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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

構詞法輔以常用詞根之法語生詞教學法:如何幫助台灣學生記憶法語生詞 / A Morphological Approach via Commonly-used Roots to French Vocabulary Teaching: How to Help Taiwanese Students Memorize French Vocabulary

蔣維珍, Chiang, Wei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討「傳統字義生詞教學法」和「構詞法輔以常用詞根之生詞教學法」對台灣的法語學習者學習和記憶法語生詞的差異,希望能在生詞教學上,提供另一個不同於傳統生詞教學而且更為有效的方法。 本研究的主要發現如下:1)接受「構詞法輔以常用詞根之生詞教學法」的受試者(實驗組)比接受「傳統字義生詞教學法」的受試者(對照組)在生詞的短期記憶和長期記憶上,均有較佳的表現。2)實驗組的辨別字義和拼字能力也比對照組佳。3)在字彙量、短期記憶與長期記憶的相關性上,短期記憶較佳者,也有較好的長期記憶表現。 / The purpose of the study is to investigate the different effects of the traditional definition-based teaching method and the morphological approach via commonly-used roots on Taiwanese French learners’ vocabulary acquisition and memorization. It is hoped that the results of the study can provide an alternative to traditional vocabulary teaching in French. First of all, an on-line questionnaire which investigated the teaching situation of French vocabulary in Northern Taiwan was administered. Then, the subjects in this study involve 115 nonnative French majors at National Central University and Fu Jen University, including 57 seniors and 58 sophomores. The seniors were divided into experimental and the control groups, while the sophomores were also divided into experimental and the control groups. The experimental groups received the morphological approach via commonly-used roots, and the control groups received the traditional definition-based teaching method. In the beginning, the experimental and control groups took the same French vocabulary pre-test to examine their vocabulary size. Then, after receiving different instruction, the subjects were immediately asked to take post-test 1, which investigated their short-term memory for words. Two weeks later, post-test 2 was conducted to check the subjects’ long-term memory for words. The results of the study reveal that the experimental groups have better short-term memory for words and long-term memory for words than the control groups, regardless of the subjects’ language proficiency. With regard to the effect of learning new words, both the experimental groups and the control groups made progress after receiving the instruction. After two weeks, the experimental groups showed no regression on the vocabulary post-test. Furthermore, the experimental groups performed better than the control groups on both word spelling and word meaning, and in general, the subjects’ short-term memory for words was correlated with their long-term memory for words.


陳建男 Unknown Date (has links)
詞選研究是很具開發潛力的空白之地,詞選批評研究之視野是多元的,透過詞選批評可以逆證編選者的詞學觀、審美品味,又可透過選本中之評語了解編選者之詞學觀,以及當時作家間的交遊情形,亦可從詞選傳播現象了解群眾的消費取向。此外,更可以從詞選編輯做詞史、詞學史的橫向詮讀。   尤其地域詞選和女性詞選為清代所特別獨有。女性詞選的研究一直非常匱乏,其實女性詞選所涉及的層面十分廣袤,從女性本身個體、群體交遊到家族間的詩詞唱和來往,是一個同心圓關係,不斷拓展出去,尤其在明清女性文學蓬勃發展之下,女性詩詞創作是最大宗,詞又是較為溫婉柔媚,適合抒情的文類,女性詞與女性詞選的發展應可互為參照;其次,女性創作與家族間的關係,甚至與地域詞學的關係又密不可分,如當地學風對女性創作的讚揚或褒貶,都可能影響創作風氣與風格。   清代女性詞選研究之必要性在於其「文學史性評價」和「社會性評價」,如果以前的文學史是一種減法的建構,只擷取撰寫者認為「重要的」,那當代重新建構文學史時,應該要用加法的視野,去看那些被忽視(而非被淘汰)的作品或現象。   本論文並非要去「證明」男性或女性編選的詞選集是否有何不同,而是整理文本、分析文本,去「說明」這些女性詞選呈現出什麼。因此本論文嘗試詳細整理此一文學史中空白的處女地,並試圖從清初詞選與女性詞選的定量分析,探討女性詞選中典律與性別差異等相關論題。

從韻律音韻學理論之觀點研究閩南語特殊變調 / A Prosody-theoretic Approach to Southern Min Special Tone Sandhi

歐淑珍, Ou, Shu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討閩南語的三種變調: (1)形容詞重疊變調 , (2) -a後綴變調,和 (3) 輕聲變調. 形容詞重疊變調是在 McCarthy & Prince (1986, 1990) 等人所發展出來的韻律構詞學( Prosodic Morphology) 理論框架下重新分析. 作者認為形容詞三疊是由抑揚格音步前綴而來, 而不是江文瑜教授(1992)所說的音節後綴; 此外,聲調扮演了構詞功能的角色. -a 後綴變調則是運用字構音韻學( Lexical Phonology)理論來分析的. 根據黃宣範教授(1988) 和連金發先生(1995)對-a後綴構詞特性的分類, 作者將-a後綴重新分為六類. 再觀察它們與音韻規則的互動關係, 主張-a後綴構應分屬於三個字構層次中, 此理論的層級排列( Level Ordering) 和嚴格循環論( Strict Cyclicity)也在本章獲得證實. 輕聲變調是採用韻律音韻學(Prosodic Phonology) 來分析的. 作者認為輕聲有兩個規律: 浮游低調展延和原調展延, 且運作於一個(強起)( left-leaded)的音韻片語中, 如此一來,簡化了煩雜的青聲句法結構. 兩個輕聲規律的不同展現於展延節點,方向,屬性,音節數目等方面. 本章的分析技巧也支持了韻律體係在語言系統中的必要性 / This thesis explores three kinds of special tone sandhi in Southern Min: (i) reduplicated adjective tone sandhi, (ii) -a suffix tone sandhi, and (iii)neutral tone sandhi. Reduplicated adjective tone sandhi is analyzed within the framework of prosodic morphology (McCarthy and Prince 1986, 1990). Unlike Chiang's (1992)suffix syllable template, the author argues that AAA is reduplicated by theprefixation of an iambic template.Following Yip (1980), tone may play a morphological role. -a suffix is discussed from the perspective of lehor argues that AAxical phonology. According to the morphological functions figured from Lien (1995) and Huang (1988), six categories of the suffix -a are distinguished. Through the interactions of morphological and phonological rules, the concepts of levelordering and strict cyclicity in lexical phonology are proved necessary in this language. Neutral tone sandhi is investigated in terms of prosodic phonology. Theauthor argues that the domain of neutral tone sandhi is a left-headed phonological phrase, which is more economical than previous syntactic approaches (Cheng 1968; Hong 1995). There are two neutral tone rules: thefloting low tone spreading and the base tone spreading. They are differentin spreading node, direction, order and so on. The analysis supports Yip'stwo-tiered tonal geometry andcallsfor the need of prosodic Hierachy in thelinguistic system.

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