化研習 (三)可以志願性或實習的方式,招募有志從事華語教學者,協助語言中心實施課後輔導,或依個人專長開設華語相關才藝課程 (四)宜事先根據外籍學生華語學習背景及學習目的,安排適當課程內容 (五)實施教學意見調查制度,提供長期累積困擾者反應之管道 二、對華語教學者之建議 (一)增進華語教學內容之實用性 (二)觀摩或吸收資深華語教師之經驗,了解不同程度及背景之外籍學生華語學習差異情形以因材施教 (三)宜善用社會資源及多媒體資源,幫助外籍學生增進中華文化知識 三、對華語教學政策之建議 (一)建立更完善的華語教學政策,結合不同取向的華語師資 (二)建立多元化之華語教師評鑑制度 四、對未來研究之建議 (一)在研究方向上的建議:可增加影響華語學習之原因或縮小影響原因至某一層面研究 (二)在研究方法上的建議:可繼續使用質性研究方法,從不同角度或層面,對此相關議題作更深入之探討 (三)在研究對象上的建議:研究對象範圍可擴大至中、南或東部地區,或是在私人華語補習班中學習的外籍學生;選取條件之設定上,可加入不同社會因素之受訪者條件 / Much research about Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) in Taiwan has been on Chinese phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, and the design of teaching materials as well as comparative analysis among different countries. Few studies, however, were conducted to explore the actual learning conditions facing foreign students in Taiwan. That is, the influence of foreign students’ learning difficulties from all foreign language environments should not be underestimated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand foreign students of Chinese learning difficulties and their coping strategies influenced by external and internal reasons and to compare the individual student differences of learning motivation and goals, language learning backgrounds of different countries via semi-structure interviews. This study concludes with recommendations for future research. To accomplish the purpose of the study, this research adopted qualitative research methods through interviewing five foreign students who had learned Chinese in Taiwan more than one year. The interview outline was developed based on “Chinese learning difficulties and coping strategies for foreign students in Taiwan.” The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1.Among the reasons for Chinese learning difficulties facing the interviewed foreign students in Taiwan, the external reason mentioned by the participants outnumber the internal reason and the reason of Chinese learning difficulties; 2.The main reason of Chinese learning difficulties for the foreign students in Taiwan include lack of practicality, problem of word order between their first language and Chinese and the difficult Chinese tone; 3.The salient Chinese learning difficulties facing the foreign students include their dissatisfaction with practice activities in class, difficulty in understanding the local dialect Taiwanese and insufficient Chinese proficiency for continuing their study or work in Taiwan; 4.The coping strategies used by the foreign students who faced Chinese learning difficulties are mostly behavior-related, and the most frequently used strategy is “seeking solution actively”. 5.The attitude of the interviewed foreign students is generally positive. As of the coping strategies of learning difficulties of CSL, most foreign students made no response; 6.Since the foreign students in Taiwan come from different countries with various language learning backgrounds and learning motivations and goals, the Chinese teaching style in Taiwan may generate different aspects of learning difficulties and coping strategies. Based on the conclusions in this study, several recommendations are made: 1.Suggestions for relevant institutions of Chinese teaching include: (1) Enhancing the condition of teaching knowledge and ability when employing Chinese teacher, reducing the emphasis on pronunciation; (2) Establishing the advancement scheme for CSL teachers and opening workshops of multiculturalism (3) Recruiting volunteers or interns who wish to be Chinese teachers who can assist the language center after school or who can conduct Chinese courses according to their expertise; (4) Considering the educational backgrounds and learning goals of the foreign students to arrange appropriate proficiency-level courses; (5) Implementing teacher evaluation survey and providing an opportunity for students with learning difficulties to express their concern about teaching. 2. Suggestions for Chinese language teachers include: (1) Enhancing the practicality of the CSL content; (2) Observing or absorbing senior CSL teachers’ teaching experiences, heeding individual differences of foreign students with varied language proficiencies to teach according to their proficiencies; (3) Capitalizing on social and multimedia resources to help foreign students enhance their knowledge of Chinese culture. 3. Suggestions for Chinese language teaching policy include: (1) Implementing a more rigid Chinese teaching policy and gathering Chinese teachers with different orientations of teaching; (2) Establishing diversified Chinese teaching evaluation system; 4. Future research is suggested to: (1) Explore the factors that may facilitate the learning of Chinese learners or investigate a given factor that may influence the learning of Chinese to a certain degree; (2) Use qualitative research methods to yield more in-depth discussions in related issues from different perspectives; (3) Include more participants in other areas in Taiwan or foreign students learning in private Chinese language centers and the settings of different selected conditions to explore other social factors.

