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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

不同社經地位親子共讀之比較研究 / Styles of mother-child book reading interaction in different social classes

黃卓琦, Huang, Cho-chi Unknown Date (has links)
在學校教育中,來自低社會地位家庭的孩童常在學業成就方面表現不佳,這個現象可能導因於孩童學前所受的語言刺激不足。許多學者發現,母親在親子共讀時若是使用較困難的語言、或是要求幼兒多多參與互動,可以幫助幼兒的語言發展。但是大多數此類研究都是研究西方文化中的親子互動模式,少有在臺灣的文化環境下以真實親子共讀的語料所做的類似研究。本研究的目的在於探討臺灣不同社會階層親子共讀的模式,研究對象包括三十二對母親與三歲幼兒,其中十六對來自中高社階家庭,十六對來自低收入家庭。語料來自於受試親子共同閱讀故事書時的語言以及互動。研究結果顯示中高社階的母親較會在閱讀的過程中鼓勵幼兒參與對話,也會和幼兒討論與故事內容相關的議題。而低社階的母親把閱讀故事視為自己的責任,較不會誘導幼兒參與互動,也只專注在故事書上現時現地的內容,少有相關議題的討論。此研究結果可作為親職教育或介入計畫的基礎。 / Children from low socio-economic status (SES) are at higher risk of poor school achievement. The reason might be the language background of low SES children in preschool years. Researchers have found that mothers who give children higher demand in joint book reading tend to have children with better language skills in the future. However, most of these researches were conducted in Western cultures. This paper examined mother-child book reading styles in different socio-economic classes in Taiwan. 32 mother-child dyads, 16 from upper-middle class and 16 from low income families, were asked to read a picture book with their children. Results showed that upper-middle mothers tended to encourage their children to narrate the story and discuss non-immediate information such as inference and prediction of plot elements. In contrast, low mothers tended to take story book reading as their responsibility without inviting children to participate and they produced more immediate talk such as labeling. Educational implications and suggestions for the future research will be discussed.

幼幼班母親對幼兒閱讀信念與親子共讀之相關研究─以台中縣為例 / A study of the relationship between the maternal literacy beliefs and mother-child book-reading—an example of Taichung County

