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兩岸專利權海關保護之研究 / A Study on Cross-Strait Customs Protection of Patent Rights洪三凱, Hung, San Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本論文區分為六個部分。第一章是緒論,說明研究動機及目的,以及研究方法及範圍。第二章是說明及定義智慧財產權邊境執行之指導原則,以及第一線海關人員依據貨物外觀辨識原則查尋嫌疑貨物。第三章是討論智慧財產權邊境執行之三種方式。第四章是分析與比較兩岸專利權之執行。第五章是闡述司法暫時權利保護與專利權邊境執行之配合。第六章是結論。 / Both Mainland China and Taiwan enacted laws to protect patentees’ exclusive rights to the invention and to prevent the rights from being exploited, without the patentee’s consent, via making, offering for sale, selling, using or importing of the infringed goods. Prior to filing the infringement litigation, the patentee or the exclusive licensee may generally initiate to request its customs authorities to suspend the release of, or to detain, suspect goods that involve the infringement of a patent from entering into the channels of commerce. Generally speaking, goods that involve trademark or copyright can be more easily observed whether it is infringed via its apprearance. However, most of goods that involve patents can not be more easily observed whether it is infringed, and inter alia, for example, there are probably more than 1,000 patent rights in one smart phone, and many goods have the similar situations. So it is difficult to distinguish infringed or non-infringed goods by front line staffs of customs.
Article 52 of Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights defines suspension of release. It provides: “Any right holder initiating the procedures under Article 51 shall be required to provide adequate evidence to satisfy the competent authorities that, under the laws of the country of importation, there is prima facie an infringement of the right holder’s intellectual property right and to supply a sufficiently detailed description of the goods to make them readily recognizable by the customs authorities.” It’s understood that the counterfeit trademark or pirated copyright goods can be generally observed via its appearance by front line staffs of customs, if a right holder supply prima facie evidence of infringement of the right holder’s intellectual property right. On the other hand, it is very difficult for a patentee or a exclusive licensee to supply prima facie evidence of infringement of the patent.
In addition to the above mentioned issues, there is a more severe problem that the patentee or the exclusive licensee needs to solve. It’s that the patentee or the exclusive licensee doesn’t know when and where the goods that involve the infringement of patents will import, if the patentee or the exclusive licensee seek for the goods that involve the infringement of patents without designating spies in rivals. Therefore, this thesis tries to research the issue with respect to how to detect and detain goods that infringe patent rights.
This thesis is divided in six parts. Chapter 1 makes a description of the motive and the purpose of this article. It also includes the method and the range of this research. Chapter 2 explains and defines “The Guidelines of Intellectual Property Rights Border Enforcement” and the suspect of goods could be found by front line staffs of customs in compliance with “The Principle of Goods Appearance Identification”. Chapter 3 discusses three modes of intellectual property rights enforcement. Chapter 4 analyzes and compares Cross-Strait Customs in patent border enforcement. Chapter 5 describes cooperation of provisional measures and patent border enforcement. Finally, Chapter 6 is the conclusion.
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國際海上貨物運送法之新趨勢─國際海事委員會運送法草案之研究梁志偉 Unknown Date (has links)
國際海事委員會〈International Maritime Committee,簡稱CMI〉係1924年有關載貨證券規定之布魯塞爾公約〈The Brussels Convention of 1924 Relating to Bill of Lading,簡稱海牙規則〉以及1968年統一載貨證券規則國際公約修定協議書〈Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading,1968,簡稱海牙威斯比規則〉之起草者。惟因海上貨物運送日新月異,今日情形遠非從前可比。以海運單據而言,有運送當事人捨棄載貨證券而使用不可轉讓之海上貨運單來證明運送契約者,甚至以電子商務來函往返亦為常見。以運送型態而言,貨櫃運送所承運之貨物,其價值佔所有運送貨物價值之大部,而該類運送,除使用海運外,也多使用公路、或鐵路等內陸運送來完成。故以載貨證券及海運為重心之海牙及海牙威斯比規則,漸有規範不足之感。
除此之外,諸如支付運費、運送人交付貨物、貨方就貨物相關事宜指示運送人的權利、如何讓與運送契約下之權利、誰有權提起訴送或仲裁等議題,則不但海牙及海牙威斯比規則未加規範,就連1978年聯合國海上貨物運送公約〈United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by sea,1978,簡稱漢堡規則〉對此亦束手無策,導致該類議題只得依照各國國內法解決,無法達成法律適用上之一致。
因此,在1998年,CMI決定放下修訂海牙威斯比規則之工作,轉而開始研擬全新的海上貨物運送規範,並於2001年12月提出了運送法文書草案〈CMI Draft Instrument on Transport Law,簡稱草案〉 。不但允許運送契約當事人使用不可轉讓運送單據、或以電子商務往返,更將草案之適用範圍擴及多式運送、及過去國際公約未處理之議題,尤有甚者,草案下之運送人賠償責任制度亦較以往之國際公約來得複雜。
因為現今任何之國際公約皆須由聯合國之機構如UNCITRAL加以起草。CMI便將草案送交予聯合國國際貿易法委員會〈United Nations Commission on International Trade Law,簡稱UNCITRAL〉,在UNCITRAL加入秘書處之說明後,於2002年1月8日,該份草案被製成海上貨物運送文書草案初稿〈Preliminary Draft Instrument on the Carriage of Goods by Sea〉 ,並交由UNCITRAL下之運送法工作小組〈Working Group on Transport Law〉所審議 。雖說UNCITRAL是否會修訂草案,抑或聯合國是否將以之代替漢堡規則,此刻吾人難加逆料,但不論就規範廣度及賠償責任制度方面,相較於海牙及海牙威斯比、漢堡規則,CMI所提出之草案都頗有可觀,極值得吾人加以研究。
第一章 緒論
第二章 立法背景
第三章 草案釋義
第四章 國際海上貨物運送法之新趨勢─代結論
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