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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以詞彙功能語法分析中文的「移位矛盾」 / Movement Paradoxes in Mandarin Chinese: A Lexical-Functional Approach

顏婉玲, Yen,Wan ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「詞彙功能語法」來分析中文「移位矛盾」之現象,以Bresnan (2001)針對英文movement paradoxes以及Huang (1989),Her (1999)針對中文「移位矛盾」之研究為基礎,探討當述語所要求的典型的「名詞組賓語」被禁止出現時,將藉由體現為主題來滿足述語對賓語的要求,但並不是所有詞類的賓語都可以體現為滿足述語要求的主題。因此,本論文將中文中帶有移位矛盾現象的述語分為三大類,蒐集並分析這三大類述語在語料庫中的語料,將得以呈現只有名詞組、動詞組、句子以及帶有引介主題標記的介系詞組可以體現為主題。本論文更進一步為可以體現為主題的詞組建立一個階層,在此階層中位階最高的是名詞組,代表著名詞組在體現為帶有移位矛盾現象的述語之主題時,所受到的限制最小。除此之外,這個階層帶有遞移性,任一詞組若是可以體現為主題,則在階層中位階比該詞組高的詞組,也都可以體現為該述語的主題,反之則不一定成立。 / Based on Bresnan’s (2001) study of movement paradoxes in English and Huang’s (1989) and Her’s (1999) studies of movement paradoxes in Mandarin Chinese, this study discusses that when the prototypical NP object required by the predicate is forbidden to map to the OBJ function in the f-structure, this required NP argument must be realized as TOP identified with the missing OBJ to satisfy the Completeness and Coherence Conditions. However, not all category types of phrases can be realized as TOPs. Thus, this study classes the Mandarin Chinese predicates with movement paradoxes into three types; collect and analyze the data in the corpus. The analysis presents that only NP, VP, CP, and PP with topic-introducing marker can be realized as TOPs identified with the missing OBJ. Moreover, this study forms a hierarchy. The NP’s highest status in this hierarchy represents that it is the least restricted category type in being able to be realized as TOP of predicates with movement paradoxes. In addition, if one category type can be realized as TOP of one predicate, other category types with a higher priority can be realized as TOP of that predicate as well, but not vice versa.

論文中Tough-與Middle-結構句中的"容易"、"好"、與"難" / Between Tough and Middle: On Mandarin Rongyi, Hao, and Nan

劉淑梅, Liu, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在研究中文"容易","好",與"難"所屬的句式,內部結構,及此三者混淆難辨的原因。   我們認為"容易"屬Tough-結構,乃由Raising- 句主題化而來。"好"則屬Middle- 結構,是經詞彙律衍生而成。此分析正確的解釋二者表現之異同。  由歷史演變觀之,"難"應屬Tough- 結構,為"容易"之反義詞。但因近代Middle- 結構興起,表面結構與Tough同,類化作用於焉產生,"難看"為一例。 / This study aims to identify the constructions of rongyi, hao, and nan sentencesin Mandarin, analyze their internal structure, and provide appropriate accountstoward the long-term confusion among these three.   Rongyi, in our analysis, is a gradable stative verb leading a tough construction.The so-called Tough Construction in Mandarin is a topicalized raising construc-tion with a generic subject. This analysis not only captures the generalization among similalr constructions (Raising Construction, Tough Construction, and topicalized sentences) but also accounts for its characteristics such as overtagent, long-distance binding, and so on.   Hao is a prefix triggering Middle Rule which surpresses all the theta-roles of atransitive active verb but the patient-like one (with the feature [-r]), yieldinga statve verb haoV as a middle predicate. The appropriateness of middles is subject to two pragmatic constraints, which further support our treatment of middle as a lexical process. The lexical approach successfully explains the surpressed agent, the inseparability between hao and V, and some other characte-ristics of middles.   Judging from diachronic evidence, nan is basically the antonym of rongyi and ap-pears in a raising construction, tough construction, and topicalized sentences as rongyi does. Analogy takes place, however, that in some cases, nan and its following verb are reanalyzed and undergo semantic shift due to its identical linear order with middleconstruction. That reflects the characteristics of languagechange.