林湘琴 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼幼班母親在幼兒閱讀信念對於親子共讀之影響及關係。首先瞭解母親對幼兒閱讀信念與親子共讀之現況;其次分析不同背景變項對母親之幼兒閱讀信念與親子共讀之差異情形;第三則分析母親對幼兒閱讀信念與親子共讀之相關程度;最後,探討母親之幼兒閱讀信念對親子共讀之預測力。 本研究透過文獻探討以及問卷調查法來瞭解上述研究目的,改編之家庭問卷和父母親閱讀信念量表(Parental Reading Belief Inventory;PRBI)為研究工具。以台中縣私立托兒所幼幼班母親為研究母群體,以立意取樣方式抽樣21個鄉鎮市,共計29間私立托兒所之幼幼班母親為主要研究對象。共發出299份問卷,整體回收率有效問卷為76.92%。問卷回收後,使用SPSS12.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、初探性與驗證性因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、多變量變異數分析、單因子變異數分析、Scheff’e多重比較、皮爾森積差相關以及多元迴歸來分析資料。本研究主要結論如下: 壹、母親對幼兒閱讀信念最肯定共讀對幼兒之正向影響;大多數母親會在幼兒在三歲前進行共讀,且以經常或有時候的頻率進行,並為幼兒準備書籍,而幼兒也普遍喜愛親子共讀。 貳、不同變項對母親在幼兒閱讀信念與親子共讀之差異: 一、閱讀頻率越高之母親越會進行親子共讀、幼兒越喜愛共讀、越會為幼兒準備書籍。 二、高社經較低社經地位的母親較早開始進行親子共讀;但低社經地位的母親較中、高社經地位的母親較會為幼兒準備書籍。 三、有童年親子共讀經驗的母親更受「反向因素」的影響、更肯定「共讀對幼兒有正向影響」、會在幼兒更年幼時開始親子共讀;沒有童年親子共讀經驗的母親更會與幼兒進行親子共讀。 四、在家年齡排行「第四或其他」的幼兒較排行「第三」的幼兒更喜愛親子共讀。 參、母親整體幼兒閱讀信念越強、越不受反向因素影響、母親親子共讀效能感越高、幼兒開始共讀的年齡越小、其親子共讀頻率越高、幼兒喜愛共讀的程度越高、家中幼兒書籍量越多,但卻越沒有與幼兒共讀經驗。 肆、母親對幼兒閱讀信念之「反向因素」可預測母親「與幼兒共讀經驗」,但為負向;整體母親之幼兒閱讀信念可預測母親「與幼兒開始共讀年齡」、「親子共讀頻率」、「幼兒喜愛共讀程度」、「幼兒書籍量」,且皆為正向。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結論針對母親、未來之研究提出建議,以期對未來三歲以前之親子共讀推廣和研究有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study was to: (a)understand the current situation of the maternal literacy beliefs and mother-child book-reading; (b)explore the data of the maternal literacy beliefs and mother-child book-reading between different backgrounds and influencing factors; (c) analyze the relationship between these two variables; (d) explore the predictive power of the maternal literacy beliefs on the mother-child book-reading. To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were a comprehensive literature review and a questionnaire. Two scales were uses to measure the following constructs: “Family Survey”, “Parental Reading Belief Inventory;PRBI”. A total of 299 mothers of 2-3 years old children from 29 private pre-schools participated in this survey in Taichung County, and with an effective response rate of 76.92%. The questionnaire data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach α coefficient analysis, explorative factor analysis, confirmative factor analysis, T-test, MANOVA, ANOVA, Scheff’e posteriority comparison, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis through the use of SPSS12.0 for windows. The major results were summarized as follows: 1.Mothers got the highest scores of Parental Reading Belief Inventory is Positive Affect to Child. Most of the mothers start book-reading with children before the age of 3. Mothers usually or sometimes reading to children, and prepare books for them. In addition, most of the children enjoy book-reading. 2.Maternal literacy beliefs and mother-child book-reading between different backgrounds and influencing factors: a.Mothers with higher reading frequency, spending more time reading to their children and preparing more books for their children. Children are more enjoy book-reading. b.High-SES mothers start to read to their children when children were younger than low-SES mothers do. However, low-SES mothers prepare more books for their children than middle-SES and high-SES mothers. c.Mothers with book-reading experience in childhood got higher scores of Positive Affect to Child and start to read to their children at younger age of children, but got lower scores of Opposite Factor. Mothers without book-reading experience in childhood would spend more time reading to their children. d.The forth or Later child is more enjoy book-reading than the third child. 3.Mothers got the higher scores on Parental Reading Belief Inventory, the less influence by Opposite Factor, the higher scores on Book-Reading Efficacy, the earlier start book-reading at younger age of children, the higher frequency to read to their children, children is more enjoy book-reading, the more books for children at home, but less book-reading experience with children. 4.Opposite Factor is predictable negatively Book-Reading Experience with Children. Maternal Literacy Beliefs is predictable positively Age of Child of Beginning Book-Reading、Mother-Child Book-Reading Frequency、Degree of Expressed Interest in Books of child、quantity of books for children. Keywords:mother、beliefs 、maternal literacy beliefs、0~3 years old、Mother-Child Book-Reading、Bookstart

親子共讀對幼兒閱讀能力影響之研究 / The effect of joint book reading on the literacy of young children

何文君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討親子共讀對幼兒閱讀能力之影響。使用自編之家長與幼兒共同閱讀問卷,收集有關親子共讀、家長及幼兒背景資料;本研究之幼兒閱讀能力,指幼兒認字能力、故事理解力、聲韻覺識能力,認字與故事理解力方面採用楊怡婷(1995)改編之故事及自編之理解能力測驗,聲韻覺識能力則採用呂珮菁(2004)聲韻覺識測驗,幼兒閱讀能力之資料皆至園所對幼兒施測而得。首先,分析背景資料對幼兒閱讀能力之影響,再比較有無親子共讀家庭中,分別在幼兒在閱讀能力上造成之差異;最後,針對前述有差異的閱讀能力,深入探討具有親子共讀的家庭裡,共讀的互動方式與閱讀能力間的關係。 研究結果為: 性別對幼兒的閱讀能力並沒有影響。亦發現學英語的幼兒在聲韻覺識作業細項中的中文聲母刪除作業及英文音素刪除作業表現較佳。在家長教育程度與職業在幼兒閱讀能力上沒有顯著差異。關於有無親子共讀對幼兒閱讀能力之影響,結果為:具有親子共讀的幼兒在故事理解力表現較無親子共讀者顯著為佳。 針對故事理解能力,家長共讀與此能力間的相關行為有:對於故事內容進行描述教導與推論教導,其中,描述教導的具體行為有「給予描述或指名」、「要求孩子描述或指名」、「要求孩子預測劇情」、「戲劇化表達」;推論教導的具體行為有「常問為什麼」、「與孩子討論因果關係」,這些都可以增進幼兒對故事的瞭解以及作出高層次認知的思考,基於研究結果之建議,文中有詳細討論。 / This thesis investigates the influence of parent to the literacy of their young child through sharing books with their child. Parents were requested to fill out the questionnaires about joint book reading and children were assessed their literacy which includes word recognition, story comprehension, and phonological awareness. The sample (n= 53) included 40 patents who have joint book reading and 13 parents who do not. The first step of this thesis is to compare with children literacy between children whose parents have joint book reading and children whose parents do not. Children with sharing book by parents only have better achievement in story comprehension than those who without joint book reading. Thus, the second step of this thesis is to find out what kind of parents’ utterances during joint book reading is related to the story comprehension of children and these utterances may improve the story comprehension of children. The utterances which are related to the story comprehension of children are following: 1. Labels: Parents request or provide character identification, labeling of objects, and so on. 2. Descriptions: Parents request or provide an explanation of plot information and focus on what has happened or is happening. Inference: Parents request predictions about why has happened in the story and discuss the causality in the story with their children.