華語學習者會話中的自我修復研究 / A Study of Self-Repair in Conversation by Chinese Learners

沈姿均 Unknown Date (has links)
在交談中在人們的交談中,順暢不間斷的話語是很少存在的。說話者對話語的修復 (repair)才是口語會話中普遍存在的現象。而修復的使用會因為可執行的語用功能有所不同,同時也可能受到學習者的語言程度而有所影響。過去國內外已有許多關於自我修復的研究,但是針對以華語為第二外語學習者的自我修復現象,則尚未見到較為深入的研究。本研究主要為了瞭解華語學習者使用的修復方式 (repair) 以及語用功能 (Pragmatic Function) 和他們的華語程度之間的關係。 為達研究目的,本研究採用實地錄製而來的語料分析。 一共使用九份語料, 受試者來自不同的國家學習華語者,年齡層約介於19-30歲之間。依他們的華語程度分成中級、中高級、高級三個等級。 在每個等級中,皆採用三份會話語料,而這三份會話語料之受試者性別分別是男女、女女、男男,總共採用18名受試者的語料,他們彼此的關係都是好朋友或為同班同學。每筆語料約擷取三十分鐘的長度,對話的形式則是面對面的、未經事先計畫的真實、自然的互動。 語料蒐集後,依照不同的修復方式分為:重複、補全、詳述、替代、重啟、重組六種;說話者的語用功能為:保留話輪、補充說明、更正、確認。所有語料經過分類統計過後,結果發現:1.程度較高的學習者修復次數比程度低的多;2.說話者做的詞彙方面的修復頻率高於句法方面的修復;3.說話者使用的修復方式受到語用功能與句法的影響,其偏好順序為:重複、詳述、替代、補全、重啟、重組;4.說話者為保留話輪使用重複多於補全與重啟;為補充說明說話者使用詳述多於替代與重組;為確認使用重複多於替代與補全;5.說話者的程度不影響為保留話輪與確認所做的修復方式,只有在補充說明此功能中的替代這種方式有顯著差異。 / Many linguists have found that perfect utterances do not actually exist all the time during a conversation. In fact, an unclear message is usually sent and need to be Repaired. This study aims to investigate self-Repairs made by Chinese learners, in particular with respect to inter-relationships among repair types, the pragmatic functions of repairs, and the speaker’s language proficiency. Data analyzed in this study are collected from nine dyadic, face-to-face daily conversations, each lasting at least 30 minutes. There are 18 participants from different countries aged between 19 and 30. They are divided into three different groups according to their language level. In order to see whether the different interactions between Repair types, pragmatic functions and speaker’s proficiency is significant or not, this study will use ANOVA to analyze those data. The findings are as follows: For the pragmatic function of Floor-holding, speakers use Repeat more than Complete and Restart. For the pragmatic function of Clarification, Elaboration is the type most frequently used, and then follows the types Replace and Reorder. For the pragmatic function of Confirmation, Repeat is also the most favored type. With the speaker’s language level taken into consideration, this study finds that interlocutors’ proficiency does not influence the choice of Repair types to serve the pragmatic function of Floor-holding and Confirmation. The only significant difference found in the pragmatic function of clarification is found in intermediate level and high level.

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