漢語動補結構中的致使義:從論元體現而論 / Causativity in Chinese resultative compounds: on the account of argument realization

黃心綸, Huang, Hsin Lun Unknown Date (has links)
漢語的動補結構長久以來一直是漢語語言學中一個複雜難解的議題,動補結構中的論元在句法上應如何體現及其相對應的語意應如何解讀更是許多語言學家致力解決的問題。衍生語法學派 (Derivational Grammar) 的學者 (Cheng and Huang, 1994; Cheng et al, 1997; Huang, 2006, 2007; Li, 1995) 及詞彙功能語法學派 (Lexical Functional Grammar) 的學者 (Her, 2004, 2007, 2009; Shibagaki, 2009) 均曾試圖提出對於漢語動補結構最正確有效的分析,本論文旨在證明衍生語法學派之理論在動補結構分析上的錯誤及不足,並點出詞彙功能語法學派之理論在預測動補結構的論元體現 (argument realization) 及語意解讀 (semantic interpretation) 上有較全面的分析。 然而,某些動補結構,如「這一大桌子菜胖死我了」,含有不同於其他動補結構的致使義 (Causativity),進而產生特殊的論元體現模式,此情形卻未被涵蓋在詞彙功能語法學派的理論分析中,本論文也依循詞彙功能語法的理論框架,試圖提出足以預測此種特定動補結構論元體現的句法規則,以彌補詞彙功能語法理論在分析此動補結構的論元體現上之遺漏,使其整體分析更臻完善。 / Resultative compounds in Mandarin Chinese have long been a complicated issue in Chinese linguistics. Many researchers have put great effort in trying to solve the problem of how arguments of Chinese resultative compounds should be syntactically realized and how corresponding interpretations should be achieved. Researchers of Derivational Grammar (Cheng and Huang, 1994; Cheng et al, 1997; Huang, 2006, 2007; Li, 1995) and those of Lexical Functional Grammar (Her, 2004, 2007, 2009; Shibagaki, 2009) have all attempted to propose analyses that are accurate in predicting the argument realization and compound predication of Chinese resultative compounds. This thesis aims to prove the insufficiency in the prediction power of derivational accounts and endeavors to show that the account of Lexical Functional Grammar is superior in the analysis of resultative compounds in terms of argument realization and compound interpretation. However, some resultative compounds, such as that in zhe yi da zhuozi cai pang-si wo le (‘This whole table of dishes is making me fat.’), have certain causativity that makes them different from others in terms of argument realization. Resultative compounds like these are not included in the analysis of lexicalist accounts. Based on the theoretical framework of Lexical Functional Grammar, this thesis also makes an attempt to propose a syntactic rule that predicts the correct argument realization pattern of the kind of resultative compounds mentioned above. It is the goal of this thesis that the proposed rule covers the analysis of the resultative compounds that is missing in previous accounts and makes the lexicalist account given in this thesis a better solution in working on the issues of Chinese resultative compounds.

論台灣華語中的限定與非限定子句的區分 / Defending the Finite vs. Non-finite Distinction in Taiwan Mandarin

何郁瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
國 立 政 治 大 學 研 究 所 碩 士 論 文 提 要 研究所別:語言學研究所 論文名稱:論台灣華語中的限定與非限定子句的區分 指導教授:何萬順 博士 研究生:何郁瑩 論文提要內容:〈共一冊,20013字,分七章〉 本篇論文藉由三段邏輯論證法推翻漢語沒有限定與非限定子句之分的論證;反之,支持此區分在台灣華語中的有效性。鑑於「時式」的普遍性,表現在構詞方面的限定與非限定區分在綜合型語言當中是顯而易見的。雖然台灣華語缺乏明顯的構詞標記,但此限定與非限定的區分透過句法類目以及句法現象的限制依然成立。此外,我們亦將次劃分子句為補語的動詞進ㄧ步區分為三類─限定補語動詞、非限定補語動詞、雙類動詞。限定補語動詞可同時次劃分有明顯主語的限定子句以及經由代詞刪略現象後無主語的限定子句,而非限定補語動詞僅能次劃分不帶主語的非限定子句。至於雙類動詞,一類從舊有文獻中劃分出來的新類動詞,擁有同時次劃分限定子句與非限定子句的能力。當雙類動詞次劃分限定子句為補語時,有兩個條件必須被滿足:一是情狀動詞的出現,此為必要條件;二是明顯主語的出現,此為充分條件。再者,子句主語的出現與否端視於主要句謂語與子句謂語間的緩衝詞是否出現。在詞彙功能語法的架構之下,情狀動詞的出現之所以為雙類動詞次劃分限定子句為補語的必要條件是由於雙類動詞要求其子句補語擁有「非實現貌」的元素,而此元素便是由情狀動詞所提供。基於本篇論文中強而有力的論述,我們強烈主張此限定與非限定子句的區分在台灣華語中是存在的,甚至普及於全人類的語言。 / This thesis provides robust argumentation via syllogisms so as to deny the argument that the distinction between finiteness and non-finiteness does not exist in Mandarin Chinese; on the contrary, to defend the proposition that this finite vs. non-finite distinction does exist in Taiwan Mandarin. In virtue of the universality of the category tense, the finite vs. non-finite distinction, morphologically manifested in synthetic languages, is taken for granted. Opaque as it is in Taiwan Mandarin, there still exist other ways for distinction, such as constraints on syntactic categories and operations. Furthermore, we re-classify verbs subcategorizing sentential complements into three types—finite-complement verb (FC verb), non-finite-complement verb (NC verb), dual-listing verb (DL verb). FC verbs can subcategorize not only finite clauses with overt subjects, but also those with covert counterparts left after pro-drop processes, while NC verbs can only subcategorize non-finite clauses as sentential complement. As for DL verbs, a neonatal one extracted from the so-called persuade-type verbs in the literature, has the capability of subcategorizing dual sentential complements, namely, finite clauses and non-finite clauses. When DL verbs subcategorize finite clauses as complement, two conditions must be satisfied to ensure the grammaticality. They are the presence of modals and the presence of overt subjects. The former is a necessary condition; the latter is a sufficient condition. Moreover, the presence of embedded overt subjects hinges on the presence of proper buffers between main predicates and embedded overt subjects. In LFG’s framework, the reason for the presence of modals being the necessary condition is that DL verbs require their sentential complements to have the value IRREALIS, which is denoted by modals obviously. On account of the tenable criteria mentioned in this thesis, we assert with confidence that this finite vs. non-finite distinction does exist in Taiwan Mandarin and that this distinction is considered universal.

