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從訴願制度論我國訴願法之修正 / 無洪甲乙, Hung, Chia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在於希望經過研究後所整理出之結論與建議,可使有需要利用我國訴願制度以救濟其權利之人作為參考用。此外,對於即將修訂之訴願法 ,本文亦將對其修法之可能內容作一簡單的評析,並提出若干的建議,以作為有關機關修法時之參考。
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我國租稅法救濟制度之研究楊武連, Yang, Wu-Lian Unknown Date (has links)
其要點有統一規定各項稅法之救濟程序,並迅速制訂統一性之稅捐征收法,以便稅務機關及納稅人有所準繩; 簡化行政救濟程序,將再訴願,程序取消,以利迅速結案; 力求改進現行訴願法及行政訴訟法之內容,使之完善,以免適用時發生困難或疑義。健全訴願審,議委員會之組織,並使其地位具有相當獨立性,同時給予訴願人聽證之機會,用昭訴願人信服; 修改行政法院組織法,將其分為地方行政法院與中央行政法院,俾對事件能作更審慎,更客觀公平之裁判; 現行稅務二元救濟制度似應回復一元制,以怯除行政司法兩歧不良之後果,並符合大陸法系制度之特色。第五章為結論,乃將研討改進之結果作一總結。總而言之,我國現行租稅救濟制度之改革,其目標即在怯除制度上不良之因素,使之臻於健全,並求制度之運用,能兼顧到效能、適當、和合法各方面,以發揮租稅救濟之實效,而裨益於租稅行政之正常運行。
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行政機關改制國營事業之行政法律關係問題—以桃園國際機場之案例研究為中心 / Administrative Legal Relations of State-owned Enterprises in Restructuring of Administrative Organs-Focusing on Case Studies of Taoyuan International Airport朱曉芬, Chu, Hsiao-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
桃園國際機場的改制,只是政府將交通建設進行企業化管理的第一步。台灣尚有十六個機場,如欲進行改制,在法制面上應注意哪些事項,而桃園國際機場是否應進一步走向民營化,也將作為本文之結論。 / In order to achieve diversified administrative purposes, the government will choose the other new types of organizations for administrative tasks to replace the traditional administrative organizations with this time. Among the different type of organizations currently in operation, alternative organizational forms include administrative organs, independent administrative institution, state-owned enterprises and private-owned enterprises. There is no certain standard regarding to which type of organization to choose for the administrative purposes, and there is no express statutory provision in the law. In principle, the government has the right to choose which one is the best choice.
After Taoyuan Airport was transformed into a state-owned company, the change is from the executive organ that originally had to exercise public power turned into an organization that could exercise no public authority. After its restructuring, is there any change of the legal relationship of the company's internal staff, as well as the cooperation with external organizations? Will these changes affect the implementation of its related business? Owing to the state-owned enterprise still an organization which controlled and supervised by the government, is there any application of the State Compensation Law if it infringes on people's rights and interests? Otherwise, can we seek administrative litigation in order to provide relief? These questions will be explored in the text.
The reform of Taoyuan International Airport is only the first step toward the government-led management of transport construction. There are still 16 airports in Taiwan. To reform the system, what matters should be noted on the legal system and whether the airport should be further privatized, these 2 issues will be the conclusion of this article.
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