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アンカーテキストを用いたWebディレクトリの構築鈴木, 祐介, Suzuki, Yusuke, 松原, 茂樹, Matsubara, Shigeki, 吉川, 正俊, Yoshikawa, Masatoshi 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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帝俄時代俄國戲劇發展與社會階層轉變關係之探討賴玉琪 Unknown Date (has links)
第四章本文討論的社會階層,是一九一七年革命之前,存在不多時的俄國中產階層。農奴解放之後,為了改變公眾形象,中產階級積極參予文化活動。一八九八年莫斯科藝術劇院的成立是中產階級新穎的文化、社會意識的具體展現。而中產階級形象的轉變也清楚表現在戲劇創作中。在社會階層轉變之時,戲劇對於時代的脈動展現出強烈的預知性與同理心。第五章則是本文的歷史回顧與總結。 / This dissertation focuses on the relationship between the development of Russian drama and the change of social class. The methodology for this thesis is based on the Historical Approach. According to Russian historical and political events and the change of social class role, we find that the functions, topics, and schools of the Russian drama and the class roles in dramas are quite different.
There are five parts to this thesis. Each part has a chapter devoted specifically to it. In chapter one the methodology and framework of this dissertation will be expounded. In chapter two and three the ruling class are discussed respectively as tsars and nobles. In chapter two tsars are mainly discussion object. Before the middle of 19 century, the formulation of Russian theatre policy has a deep relation to the conflict between church and government in the beginning of Romanov Dynasty, the political and social changes, and the emperor’s imitation to the western court. Although the policies are made strictly, Russian theatre, dramatist, and actors still grow up actively.
Chapter three shows the Russian nobles. Russian nobles in 18 century take a great interest in drama because of their change of social status, the encouragement of empresses, and the imitation to the court. “Serf theatre ” is a unique output in the Russian nobles’ estate. Besides, after French invaded Russia, Russian remorseful nobles become patriot, expositor and critics of social truth in their drama.
In chapter five we investigate the temporary Russian bourgeoisie before the October Revolution in 1917. Russian bourgeoisie supports culture activities enthusiastically in order to change their public image. The establishment of Moscow Art Theatre in 1898 is the concrete expression of the new culture and social ideology of Russian bourgeoisie. The change is also expressed clearly in drama. Chapter five is the conclusion of this thesis.
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教育機会の階級・階層間不平等の研究 : 持続と変容のメカニズムに関する計量分析 / キョウイク キカイ ノ カイキュウ・カイソウカン フビョウドウ ノ ケンキュウ : ジゾク ト ヘンヨウ ノ メカニズム ニカンスル ケイリョウ ブンセキ / 教育機会の階級階層間不平等の研究 : 持続と変容のメカニズムに関する計量分析白川 俊之, Toshiyuki Shirakawa 31 March 2014 (has links)
本論文では大規模社会調査のデータを利用して、戦後日本社会における教育機会の不平等の変容過程を計量的に示すことを目的に定めた。学校教育の拡大は中等教育進学における階級間の不平等の縮小に寄与したこと、それにより最終到達学歴に対する階級的制約の減少がうながされたこと、その一方で社会の高学歴化がすすむのに連れて、親学歴にもとづく機会の不平等が拡大していることなどを明らかにした。 / 博士(社会学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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居住隔離和門禁社區現象之探討─以台北都會區的文山區和新店市為例 / Exploring Residential Segregation and Gated Communities Phenomena- Case Studies of Wenshan District and Sindian City within Taipei Metropolitan Area林宜謙, Lin, Yi-Chian Unknown Date (has links)
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專業階層讀者閱報行為研究鍾起惠, ZHONG, GI-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣旅遊活動的階層區分現象 / Stratified and Stratifying Differentiation of Tourism in Taiwan劉怡伶, Liu, Yi-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在研究中,以階層化作為主要的分析主軸。在量化資料中,依因素分析區分出四類的旅遊喜好:都市旅遊、文化旅遊、大眾自然旅遊與深度自然旅遊。這四類型的旅遊分別進行迴歸分析,統計發現,經濟資本的收入變項並未發揮品味的影響力,世代性的年齡因素以及正式教育制度的文化資本則能解釋旅遊喜好的品味差異。回顧台灣的旅遊活動脈絡發展,透過制度上的發展以及群體間的運作,產生了因文化資本差異所形成的階層差異,旅遊活動的意義不只是個人主觀心理層次的好惡,亦可反映出客觀階層的群體效果。是故,本研究解釋不同階層者選擇不同旅遊活動的原因,另檢證學者所提出的品味理論以及旅遊社會學的相關分析,提出台灣旅遊活動的階層化發展過程以及目前的品味區分現象,說明台灣旅遊現象的發展以及現況。 / More and more people in Taiwan spend lots of time going traveling and tourism gradually becomes one of the most important consumption activities. In 2001, total fee of citizens’ traveling expenses was 5780 hundred millions Taiwan dollars. The fact shows that tourism is an influential social phenomenon and we should understand it as deliberately as possible. Actually, lots of researches about tourism in the perspective of sociology have been published in the world but there is few in Taiwan. Therefore, this thesis takes a sociological approach that adopts the theory of hierarchy and distinction of taste. This research used the quantitative analysis with the sample data collected by Tourism Bureau in 2001 and the qualitative analysis with historical data.
This study describes the process of stratified and stratifying differentiation of tourism in Taiwan. Four types of tourism , urban tourism、cultural tourism、scenic tourism and deep scenic tourism are found in the data through factor analysis. The data demonstrated that cultural capital, not economical capital effects people choosing types of tourism in the regression model. The difference of cultural capital in this thesis represents the difference between age、educational capital and occupation of people. Consequently, the choice of the type of tourism is not only a casual or random choice, but a choice with the stratification of the society. Finally, this research examined the theory about taste and sociology of tourism to combine with the results of quantitative and qualitative analysis.
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客戶需求導向之品類管理研究-以髮類用品市場為例 / Consumer oriented category management- Hair care products as an example林正忠 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,從研究實證中,對髮類用品貨架管理提出策略方案上的建議。 / Cost-effective shelf management has been a major concern to retailers in every industry, the main purpose of this study is to prove shelf management can really help consumers to purchase products easier and consume more to benefit consumers, stores, and manufacturers at the same time.
In this study, the theoretical bases are Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, and the eight-step category management developed by Nielsen. It took W channels as the empirical object. The study methods are both qualitative and quantitative analysis and it received 878 questionnaires from the consumers and store staff of W channel.
According to qualitative results, it shows that 75% consumers satisfy of hair care products merchandising. The satisfaction level of experimental group is 5% higher than the controlled group significantly, indicating the improved model is more acceptable. Moreover, the overall satisfaction level of experimental group was 4% higher than the controlled group.
Finally, according to the study results, there are strategic recommendations of shelf management of hair care products.
Keywords: Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, Shelf management, Category Management
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以階層式因子模型分析台灣股票市場 / A hierarchical factor analysis of Taiwan stock market陳芷筠 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以 Moench and Ng (2011) 所提出的「動態階層式因子模型」為基礎,並以紀卜斯抽樣法做為參數估計的方式,將此應用於探討在2007年8月至2016年2月這段期間的台灣股票市場中的大盤指數(台灣加權股價指數)與8大類股變化態勢。
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蘇聯領導人的權力轉移張祐之, ZHANG, YOU-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
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家管與主管--一位國中女校長的生命經驗童鳳嬌 Unknown Date (has links)
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