中英文處所詞倒置之比較 / Comparison of locative inversion in Mandarin and English

黃郁玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是採用詞彙功能語法以及篇章功能語法來檢視處所詞倒置的結構在中英文裡的表現,分別從四個層次來檢視,包括了語意結構、詞組結構、句法功能結構、以及信息結構。首先,能進行處所詞倒置的動詞必須要是帶有一個客體及一個方位詞的論元結構,或是帶有一個由主事者和客體所組成的複合論元以及一個方位詞的論元結構。其次,在詞組結構中,英文的前置處所詞是屬於介系詞,而中文裡的前置處所詞是屬於名詞。再者,前置的處所詞在中文裡是位於主詞的位置,但在英文裡是句法功能結構上的主詞。最後,在句子的信息結構上,考量到信息編排的方式,後置的名詞傾向是無定的名詞而非代名詞,而且傾向是比前置的處所詞還要長的詞組。就篇章信息而言,處所詞倒置必須考慮到對前的連結及對後的連結。另外在文體修飾上為了對仗的效果也會促使處所詞倒置的產生。 透過對比分析,本篇論文有系統地比較英文和中文在處所詞結構的表現,主要目的在於為學習英文的中文講者提供教學上的啟發。而將理論語法運用在教學語法上,也顯示出這兩者語法之間的關連性以及合作性。一方面理論語法可以提供教學語法一個強而有力的理論後盾;另一方面,教學語法也提供了理論語法研究的動機。總的來說,將理論語法運用在教學方面,不僅對語言教學有助益,對語言學研究的領域上也有相當的幫助。 / This paper examines locative inversion construction by adopting Lexical Functional Grammar and discourse grammar. The examination concerns both English and Mandarin, from four structure levels, a-structure, c-structure, f-structure, and information structure. First, a locative inversion verb takes an a-structure of <theme locative> or <agent-theme locative>. Second, in c-structure, the preposed locative belongs to PP in English but to NP in Mandarin. Third, whereas the preposed locative phrase is in the subject position in Mandarin, the one in English is only a functional subject in f-structure. Finally, in information structure, given information packaging, the postposed theme is inclined to be an indefinite nominal instead of a pronoun and to be a longer constituent than the preposed locative phrase; in contextual information, a linking device, used either anaphorically or cataphorically, is necessary for locative inversion, and stylistic parallelism further facilitates the occurrence of locative inversion. With the systematic comparison of English and Mandarin, this paper aims to provide pedagogical suggestions in regard to English learning for Mandarin speakers, by virtue of the use of Contrastive Analysis. The application of theoretical grammar to the language teaching field indicates the correlation and cooperation between theoretical grammar and pedagogical grammar. On the one hand, the theoretical grammar provides a firm and reliable theoretical support for language teaching; on the other hand, the pedagogical grammar is the motivation to the research of theoretical grammar. All in all, the application of theoretical grammar to language teaching contributes not only to the language teaching filed but also to the linguistic research.

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