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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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周文科 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,經濟犯罪問題日益嚴重,其中,詐欺案件發生頻仍,諸如刮刮樂、手機中獎、退稅等詐欺集團作案範圍涵蓋全臺,受害民眾遍及各階層,個人財物損失甚至高達數千萬元以上,此類犯罪已嚴重危害社會經濟秩序及治安,並引起社會大眾及立法、行政部門高度重視與關切。 詐欺犯罪是透過對受害社會民眾或客戶的不便,產生機會成本、非必要的過高價格,而由詐欺犯罪活動中,取得不法利得。並且將此成本,轉嫁社會大眾身上。根據「臺閩刑案統計」80年(1991)詐欺案件發生725件,惟至91年(2002)詐欺案件發生高達23628件,至於破獲率則由80年94.07%下降至91年11.52%。由於詐欺犯罪集團結合高科技,助長發生,擴大社會民眾的傷害與層面,導致民眾惶惶不安。就臺灣地區整體犯罪情勢言,詐欺犯罪問題非止於臺北市一偶,且因獲利高、風險低、刑度輕、及受害層面廣等特性,已改變近十年台灣地區犯罪型態,目前其發生數僅次於竊盜犯罪,為嚴重危害當前社會安全之犯罪,此一犯罪問題,誠值深入研究。 探究當前詐欺犯罪猖獗成因固屬多元,惟刑警人員職司犯罪偵防責任,卻責無旁貸。因此,本研究係以刑警人員角度切入,復因如何提升破獲率及降低發生,學說上嚇阻理論、激勵理論、破窗理論及詐欺管理生命週期理論頗值借鏡與探討;因遏阻乃藉由提升破獲能力達成遏制犯罪發生;至激勵則係藉由警察機關內部之領導、鼓勵及工作環境改善等面向,提升員警偵辦詐欺犯罪案件之意願,有效嚇阻犯罪衍生;而破窗理論乃藉由處處關懷、不以小惡而縱容,俾遏阻犯罪之蔓延與惡化;另詐欺管理生命週期理論,則屬系統化分析詐欺犯罪防制策略之理論。上開四種學說理論,對防制詐欺犯罪均有相當正面作用,故於本研究中加以研析討論,另彙製問卷運用描述性統計、因素分析等,藉以瞭解、分析基本變項、偵辦各類刑案成就感、困難度、對工作環境滿意度以及對詐欺犯罪成因之相關認知與差異,俾供政府機關或警政單位從事規劃偵防詐欺犯罪時之參考。

兩岸共同打擊電信詐欺犯罪之研究—以兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制分析 / A study on Cross-Strait cooperation against telefraud crimes–Based on joint Cross-Strait crime fighting mechanism

陳宇桓 Unknown Date (has links)
自兩岸於1987年開放探親以來,隨著兩岸頻繁的交流,跨兩岸性的犯罪活動,如販毒、詐欺、人口販運等犯罪亦日趨嚴重,特別是近年來出現有別於以往傳統詐騙手法的新型態詐欺犯罪—以電話、網路為中介物的「電信詐欺犯罪」,大肆橫行於兩岸,為害兩岸治安最深,是類犯罪不斷翻新手法,巧藉各種名目詐騙民眾獲取不法暴利,造成極嚴重的社會成本付出。過去,兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制,僅有「金門協議」及其他非正式管道,以為合作打擊犯罪的依據,因「金門協議」的內涵不足致使成果有限。隨著政治氛圍的改變,兩岸終於2009年4月簽署「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」,為兩岸共同打擊犯罪奠定了新里程碑,惟分析其內容並與「駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間之刑事司法互助協定」比較,可以發現尚有許多問題亟待解決。本研究藉由分析現行兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制,並提出問題及建議,以強化兩岸共同打擊電信詐欺犯罪的力道。 / Since 1987 Taiwan and Mainland China allowed people visited opposite side, cross-strait crimes such as smuggling drugs, fraud and human trafficking have become more and more serious as both parts frequently contacting with each other. Recently, new type fraud which is different from traditional fraud spread around and critically damage social security, especially telecom fraud by telephone and internet being the mediators. By using multiform excuses, these kinds of crimes continuously renovate to cheat innocent people and obtain huge illegal money, so that they cause a great loss of social. In the past, there were only Kinmen Agreement and the other unofficial channel as the basis in the cross-strait crime-fighting mechanism. However, Kinmen Agreement was too narrowed its coverage to limited in its results. With the political atmosphere changes, each part finally signed “Cross-Strait Agreement on Joint Crime-Fighting and Judicial Mutual Assistance” in April, 2009. This is the new milestone of cross-strait crime-fighting cooperation mechanism. As analyzing it and comparing it with “Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office and the American Institute in Taiwan”, we found there are still some obstacles need to be resolved. This study offers some questions and advises in order to strengthen the cross-strait telecom fraud crime-fighting cooperation mechanism.

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