新移民家庭親子關係之研究--以伊甸新北市板橋區親子共讀團體為例 / The research of new immigrant family parent-child relationship- take eden parent-child reading group in Banciao District, New Taipei City

洪若耘, Hung, Jo Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的係為探討新移民母親參與親子共讀團體後,其在自我認同、親子關係,以及對家庭關係上之變化。本研究採質性為主,量化為輔的方法。質性研究以深度訪談和參與觀察方式;量化研究以前-後測之親子共讀問卷瞭解新移民母親在分數上的變化。九位受訪者以立意和滾雪球抽樣取得。主要研究結果如下: 在「原生家庭對新移民女性在教養子女的影響」方面:新移民女性作為孩子的主要照顧者,並非為全職家務工作者,且新移民女性與台灣先生、夫家和原生娘家的相處情形,會受到原生家庭中母親與父親及上一代公婆、娘家的互動模式影響;在「自我認同的轉變」方面:新移民女性渴望得到來自夫家或社會的認同,因此,她們對於養育或管教子女的自我要求極為嚴苛,孩子的成就代表她們人生的成功。並用真誠信任且開放的態度去面對團體中的領導者、協同領導者和其他團體成員時,其越能得到較多的社會支持與正向感受;在「提昇親子關係」方面,從質化與量化加以說明:質化方面:當新移民親子溝通和互動關係變好,在教養上就會順利許多。量化方面:研究採個人之自我分數對照方式,深入瞭解每位受訪者的改變。在「家庭關係和諧」方面:先生非常支持太太上課學習,並願意建立有效夫妻溝通模式,此也影響新移民女性跟夫家和娘家的互動關係。 最後,針對新移民女性及家庭的需求對實務工作、服務體系及未來研究等三方面提出相關建議,作為未來實務工作、政策制定以及研究之參考。 / Abstract The research discusses the change of self-recognition, parent-child relationship, and family relationship after new immigrant mothers join in the parent-child reading group. This qualitative research, deep interview and observation, is assisted with quantitative method, pre- and post- test parent-child reading questionnaire to understand the score changing of new immigrant mothers. 9 respondents were selected from judgment and snowball sampling. The main results are as follows: In the aspect of “the influence of original family on the new immigrant female when raising child”: new immigrant female is the main care taker of the child, not full time house chores doer. Also, the living situation of the new immigrant female with their husband, in-laws, and original family is affected by the interaction between their parents from the original family and the in-laws and the original family of last generation. In the aspect of “the changing of self-recognition”: new immigrant female long for recognition from the husband’s family or the society. Therefore, they are hard on themselves in raising or disciplining the child. The achievement of the child is their life success. When they face the leader, the co-leader, and other group members with sincere, trust, and open attitude, they can have more positive social support and feeling. We explain the aspect of “increasing parent-child relationship” qualitatively and quantitatively. In qualitatively, when the communication and interaction between the parent and child of the new immigrant is better, the raising and teaching will be smoother. In quantitatively, the research contrast personal scores and deeply understand the changing of each respondent. In the aspect of “family harmony”: the husband supports the wife to learn and is willing to build effectively couple communication model, which has also influence the interaction of the new immigrant female with the in-laws and the original family. Finally, we propose related suggestions on the need of the new immigrant female and the family in the aspects of practical works, service system, and future research as the reference for future practical work, policy stipulation, and research.

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